Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (LN)

Chapter 22

This episode is basically about the prenuptial agreement and meeting the parents. Shan Shan gets her rea.s.surance that Feng Teng does intend to marry her and grow old with her. He also wants to have children with her. Actually, for the book purists, you can treat this as the ending of the drama as it follows the book rather closely. The next 3 episodes deviate substantially from the novel.

I’ve translated the theme song of the drama into English. It is called). In Chinese, wind is p.r.o.nounced as Feng but the Feng in Feng Teng’s name does not mean wind. It is just a surname. However, the Feng in his company’s name means wind. Hence, you can say, the promise of the wind is Feng Teng’s promise to Shan Shan. Oh, the song is so sweet and appropriate. At the beginning I didn’t really like the song but I’ve since eaten back my words and like it very much now. Bongsd even has it as her ring tone, lol.  I’ve also included the 3 other songs in the drama and will translate 2 of them into English later. I’ve also found a fan-made MV to share with you if you still can’t get enough of the drama, LOL.

Just like in the , Feng Teng asks Shan Shan to see the lawyer to sign a prenuptial agreement. There are two agreements, the main one and the gifting. The main agreement is to separate the interest of Shan Shan and the Feng group. In the gift agreement, Shan Shan will get everything owned by Feng Teng personally. She feels overwhelmed and decides to sign only one of the gifting agreement. Hence, Feng Teng requests to talk to her alone.

Feng Teng: Are you unhappy that I ask you to sign these agreements?

Shan Shan: No, I am not unhappy.

Feng Teng: Then, why don’t you sign?

Shan Shan: I feel a little weird. You only mentioned about the main agreement yesterday but did not say anything about others.

Feng Teng: The main agreement was drawn together by grandpa when Feng Yue got married. The purpose is to protect the conglomerate so it will not be affected in any circ.u.mstances. The gift agreement is all my personal a.s.sets.

Shan Shan:  I have no objection with the main agreement.

Feng Teng: Since the main agreement will protect the interests of the conglomerate, I will need to protect your interests. These gifts are to let you at least obtain these things under the worst scenario.

Shan Shan: Are you afraid you will mistreat me in the future ?

Feng Teng: No, I can guarantee these doc.u.ments basically are waste papers, but Shan Shan, the years are too long and I don’t know what will happen in the future. At the very least, you’ll have these things as security.

Shan Shan: Feng Teng, do you know why I chose the apartment?

Feng Teng: Why?

Shan Shan: Because among all your properties, only that apartment has our shared memories. It is the only thing I really want. I don’t want all these things to affect our love and our relations.h.i.+p. Moreover, I am marrying you, not your money. When I’ve you, I’ll have everything. If I don’t have you, all those things are meaningless.

Feng Teng: If you don’t sign all these,  you may end up with nothing in the future.

Shan Shan: Okay.

Feng Teng: But, you’ll still have me.

Shan Shan: Okay.

Another touching incident showing Feng Teng as being so caring and protective of Shan Shan and her future. Where to find such a guy:(? You should know by now, we’e a group of girls here who bash Zhang Han’s legs but loves his hands. Hoju wrote: He has long, slender fingers while his hands still look large and comforting. I love his hand gestures too. They are very manly and command attention. I think that’s why I love the kissing scenes because he has a tendency to cup Shan Shan’s head or face, and Shan Shan’s face looks so pet.i.te in his manly hands — so safe, secure and… romantic. Hence, everyone should take a careful look at his hands and kisses, LOL.

 Shan Shan: Mum. I am going to get married!

Shan Shan’s mum informs her father that she is going to get married and tells him that it is with her Big Boss Feng Teng, haha….Shan Shan’s father is skeptical so he gets Shan Shan’s cousin, Tong Tong to do online research on Feng Teng’s background. He calls to confirm with Shan Shan that they both truly love each other and wants to make Feng Teng a suit as a present. She tries to decline but her dad insists. She tells Feng Teng that her dad wants to meet him. He says he’ll arrange a time to go back to her hometown with her.

Shan Shan tries to get Feng Teng’s measurement for her dad to make the suit. Feng Teng asks Shan Shan to celebrate Lunar New Year’s Eve at the Feng family residence and Yan Qing, Feng Yue and he will visit Shan Shan’s parents on the first day of Lunar New Year. Just like in the , a parcel for ‘Mrs. Feng’ has arrived. Shan Shan is overjoyed that Feng Teng addressed her as ‘Mrs. Feng’ to the security guard.  When they open the parcel, there is a suit inside.

Feng Teng: Xue Shan Shan, please explain yourself.

Shan Shan: Have I told you before, that my dad used to be a tailor?

Feng Teng: I don’t think so.

Shan Shan: Now you know. This suit is made by my dad for you. He wants you to wear the suit when you go to my hometown. If you think it is unsuitable, you can don’t wear it.

They are prepared to go to Shan Shan’s hometown. When Feng Yue sees Feng Teng’s suit, she asks him if he has changed his style to retro fas.h.i.+on., haha…He replies: ”Tai Shan custom-made’. Yan Qing explains Tai Shan means father-in-law:P Feng Yue quickly changes her tune and says, he looks handsome and wishes her mother-in-law will sew a skirt for her.

Feng Teng: Do I look good?

Shan Shan: Very handsome.

Feng Teng: Let’s go.

Anybody thinks Feng Teng looks handsome in that checked suit? Actually, it is not as bad as I envisage, just the cloth is out-dated:P I though the dad will make him a flamboyant colored suit to pierce our eyes, heehee……

They arrive in the hometown and are warmly received by everyone. Shan Shan’s dad wants to chat in private with Feng Teng. Feng Teng tries to convince her dad that he’ll take good care of Shan Shan. The dad will not object to their marriage provided, they don’t have a baby within 3 years of marriage. If their marriage does not work out, Shan Shan won’t be tied down by a child.

Shan Shan: Feng Teng, are you alright?

Feng Teng: Why? Are you afraid that your dad will pin me on his working table and use force on me to confess?

Shan Shan: Yes, I did envisage such a scenario.

Feng Teng:  I did feel a bit nervous when I was meeting my future father-in-law just now. Xue Shan Shan, are you questioning my negotiation ability?

Shan Shan: So, my dad has agreed to our marriage?

Feng Teng: Shan Shan, you’ve a good father.

Shan Shan: Did he give you a hard time?

Feng Teng: Yes.

Shan Shan: Huh?

Feng Teng: Your dad discussed for such a long time with me, starved me.

Shan Shan: At this time, all you can think of is eating……..Tell me what you discussed first…..

Haha, it is good to know that Feng Teng is human after all to feel a bit nervous in meeting the future in-laws. He still retain his sense of humor and hunger for food but where have all the food gone since so many complains that he is skinny:(?

During the hotpot, Shan Shan’s dad lectures her for not being able to cook well. Although Feng Teng has a cook, she should at least be able to do something like cooking for her husband. Shan Shan rea.s.sures them that she’ll be a good wife and will continue working. Her dad says that is good since they won’t be having children for 3 years so she may be bored at home. Shan Shan finds out about Feng Teng’s agreement with her dad. The gap between the 2 families are too wide so the dad did that for her own good. But why did Feng Teng agree?

Feng Teng: Are you here so late because you are not used to sleeping alone?

Shan Shan: Why did you agree with my father that we won’t have a child within three years of marriage?

Feng Teng:  Because that is your dad’s only condition to agree to our marriage. It is not something difficult to do.

Shan Shan:  Then, do you know why my dad has that condition?

Feng Teng: He is afraid our marriage will break down and has to divorce.

Shan Shan: So, do you agree with my dad’s condition because you also agreed with his view?

Feng Teng: I remembered I told you before that after marriage, we should live together as couple for a period of time first. Moreover you are still too young.  My intention and your dad’s intention is the same, so what is the difference?

Shan Shan: What do you mean about living as a couple? Does it mean if we can’t get along well, we’ll break up? If like that, why don’t you make up your mind first before marrying me?

Feng Teng: Xue Shan Shan, I’ve always planned well. Although I’ve a few past relations.h.i.+ps, I didn’t get married. Once, I intend to get married, I will grow old with my wife. But you are different. I am your first love so once you’ve chosen me, you will have no other choice.

Shan Shan thinks: Yes, in the world of love, the one who can’t leave will lose big but if I can lean on this shoulder for support, it is okay if I’ve never win.

Feng Teng: Aiya, it looks like it’s impossible for someone to leave me arghhh..

Another sweet scenrio showing that Shan Shan can lean on Feng Teng for support, figuratively and literally:)