Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 131: Even With a Gun, You Won’t Be Able to Die!

Chapter 131: Even With a Gun, You Won’t Be Able to Die!

“The female agent wants to see me? That’s fine, let’s go then.”

w.a.n.g Chao had been thinking about the elite expert of the Ministry of State Security, the “National Arhat” Duan Guochao. If he was the number one disciple of Shaolin, then that was clear evidence that he had some skill to his name.

w.a.n.g Chao was quite curious on this powerful codename of his, “National Arhat” in particular.

“I wish to see what kind of expert he is, for him to take on the codename of National Arhat!” However, with the leadership wishing to take revenge, then this upcoming fight between experts will be merciless. I cannot stay my hand, each strike must hold the intent to kill, though I must do that anyways to make certain of victory.”

w.a.n.g Chao’s eyes shined as he looked to commissar Yang.

“There’s nothing to worry about!” Commissar Yang exhaled before smiling, “Whatever happens this time, I will take responsibility for! Just make sure you don’t kill yourself! f.u.c.k, I’ve been holding in this breath for far too long! Do your best, if any problem ever happens, the higher ups will make sure to take the blame for it. Wait and see for tomorrow, you’ll be able to see their overweening att.i.tude then. I can guarantee that you won’t be able to handle it either.”

Commissar Yang let out a string of expletives as he spoke, showing his hatred that he held in his heart before walking out of the room.

“Yanan, did you see that? It seems our hatred for the Ministry of State Security runs quite deep.” w.a.n.g Chao turned to look at Lin Yanan.

Lin Yanan unfurled both hands in a clearly unhappy expression. “The son of an old friend of commissar Yang had three of his ribs broken after being swung by someone in the Ministry of State Security in the comprehensive practice matches. Even now, he’s still bedridden. Last year even, we had a few of our members crippled. Our group was originally established to act as a check to the Ministry of Public Security. Our control over them is something they’ll naturally not accept. Even I had my calf shot at by a gun of theirs.”

“Your practice matches uses actual ammunition to practice?” w.a.n.g Chao was amazed.

“It’s not exactly live ammunition, but high powered rubber bullets.” Lin Yanan explained. “If we don’t use actual ammunition, we won’t ever be able to learn. The casualty and injury quotient in the army, what use would that be then? Russia, America, j.a.pan, and the other western countries have an even strict training than our country.”

“Ah, I understand now. Even for those who practice martial arts requires a bit of cruelty. Without the threatening stimulation of death, one will never be able to learn and will become a mess when in an actual fight.” w.a.n.g Chao nodded. “However, men from our own country are hard to come by. You understand martial arts. You understand how fights between experts go, and how life or death is understood in it. So why is it the organization is having me play the strict cop and take revenge? If something really does happen, wouldn’t either one of us become a wasted time of nurturing? For the sake of revenge, we lose a person, that cannot be worth it, can it?”

Lin Yanan looked at w.a.n.g Chao for a good moment before silently shaking her head, “w.a.n.g Chao! You don’t understand. In our population of 1.3 billion people, what type of talent is unattainable to us….let’s speak of this later….”

With that, Lin Yanan’s lips began to quaver for a moment as her eyes looked down without another word.

“I understand….” w.a.n.g Chao sighed before standing up to pat Lin Yanan on her shoulder. “When in the Jianghu, one cannot move around freely. One should never regard themselves to be important forever, after all, we are merely small figures floating about in this world. What you are trying to say, I have long since understood since my battle with Zhang Wei. Let’s go and see what that American spy wants.”

The rooms in the army camps were were made from reinforced concrete and were used to temporarily lock up the important prisoners. There were high walls with machine guns mounted on top and specialized soldiers standing guard all around. All in all, the place seemed as if it was a miniature prison.

“Lieutenant colonel w.a.n.g, colonel Lin! The female spy is locked up in here.”

With a crashing sound, the thick iron doors opened up as two gun-wielding soldiers came out to salute w.a.n.g Chao and Lin Yanan.

At this moment, w.a.n.g Chao and Lin Yanan had already changed into a brand new military uniform. On w.a.n.g Chao’s epaulet was an insignia with two bars and two stars, signifying his rank as a lieutenant colonel. He was only one for now, but if he were to manage this next mission and get promoted, then he would possibly become a colonel.

After changing into the military uniform and walking with the air of a martial art master. Combined with the suit, this air had made him seem quite extraordinary. Even those with barely no eyesight would be able to tell: this was a person who commandeered power.

As the doors opened, the interrogation room could be seen from within. The room was split into two parts by the iron bars. Sitting on a chair behind the bars was the fair-haired and pretty American agent.

This American female agent wore handcuffs with gauze around her legs that gave off the faint scent of medicine from the wounds she had on her.

On the table in front of her was several pieces of bread, juice, and other beverages and provisions. Her expression seemed quite well, and her clothes were prim and proper. She hadn’t the look of someone who was mistreated, on the contrary, she looked like she was given proper treatment, food, and medical attention.

“You’re a part of the Chinese army? A lieutenant colonel even?! How! Oh my G.o.d, have my eyes gone blind? Don’t tell me….it has to be! You’ve joined hands with each other!”

When the female agent saw w.a.n.g Chao enter, her eyes had an unbelievable light to them and her mouth had dropped open into an O-shape.

“What do you mean by joining hands?” w.a.n.g Chao stepped into the room, allowing the soldier overseeing her to step outside. Closing the door behind them, w.a.n.g Chao stood beyond the barred doors and began to talk with the American.

“Mr. w.a.n.g Chao, you’re not so gentlemanly if you’re going to interrogate me from beyond the bars. Maybe you’re afraid of becoming my hostage?”

The female agent had spoken up in fluent Chinese and with a brilliant smile. Her chest puffed outwards to show off her s.e.x appeal without looking any bit like a captured prisoner.

This female agent was clearly very beautiful–she was most likely a standard for beauty amongst the women of the west.

“Haha, haha.” w.a.n.g gave two small chuckles. You had two guns and four people to come capture and kill me. Do you really think I am afraid of becoming your hostage? Did I swing you so hard that you’re dreaming even now?”

With that, w.a.n.g Chao stepped forward. His hand flew towards the iron bars, and with an Eagle Claw, he crushed and pulled at it.

Bang! The iron bar and lock was destroyed and stripped away.

Opening the door, w.a.n.g Chao strode in to stand relatively close to the female agent. “What is your name?”

When she saw how w.a.n.g Chao had destroyed the iron bar and lock, the female agent had a glint of fear flash across her face. But cleverly hiding her expression, the woman gave a calm smile.

“I’m called Lisa.” She smiled.

“What American intelligence agency are you working with?”w.a.n.g Chao’s eyes stared hard at the female agent who was now identified as Lisa. From the looks of things, w.a.n.g Chao seemed as if he was an officer interrogating a criminal.

“I’m not saying, what are you going to do about it?” Lisa stuck out her tongue and licked her lips in a rather lewd manner. “Are you going to rape me? Come try it then. Having such a strong man like you make love to me, that’s what I’ve been looking for all this time.”

“Huh!” Lin Yanan hadn’t seen this coming. With Lisa suddenly saying the words she just said, a red blush overcame her face. Steeling her nerves, Lin Yanan began to march forward.

“Don’t act rashly and break the discipline of the organization.” w.a.n.g Chao knew that Lin Yanan was coming forward to hit her. Lifting a hand, he blocked her path forward and gave Lin Yanan a look.

Rolling her eyes at w.a.n.g Chao, Lin Yanan spoke, “I hadn’t any idea of hitting her. As someone trained to be an agent, she’s most likely planning to fish something out from her mouth to use. Be careful, you can’t listen to what she says. Although she doesn’t have a gun, she still has some fight in her. The tools of an agent, the techniques of an, those aren’t something anyone can always guard against.”

“No worries, even if she had a gun, I could kill her with a pinch as if killing an ant!” w.a.n.g Chao smiled before turning to Lin Yanan.

w.a.n.g Chao’s back was now facing the agent Lisa. Even with her hands shackled, it wouldn’t do much to affect her mobility. For an agent who was so rigorously trained, she could act as if there was no shackles on her to begin with. If she wanted to kill someone, or even kidnap someone, there was a hundred different methods she could employ right now to accomplish that.

But Lisa didn’t move at all. That was because in her heart, she was truly understood the terror that w.a.n.g Chao was. Two gunners and two warrior monks combined weren’t enough to capture or kill this male. In the end, she had been the one captured as a result.

However, w.a.n.g Chao’s words had hurt her. “Even if she had a gun, I could kill her with a pinch as if killing an ant!”These words had truly stabbed deep into the woman’s heart.

With these open words, it seemed like the actions of a high and mighty G.o.d looking down on the people of the Earth.

“Aren’t you going to question me for my information?!” Suddenly, Lisa’s face grew rigid as an icy glazed over her expression! “Give me a gun then and see if I can kill you in this room or not! If I can’t kill you, then I’ll tell you everything I know. How about it, scared?”

w.a.n.g Chao turned around, “What reason should I believe you?”

“It’s up to you to believe me or not!” Lisa’s face was grim. “But I can swear to G.o.d and another oath to my parents if you don’t believe me.”

“Fine!” w.a.n.g Chao then turned to Lin Yanan, “Give her a gun.”

“You can’t do that? What if she kills herself?” Lin Yanan looked onto w.a.n.g Chao with shock.

“With me here, she wouldn’t be able to kill herself even if she wanted to.”