Restarting Life In Another World

Chapter Note:

Note: Not from Nara"s POV.

In a dark room, there were seven s.h.i.+ning orbs. They were floating in the air making a round shape. They looked similar, but they were emitting different colored lights.

"How long has it been since all of us gathered here?" asked the black orb in a dignified male voice.

"It has been far too long Black. So, why are we here today?" said the green orb in a sweet but mature female voice.

The room fell silent. Answering that question meant becoming the host of the meeting. Becoming the host was a tiring job since the host had to answer the questions asked regarding the subject they bring.

"Hmph! it"s probably to talk about that kid who he thinks is a dragon G.o.d. I have already told you that it"s a hero that shows up once every few hundred years," said the yellow orb in an irritated tone breaking the silence. His voice was surprisingly childish to be in this meeting considering the voice of the other two who just spoke.

"Mind your manners Yellow. We have White with us today," said the brown orb in a heavy male voice.

"That may be the case, but I agree with Yellow here. The sword hasn"t reacted yet, so we have no means to believe that he is a dragon G.o.d," said the red orb in a bold female voice.

"I agree that it will be too hasty to act this soon. But we must be prepared for what"s about to come if he really is a dragon G.o.d," said the white orb in a calm female voice.

The blue orb that had been silent up to now hummed. The whole room fell silent again.

"Hmm... Have you met the kid, Black?" asked the blue orb in a slow voice that sounded like an old man.

"Yes. You can say something like that happened," replied the black orb.

"Can you tell me more about him? I lost interest in this world a long time ago, but the boy you are talking about maybe interesting to even this old me," said the blue orb.

"I felt his presence at the same time as everyone here, so I sent one of my children to guide him. He is quick at learning magic compared to other humans and could even combine elements with ease." said the black orb.

It felt like he wanted to continue but the yellow orb interrupted him saying, "What"s the big deal there, some of the heroes in the past have been able to do that easily."

"Yes, but just recently when Beelzebub showed u-"

"Beelzebub, you mean that Archdemon which gave you the run for your money? If it was him then why didn"t we feel his presence?" asked the red orb interrupting the black one.

"Yes, that one but he was much weaker, almost unrecognizable," replied the black orb. Even though he was interrupted, he didn"t sound offended.

"It sounds like the work of those demon lord wors.h.i.+ppers again. There is no end to those fools," said the green orb in an irritated tone.

"Yes, we have been able to prevent demon lords from resurrecting completely up until now. We need to prevent the era of chaos from returning," said the brown orb.

"True. Black, you can continue," said the blue orb bringing the discussion back to the topic.

"So, when Beelzebub showed up, I gave him the advice to use the surrounding mana and he was able to do it without much problem. And from the surrounding mana that he collected, a divine spirit was summoned," said the black orb.

"What!" said the yellow orb in a surprised tone.

The room fell silent again.

"But how can a kid summon a divine spirit?" asked the brown orb breaking the silence. Though it was hard to notice due to his heavy voice, there was a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Which divine spirit did he summon?" asked the blue orb, unlike the two before his voice was still calm.

"The sun spirit," replied the black orb.

"Ho-ho! even this old me is interested now. I think we should just watch for now and let the boy grow naturally," said the blue orb. He sounded excited considering how he spoke earlier.

"Yes, I am thinking of doing the same," replied the back orb.

"Well, I am going back to sleep now, you all can enjoy the rest of the chat," said blue orb before disappearing.

"Phew! It has been so long White. I was really surprised to see you here with us today," said the green orb in a relieved tone.

"Yes, I came here to know what you all think about the boy. This is the first time something like this has happened," replied the white orb.

"To be honest, I hope the boy doesn"t turn out to be the Dragon G.o.d. The reincarnation of Dragon G.o.d means that the era of peace is going to end," said the brown orb in a serious tone.

"Well, I am fine either way. Nothing lasts forever, changes are necessary," said the red orb.

"I still can"t believe a human kid summoned a divine spirit and the sun spirit at that," said the yellow orb in disbelief.

"Hmm... I won"t argue with you there Red since we always had different opinions there and I respect your opinion. It looks like we will just have to wait and see. If there is nothing more, I will take my leave as well," said the brown orb.

"I am leaving too. let me know if anything new comes up," said the red orb.

"Black, I still don"t think the kid is the dragon G.o.d but since he summoned a divine spirit, I will keep an eye on him," said the yellow orb.

The yellow, brown, and red orbs disappeared simultaneously. Only green, white, and black orbs were left in the room.

"Green before you go, I have something to tell you," said the black orb.

"Wait, don"t tell me our children fought again. I thought we had restricted them from entering each other"s territory," said the green orb.

"No, it"s regarding the boy. I have a favor to ask of you," replied the black orb.

"Hou... And what might that be?" asked the green orb.

"I think the boy is going to come to you very soon. You will understand what it is when he comes there," said the black orb.

"Okay, if it"s just that. I will take my leave too," said the green orb and disappeared.

"Thanks for coming here white. Let me know if the sword starts reacting," said the black orb.

"I will," replied the white orb.

Both orbs disappeared simultaneously after saying that. There was nothing but the darkness left in the room.

Next Chapter: Preparing for a New Journey

Chapter Note:

Green: holy/light, Blue: water, Yellow: wind, Brown: earth, Red: Fire, White: lightning, Black: darkness