Restarting Life In Another World

Chapter 39

I was right in front when that happened, but I couldn"t do anything. I was caught off guard since I didn"t expect anything like this would happen.

Beelzebub was holding Ronald"s right arm in his claw while Ronald fell on the ground unconscious. Blood was gus.h.i.+ng out of his wound.

Miss Lilith charged towards him in a rage saying, "YOU COWARD!".

Beelzebub just stayed there grinning. It was as if he wanted to make Miss Lilith react that way. When she came closer, Beelzebub shot the "miasma sphere" he had condensed in his right hand towards her.

Miss Lilith was charging right towards him so she didn"t have enough time to dodge the attack. She got hit and was sent her flying towards the houses. The attack was powerful enough to destroy one-third of the houses in the village.

"In my prime, I could easily wipe out a village with this attack. I have gotten much weaker, I need to eat more souls," said Beelzebub. His voice no longer sounded like a human but his words could be understood.

I prepared a wind-water bomb in my right hand and charged straight towards him. I wasn"t even thinking, I attacked reflexively without any plans.

He didn"t even bother to dodge my attack. He just stood there and took the attack as if it was nothing. Even after taking a direct hit from my wind-water bomb, he was completely unharmed.

I knew that the right thing here would be to carry Ronald and run. But, he was standing right next to Ronald so that was impossible so I stepped back.

"Did you think you will be able to harm me with such a weak attack," said Beelzebub looking towards me. As he was saying that, Ronald"s hand that he was holding decayed and fell on the ground.

"I don"t care. I will keep on attacking you as long as I can," I replied in anger.

"You humans are too foolish to not realize your place. You are nothing but my food so stop resisting and submit to me," said Beelzebub absorbing more miasma from the surrounding.

"Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are?!" I said firing three Wind-Fire javelins at him.

He easily deflected the attack using his left hand and said, "You are the one stupid enough to not realize your position here. Let me tell you something. People who haven"t truly mastered their element can"t even hope to harm me."

I had no idea what he was talking about. He sensed the confusion in my face and said, "Only those who are blessed by the dragon kings can truly master their element. It"s impossible for an ordinary human to do that."

"So, anything I do is pointless?"

As I was thinking that, I saw Miss Lilith stand up again. She had taken some damage from the attack before, but it wasn"t enough to keep her down.

While Beelzebub was distracted, Miss Lilith came from behind and attacked him using a giant fireball.

I used this opportunity to carry Ronald and run towards the forest. On the way, I stopped and tried to stop his bleeding using holy magic, but I wasn"t able to heal his wounds. He was still breathing so I breathed a sigh of relief.

I knew I had to hurry so I used physical enhancement and wind magic to run as fast as I could. I was hoping either Nina or Marina may be able to help since healing magic wasn"t working.

After running for a while, the carriage they were riding came in sight. I shouted, "Stop!" after getting in front of them.

Nina stopped the carriage and jumped down from the driving seat saying "What happened?! Oh my G.o.d!"

"Ronald got injured in the battle. I used holy magic but the wound isn"t healing. I rushed here hoping you guys may be able to help," I replied.

Everyone got off the carriage as soon as they heard that. I laid Ronald on the ground and Marina and Nina came forward to check his condition.

"It looks like a demonic curse," said Nina with a worried expression.

"Demonic curse?!" asked princess Anna in panic.

"I don"t know much about it, but I have read that powerful demon can put a curse on someone just by touching them," replied Nina.

"M-miss Lilith taught me how to cure curses, b-but I am not sure if I will be able to do it," said Marina in a hasty tone.

"I don"t think we have a choice here. That"s the only way we will be able to save his life," said Princess Eliane putting her hand on Marina"s shoulder.

"Okay, Marina try doing that. I will try to heal his wound using healing magic," I said looking towards Marina.

Marina put her hands over Ronald"s chest and used the holy magic. A green magic circle appeared around her hand. I used healing magic as Marina was doing that and it worked, I was able to heal the wound.

Marina fainted right after I finished healing Ronald. The magic she just used must have consumed a lot of mana. She was working hard all day too so she must have been tired.

I carried Marina inside the carriage and came out. Nina was checking Ronald"s condition so I asked her, "how"s he now?"

"His injury is healed but the curse hasn"t completely been lifted yet. He lost an arm and the injury was Life-threatening so I am not sure when will he wake up. We should take him to the city temple as fast as we can," replied Nina looking sad.

"Okay, you guys get back to Arica and others and start the journey towards the city. I am going back to help Miss Lilith," I said looking towards Ronald.

"Why would you do that? The enemy looks dangerous, come with us," said Princess Anna looking towards me.

"The enemy is smart. He was using Miss Lilith"s rage against her. If I go, I may at least be able to create openings for Miss Lilith," I replied looking towards Princess Anna. I then turned towards Nina who was sitting next to Ronald and said," You guys need to hurry, don"t worry about us, we will catch up soon."

They still didn"t want me to go but I had made my decision. I asked Dale to take care of things during the journey to the city and said byes to everyone.

I ran towards the village using physical enhancement and wind magic. It consumed a lot of mana but that was not a problem for me.

When I arrived in the village, the village had been completely destroyed, all that"s left was rubble.

Next chapter: True Dragon vs Archdemon - Part 3