Rising Of The Divine Stone Cultivation Tablet

Chapter 1

I woke up from a sharp pain, making it unimaginably painful in my chest, the stormy clouds pouring heavily on my body, washing away the blood. I was furious, I muttered to myself, "Why?... why does it have to be me? I was a peerless genius! Now, I"m nothing…"

"Fang mo!" yelled a disciple from the golden divinity sect. "I heard you were joining our sect soon! That"s incredible!"

"Yeah, I guess it is huh?" I replied. "I guess my goal is to make it to the top of the inner disciples?"

"Haha! Knowing you, you can probably do it in a month!" He laughed.

"We"ll have to wait and see!" I yelled as I ran off to get administered.

As I ran towards the sect I couldn"t help but feel excited, after lots of effort, and sheer will I made it into the highest grade sect the golden divinity sect! as soon as I made it there I believed that there was no way that I wouldn"t be recruited, due to being an unparalleled genius with no rival. After a few people registered it was my turn to enter.

"h.e.l.lo! I"m here to register to try to get into the golden divinity sect" I said in a polite manner.

"Ugh, another n.o.body… name please?" the lady said rudely.

"Oh it"s fang mo" I said holding back my rage of being called a n.o.body.

"okay so fang mo- FANG MO?!? I"m sorry young master I didn"t know it was you! I was careless please enter!" the lady quickly apologised as she opened the door for me to enter.

Slowly but surely the room eventually filled up with its minimum of 100 disciples and they began to start testing our realms.

"Alright! We"re going to test your stage and realm! Anyone below qi cultivation is disqualified!" the examiner announced.

"What? But the highest anyone has gone is martial master! That"s only two realms above qi cultivation! There"s no way we can do this!" some of the disciples yelled.

"Silence!!! It"s your fault if you haven"t tried hard enough to cultivate! If you fail it"s your fault for not having a strong enough will, do you understand!" the examiner yelled to quiet the disciples down.

"Yes sir…" they muttered.

"We"ll start by someone who seems to have the best potential out of all of you! Fang mo! Come here!" he yelled.

"Of course!" I yelled feeling excited.

As I walked up to the crystal, I concentrated my energy to my fist.


"Peak qi cultivation! Very good! We weren"t planning to share it today, but We also have a brand-new discovery that has been made! It"s the discovery of bone frames and martial spirits! After awakening these it will help you cultivate even faster!" the examiner explained.

"What? You"re saying will power isn"t all we need to cultivate?" I asked, confused.

"That"s what the new discovery states!" the examiner exclaimed looking at me as if I"m a diamond in the making, "Walk onto the plate and it will display the information on your bone frame and martial spirit! Thus awakening your inept power."

I walked onto the plate and light completely surrounded me, it glowed for a minute and than finally stopped. When I walked out the machine everyone was looking at me, shocked.

"Did I do too good?" I thought to myself as I turned to look at the scores.

a.n.a.lysed results:

Bone frame: zero star morphed frame

Martial spirit: light spirit first grade yellow ranked

End result: failure

"W-what! How is this possible! I"m supposed to be an unbeatable genius! I have made it this far without this spirit and bone frame! I can still go further!" I yelled,

Everyone began laughing as my scores were pathetic mocking me about being an "unparalleled and unbeatable genius".

"Enough!!" yelled the examiner, "Fang mo, I truly apologise, but we can"t allow someone labelled as a failure into the golden divinity sect, you"ll have to find somewhere else…"

"What? You"re not letting me join? I pa.s.sed? Didn"t I?" I said on the verge of exploding.

"I"m truly sorry…" he muttered, "Good bye"

"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS" I yelled as I ran out the door back to my house on the other side of town.

"How did it go young master?" The head mistress asked.

"Apparently I"m trash…" I muttered.

The head mistress glared at me "Trash?"

"They discovered a way to make cultivation easier, things called bone frames and martial spirits, but I woke up a zero star bone frame and the weakest possible spirit, a first grade yellow ranked…" I said quietly yet with filled with rage, "After they discovered that I was labelled a failure and denied entry into the sect..."

The head mistress" glare intensified as though happy after hearing the results "Would you like me to make you some herbal medicine?" she leered.
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"Sure…" I muttered as I walked towards my room..

The head mistress glared and smiled sneakily as she entered my room with the herbal medicine "here you are young master, this time I added a secret ingredient to help you let everything go…" she whispered as she walked off "as well as your life…"

I downed the entire herbal medicine and began cultivating.


I felt my bones cracking and my cultivation being removed as if my spirit was broken in half I cradled myself on the floor as my vision went blurry the last thing I saw was the head mistress laughing at me as I finally fainted. I woke up due to a sharp pain in my chest on a stormy cliff.

"why… why G.o.ds! Why must you ruin my life like this! I hate you! I curse you all!!!"


Lightning struck the edge of the mountain and it started to crumble, I slowly tried to crawl away but it was too late, I fell, deep into the ravine that was below, with the only thought in my head being as simple as "So this is what I get in return?"

As I woke up from the fall, in a wet damp area, I looked up and I saw it, a strange item emanating light in this dark shadowy ravine, glowing in the small light reaching down, as if an ancient stone artifact older than the G.o.ds themselves.