Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (LN)

Chapter 10

Episode 8 is pretty and funny with the staff excursion but I still feel the book is better except Feng Teng piggyback Shan Shan bit isn’t in the novel. Then episode 9 doesn’t have much on Feng Teng and Shan Shan and is addition to the novel until the last part so I didn’t pay much attention.

Subbing is such hard work, took so much of my time. Hence, is it useful or not to help you to understand the drama? If not, I’ll stop doing it as I don’t want to waste my time and effort. I did intend to sub the drama but I am poor at IT so don’t know how to use the software. More over I am only one person so it is impossible to sub the whole drama alone. Also, I only like to sub the OTP parts but I can’t leave other parts blank if I officially sub the drama. Thus, this mini-sub is the best I can do for you.

When a man likes a woman, he will gift either flowers or ring,  so what is Boss trying to insinuate by giving  her books and cosmetics? is the million dollar question Shan Shan wants an answer on. “Probably after knowing my background, Big Boss is hesitant to fire me so he wants to improve my appearance and knowledge for the company’s sake. But the cosmetic is really great. After applying them a few times, my skin feels so much softer. Actually I look average but why n.o.body is courting me? There is no lack of men in the company. If someone is courting me……”

“Aiya, Big Boss, how can you be was.h.i.+ng dishes in the kitchen? Stop playing….”

“Oh no, why am I thinking about Big Boss? So scary, so scary !!! After I finish my CPA exam, I must find a boyfriend. Otherwise I will go crazy by thinking nonsense.”

The above scenario which is also in the  ill.u.s.trates how simple-minded and adorable Shan Shan is and she does long for a boyfriend.

The staff excursion is fairly the same as the novel except in the drama, Shan Shan is not qualified to join as she has not worked for a year in the company but Feng Teng has already paid the tour fee for her. This shows how much Feng Teng wants her to go. Then the staff start to gossip why Big Boss is going on an excursion with them. Could it be because he is interested in a staff? As you all know Shan Shan is reluctant to go because she thought Feng Teng wants her to be his vege picker as well as porter.

Shan Shan: Big Boss, that….

Feng Teng: Take whichever dish you want.

Shan Shan: No, no, that…..Regarding that staff excursion.

Feng Teng: What is it about the staff excursion?

Shan Shan:  I, I don’t want to go.

Feng Teng: You don’t want to go.

Shan Shan thinks: OMG, you said it out.

Feng Teng: You want to stay here and take the exam?”

Shan Shan: Exam? Ahahaha, Boss, going on an excursion with you is really a great honour, I’ll certainly be on time, hahaha ……

Shan Shan thinks: The gathering time is 7am. Then I will purposely be late for half an hour and show up at 7:30am or even 8am.  A group going on a trip will certainly not wait for me, so they cannot blame me if they leave before I arrive. I will blame the bad traffic condition in Shanghai. Then, I will show up in front of the security guard so that he can be my witness, heehee…..

Shan Shan: Aiya, security guard uncle, they’ve all left, right? I was caught up in the traffic jam for half an hour. Why I’ve such bad luck? My excursion which I’ve been looking forward to…..arrgh….

Ah May: Shan Shan, why are you still here? We’ve waited for you for about an hour. Okay, don’t waste anymore time here and come quickly with me.

Shan Shan: Hi everyone, sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

Ah May: Shan Shan, come quickly and sit down here. Why are you still standing? Shan Shan, quick.

Shan Shan: Good morning, Boss. (In Chinese, good morning is p.r.o.nounced as early)

Feng Teng: It’s no longer early.

Shan Shan thinks: Boss didn’t really wait for an hour for me, right?

Shan Shan: Boss, didn’t you say the other day we’d go at 7am?

Feng Teng: You heard wrongly.

Shan Shan: No

Feng Teng: If I said 7am, why did you show up at 8am?

Shan Shan thinks: Xue Shan Shan, you are a dummie, would asking that not expose that you showed up late on purpose?

Shan Shan: Oh Boss, you said correctly at 8am, I remembered wrongly. Heehee, I remembered wrongly.

Shan Shan: Ah May, what time was everyone’s supposed to meet? Isn’t it 7am?

Ah May: Originally it was 7am, but yesterday Boss said that’s too early so moved it to 8am, you didn’t know?”

Shan Shan thinks: How could I have known since no one told me!  Business crook business crook business crook! He definitely did it on purpose! Shan Shan is late but Feng Teng is still waiting.

Shan Shan: Boss, how can you carry your own bag, let me help you to carry.

Feng Teng: I also go to toilet on my own.

Shan Shan: That…It is okay, let me help you carry. I don’t feel stable if I don’t carry something. I’ll help you to carry.

Feng Teng: Hey!

Shan Shan: I’ll help you to carry, it is alright.

Oh no, Li Shu also goes to the excursion because Feng Yue bought her along  which is not in the novel. Feng Yue also tells her that Feng Teng likes Shan Shan. Needless to say, that woman spells trouble. The three women have a small chat with Feng Yue doing most of the talking, telling Shan Shan that Li Shu is their childhood friend. I am so disappointed that they skipped one of my favorite part, the asking for fortune in the temple:(

Feng Yue is surprised that Shan Shan is carrying Feng Teng’s backpack since he dislikes people touching his belongings. Shan Shan tells her, she s.n.a.t.c.hed it from him to compensate him for her mistake, LOL. Feng Yue says she’ll reprimand him to treat her better but Shan Shan quickly refuses, fearing that she may be fired or end up doing more like rubbing Feng Teng’s back or polis.h.i.+ng his shoes. LOL. Feng Teng tells Li Shu, by carrying his backpack, she is only guarding her personal belongings, nothing to do with him, LOL.

While giving chase to Feng Teng and Li Shu who have cycled away rather fast, Shan Shan got lost, fell from her bike, sprained her ankle and is in great pain. A search party is sent out to look for her. Of course, Big Boss is the one who found her and piggyback her to safety.  While carrying her, Feng Teng says,  “I will not leave you all alone when you are sad and not do anything anymore.” Squeeekkkk, so sweet and romantic!!! Shan Shan feels what he has just said doesn’t sound like what a boss will tell his employee but what a prince charming will tell his princess.

The doctor tells Shan Shan everything is okay and she should recover in about a week. The frugal Shan Shan insists on going home to apply a medicated plaster to help the company to save some money but Feng Teng doesn’t look please about it. Shuang Yi and Liu Liu come to visit and Liu Liu complains to Feng Teng, not knowing he is the boss of putting Shan Shan’s life in jeopardy since she has a rare blood type. Feng Teng humbly apologizes.  Li Shu volunteers to look after the injured Shan Shan while Feng Teng goes away on a business trip. I feel she is so fake, insinuating that Feng Teng’s concern is also her concern. Shuang Yi and Liu Liu also share my sentiment. Later, Shan Shan also thinks that Li Shu is trying to brainwash her into thinking Feng Teng belongs to Li Shu when she is taking care of her.

 Oh, Shan Shan has such a cute bunny fluffy toy who resembles her. LOL

Feng Teng’s sms: I will be going on a business trip tomorrow so take good care of yourself.

Shan Shan’s reply: All the best.

When Feng Teng is away, they exchange a lot of sms and Shan Shan sends him some selfies. Feng Teng is such a controlling person, not letting Shan Shan off even while he is away. Another minor character in the novel has a slightly bigger role in the drama and she is Zhou Xiao Wei. She is Shan Shan’s supervisor who has completed her CPA in the drama but in the novel she belongs to the HR department. She looks too calculative and polish for my liking, like the evil girl in a k-drama, LOL. She is listening in on the colleagues conversation that Shan Shan has panda blood type so becomes the Feng  family’s benefactor. As we know from the novel, she also has panda blood type.

At the beginning of episode 9, we found out Feng Yue is pregnant and Shan Shan also discovers that she didn’t go to Europe. This is different from the book as she didn’t get pregnant and Shan Shan finds out she didn’t go to Europe when Yan Qing mentions it to her during the company annual party.

On the office front, Shan Shan hears from her colleagues that Feng Teng has gone missing and the company’s accounts are being audited so she is worried when Li Shu also doesn’t know what happened to him. Li Shu asks if Shan Shan likes Feng Teng but she denies it. Arrgh, Injured tiger where in the world are you hiding? Please come back quickly because I am bored and is about to fall asleep. Lidge and I miss you as much as Shan Shan, LOL  At last, Feng Teng comes back triumphantly after successfully completing his business deal. Clap! Clap!

Similar to the, Shan Shan is sick and falling asleep while studying for her CPA after having lunch with Feng Teng. Oh, another disappointment is why the drama edited out the part where the Boss asks Shan Shan to pay for the doctor’s consultation fees and she has to write him an IOU:( The novel is more hilarious.

Feng Teng: Xue Shan Shan. Hey! Shan Shan, how are you? Shan Shan?

Feng Teng: How is she?

Doctor: Okay, just a little fever.

Feng Teng: Is an IV necessary?

Doctor: Not at this time, taking medicine and resting are enough for now.

Feng Teng: Okay, thank you.

Feng Teng: You are awake?

Shan Shan: Big Boss. Oh, I fell asleep.

Feng Teng: Why didn’t you tell me you’re sick?

Shan Shan thinks: Don’t you want to scold me for falling asleep at work?

Shan Shan: Boss, are you angry with me?

Feng Teng: Why will I be angry? Don’t go back to work, I’ve already talked to your manager.

Shan Shan: Ah, what did you tell my manager?

Feng Teng: From now onward, don’t think of anything. Just take the medicine then go to sleep. If you don’t follow my order, I’ll reduce your annual bonus.

Feng Teng: Lie down.

Shan Shan thinks: Although the Boss is unpredictable, sometime he is also quite nice. Although this office is scary. I feel empty when I don’t come.

After Shan Shan recovers, she receives a blow in that the colleagues are gossiping that Zhou Xiao Wei left work in the Boss’s car and got a day off while all of them have to work hard like slaves. That is because she also has the panda blood type needed by Feng Yue after she suffered a miscarriage. Just like in the, Shan Shan feels liberated but that joy is short-lived as she starts to feel that she has been abandoned. Hence she seeks Shuang Yi’s advice.

Shuang Yi: What is wrong?

Shan Shan: Let’s see, here’s an example. Once there was a pig captured by a wolf.  The wolf tells the pig that he wants to fatten her up so he can eat her later. The little pig wants to resist and is scared, but she cannot fight against the wolf so she can only comply to be fattened up by the wolf.  Time and the pig grows fatter and fatter, but the wolf lets her go and catches another pig to eat.  Somehow, the released pig is annoyed.  Tell me, what should the pig do?

Shuang Yi: Is there such a pig in the world, so stupid?

Shan Shan: You’re not getting the point of the story! Isn’t it good not to be eaten? Why does the pig not like it?

Shuang Yi: Ahhh! The pig has fallen in love with the wolf! A love which crosses boundaries! How romantic~

Shan Shan: …..Lu Shuang Yi! You’re a dummie!

Feeling sluggish for awhile, Shan Shan finally uses her last ounce of energy, reignites her spirit.  Planning to go to the company’s cafeteria, the phone suddenly rings, Shan Shan answers, the unhappy voice of Big Boss resonates loudly: “Xue Shan Shan, you dare to go on strike!”