Rising Of The Divine Stone Cultivation Tablet

Chapter 10

I returned to the sect, and rushed into the newly constructed contribution hall, which honestly amazed me how they"ve managed to build this place in just a little over a day, I slammed open the doors and all noise in the hall came to a halt, everyone turned to stare at me and ended up snickering at me. "oh! it"s just fang mo" or "he probably came to turn in some herbs hehehe" they mocked as if i was weaker then all of them, thinking that i was "only at the 8th stage of body building" whilst most of them were inner disciples.

I walked up to the front desk and removed all the corpses from my storage ring.

"I"d like to turn these twenty 2nd rank beasts for 200 contribution points!" I asked with a smile.
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"WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?" Everyone was shocked, how on earth could an 8th stage brat kill all of those beasts? Did he lie about how high his cultivation was? But that was impossible! his aura was only that of an 8th realm, just how good is this kid?

"U-umm, allow me to verify, did you kill these beasts?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Sure did!" I sneered as i turned to see a room full of shocked faces.

"here is your card, it has 200 points stored inside, we just need you to forge it with your blood. additionally, you are officially an inner disciple, you can claim your pa.s.s and new residence within a week after its been made." the lady told me, still giving me a suspicious look.

I p.r.i.c.ked my finger and pressed down my thumb against the paper, hence forming a pact and becoming accessible only to me. 200 points was ma.s.sive, that is 200 pills, and far more then they were expecting the outer disciples would do, so they only set it at a point a pill. Although it"s only one person, it can definitely change the flow of pills and rare materials within the sect.

After leaving the contribution hall, I knew that there was one thing I really needed to do the most, and that was to complete the perfection stage of body building. I rushed home quickly and immediately sat myself down to cultivate, this time was extremely important, i used ten runes to increase my flow of qi, and allowing me to absorb at rates 10 times faster then normal.

My dantian felt flooded, all the energy flowing in was causing it to feel like bursting, I had to spread it around fast, i quickly focused all of it into my skin, reinforcing it to the peak of perfection. I then focused on my bones, then muscles, blood, and finally my marrow. All of them had finally achieved the peak of perfection, there was nothing that could stand in his way at the academy except core disciples.

All of a sudden, my dantian made a sudden burst of qi once more, flooding into my bone frame, increasing it by a star.

"Thats.... Thats amazing! I cant believe my bone frame ranked up just from reaching the perfection stage of body building!" I jumped in joy, it was an amazing thing that could happen, there is a very slight chance of your bone frame or spirit increasing by one if you reach the peak of a realm, but it was more likely to gain it when you"re reach the next realm, since you let off a larger burst of energy.

"Okay! its time to head out one more time!" I exclaimed

I went outside and everyone started to look at me differently, I was a walking money bank, of course everyone either wanted to get close to me or hunt me down. Although the perfection stage is incredibly strong, it"s impossible to be able to defend against martial techniques if I cant solidify my qi. The realm of qi collection and qi building are far easier then the realm of body building, due to the fact that there is less realms and they are easier to ascend from.

After reaching the forest once more, which went from an hour to only 15 minutes to get there on foot. The forest was far more quiet then usual, there were no birds chirping, no beasts roaming, it was just the sound of the subtle wind blowing the leav-


A ma.s.sive beast, towering at almost 5 metres tall! suddenly jumped out from my blind spot, nearly ripping my head off with its swift sneak attack.

"A peak rank 3 beast? whats it doing here! i"ve only just entered the forest and theres a rank 3??? They should only appear in the deep woods! whats going on here!" I was shocked, i had no clue if i could beat a rank 3 beast, only those who can solidify qi have beaten rank 3"s and only the current ruler has done it before he was able to solidify qi.

"Kid! look at the map of the stone! This is one of the dots on it! its only only orange since this is a novice area, but be careful! if its on the map it must have something rare about it, so stay on your toes!" the stone spoke up, although vanishing as soon as he was done.

"Stay on my toes, got it!" I jumped around on the trees around the beast, since it was so large and couldn"t climb up.

The beast grew infuriated and started to look as if its body was shifting. its rough fur spiked up, and a slight horn grew upon its head, the tiger like appeal completely changing into that of a dark, and rabid beast with its only motive to destroy whats in sight, its eyes growing a crimson red, let out a large burst of energy, causing most of the trees in the area to waver or break, making the fight on even ground.

"You wanna go? i"ll take you on and become the first person to ever defeat a rank 3 in body building!" I shouted as i ran directly towards the beast, pulling out my gauntlets from the ring


A truely loud sound emanated throughout the entire forest, birds from miles away, flew far due to the clash, the beast didn"t go down, it took a proper hit, and its horn cracked, whilst the gauntlets stayed in perfect condition. My fists however, felt as if they were broken, there is no way a rank 3 is this tough! there is something truely odd about it, no wonder its part of the map!

After several hours, we were both severely weakened, the clashes against the beast were getting weaker, as we both lost our power and energy, it was down to the final blow. There was only one of us walking out of this alive, as we charged against each other and finally clashed once more.

A loud thud echoed once more.

"I... I did it!"