Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Chapter 1

—Author"s Note—

If a chapter doesn"t have any POV indication on the top, then the whole chapter is 3rd Person POV. However, if there is a POV indication at the top (be it 3rd, or whatever), that means that there will be other POV"s in that chapter. For example, this chapter doesn"t say__ POVat the top. This means the ENTIRE chapter is 3rd Person POV.

Also, here"s the

" " = Character Thoughts

" " = Character Dialogue


u003c u003e = Page Name

[ ] = System

Yang Lei opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings, discovering that he was on a hospital bed. He frowned when the smell of antiseptics a.s.saulted his nose.

"Why am I here?" He tried to remember why he was hospitalized until someone noticed he had woken up.

"Young Master!"

"The Young Master actually woke up!"

"Somebody go and call the doctor!"

"Notify the Clan Lord and second young master quickly!"


Yang Lei frowned at his father"s subordinates. Their loud voices made his head throb and pound.

"Shut up! I have a headache!!!" All of them quickly stopped and whispered quietly among themselves.

Still confused, Yang Lei scratched his head. Why was he in the hospital?

"Psst! The Young Master said his head hurts! The Mind Eater Poison must be taking effect on him…" A subordinate whispered to his friend.

This quiet exchange didn"t escape Yang Lei"s ears. "Mind Eater Poison, you said?"

"This…" The man didn"t expect his young master"s hearing to be so sharp.

"Ah, you found out…" A middle-aged man walked in with a youth.

"Dad! Brother!" Yang Lei smiled at the sight of his family"s arrival.

"How are you feeling?" Yang Feilong asked his son quietly after he ordered his subordinates to leave the room.

Yang Xin didn"t say anything. However, he was anxiously watching his elder brother in worry.

"Not bad, just a little headache," Yang Lei lied. The truth was that his head was killing him. It was pounding as if his heart was inside his head. He knew that this was one of the early effects of the Mind Eater Poison.

"…" The room fell into silence. Everyone knew the lethality of the Mind Eater Poison. Once a person was inflicted with it, they would fall into a coma, only waking up for short amounts of time. Unless the patient consumed a Soul Blending Orchid, there was no chance of recovery. The patient could only hand himself to fate. He would be confined to bed for the rest of his life, only waking up for minutes at a time.

The atmosphere quickly became depressing. They all knew the truth. Soul Blending Orchids were too rare. Even someone like Clan Lord Yang, leader of the largest clan of Chongqing City, could only shake his head at the mention of the Soul Blending Orchid. Heck, he didn"t even know what it looked like…

"You"ve woken up!" The doctor hurried in and checked Yang Lei"s situation. She frowned.

"Doctor, is there a way…" Yang Feilong trailed off as the doctor shook her head gently.

The Clan Lord felt like his heart shattered into pieces. His shoulders shook as he began to sob.

"Doctor, I beg you! Please save my son!" The Clan Lord Yang actually got onto his knees and begged the doctor to save his son.

"Sigh…" The doctor was moved by the man"s sincerity. However, she truly had no way to save Yang Xin.

If it were someone else, she would have just said no and left the room. She was a doctor and a divine doctor at that. She could treat almost all incurable cases. She didn"t have to go out of her way to save a hopeless person. This time, however, she decided to ask her teacher for help.

"Please get up. I"ll ask my teacher if there is a way…" The doctor hurriedly left the room and secretly wiped her tears when she had walked far away.

"Why am I crying?" She was bewildered as she looked at her wet hand.

"My son, there is hope!" The Clan Lord hugged his son and tried to smile through his tears…

After his father and brother had left, Yang Lei frowned. Although he knew that he didn"t have much chance of recovering from the Mind Eater Poison, he didn"t voice out his thoughts. He didn"t want to shatter his father and brother"s hopes.

However, if there was a day where he somehow recovered, he swore he would kill, no exterminate, whoever poisoned him!

Yang Lei let out a complicated sigh when he thought about his father kneeling before the doctor. His proud father, Lord of the Yang Clan, had actually kneeled for him. This made him want to kill his poisoners even more.

Suddenly, he felt darkness beginning to cover his vision.

"That doctor was hot…" Even as he fell into a coma once more, his last thoughts were dirty as always.


"Aw, man! Did I die?" Yang Lei felt like he was floating in the void.

[Initializing System of Chaos and Order!] A screen-like panel appeared before his eyes. Letters began to quickly stream across the screen, forming words.

"What?" Yang Lei looked at the screen-like panel before him. He was confused. System? As in those systems that he would always read about in those novels?

The words disappeared and were quickly replaced by a flood of new letters: [Welcome to the System of Order and Chaos!]

"…No way…" Yang Lei took a deep breath. He couldn"t believe his eyes.

[You have been offered a one time deal. Choose one: Soul Blending Orchid (x1) or Random Draw (x10)!]

"F-F*ck!" He shouted with joy. He didn"t even have to think. Although Random Draw x10 was enticing, it wasn"t worth risking his life for. He needed the Soul Blending Orchid or else he would die from the Mind Eater Poison soon.

[You have chosen Soul Blending Orchid (x1). Confirm: Y/N]

[Consume Soul Blending Orchid x1 to cure Mind Eater Poison? Y/N]

Yang Lei was confused. Why was the system so dumb. Of course, he did!

After he agreed, he felt an indescribable feeling of coolness that surged into his head. He knew at that moment, the Mind Eater Poison that had been slowly killing him was finally resolved.

"What do I do now?" Yang Lei was confused. He was about to ask the system, but the words began to fly across the panel once again.

[You have received G.o.ddess of Order, Odessa!]

[You have received G.o.ddess of Chaos, Kahina!]

"…" If he was confused before, he was dumbfounded now. What was this?

[Quest Received: Females Need Strong Men!

Objective: Help Odessa and Kahina recover to their peak!

Odessa"s Progress: 0%

Kahina"s Progress: 0%

Reward: ???]

[…] The system was stone-cold and didn"t relent. The panel stared back at him ruthlessly.

Only a select few, who were mostly all direct sons of Clan Lords, had broken through and were 1st or 2nd stage Martial Novices. He had left everyone in the dust with his insane cultivation speed.

Yang Lei"s father, Yang Feilong, really wanted to nurture his son to become the future Clan Lord of the ill.u.s.trious Yang Clan. This was something that Yang Lei could not accept. No matter how much Yang Lei argued and begged, his father would not change his decision.

"With your talent, our Yang Clan will definitely flourish! Even if you are very perverted and dirty, you have a calm and calculative mind. Every move you make is carefully calculated and well thought out," Yang Lei could remember his father telling him 1 year ago when he had just stepped onto the martial path.

"Dad, I don"t want to be shackled to the clan! Even though our clan is the strongest in Chongqing City, I want to explore the world! I want to travel the world, travel the stars!" He had told his father.

"Lei Lei, I know how you feel. As a child, I would think in the same way as you. Trust me, I"m doing this for you!" Yang Feilong patted his eldest son on the back gently.

"But, but, didn"t Yang Zhenren, the ancestor of our clan leave after he established our Yang Clan? He left to experience the world! He-"

"Yang Zhenren! Him! Him! He left his newly established clan behind to struggle against the other clans of Chongqing City!" Yang Feilong became incensed at the mention of their clan ancestor.

"What do you mean? Our Yang clan is number one in Chongqing City," young Yang Lei shot back.

Through his gritted teeth, Yang Feilong squeezed out, "The only reason why our Yang Clan can reach the height it is at now is because of the 3 Great Clan Lords we have had in the past! Yang Bai, Yang Luo, Yang Zheng, all of these great Clan Lords built up the clan with their own blood and tears!"

"But, dad! I am not suitable to be the Clan Lord! Uh… here!" Yang Lei grabbed his younger brother who was eavesdropping at the door and said, "Xin"er would be a better Clan Lord than me! Take him!"

Clan Lord Yang facepalmed at his son"s deviousness and sighed, "Ugh, Lei"er, you know that he is too soft-hearted! A soft-hearted Clan Lord spells death for his clan!"

"Dad, uh…" Little Yang Lei was all out of ideas. He thought furiously before his eyes brightened and proposed, "If I can become a Martial Lord before the age of 20, I won"t have to be the Clan Lord!"

"Deal!" Yang Feilong agreed instantly. Although his son was monstrously talented, to reach the Martial Lord realm in 5 years was definitely impossible even for those heaven-defying geniuses.

Yang Lei, at that time, had just begun cultivating and was barely a 4th stage Martial Apprentice. From Martial Apprentice to Martial Lord, there was a difference of four entire realms!

Yang Feilong himself had reached the Martial Lord realm at the tender age of 29, and he was already labeled as a demonic genius! This was the main reason he was able to become the Clan Lord! He happily thought at that time, "Yang Lei was guaranteed to become the Clan Lord with this bet!"