Reincarnated Into Other World With Cheat Like Ability ~Internet Was Strongest Even In Other World

Chapter 45

internet 46

Through Al we set up a meeting for the next day, where we would meet the local lord

I received an immediate response from the lord

Amy, torabanto and I all three of us set off to the town lord

[Please wait here]

The person who seemed like a servant said so when we were guided to the reception room

We waited there, then we met someone much like al, except older

The age is around 30?

Perhaps he is the older brother the lord.

[You highness torabanto, I am sorry to be meeting in such circ.u.mstances]

[Please raise your head, this is no time to prostate]

[…..understood, then shall we begin the talk?]

Even if you say so, it was only torabanto and amy who sat down for the talk

Both Al and I are still standing

Apart from torabanto, why is Amy sitting down, then I remembered she is of high standing in the demon king’s country

For a girl that is so young, such things are often forgotten

…Though you could say I should be angry from having to stand but such thing is not true

I am sensitive to hostility

Though I recieve course treatment there is no i’ll will behind there is no reason to feel iritated

[Then we should begin with the important things]

Saying so torabanto looks to the staff around the room

[Please go now]

From the word of the lord the staff leave the room

I also checked near the door and no one appeared to be listening

[Your highness, please tell me the story]

[Well, actually]

Torabanto talked about the coup and what he experienced

Additionally the information that Amy had gathered is also shared

[…..was it the empire who was backing the church?]

[Aaa, And I want you to a.s.sist in rescuing the king]

[…. I understand, however]

Before He could start there was a knocking at the door


[It is an emergency!]

From the other side of the door a frantic voice was heard

[…..your highness, is it ok?]

After confirmation, the door was opened to a knight


[Sorry for the impoliteness, It is an urgent message,It is a message from the palace, We are now the holy kingdom of the stellarushe empire,An alliance with the rusheria empire has been formed]

Stellazion seems to have changed to stellarushe

Though it might be important, it is hard to stop the fight between sisters

[…..About the royal family, is there a new one]

[…..With the founding of the country, they were executed]

While the knight said so he turned and looked away

[… that so]

The face of torabanto changed to one of sadness and I saw him clench is fist

[Your highness, though I want to express my condolences….. But now is not the time to grieve, you should quickly respond to this]

Vaze the lord seemed to hesitate at cooperating

[Ah, Please vaze lend me your power]

Torabanto is now looking up and using a strong tone

[Ha! certainly!]

With that the cooperation of vaze was obtained

[And miss Amy, Would the demon king’s country help as well?]

Vaze also asks Amy

[Yes, though it may be difficult I will get reinforcements, though don’t expect much]

[then the situation is cause by the church, because of the help from the Rusherian empire]

[What about runapurena from the south, will we not be able to get them to help?]

Such a remark was said carelessly

…..are you mad?

[Al, who is this man?]

Though I wasn’t expecting it vaze turned to Al for help

[This is the person I have been reporting about, he is the hero sent by stellazion]

Though still in a formal tone Al answered

[Well, then Hero Kouya you should also take a seat, Why is a hero standing like that?]

[Aa, then I shall do so without reservation]

[You are a Hero sent by the G.o.ddess, We are of equal standing so you don’t need to be so polite]

[Then, if you insist]

According to Vaze I should use a regular tone when speaking here

[Let’s return to the talk, The runapurena country has always been a peaceful country, it does not mobilize it army at all due to the risk it will place on it’s borders]

[Then what if this country is ruined?]

When I looked to my side both Amy and torabanto were nodding

Everyone knows about something

Runapurena is a strange country

[the present situation is bad, I do not think we can face the rusherian empire by ourselves, now our country is broken there will be difficulties finding allies]

To what vaze said everyone fell silent

ThenAl opened his mouth

[May I say something]

[I will permit it]

[I have reported it before, but Kouya has easy access to many resource, can we not rely on that?]

[Ha? Why does Al know that anyway?]

 I have not talked to anyone about the gift〈Internet connection〉

The only person who would know would be fina who has been beside me for a lengthy time, and it is not in her character to tell someone else

[I heard you were a hero that came from across the boundary, I only presumed….. However it appears to be true]

I seem to have been caught in a trap

[Well you are right Al, I am able to connect to another world and purchase goods]

[That’s is excellent, but is there anything that could help us here?]

Torabanto says something suspicious

[I do not know the range of products, I have yet to investigate it]

What kind of thing that mitsurin sells would be useful for a fight?

I have not checked for such things

Though I thought about relying on saitou, but with his connection to grandfather I want that to be a last resort

From what I heard from Amy it is possible that grandfather has come to this world.

[well then, should we all go back home, and Kouya can search for helpful things]

Thus the first meeting came to a close