Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 95: Throttle the Talented Youth (Second)

Chapter 95: Throttle the Talented Youth (Second)

“No need!”

Liao Junhua had been surprised to hear w.a.n.g Chao talk. “This is just a regular fighting ring and not an official match. Didn’t you see Ye Xuan send that Russian man flying? A skill like that clearly means that he has reached a stage where his muscles act like one. That’s the same realm where only the masters can tread. You and I have trained many years to reach such a stage, but Ye Xuan isn’t even 20 and has already become our equal. Who knows what type of grandmaster he will become in the future.”

“That Russian is called Bikrov, a man from the Siberian training camps who was rumored to kill a polar bear with his bare hands. His physique has an undoubtedly advantage over even us who have trained with Hidden Jin. His movements are especially fierce from his ample experience in killing. To be frank, I doubt I would be able to defeat him in three moves, but Ye Xuan was able to kill him in one…” Liao Junhua spoke in heavy surprise.

Russians, Africans, and Caucasians were naturally endowed with a physical build that Asians did not share. After training their bodies, they would be able to bring out a potential that was far stronger than what an Asian would be able to bring out. Even Liao Junhua would not be able to defeat one of these killing machines easily with just pure strength and neither technique or Hidden Jin.

Dai Jun had also watched Ye Xuan on the platform with a cold hard look. His face grew serious as well before slapping his leg, “Alas, the j.a.panese’s way of training is far more harsh than our own, and so there is no doubt the amount of talented youths breed like flies there. Even if he wasn’t considered a natural genius, the fact that he managed to survive such a training should make him a genius already. Brother w.a.n.g, there’s no need to get involved in needless dangers. In truth, those who stepped into the realm where martial arts is to place importance on the cultivation of health like us should not go into battle so easily. It is only when there is no other alternative that we do what we must, but on the stage, there is only one victor, what is the point?”

“That youth was able to become so strong at such a young age. If left unchecked, he will be impossible to control later on. This is especially more worrisome given his ruthless approach. In the future, just how many Chinese martial artists will be killed by his hand? Is this the Martial Way of the j.a.panese, to kill any G.o.ds or even the Buddha himself if they obstruct their way? To slaughter whatever existence that blocks their path, what an invasion of ideals; completely different than our Martial Way where we are one with the universe and harmonize with the Yin and the Yang.”

w.a.n.g Chao let out a long breath, “Our Ways are different, but I don’t wish to scheme in secret. Our Chinese martial arts world has already withered away substantially. Given our current age, our Chinese boxing plays no practical part in the world and is only useful for us to help others kill. If these geniuses continue to challenge us one after another, then in two or three years, we won’t even have any masters left. In a hundred years, Chinese martial arts will cease to exist. Master Liao, master Dai, no more needs to be said, please make the arrangements.”

w.a.n.g Chao’s words were halfly spoken from his mind. The other half had been due to the organization’s mission, he could not fail to complete it.

Even if he wasn’t bound by the organization, this battle had to be done. It was unclear just how many martial artists had died by the hands of these youths. w.a.n.g Chao had injured Miyagi Hanshin with Hidden Jin, it was very possible that Ye Xuan would come to him to bear responsibility.

“w.a.n.g Chao, do you really plan to go down to fight?” Zhu Jia had asked. This time, she had followed them into the coliseum just in time to see Bikrov be struck by Ye Xuan and sent flying to the ground where he died on the spot. This had caused her to feel both extremely shocked and worried for w.a.n.g Chao.

“En, there is no way to not fight.” w.a.n.g Chao smiled.

“I support your decision!” Zhu Jia’s eyes shined as she grabbed w.a.n.g Chao’s hands and squeezed it hard. “You must win.”

Seeing the resolve in w.a.n.g Chao, Liao Junhua gave a sigh before patting his shoulder and saying only two words, “Be careful.”

Dai Jun and Liao Junhua could both tell that there was some intent to kill from w.a.n.g Chao’s words. This battle had to have a single victor. No matter what, someone had to die, but the only question was which one of the two would be the one dying.

Liao Junhua’s face grew serious as he gave a signal to everyone around. In an instant, the men cleared a path and allowed w.a.n.g Chao to travel on down.

This giant coliseum had been filled to the brim today because of Ye Xuan. Countless of figures with influence amongst the nearby provinces had long since heard of the j.a.panese youth that was extremely strong and had killed five boxers within a single night.

Such a figure had caused an explosion of hubbub and led to many figures being attracted to seeing just what such a figure could do in a fight.

When Ye Xuan had killed Bikrov in a single move, the entire audience had burst into surprise shock as they began to talk about the match.

“What an amazing j.a.panese youth. He clearly intends to dominate this ring, what will boss Liao do?”

“He’ll definitely admit defeat and pay up some money. He’d probably hire a hit, but wouldn’t that be absolutely shameful?”

“That can’t be said for sure. Hey, take a look there, isn’t that boss Liao?”

“Who are those by his side? Isn’t that one of the Three Tigers of Guangdong, Dai Jun? Has he come to partake in this?”

At that moment, there were some people that had been familiar with Dai Jun who was standing by Liao Junhua’s side. Each one of these people had thus been quite surprised and happy in antic.i.p.ation of a good fight.

But then, w.a.n.g Chao was the one that climbed the platform.

The coliseum was about the size of a basketball court and was made of concrete. In the middle, there was a single meter high concrete platform without any barriers or carpeting, just cold-gray cement. There were also several dark red splotches of blood, clearly, the ring had seen its fair share of fighting.

This simple but crude fighting ground had looked especially different from the luxurious spectator ring on the outside. But despite the differences, the effects of the two were completely different.

This arrangement could be easily seen as rough, barbaric, and a place for pure fighting, killing, and bloodl.u.s.t.

Just as w.a.n.g Chao entered the fighting ring, Yagyu Haruko who was sitting on the opposite side had jolted with realization as she recognized him as the one who had defeated Zhang Wei.

“Ye Xuan-kun, that’s the expert that defeated Zhang Wei and killed Miyagi Hanshin. The party want you to challenge and him.”

Although Yagyu Haruko had shouted this out, it had been in rapid j.a.panese. So no one had heard of what she said and could only just see a single j.a.panese girl shouting out loud.

But w.a.n.g Chao had long since noticed her. Instead of trying to think of what she said, his eyes trained onto Ye Xuan.

Almost as if they were eagles watching their prey, the entire area around w.a.n.g Chao began to fade away in sound as w.a.n.g Chao honed his spirit, eyes, and ears all towards Ye Xuan.

“You are the one who defeated Zhang Wei and plotted against the martial artist Miyagi Hanshin?”

Before w.a.n.g Chao had even walked up, Ye Xuan had already trained his eyes onto him. It was only when Yagyu Haruko had cried out that the gleam in his eyes grew even colder.

Ye Xuan had a rather high nose and eyebrows as sharp as swords. His eyes shined as bright as stars, but other than, he had a regular appearance. Standing at 1.7 meters tall with a rather well balanced build and a calm demeanor, Ye Xuan’s posture had made the spectators feel as if he was some sort of perfect being.

He had not brought in the wooden sword that was normally seen around him. Instead, he came into the ring barehanded.

The pores on his arms had clearly felt the hostility w.a.n.g Chao was directing towards him. And so in response, his pores began to protrude up like a small bean as expected of an internal pract.i.tioner.

w.a.n.g Chao’s legs stopped for a moment as he let his vertebrae extend and arc like a dragon before jumping onto the platform. The ring was only about five or six ping pong tables in length.

Ye Xuan stood in the center while w.a.n.g Chao stood by the edge. There was only 5 meters separating the two.

Upon hearing Ye Xuan’s question, w.a.n.g Chao had only gave a nod in response instead of a verbal one.

“As a dragon would rise, so did your posture. Judging from your movements, you are a Xingyi Quan pract.i.tioner. From birth, I studied Hokushin Ittō-ryū and used my sword to cut apart the waterfall. By the third year, I became an expert. It was with this sword style that I defeated Xingyi Sword Style master Hao Enguang of the Chinese Warrior a.s.sociation. Even now when my sword became my fist, do you think you can block it?”

Ye Xuan had spoken calmly with his pores continuing to bulge, but his spirit had relaxed and his words seemed as if he was talking to a close friend with all of the calmness in his voice.

His Chinese was utterly fluent with clear p.r.o.nunciation. When w.a.n.g Chao heard it, he found himself understanding perfectly clear.

In the j.a.panese martial arts world, there would be a clash of words before the compet.i.tion. This was used to shake the resolve of the other person in the past and could help determine the outcome of a match. Even now, it remains a tradition.

When Ye Xuan mentioned that it was his Hokushin Ittō-ryū that had defeated Xingyi master Hao Enguang, that too was meant to shake w.a.n.g Chao’s resolve.

“Make your move then!” w.a.n.g Chao had ignored Ye Xuan’s words and without even waiting for his opponent’s words to finish, w.a.n.g Chao had interrupted him mid-way.

First came w.a.n.g Chao’s Chopping Jin of the tiger stance with a graceful arc and his muscles working in accordance with each other. Crash! With a single burst, the fist came crashing down.

w.a.n.g Chao had struck out first without any mercy in his movements. With an imposing air that moved gracefully through the air, w.a.n.g Chao pounced towards Ye Xuan.

“Eh!?” Ye Xuan had been interrupted by w.a.n.g Chao and had been quite annoyed at that. But when he realized w.a.n.g Chao was like a starving tiger jumping towards a fat sheep. In his heart, he had been momentarily shaken realizing that the battle words had done nothing to w.a.n.g Chao. Instead, it had given him a crucial first strike.

But as a genius, he was more than capable enough to make apt decisions. Circulating Jin to his legs, he began to move as swiftly as a snake through gra.s.s. Shua! Scuttling back three meters, his legs stomped down to the cement ground below and down from the ring.

w.a.n.g Chao hadn’t expected Ye Xuan to leap back so much. The distance Ye Xuan had traveled in order to dodge w.a.n.g Chao had been enough to bring him off the stage.

His first strike was to gain the first advantage by giving a roar to a.s.sault the enemy. Then, without rest, he would use the Chopping Jin of the tiger stance. And if his opponent tried to block, then he would switch to the Eagle Claw and then link that to the next two moves that would rip at the flesh.

But if his opponent fled backwards, then that would completely change his plans.

So in this pounce, w.a.n.g Chao had only managed to achieve reaching the other side of the ring with his arm hitting air. But just as he was about to chase Ye Xuan–

A sudden figure darted up from below the ring like a phantom.

It was Ye Xuan. In that instant when he withdrew from the ring, he had waited for w.a.n.g Chao to finish pouncing before suddenly jumping upwards with one hand at the head and another hand forming a fork like hand and stabbing it at w.a.n.g Chao’s eyes accurately.

This was an especially dark move that slinked back like a snake and ascended forward like a dragon. Borrowing the lower angle from the ring, Ye Xuan had made use of the force of his jump to the maximum.

w.a.n.g Chao could only feel a slight wind sting his eyes for a moment before he quickly closed them shut and moved to the side. Both his arms flashed out as he gave a mighty chop once more to crash against the hand that was coming up to poke his eyes out.

Ye Xuan’s face took on an understanding look of what to do and instantly curved his fingers to instead target w.a.n.g Chao’s joints in his elbow.

w.a.n.g Chao’s arm twitched slightly at the amount of power Ye Xuan was exuding. He hadn’t thought it inferior to his own strength at all. Even without Hidden Jin, if he was. .h.i.t with this, then w.a.n.g Chao would definitely not be able to prevent his arm being injured or even destroyed.

His arm shook once as if shaking a pole. Loosening and then flexing his arm pores, the Hidden Jin in w.a.n.g Chao’s arm began to break out before coming into contact with Ye Xuan’s fingers.

Realizing that w.a.n.g Chao had broke out with Hidden Jin, Ye Xuan instantly froze his fingers and formed a snake-like fist with them instead. Flowing past w.a.n.g Chao’s arm, Ye Xuan’s new target was now his shoulder joint.

This backwards to forward propulsion to eye jabbing to finger curving to shoulder jabbing had been of the highest quality flow. There was a graceful wind and a dominatable amount of power hidden within it enough to kill a person; a strength like this truly deserved to belong to someone called a genius.

Bringing his shoulder out of the way, w.a.n.g Chao moved backwards in an attempt to further evade Ye Xuan’s might.

This single exchange had led to w.a.n.g Chao’s offensive maneuver being rendered useless despite him having the first strike. Even though w.a.n.g Chao had a tremendous amount of skill, his opponent’s combination of strikes was more than enough to force even w.a.n.g Chao back. Even more so, w.a.n.g Chao wasn’t even the one who emerged advantageous.

But why would Ye Xuan allow w.a.n.g Chao to strike again for another blow?

Forming a sword shape with his fingers, Ye Xuan began to move like a dragon swimming through the waters towards w.a.n.g Chao without letting his opponent properly rest.

Ye Xuan’s movements had been very permutable in the way he moved. His two long arms had taken on the same movements as a sword would. Rise, fall, chop, crush, stab, swipe, stir, or even thrash, his arms had simulated all the possible ways to strike with a sword.

With each thundering strike, Ye Xuan’s muscles moved in a uniformed manner that allowed for a faint sound of thunder and wind to be heard.

As nimble as the wind and as violent as thunder, any opponent would be swept up by this.

w.a.n.g Chao let out a breath of air as he felt himself getting forced closer and closer to the edge of the ring. Despite losing his initial advantage, he was not yet ready to forfeit. Despite being at a disadvantage, his heart was ever so calm to an extreme.

In a flash of realization, w.a.n.g Chao suddenly made a half revolution so that his shoulder was facing Ye Xuan’s front. His right arm drew back as his wrist was retreating to his sides. Circulating his own breath, w.a.n.g Chao began to collect all his energy so that he could feel his own heart beating. In a stance similar to the horse stance, his right arm shot out like a dragon flying out from its dwelling or a spear stabbing forward with grit. As he rose from his stance, his right arm blew past Ye Xuan’s arm and towards his chest.

This was the “Sudden Thrust” technique that was a part of the “a.s.sault of the Dragon and Snake.”

The dragon was the horse, and the snake was the spear. In the battles of the ancient past, a single stampeding horse and the merciless gleam of a long spear was enough to cause the demons to cry out and for G.o.ds to beg mercy.

What other combination was as formidable and heroic as this!

Tang Zichen’s a.s.sault of the Dragon and Snake had been derived from the quintessence of the ancient battlegrounds and their way of killing.

w.a.n.g Chao was a master of martial arts. He had long since knew that he had miscalculated the very moment Ye Xuan had hopped down from the ring and would lose against the fierce counterattack. So as he dodged Ye Xuan’s string of moves, he had conserved his strength so that when he would move into formation for his own strike, it would be as strong as a swift horse and as deadly as a spear.

The hair-raising killing potential of a horse and spear of the ancient past was what w.a.n.g Chao had derived his “Sudden Thrust” strike from.

A horse and a spear, this was more than enough power to differentiate between the king and the marquis.

The very moment Ye Xuan had gained the upper hand, he calculated that w.a.n.g Chao would retreat away from him and down from the ring. As long as he got away, he would definitely conserve his energy up until the last moment.

If w.a.n.g Chao were to really jump down the ring, then Ye Xuan had planned on using his arms like a sword and leap high into the air to unleash one of the more terrifying cla.s.sics of j.a.panese Kendo, the “Downwind Blade”.

For three years, Ye Xuan had naturally practiced the sword at the waterfall. He would jump from the highest point to unleash one mighty strike after another to cleave the water or anywhere else his sword flowed to, making it practically impossible for him to miss.

The “Downwind Blade” would unleash a crackling sound like thunder at the most crucial and powerful moment of the blade. Normally, it would not be normally done since it required one to leap high into the air which would also leave them open to attack.

But, if w.a.n.g Chao were to leave the ring, then he would have the most optimal positioning.

In that instant, Ye Xuan could feel the radiance of victory fill up in his eyes.

But then, w.a.n.g Chao had exploded with Jin after using his “Sudden Thrust”, causing the radiance of victory to shatter apart.

“How amazing!” Ye Xuan felt his skin began to p.r.i.c.kle in antic.i.p.ation. He could feel his arms already start to be pushed away, but because of his constant self-discipline, he did not feel disappointed after having the light of victory s.n.a.t.c.hed away from him. Instead, he began to grow even more calm-headed and immediately whipped his arms back to protect his chest.

Bang! Like a spear, w.a.n.g Chao’s arm smashed against Ye Xuan’s chest. With the explosive Jin of the “Sudden Thrust”, Ye Xuan’s “Downwind Blade” wouldn’t be able to manifest itself. Since he had to protect himself, Ye Xuan had been forced backwards and leapt back to the center of the ring.

w.a.n.g Chao had managed to gain the upper hand once more!

Leaping up, w.a.n.g Chao let out another roar reminiscent of a tiger! The entire ring began to tremble and even the ground beneath w.a.n.g Chao began to crack from where he trampled.

“Brother Liao…what’s happening?” Zhu Jia began to shake from her perch up above. Sweat had already started to appear over her face as she held her breath in worry. The amount of suspension she had felt watching the match had been far too much for her.

“Danger…even I don’t know…” Liao Junhua had answered nervously.

Dai Jun had been utterly speechless as well, but his mouth remained shut.

Zhu Jia’s heart had been completely nervous, just breathing was getting quite difficult for her. Her heart wouldn’t stop beating as she watched Ye Xuan fight w.a.n.g Chao. In her mind, she suddenly thought of a cla.s.sic from long ago.

Unable to control herself, Zhu Jia began to gently hum to herself.

“The Great Wall will never fall,

The thousand mile Yellow River will always flow.

Open your eyes and take a good look!

Just what sincere slave would give up?


Open your mouth and give a loud shout!

We are the army for our nation!


Cut open the path! Bring your hands up!

Work hard for the resurgence of the nation!

Never let anyone trample across our lands!

The sleeping lion has already awoken!”

Zhu Jia had initially wanted to hum only the first verse of the song written for Huo Yunjia to calm down her nerves, but for some reason, the match down below had caused her to sing a little louder. Even more so, in the next second, several people next to her had been entranced and some had found themselves singing along as well!

Translator Note: Huo Yunjia was a martial artist widely considered a hero in China for defeating foreign martial artists in a time where China was being heavily influenced by foreign countries.

Within the next several seconds, the song had made its way to around half the spectators! This fight of w.a.n.g Chao and the j.a.panese fighter Ye Xuan could be said to parallel the cla.s.sics of Huo Yunjia!

One minute later, a single chorus could be heard ringing throughout the building.

“The Great Wall will never fall, the thousand mile Yellow River will always flow….”

“Open your mouth and give a loud shout! We are the army for our nation!”

What man didn’t revere the spirit of martial arts? More so, what person wasn’t inspired at this moment!

Yagyu Haruko and the other men she was with had no idea what was happening. All she knew was that there was a loud explosion of singing from all around her.

Despite the singing echoing everywhere, w.a.n.g Chao and Ye Xuan were still heavily locked in battle.

Although w.a.n.g Chao had used the “Sudden Thrust” and regained the upper hand, Ye Xuan’s spirit had remained unshaken. His arms would sometimes remain motionless, but sometimes it would seemingly float in the air as it gently diverted the ferocious energy from w.a.n.g Chao’s strikes.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was waiting for w.a.n.g Chao to let out in his barrage.

With all of the loud singing around him, it was only natural for w.a.n.g Chao to hear the song as well. In a flash, w.a.n.g Chao had felt himself surge with emotions.

“Hmph!” w.a.n.g Chao’s chest rose and fell before giving another loud and tiger-like roar! Taking eight steps and fracturing the ground beneath him, w.a.n.g Chao struck.

When w.a.n.g Chao stalked forward, his arms had begun to chop and whip at the air. With each strike, there was a loud popping sound as if the tires of a car had just exploded.

Even Ye Xuan had a slightly different look to his face now. This fierce barrage had far exceeded what w.a.n.g Chao was doing before.

After blocking all eight of w.a.n.g Chao’s strikes, Ye Xuan had finally found himself a little worse for breath. Just as he was about to hop off the ring, w.a.n.g Chao suddenly caught onto him with the Eagle Claw!

Bringing his hands out, Ye Xuan grappled onto w.a.n.g Chao as well.

With an eagle-like whistle, w.a.n.g Chao’s strength began to well up within him and pulled with both arms!

Eagle Claw and Tear!

Ye Xuan could only both of his arms forced apart before a stinging pain hit his joints, muscles, and ligaments. Even his Hidden Jin had been blocked by w.a.n.g Chao’s Hidden Jin.

With hands like iron, w.a.n.g Chao tore at Ye Xuan’s arms. Then, with the “Bear Strikes the Tree”, w.a.n.g Chao bashed Ye Xuan’s chest with his shoulder. As a result, Ye Xuan fell down to the platform.

w.a.n.g Chao’s “Bear Strikes the Tree” had lacked strength since he had not yet mastered the bear stance. It could strike down any regular person, but not against an expert.

Ye Xuan had already brought his Hidden Jin to his chest and so he had only been sent flying instead of being injured.

Bang! He struck against the platform before preparing to roll back to his feet to fight.

But w.a.n.g Chao hadn’t been willing to give Ye Xuan the chance to retaliate. Rising high into the air, his entire body had been like a galloping horse that trampled the ground beneath.

w.a.n.g Chao stomped down with a swift brutal foot that had managed to break past Ye Xuan’s defenses. Just before Ye Xuan could climb back up, w.a.n.g Chao had crushed his right hand.

Crack! The violent sound of bones breaking could be heard. Even if Ye Xuan’s hand was as hard as iron, it would not be able to withstand the stampeding horse that was w.a.n.g Chao.

Underneath, the wrist and hand had been utterly crushed into the cement ground.

“Good!” A fierce shout could be heard from the entire crowd outside.

“Ha!” Ye Xuan had a pained look on his face as he moved to his feet. With a swift kick upwards, he tried to deliver a kick with at least a force of 500 kilograms.

Ye Xuan hadn’t lost his fighting spirit despite the pain. He could still manage to hold his spirit together and endure a pain that many people wouldn’t be able to.

Unfortunately for him, w.a.n.g Chao hadn’t let up despite the first successive strike. So the kick Ye Xuan had delivered was not able to turn the tides.

Suddenly crouching down, w.a.n.g Chao’s body contracted to resemble that of a monkey. Dodging Ye Xuan’s kick, w.a.n.g Chao released a left kick that struck Ye Xuan’s calf. As it struck true, another bone-breaking snap could be heard.

This movement of w.a.n.g Chao had been a copy of Liao Junhua’s monkey stance and Hidden Leg.

Following another two strikes, Ye Xuan finally fell to the ground. Instead of giving mercy, w.a.n.g Chao had been utterly ruthless. With another stomp, w.a.n.g Chao stepped onto Ye Xuan’s chest.

A series of cracks could be heard from the youth’s chest. His eyes began to dilate and his breath turn ragged as he lost his fighting strength.

Both of his hands clutched onto w.a.n.g Chao’s leg, but there had been no strength to do anything to it.

“It seems…I was not a genius after all…” Ye Xuan spoke out. As his eyes began to close, his breathing stopped as well.