Reign Of Worm

Chapter 18

Alright, now that I"m back at home, let me see what I can upgrade.

I now have a total of twenty-one life matter, and since I leveled up twice in the last battle, I have 5 skill points. Let"s take a look at my status. I"m looking for some good s.h.i.t here now. Don"t disappoint me, Jeremy.

Status: David

Species Earthworm

Level VIII

HP: 100/100

MP: 0/0

Strength: 5

Speed: 2

Toughness: 8

Cunning: 34

Will: 35

Skills: Terraform(II), Bite(II), Heat Sense(-ready to evolve-)

Life Matter: 21

Skill Points: 5

General: Expanded heat sensing glands(I), efficient digestive system(I), toothed mouth(I), hardened mandibles(I),strengthened setae(I), hyper carbon-based body(I), explosive muscles(I)

Now hold on a second! I thought the system would notify me when my skills gained a level? What bulls.h.i.t is this Jeremy?!

[Due to host not actively looking to gain strength, the system is shutting down expediting program]

What is the f.u.c.k is that? And how am I not looking to gain strength! I just murdered a ma.s.sive crab!

[The system"s expediting program reminds the user of important goal completions and level increases. Due to a lack of progress on this particular user"s part, the expediting program is set to shut down in three days if the user hasn"t reached level ten.]

Holy s.h.i.t! So if I don"t get to level ten in three days the system will essentially abandon me?! Ok, this isn"t good. I"ve been taking this far too relaxed, I will admit, but I didn"t think that it was a problem? After all every day I would try to get something done at least. Was I supposed to be full of bloodl.u.s.t, or like a wuxia novel main character? I don"t want revenge or anything like that, and I don"t have any monster instincts so I thought I was doing fine. Well f.u.c.k.

So I now have to get stronger faster. But before I start on that new train of lost f.u.c.ks, I"m going to upgrade a little bit. I"m still exploring this system after all, and I have many more questions. So let"s first evolve heat sense.

[Evolve heat sense at the cost of one skill point?]

Go on ahead! I wanna see what it evolves into!

[Heat sense evolved into Lesser Heat Sensing Domain]

Well, that"s a long-a.s.s name. Lesser Heat Sensing Domain? I gotta hear this one, Jeremy. What does it do?

[Lesser Heat Sensing Domain- An evolution of Heat Sense, Lesser Heat Sensing Domain sacrifices distance for a more focused heat sense while adding additional senses beyond vision to the user. Due to being a lesser variant, the Lesser Heat Sensing Domain only gives the user vision, hearing, touch, and smell. The domain is limited to ten meters at level one. Further upgrades on this path include expanding the domain and adding new sensory options.]

Well f.u.c.k. This is getting a little overwhelming now. Especially since the system brought my new sense to my attention, and d.a.m.n it"s a sensory overload, even if it is only in a ten-meter radius. This is so f.u.c.ked up. How am I supposed to level up if I"m constantly in sensory overload? Oh well, I hope I get used to this soon. For now, I"ll spend my life matter. Let"s see, upgrade hardened mandibles!

[Upgrade limit of Hardened Mandibles currently reached. Please evolve for further improvement.]

Oh, I almost forgot about that. I don"t need the system to tell me that, actually. When I focus on it, I can definitely feel a thin membrane preventing me from further upgrades. I say thin, but that d.a.m.n thing is f.u.c.king strong! I can"t even think about breaking it without my body shivering from the sheer panic of the thought! Oh well, I suppose level ten is the next goal, but how should I get there? I have three days, well actually technically two, I"m in no condition to move right now, even my sense of smell leaves me curling in the pain of sensory overload. Alright, I"m going to go to sleep, I"ll see what I can do tomorrow. The end of today marks two days left.