Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Chapter 5

Yang Lei sat down and immersed himself in the system after he de-summoned the G.o.ddesses and cleaned up the mess on the floor. The first Page he looked at was the Martial Page.

u003cMartial Pageu003e

[Name: Yang Lei

Cultivation: Martial Novice (5th Stage)

Technique(s): Fierce Iron Fists, Piercing Sword Finger]

[Would you like to display your Familiar"s cultivation? Y/N]

[Cultivation Realms

1. Martial Apprentice

2. Martial Novice

3. Martial Warrior

4. Martial Master

5. Martial Grandmaster

6. ???]

u003cWorld Pageu003e

[Warpdrive Status: Inactive

World Keys: 0

Current World: Earth]

[You have received World Key (x1)!]

Yang Lei was waiting. He knew that there was more. The system was not a generous person!

[Quest Received: Otherworldly!

Objective: Experience warping to another world!

Worlds Traversed: 0/1

Reward: 1 World Key, 1,000 SP]

[For each World Key that you obtain, you can travel to the world it leads to. However, you can only travel to each world once and stay there for three years. If necessary, you can leave anytime and return to Earth. No matter how much time you spend in the other world, only 7 days would pa.s.s on Earth. You get to keep any gains you get.]

No matter how Yang Lei looked at it, it didn"t seem reasonable to return from other worlds early unless his life was endangered. If he could practice in other worlds for months, and come back with only 7 days having pa.s.sed…that would be great!

He decided to keep the World Key for later use. If he used it now, his father would kill him when he came back. He rubbed his hands and moved on to the next Page.

u003cFamiliar Pageu003e

u003cMarket Pageu003e

[SP: 0]

[Name: Demonslayer Sword

Type: Sword

Rarity: Gray (Junk)

Price: 5,000 SP]

[Name: b.l.o.o.d.y Cutter

Type: Cleaver

Rarity: White (Common)

Price: 250 SP]

[Name: Spider Egg

Type: Pet

Rarity: Green (Uncommon)

Price: 1,000 SP]

[Name: Viper a.s.sault Rifle

Type: Gun

Rarity: White (Common)

Price: 225 SP]

[Name: Serene b.u.t.terfly Bloodline

Type: Bloodline

Rarity: Gold

Price: 100,000 SP]

[SP is short for System Points. SP can be converted to Martial Points (MP), World Points (WP), and Familiar Points (FP) and vise versa. In short, every Page has its own type of points to purchase items from that Page"s shop. This is a good thing because you can earn points with every Page. I am surprised that you ask me this now. Earlier, the quest "Otherworldly" listed 1,000 SP as a reward.]

[Breakthroughs give MP, altering world destiny gives WP, getting Familiars and Familiar breakthroughs give FP, and lastly, quests give SP directly.]

"Knock, knock!" Someone knocked on his bedroom door, shaking Yang Lei out of his reverie.

"Yeah? Who is it?" Yang Lei got up.

"It"s me," Yang Feilong answered outside the door.

"Dad?" Yang Lei cracked open the door and looked at his father cautiously. If his father said the words, "Venerable Senior," he would find a door slammed in his face and a son that would never leave his room ever again.

"What? Don"t recognize me?" Yang Feilong joked when he saw his son"s vigilance and seriousness. He stood at the door for a while before he asked curiously, "Are you going to let me in or what?"

"Come in," Yang Lei opened the door completely and let his father in. He sat on his bed and watched as his father sat at the chair by his desk.

"You spilled juice on your leg," Yang Feilong nodded his head at the dark stain on his son"s pant leg.

"J-juice?" Yang Lei stammered. Indeed, it was Odessa"s love juice!

"Orange or apple?" The father continued. It seemed like he had something to say, yet didn"t want to.

"N-neither," The son replied after a while.

"Ah, so you like it exotic!" The father smiled sagely. He had no idea that his random words had hit the nail on the head.

"Y-yeah, exotic…" Yang Lei nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Odessa was quite exotic; platinum hair, golden eyes…He calmed down and asked, "Why did you come looking for me, dad? Surely it"s not about…e-exotic juice?"

"Sigh…In order to keep the existence of Venerable Senior a secret, the elders have not been informed of your recovery. Now, some of the scheming b.a.s.t.a.r.ds in there are trying to use your poisoning as an excuse to go to war with the Ye and Xiao Clans," Yang Feilong"s smiling face grew serious as the aura of a respected Clan Lord resurfaced.

Yang Lei"s face darkened when he heard the words "Venerable Senior" but quickly grew grim when he heard the latter"s full explanation. He stroked his chin and muttered, "The Xiao Clan is involved in this as well? They helped the Ye Clan poison me?"

"The Xiao Clan leaked your position to the Ye Clan, who then poisoned you. It seems like the Xiao Clan isn"t sitting well with being the weakest of the 5 ruling clans. They are trying to fish in muddy waters!"

"Is that so? Who are our allies?" Yang Lei already knew but wanted to make sure.

"The Gu and Li Clans are standing on our side. The only clan that"s left is the Wei Clan. They haven"t picked a side yet and is neutral for now," Yang Feilong replied. As Clan Lord, he was quick to information.

"What about the smaller clans?" Yang Lei had a bad feeling.

"Smart as always. Most of the smaller clans are supporting the Ye and Xiao Clan"s alliance," Yang Feilong sighed. This was the part that concerned him the most. He cursed the Ye and Xiao Clan Lords, "Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds Ye Hao and Xiao Tianhu must have promised them benefits!"

Yang Lei knew that this was the crux of the problem. The Ye and Xiao Clan had able to gather the support of the smaller clans, strengthening their alliance. Now, the two ruling clans could face up against the other three ruling clans with the support of the smaller clans.

The two clans were in this mess together since they had cooperated to Yang Lei. They were close allies in this matter.

However, the same could not be said for the Yang, Gu, and Li Clans. Their alliance was more disunited and was based largely on the previous cooperation between their Clan Lords. Of course, the close friendship between Yang Lei, Gu Tianji, and Li Kuang was not to be overlooked either.

"Hm…" Yang Lei mused. He needed to figure out a way to gain the support of the small clans. He had no ideas at the moment but realized that he needed an opportunity to get SP.

More SP meant more strength, more power.

"Dad, I"ll be going into a week-long seclusion really soon. You won"t be able to find me. Can you stall the war as long as possible? At least until I come back…" Yang Lei warned his father about his impending disappearance. He needed strength!

"Seclusion? A little kid like you?" Yang Feilong"s eyebrows jumped. Then he smacked his lips and exclaimed, "Of course! It"s the Venerable Senior that"s telling you to do this right? He is helping you!"

"…sure," Yang Lei"s eyes twitched at the words "Venerable Senior". At least he didn"t need to explain it…

"Our Yang Clan must be blessed by the Heavens to have the support of a powerful expert like Venerable Senior!" Yang Feilong got up laughing and walked out the door.

He closed the door gently and was about to return to his room when he felt a chill running down his spine. He hurriedly reopened the door and was shocked.

His son was gone! Vanished! Disappeared!

"This Venerable Senior values my son this much!" Yang Feilong laughed crazily and returned to his room.


[World Key (x1) Consumed!

World Coordinates Received: 46147138435642128361268361759872193471…

Warpdrive Status: Activated

Commencing World Travel!]

"Here we go bois!" Yang Lei"s consciousness blurred and his vision darkened almost immediately.

When he regained his vision, he was standing in the shade of a tree. He immediately grabbed the tree to stabilize himself as his vision swam horribly.

[Be careful! Someone has seen your sudden appearance!] The system warned him.

[Behind you, dumb*ss!] The system began to curse. Why did it have such a stupid master?

"Grunt…" The voice of a young teenager reached Yang Lei"s ears. It seemed like he was enduring a lot of pain from the agony laced within the voice.

"Again!" The youth seemed to be determined. Then, his voice seemed to change, this time, it was filled with confusion.

Yang Lei was finally able to locate the source of the voice among the thick grove of trees. The owner of the voice was a youth. Both of his feet were inserted into the ground like tree stumps. He gnashed his teeth together as sweat visibly dripped from his forehead.

He garbed in only shorts and his upper body bore numerous crisscrossed scars. He looked at a figure sitting on a huge boulder and asked disappointedly, "Yao Lao, why did you stop? I can still go on!"