Rosemary Beach: When I'm Gone

Chapter 22

Reese bent over, distracting me as her shorts rode up her legs and flashed my favorite freckle at me. "Freckle, baby. You want to finish that without my mouth on your a.s.s, then don"t bend over," I warned her, as I closed the door and stalked around the boxes toward her.

She stood up and swung around to grin at me. "Sorry. I had to clean the bottom of the fridge."

"Don"t apologize. I"ve decided I want to kiss that a.s.s. Bend back over," I said, with a wicked grin.

Reese backed up, putting her hands in front of her to stop me. "No. We will never get out of here if you don"t stop it. We"ve had s.e.x on the sofa, in bed, over the bar, and on the dresser. And it"s only been like thirty-six hours since we got here. We will never finish."

I grabbed her hands and tugged her to me, careful not to hurt her. "Baby, whose p.u.s.s.y is this?" I asked, sliding my hand down the front of her shorts.

"Yours," she said on a sigh.

My possessive monster roared to life. "That"s right. And I want to play with my p.u.s.s.y. And hear my girl scream my name."

Reese"s eyes glazed over, and her breathing hitched. I knew I had her. She was so easy to convince. The first few times, I had been careful and taken our time. Made sure she was with me and that she knew I worshipped her and would never hurt her.

She didn"t need that anymore. All I had to do was talk dirty, and she was melting up against me, ready for me to do whatever I wanted. Again, this woman made me feel like the king of the world.

A knock on the door stopped me from pulling her shirt up and sucking on her t.i.ts. I fought back, muttering a curse, because it was probably someone else come to tell her good-bye. Reese needed to know she would be missed. That more people here cared about her than just Jimmy. And for that reason alone, I kept from complaining.

"I"ll get it. Miss Popular has more guests," I teased her.

Her musical laugh followed me.

I jerked open the door, expecting to see someone I knew, but instead, I was greeted by a tall, distinguished-looking man dressed in what I knew was an Armani custom suit because I had one for special events. His black hair and olive skin made me think he was Italian. There was something about the way his eyes were shaped. They were brown but familiar.

"Does a Reese Ellis reside here?" he asked, his accent not as thick as I was expecting. He kind of reminded me of the Hollywood version of a Mafia lord.

"She did," I replied, not liking that this man knew Reese"s name and was looking for her.

"I"m Reese Ellis," she said, coming up behind me.

s.h.i.t. I didn"t want her coming to the door. Something about this man concerned me.

"Can I help you?" she asked, studying the man curiously.

"Baby, I got this," I whispered, moving her back behind me with one arm and making sure my body covered her.

The corner of the man"s mouth lifted as if he was amused. "I"m glad to see Reese has someone to protect her. However, I"ve waited twenty-three years to meet her." He held out his hand to me. "I"m Benedetto DeCarlo, Reese"s father."


First of all, I want to thank the Atria team. The brilliant Jhanteigh Kupihea. I couldn"t ask for a better editor. She is always positive and working to make my books the best they can be. Thank you, Jhanteigh, for being awesome. Ariele Fredman for being not only brilliant with your ideas but listening to mine. Judith Curr for giving me and my books a chance. And everyone else at Atria who had a hand in getting this book to production. I love you all.

My agent, Jane Dystel. She is always there to help in any situation. I"m thankful that I have her on my side in this new and ever-changing world of publishing. Lauren Abramo, who handles my foreign rights. I couldn"t begin to think of conquering that world without her.

The friends who listen to me and understand me the way no one else in my life can: Colleen Hoover and Jamie McGuire. You two have been with me from the beginning. Knowing I can call you both at any time when I need advice or just an ear is priceless.

My beta readers, Natasha Tomic and Autumn Hull. You both are brilliant and know exactly where to point out what is missing. Thank you so much for keeping up with my hectic schedule. Beta reading for someone who is always writing a book isn"t an easy job.

Abbi"s Army, which is led by Danielle and Natasha Tomic. These two ladies lead a group of readers who support everything I do. They make each release day a success, and when I need a pick-me-up, I can always go to their group and find reasons to smile. They remind me daily why I write books. I love all their faces.

Last but certainly not least:.

My family. Without their support I wouldn"t be here. My husband, Keith, makes sure I have my coffee and that the kids are all taken care of when I need to lock myself away and meet a deadline. My three kids are so understanding, although once I walk out of that writing cave they expect my full attention, and they get it. My parents, who have supported me all along. Even when I decided to write steamier stuff. My friends, who don"t hate me because I can"t spend time with them for weeks at a time because my writing is taking over. They are my ultimate support group, and I love them dearly.

My readers. I never expected to have so many of you. Thank you for reading my books. For loving them and telling others about them. Without you I wouldn"t be here. It"s that simple.


In publication order by series.

The Rosemary Beach Series.

Fallen Too Far Never Too Far Forever Too Far.

Twisted Perfection Simple Perfection Take a Chance Rush Too Far One More Chance.

You Were Mine Kiro"s Emily (novella) The Sea Breeze Series Breathe Because of Low.

While It Lasts Just for Now Sometimes It Lasts Misbehaving Bad for You.

Hold on Tight Until the End The Vincent Boys Series The Vincent Boys.

The Vincent Brothers The Existence Series Existence.

