Reincarnated Into Other World With Cheat Like Ability ~Internet Was Strongest Even In Other World

Chapter 28

Barbecue 2

Four barbecues were set up at the orphanage

Because Chairs would be hard to get rid of, I just placed a blue tarp on the ground.

Because today was a rest day from working with the fareno company Fina and the others were able to join as well

Concerning the food though, there is a problem of preserving it for the future

I took out my smart phone and began ordering the ingredients in the ord I guessed before hand.

The main meat was various cuts of beef.

My favourite meal of course was also included

But the children’s nourishment was also considered, so I also prepared plenty of vegetables

The many strange things caught their attention easily

The prawns, and other seafood in particular though, You can’t find this kind of food this far from the ocean

Drinks were also prepared

The processing of the ingredients was left to Fina, While I faced the preparation of the stove

I a.s.sembled it quite some time ago, but I just starting lighting the flames

[Please let us help as well]

Everyone of blue rose came as well.

[I wasn’t expecting you here at this time]

Dealings were off today

Because of that, guard duty is of course off as well

[we came for the delicious food, but please do let us help]

[umu, so you just came for the free food]

Well, there is too much food just us so I guess it is fine

[Well, then please let me accept that offer]

[Yes. please leave it to me]

[Then, lizzy are you able to light this]

[Hoi Hoi, lamplight, flame torch]

From the tips of dizzy’s fingers a small flame dances

The flame moves from her fingers into the charcoal

With this fire the barbecue has started

Afterall magic is convenient

With the help of the people of blue rose the barbecue finished without a problem.

[To celebrate the rebuilding of the orphanage I want to hold this barbecue party, because there is plenty of food you do not need to hold back]

I just thought of that reason

However, I only just thought I having a reason would improve the mood and make it more of a party

Thus the barbecue party in another world started

As it would be hard for me to manage every single barbecue, I left some people in charge of it.

It was fina And the elder group.

I explained the way of barbecue to them before hand, So I asked them to help cook

[Wow, it’s meat!]

[Oi, don’t make so much noise]

When I showed the children the meat, there were many shouts of joy

[Calm down. Well there is a lot of meat]]

A fragrant smell from the cooking meat wrapped everyone in the area

The children all faced the plate with the sauce

[Please be patient, the meat will be done soon]

I put meat into the plate from the smallest child up

[is this mine?]

[of course please move along, there are many waiting]


[This is, SO GOOD!]

From the children many voices of pleasure came out

It was worth splurging and getting the high quality meat

[This meat is really delicious, so tender, and the sauce as well, the sweetness and the spice mixes so well to harmonize and brings out the taste of the meat]

This was said by Rakuru while stuffing her face with food

[ I agree with rakuru,Kouya this food is great]

[yes, yes … OI]

The beef that was just cooked was thrown onto Rakuru’s plate

[muu. What about me Kouya]

Dizzy Said so while pouting

[Is that so]

Is it imaginary? though I should concentrate on cooking right now though

I divided the ingredients to be cooked in sequence while thinking about

When I look beside me I see Fina and the older kids working hard

However, there is a large number of people here so I don’t think they hae

[Kouya … have you eaten yet, do you want to swap?]

I wasn’t the only one to notice this, dizzy proposed this

[no, you are a guest you should just relax]

[You don’t need to be so reserved.Is this not the relationship we have]

What relation, I tsukkomi in my head, but coldly declining goodwill like that is bad, So I guess I will accep

[after I have Eaten I will swap with the children]

Rakuru said so towards fina

Beside her were cyan and seki, with that the people cooking was alternated

Thanks to everyone in blue rose, truly

[Dizzy, please cook this]

Saying this as I pa.s.s over horumon

[what is this?]

[It’s horumon, the entrails]

[Whaa?, you can eat this?]

What, It’s my favourite!

Though she was complaining about it, dizzy still cooked the horumon


The silence has gotten bitter

But every time I bite down my mouth gets filled with deliciousness

[aaaa, It is the best]

I put the horumon in my mouth one after the other

It is supreme bliss

[…… is it really tasty?]

Dizzy seeing my appearance has shown interest in the horumon

[Aa, it’s very delicious]

It was actually easy to convince you to try some

[…. It has a strange texture, but it has a good taste]

The greatness of horumon has been spread

Then I noticed

I saw fina, she looked sad, Idly standing]

[Is something wrong fina, have you eaten?]


I also pa.s.s some horumon to fina, just like I did to dizzy

It seemed to be the correct action


[What is it dizzy?]

[maybe you’re just naturally like his]

[Huh, I don’t really know what you’re talking about]

What was that about?

Did I do something strange?

With such a feeling this peaceful time pa.s.sed

With that, me and dina saw off everyone from blue rose who had helped us

[I had a fun time, It would be great if you invite us next time you do something like this]

Cyan came forward and bowed

[no, it was all thanks to you, you helped greatly today. You really saved us]

They offered to help tidy up but since they are guests I firmly denied it

[It was a really fun time, To eat such delicious things. The fish also was great]

[For me it was the meat, even a high ranking adventurer would not eat such things so often]

[For me as well it is the meat]

The fish seemed to be cyans favourite but the meat was Rakurus and Dizzy’s

[The vegetables were quite good, it’s been quite a long time since I have eaten fresh vegetables]

Seki, seems to have eaten only the vegetables

Elves are truly vegetable lovers

[It was good everyone could enjoy and I look forward to talking to you  tomorrow with the gguard duty]

[KOUYA! What about me!]

[aa, dizzy I also look forward to working with you on the research]

[un! See you later]

After I had bidden farewell to everyone I returned to putting things back into order