Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Chapter 15

Yang Lei"s POV

Yi Xian"s eyelashes fluttered before she opened her eyes groggily. Seeing me crouched beside her, she blinked for a few seconds before her eyes widened. Her mouth opened to scream but I instantly covered her mouth. The free sound barrier the system had given me had expired just minutes ago and I didn"t want anybody finding us. At least not when the Yi Xian looked like she did now…

"Mmm!" She tried to bite me but froze. Ah, she must have discovered that she couldn"t hurt me… I bent down and whispered in her ear, "Don"t scream."

"Mmm!" She glared at me before she nodded reluctantly. "Pah," she spat on the ground when I removed my hand. She glowered at me and asked, "What have you done to me?"

"You"re my woman now," I tossed Yi Xian her clothes and smiled wryly, "It"s not really my fault…"

"…" She didn"t move but instead narrowed her eyes before a panel appeared before her. Ah, she found out about that too… "What is this?" She frowned at me.

"Uh, it"s a long story…" I began to tell her about the system and everything else?"


"So you"re from another world?" Yi Xian looked at me curiously after I finished my long explanation.

"Yeah," I shook my head. All she heard was that I was from Earth. Girls will be girls…

"Xiao Yan, your junior martial brother, "Prince" of Ruler and Chaos… He"s the one that is traveling with you, right?" She looked at the Legion Page I was showing her.

"Yep," I nodded. Smart girl. I was about to say something else when I noticed something wrong.

u003cLegion Pageu003e

[Name: Yi Xian (Waifu)

Rank: Consort of Order and Chaos

Cultivation: 3-star Dou Zhi Qi

Body Type: Woeful Poison Body (Legendary)]

Underneath Yi Xian"s name (and Waifu status, hehe), there was an additional cla.s.sification. My face changed when I saw that Yi Xian had a Woeful Poison Body. Although I didn"t know what it was, it was ranked as Legendary.

"Did you just say "Woeful Poison Body"?!?!?" Yao Lao popped out of the ring and shouted. "Please tell me that I was just hearing things…" His face was wary as he looked around.

"Yeah, what about it?" I was confused yet excited. Was it that OP that Yao Lao was afraid?

"Long time ago, when I still had my physical body, a woman with the Woeful Poison Body appeared on the Dou Qi continent. In a fit of anger, this woman poisoned an entire empire. Within that empire, hundreds of thousands died…"

"Oh, sh*t…" I whispered and looked at Yi Xian who was listening too…

"No matter where one is, there are unspoken laws among the strong," Yao Lao continued, "The woman"s actions were definitely breaking these unofficial rules. Not to mention, many strong people came from that empire…

"One after another, strong people went to find that woman for revenge every single one was defeated. By the way, amongst those that wanted revenge, the weakest was at least 3 large realms above your current strength while the strongest was practically 6 realms above you," Yao Lao spoke slowly as he gazed at Yi Xian with a complicated look, "Still, all of them died in the woman"s hands; not a single person survived."

I secretly glanced at Yi Xian, who was listening intently to Yao Lao.

"After the big mess, some of the old b.a.s.t.a.r.ds came out of seclusion and had a secret fight. The woman who was a 5-star Dou Huang was able to escape injured, but a Dou Zong cultivator took ten years to expel the poison in his body before he could recover.

"d.a.m.n," I whispered. Although I didn"t know what rank a Dou Huang or a Dou Zong was, I could tell that the woman was strong, strong to the point of fighting across realms.

"After twenty years of hiding, the woman finally appeared once again. By then, she had risen to the Dou Zong rank. Those old farts which had suffered in her hands did not dare say anything. They could only avoid her and pretend that they had never heard about her…"

Then, I thought of something, "You know so much about her… Did you meet her before?"

Yao Lao nodded wryly as he sneaked a gaze at Yi Xian before he softly said, "I found a Spiritual Herb and b.u.mped into that woman. We… *ahem* had a little fight…"

My eyes gradually widened. This was I have heard Yao Lao speak of his mysterious past. Immediately, I asked impatiently, "What was the result? Did you get your a*s whipped?"

"…" Yao Lao stared at me speechlessly. "What kind of student are you? Wishing for your teacher to die?"

"Uh… Wait! You actually beat her?" I quickly caught on to Yao Lao"s hidden meaning.

"Hehe…" He gave a faint smile and chuckled, "It can be said that I beat her by a little."

"Bruh, what the f*ck… You had me thinking that you tied her up and spanked her a*s to teach her a lesson- Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" I flinched as Yi Xian pulled my ears angrily.

"Women are equal to men!" Yi Xian frowned at me and snorted. Then she blinked and asked, "Right, what is your name? You never told me…"

"Ah! Ah!" I whispered, "Let go of my ear!" When she finally released my poor ear, I sighed, "If it was any other person who dared to pull my ear like that, I, Yang Lei, would have killed them."

I looked at Yi Xian and smirked, "But you"re my woman, so I"ll make an exception for you this time. No more next time, okay?"

"Y-Your woman?" Yi Xian stuttered as she blushed. "W-Who would want to be yours…"

I looked back at Yao Lao who seemed to be depressed from my flirting with Yi Xian. "Teacher, you"re so old already, just give up," I advised, "If you can"t get it up, then it"s the heaven will…"

"f.u.c.k! You bratty kid!" Yao Lao roared and smacked my head angrily.

"Right, teacher… Yi Xian has this Woeful Poison Body; what should we do?" I held Yi Xian"s hand and stroked it gently. Wow, her blush is so cute…

"I have a rather deep impression of the Woeful Poison Body from that fight… This body type is unique; they do not need to waste years of cultivation. Rather, they only need to consume poison to get stronger…" Yao Lao turned towards Yi Xian with a slightly odd expression.

"… Consume poison?" I was stunned at first, but I soon recovered with my face changing colors quickly.

"Once they consume poison, their Woeful Poison Body will convert the energy in the poison into a special poison Dou Qi." Yao Lao"s eyes were filled with amazement, "The stronger the poison is, the better it is in raising their strength. Therefore, they don"t need to go through any tough training. As long as they continuously eat poison, their strength would rapidly shoot up."

Before I could say anything, Yao Lao continued, "There is nothing perfect in this world. The Woeful Poison Body may allow one to raise their strength rapidly by devouring poison. The Woeful Poison Body suppresses the poisons from harming the owner. But when the concentration of poison reaches the point were the Woeful Poison Body cannot suppress the poison Dou Qi, then thousands of poisons will consume the body as the owner dies slowly under the most painful torture." Yao Lao shook his head and sighed.

"F*ck!" I gripped Yi Xian"s hand in mine and swore. "Is there no solution to this f*cking body?"

"There is no way…" Yao Lao eyes looked away as she shook her head sadly. "If she had never consumed poison before, then the Woeful Poison Body would have remained dormant…"

Recalling the white powder Yi Xian had tried to use on me, my heart sank. "Yi Xian…"

"I"ve tested my sleeping poison on myself…" She gritted her teeth. Yao Lao had known…

"d.a.m.n it!" I angrily punched the wall, leaving a hole. I felt like I had lost something important…

Fairy Doctor"s POV

I gently bit my lips when I saw Yang Lei"s expression. He punched hole after hole in the walls cursing. Although the atmosphere was sad and depressing, I strangely felt touched and happy: he was angry for me! I recalled my sore hips and my b.u.m which was covered in his bright-red handprints and felt giddy…

Yang Lei"s POV

"Bang!" I punched the wall for the 300th time. I wiped the blood off my fingers and growled as I raised my fist again. I needed to vent my anger. F*ck this Woeful Poison Body! It could take its legendary a*s and get the f*ck out of my sight! I didn"t want it anymore! F*cking sc.u.m![Calm down! I have a solution!] The system panel popped out.

[I said, I have a solution,] the system said seriously. It better be serious, I thought. Because I would beat the sh*t out of it if it was playing with me…

[I cannot tell you yet: even if you acquire all the rare materials needed, your strength is still not enough to conduct the ritual to help Yi Xian control her Woeful Poison Body…] The panel flashed.

[Martial Apprentice, Martial Warrior, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial Lord…] The system began rapidly spit out realms and stopped at Martial Lord. [You must Martial Lord at the very least…]


Fairy Doctor"s POV

I stared at Yang Lei who had finally stopped punching the wall. He just stood there and stared into s.p.a.ce… Seeing his b.l.o.o.d.y fist, my heart ached as I knew the source of his rage.

I wanted to run over and bandage his hand. Not as a physician. But as his woman…


Author"s Note: Yay, Yi Xian has been conquered... Show me your support by voting! Voting helps my novel get more attention, which means more fellow readers!
