Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Chapter 12

A large group of people was walking through the silent forest. Many pairs of eyes continuously scanned the shadows of the surrounding forest while tightly gripping their weapons. Everybody was tense and ready to handle any sudden attacks.

As veteran mercenaries that had managed to survive in the Magic Beast Mountain Range for many years, even though many of them didn"t know each other, they were still able to maintain basic cooperation.

The heavy black ruler was making it hard for Xiao Yan to travel. Every step he took, his foot would sink into the soft soil underneath. Even though he was sharing the burden with Yang Lei, who would help him carry it every once in a while, Xiao Yan was still exhausted.

"Let me carry it," Yang Lei took the black ruler off of Xiao Yan"s back and put it on his own. He knew that the ruler was a gift from Yao Lao to Xiao Yan. The ruler would help the latter improve his Dou Qi circulation, strength, will, and stamina.

However, Yang Lei saw no point in letting Xiao Yan carry it on his own. Some things were just better in moderation instead of going all out at a time. He didn"t want his junior martial brother to suffer from hidden injuries from overexertion even though Yao Lao could easily cure them.

Yang Lei tied the heavy black ruler on to his back once more and shook his head grimly. Instantly, he felt the familiar feeling of his spirit energy being suppressed and his muscles straining to support the extra weight. His walking pace slowed for a moment before he quickly caught up to the rest of the group.

When he began to feel tired, Yang Lei, like everybody else, looked the fragile beauty known as the Fairy Doctor. He smiled as he instantly felt refreshed by the simple, yet profound beauty.

At that moment, the Fairy Doctor had coincidentally straightened her back as she lightly wiped away the beads of perspiration that had gathered on her forehead. Her light gasps for air, together with her pretty face, formed a picture of tender loveliness.

All the surrounding mercenaries were instantly stirred up and wanted to carry her straight to the destination. However, they all knew that even if they offered to carry her, the Fairy Doctor would just decline politely with a smile. Then, the person who asked her would most likely be beaten to death by the other mercenaries who didn"t dare to ask her.

As everyone was gazing at the Fairy Doctor, a smiling young man approached her and whispered something to her secretly. After a brief conversation, the Fairy Doctor simply shook her head and smiled gently before she continued the journey on foot.

Although he was rejected by the Fairy Doctor, the young man was not angry. Instead, he smiled faintly and he called out, "Members of the Wolf Head Company, we are now about to enter the Magic Beast Mountain Range. Don"t screw up!"

In response to his shout, dozens of burly men surrounding him immediately responded in unison. This impressive sight attracted numerous looks. Even the Fairy Doctor glanced backwards.

Yang Lei and Xiao Yan, who were already feeling disgusted by this youth at that time, overheard a nearby mercenary whisper to himself in spite, "F*cking brat. Relying on his father"s power as the head of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company… Does he really think that the Fairy Doctor will care? Bah!" He spat on the ground but looked around to make sure that no one had heard him.

Yang Lei and Xiao Yan simultaneously turned their attention to the young man from before. The first thing that caught their eyes was a large, gleaming badge with a one-eyed wolf head on the latter"s chest.

Then, they looked at the thirty plus mercenaries with the same exact badge and frowned. The duo looked at each other and nodded. It seemed like this youth was going to be troublesome…

Wolf Head Company, one of the three largest mercenary companies in town. Yang Lei and Xiao Yan had heard about this group before at the inn. Seeing the way the Wolf Head Mercenary Company moved, Yang Lei deduced that they were specially hired by the Thousand Medicinal House for protection.

Furthermore, the Thousand Medicinal House seemed to trust the Wolf Head Mercenary Company more as they were a.s.signed as personal bodyguards…

Xiao Yan withdrew his gaze. He was not interested in the elegant Fairy Doctor or the arrogant young man. Instead, a lonely figure appeared in his mind and said, "Xiao Yan ge-ge…"

Instantly, his heart began to pound and his mind began to hurt. Why did he treat Xun Er so coldly back then? Why? Xiao Yan began to feel stifled as his empty heart ached for the little "sister" that he had once loved. Regret. Endless regret.

"She loves you a lot… I"m sure that if you talk it out with her, she"ll forgive you…" Yang Lei sighed and patted his junior martial brother"s back. As the senior martial brother, the boss of the system, how could he not understand his brother"s predicament?

Back then, he had wanted to stop Xiao Yan from leaving Xun Er alone in the room. Yet, Yang Lei knew that if he did, there was a high chance that he would make the situation worse. So he stopped himself.

"I don"t know if she can…" Xiao Yan shook his head bitterly. Only he truly knew how he had broken Xun Er"s heart on that very day he walked out on her. He tried to smile, "Look, the Fairy Doctor is looking at you."

"Nah, that"s not a funny jok-" Yang Lei choked. Sh*t! She was really looking at him! Yang Lei felt suspicious. Why was this beautiful doctor babe so nice to him?

Allowing Xiao Yan to join the mercenary team on his behalf, staring at him now… What?

Yang Lei smiled gently and nodded politely at the ethereal beauty. After a while, Yang Lei began to feel awkward as she was still looking at him with her clear, limpid eyes.

"Ahem!" Yang Lei pretended to cough and looked away. WTF? A few seconds later, he sneaked a look back and discovered that the Fairy Doctor was walking normally as if nothing had happened. She would occasionally examine an interesting plant here or there, but she didn"t look at Yang Lei anymore.

"Weird…" Yang Lei muttered as he fixed his eyes on the Fairy Doctor"s plump a.s.s that swayed slowly. Seeing that slender and narrow waist that demanded attention, he suddenly felt an urge to cover the Fairy Doctor"s willowy waist and meaty a.s.s from the occasional mercenary that disregarded her immense support.

That"s right, he felt possessive of that slender waist and tight a*s of hers and wanted to cover it… with his own body! Indeed, he wanted to push her down and make love to her right there and then!

"Ahem!" This time, it was Xiao Yan"s turn to cough. He whispered discreetly, "You do know that you have been staring at her a*s for a couple of minutes already, right? You didn"t even blink once!"

"Ah, f*ck! You"re right," Yang Lei rubbed his dry eyes. d.a.m.n, I nearly lost control right there! I blame that enchanting waist and s.e.xy a*s!

Suddenly, three snakes flew out of the overhanging trees and swiftly attacked the unsuspecting mercenaries and managed to poison three unlucky mercenaries. The Scarlet Ice Snakes were swiftly killed and the three mercenaries who were inflicted with the ice poison were quickly transported in order for the Fairy Doctor to personally remove the poison from their bodies.

Watching her work from afar, Yang Lei was secretly smitten a little. d.a.m.n, she hot! He secretly compared her with the two G.o.ddesses, Odessa and Kahina. However, his control over his "little brother" had increased greatly as he would often summon the two G.o.ddesses to tease them for fun. Okay, fine. He also worked to improve their relationships and maybe sneak in a few touches every once in a while…

As he secretly admired the Fairy Doctor, her gentle and crisp female voice sounded, "Everyone. We are already close to the herb picking site. After walking for so long, everyone must be tired. Please take a short rest."

Everyone slowed to a halt and everyone"s gaze gathered on the innocent-looking, yet enchanting young lady and obediently nodded their heads in agreement.

As they settled down, an unfortunate 10 plus mercenaries were appointed as lookouts while the others sat down and began to recover their strength and energy.

On the other hand, Yang Lei and Xiao Yan each secretly popped a Strength Recovering Pill that Yao Lao had refined during their one-night stay at the inn at Qingshan Town. With Yang Lei, the system, and Yao Lao enforcing "justice" on the medicinal stores, how could they lack ingredients for refining pills?

Therefore, while everyone else was still trying to recover, Yang Lei and Xiao Yan were already in their peak condition, ready to go at the moment"s notice. Alas, not everyone was as rich as them, using pills to recover strength just to save time…

"Yo, I"m gonna go explore a little…" Yang Lei nudged his junior martial brother who had a blank look in his eyes. Obviously, the latter was thinking about his sweetheart again.

"Hm? You can go without me. I"ll just sit here…" Xiao Yan shook his head. He wanted to sort his feelings.

"Alright, I"ll be back in a jiffy," Yang Lei slowly heading towards the densely forested area by the side. In the heavily forested environment, there was less sunlight lighting up the place. But since this place had been scouted by the other mercenaries beforehand, Yang Lei was not concerned about attacks from Magic Beasts. His gaze swept across his surroundings, searching for a herb or two with Yao Lao"s help.

Finding nothing, Yang Lei began to move deeper into the heavily-forested region. Perhaps he would find some herbs there…

After he walked for a distance, Yang Lei discovered that his surroundings suddenly brightened. He lifted his head and saw that he had exited the small densely forested area. Before him, there was a steep cliff. At the bottom of the cliff, there was lush vegetation giving off a beautiful vibe.

Yao Lao didn"t give a hoot about the scenery and immediately directed Yang Lei"s attention to a cl.u.s.ter of white flowers at the cliff"s edge. Among the pale white flowers stealthily lay a crimson fruit that gave off a slight medicinal fragrance.

Internally sighing at Yao Lao"s greed, Yang Lei bent down and extended his hand to pluck the plant.

Milliseconds after he put out his hand, a slender, snow-white hand suddenly stretched out from the opposite cliffside for the same plant only to grab onto Yang Lei"s hand instead.


Author"s Note: It seems like the Fairy Doctor was No. 1...

Now that she"s destined to be with Yang Lei, how about we now choose between Odessa and Kahina?

Vote by liking either the "Odessa" comment or the "Kahina" comment...
