Runaway Guide

Chapter 58


If you"re wondering why the chapter t.i.tle is suddenly so long, it"s because apparently the author was using different t.i.tles on jjwxc?


Carlo"s good mood lasted all the way until the next morning. After waking up from a beautiful dream, he got out a brand-new suit from his closet, and dressed up so he looked a little more handsome and mature. Full of excitement, he went to Aiden"s house, wanting to take him out for lunch. He heard that when courting someone, you had to go on dates often to deepen your relationship. Yesterday, he had made a good start with Aiden. Now he had to strike while the iron was hot, and persist in his efforts.

He didn"t expect that when he arrived at the door, he"d see cars hovering in the air, clearly marked with the platinum insignia of the Royal Guard. At first, he thought that it was General Craig coming to see his son, but when he turned his head, he saw a familiar face walking out side by side with Aiden. It was actually Prince Xi Wei.

When he saw Carlo, Xi Wei was clearly also very surprised. He asked, “Carlo, how come you"re here? I was just going to look for you.”

Carlo said, “What were you looking for me for?”

Aiden smiled and said, “Since Carlo"s here, let"s go eat together.”

“Okay, then I"ll let Klaire know.” Xi Wei immediately sent Klaire a message. “We"re going to have lunch together at twelve, want to come?”

At home in his dining room, about to start eating, Klaire saw this message and put down his fork without the slightest hesitation. He got up to change clothes and said, “Mom, Kevin, go ahead and eat. I have something a bit pressing to do, so I"m going out.”

Kevin gave him a glance. He leaned over and said in his mother"s ear, “It must be Xi Wei inviting him, look at how happy he is.”

Madam Grace smiled and said, “You can also tell your big brother likes Xi Wei?”

Kevin said, “That goes without saying! Xi Wei"s got him wrapped around his little finger. Every time he"s with Xi Wei, the people around him become as invisible as air…”

Just as they were talking, Klaire finished changing and came out. Seeing his little brother and his mother whispering together, he couldn"t help but ask suspiciously, “What?”

Madam Grace smiled and said, “It"s nothing, you go ahead.”

“Alright, then I"m leaving.” Klaire turned and went out. He had Bluestar turn into an ordinary hovercar and rushed towards the restaurant.

He thought that Xi Wei had invited him out to eat alone, and he was in a cheerful mood all the way until he reached the restaurant. Then, when he pushed open the door to the VIP private room, he found that Carlo and Aiden were already sitting there. Klaire and Carlo gave each other a look, and they saw a strong annoyance in each other"s eyes. They coincidentally thought at the same time: Who needs you here! Can"t I have a date alone?

Although the alphas didn"t want to eat with each other, the people they liked were sitting right there. Klaire could only obediently sit down at Xi Wei"s side.

The four boys sat down facing each other. Xi Wei turned and asked Klaire beside him, “What do you want to eat?”

Klaire smiled and said, “Anything"s fine. Just order what you like.”

Xi Wei asked again, “What about you, Carlo?”

Carlo looked at Aiden. “What do you want to eat?”

Aiden said, “Steak and a fruit salad.”

Carlo said, “I"ll have the same as him.”

When Xi Wei heard this, he couldn"t help but ask curiously, “Why do you want to order the same thing as him?”

Carlo put on a look of profound mystery, as if to say, “You don"t understand.” Xi Wei rolled his eyes and checked off the items he wanted to eat on the digital menu. Then he smiled and said, “When I called you guys here today, it was actually to give you some news. I heard from my father yesterday that next year, military schools across the empire will be holding a joint military exercise. Summer break might even be canceled. What"s more, if there"s actual combat during the military exercise, casualties are likely to happen, so you guys have to be careful.”

Klaire clearly already knew about this. He lightly took hold of Xi Wei"s hand, smiled and said, “Don"t worry, we"ll be careful.”

Carlo was wide-eyed with surprise. “What military exercise?”

Klaire said helplessly, “Didn"t you see the announcement the school sent out two days ago?”

“Oh…” Two days ago, he"d been wracking his brains over what gift to give Aiden, and he simply hadn"t seen the announcement. So this was to say that after the semester started, besides their course load being heavier than before, they"d also have to prepare for the military exercise next year. He and Klaire would be busier than before, and they might not even have a summer break.

“Summer break will be canceled...then I won"t be able to see you for almost two years.” Carlo said depressedly to Aiden.

Aiden saw how disappointed he looked, and he couldn"t help but say comfortingly, “It doesn"t matter, communication is so convenient now. When you miss me, we can talk by video call.”

Xi Wei finally felt that something wasn"t quite right. Didn"t Aiden really dislike Carlo before? And didn"t Carlo find omegas really annoying? When did their relationship improve to a point where they"d look at each other with eyes reluctant to part, and even say words as ambiguous as “When you miss me, we can talk by video call?” Something was definitely up!

Xi Wei had a straightforward character. When he had doubts in his heart, he"d just bluntly ask: “What"s up with you two? Be honest and confess.”

Carlo scratched his head with embarra.s.sment, but Aiden smiled and said calmly, “Carlo told me he really likes me. I decided to give dating him a try.”

Carlo immediately nodded hard. “That"s right, that"s right! We"re dating right now.” His tone was very pleased.

Xi Wei took a careful look at their expressions. His schoolmate Carlo was incomparably excited, just like a little kid who had been given a piece of candy. Aiden wore the same smile as always, looking mild and calm. However, Xi Wei understood his good friend"s character. Although he always looked normal on the surface, and treated people nicely, his mind was like a clear lens, and saw everything penetratingly. He probably wanted to use dating as a way to test if Carlo was being sincere towards him.

Although Carlo was a little dumb, if he sincerely liked Aiden, Xi Wei didn"t have any objections towards the two of them being together. After all, compared to those alphas from other families who he didn"t know at all, Carlo was at least a companion who had played with them all throughout their childhood. In terms of character, he was trustworthy.

After thinking about this, Xi Wei couldn"t help but smile and say, “Then you two have fun dating. If you really get married one day, be sure to invite me for a drink at your wedding. Oh, and Aiden, how about I be the G.o.dfather to your future children?”

Aiden didn"t hesitate in the slightest. “No problem.”

Carlo: “...” In any case, can you ask the children"s father for his opinion?! They"ll be done for if they have an omega baby with Xi Wei as the G.o.dfather. What"ll they do if he raises him into a little monster?

Xi Wei and Aiden were absorbed in their conversation. Klaire was at the side, listening with a smile. Although Carlo"s progress with Aiden made people jealous, he wasn"t anxious at all. What made Klaire gratified was that today, Xi Wei had easily accepted the fact that Carlo and Aiden, these two men, were dating. Clearly he had been unconsciously influenced over a long period of time, and something like two men being together was no longer enough to perturb him.

In this world, things were just that way. Alphas and omegas being together was a matter of course. What Xi Wei couldn"t get over was just his own mentality.

As a matter of fact, his psychological barriers may have unconsciously developed a crack, and weren"t as firm as when he had just arrived in this world. That would be why he could so easily mention something like becoming G.o.dfather to Aiden"s children. If it was before, as soon as you mentioned the topic of men giving birth to children, Xi Wei"s expression would definitely look like he had just swallowed a fly.

Only after he accepted that other males could give birth to children could he gradually accept the fact that he himself could become pregnant.

In a cheerful mood, Klaire thought of the scene of this big monster Xi Wei leading along a bunch of little monsters. It would definitely look very cute.

After lunch came to an end, Carlo finally took Aiden away alone with the excuse of “I want to talk to you about something.”

The two boys walked side by side along a boulevard with a scenic view. The sun overhead filtered through the cracks in the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Carlo hesitated for a moment, and thinking of the warm scene he had seen that night of Randy and Craig holding hands, his heart heated up. He finally got up the nerve to furtively take hold of Aiden"s hand.

Aiden didn"t resist having his hand held, and the expression on his face was very calm.

“Did you have something to say?” Aiden asked.

Carlo was quiet for a while, and after carefully organizing his thoughts, he said, “After I return to school this time, I"ll definitely be very busy. But I"ll send you messages often, and I"ll think of you every day. While I"m not here, you have to take good care of yourself, and also, don"t, don"t…”

“Don"t what?”

“Don"t deal with other alphas!” Carlo braced himself and said.

Aiden looked up and saw his earnest and serious face, and he couldn"t help but want to bully him a little. He smiled and said, “Why? You can"t say for sure I won"t meet another alpha in these two years who"s more outstanding than you, and end up marrying them. By the time you come back, my kids might already be calling me Dad.”

Carlo: “...”

Thinking of Aiden kissing and embracing another alpha, and even having a baby, Carlo burned with anger to the point where he couldn"t wait to tear that alpha to pieces. He stood there gritting his teeth, and finally said with red eyes, “Aiden, I like you, and I"m serious about you, so...there"s no way I can stand you being with other alphas.”

“I don"t have the qualifications to force you to wait for me. I can only guarantee...that in these two years, I"ll try my best to perform well at school, and I"ll fight to earn some military merit while I"m there, so I can get a military post right after graduation. With the t.i.tle of a military officer, I"ll be able to match up to you…”

“After two years, if you haven"t married, I"ll definitely take you as my wife.”

The boy before him held his hand tightly, his fingers almost digging into his wrist. His eyes were exceptionally bright, and they held a staunch conviction. It was as if as long as he had that conviction, there was no obstacle he couldn"t overcome…

It was the conviction of a boy experiencing his first love, who wanted to become strong, strive to become worthy of the person he loved, and have the ability to protect him.

It wasn"t until that moment that Aiden realized Carlo truly liked him. That pair of eyes couldn"t lie. They were filled with his reflection.

Faced with these sincere eyes, Aiden felt his heartbeat speed up for the first time. Everything that had happened since he got to know Carlo soon came into his mind, bit by bit. Although Carlo was really annoying as a child, ever since he grew up, his gaze was always following him. Every time he was in front of Aiden, he"d be so clumsy he couldn"t even speak clearly. Every time he looked at him, his eyes would light up, and it was hard to hide the excitement on his face…

Aiden had never known what Carlo was thinking, until this moment. Only now did he understand—so this was love.

This feeling of being loved wholeheartedly by someone wasn"t bad at all. Aiden smiled and said, “First let go of me, my wrist hurts.”

“Ah…” As if he had been shocked, Carlo immediately let go of Aiden. He found that his wrist had been squeezed until it was red, and full of regret, he hurried to take up his hand and lightly blow on it. He apologized with all his might, “Sorry sorry, I got too excited just now, I"m sorry…”

The alpha in front of him had lowered his head, and looked completely different from how he was as a child, when he was always on his high horse.

The smile on Aiden"s lips couldn"t help but widen, and he reached out and lightly patted Carlo"s hair. It was just as he had imagined, rough and stiff, p.r.i.c.kly to the touch. But that sensation felt incomparably real, as if it had pa.s.sed into his heart.

“Carlo, how long have we known each other?” Aiden asked softly.

“It"s been thirteen years.” Having his head stroked, Carlo stiffened up and didn"t dare to move, almost overwhelmed by the gesture.

Aiden was silent for a long while, then said: “I used to really dislike you, because you were always saying that omegas were annoying, and you went around all the time with your nose in the air like you were so great. When I didn"t tell you off, it was only because I didn"t feel like arguing with you, do you know that?”

Carlo hung his head for shame, and hated that he couldn"t go back in time to give himself a good slap—who told you to seek death as a kid!

Aiden saw how regretful he looked and smiled slightly, continuing, “Of course, we were all young back then, and didn"t think before we spoke. I can forgive those things that are in the past. What I want isn"t much. I just want someone who will treat me sincerely with all their heart. I hope that the alpha I marry will be able to truly love and respect me, instead of secretly looking down on me...can you do that?”

Carlo stared blankly for a moment before he immediately nodded and said, “I definitely can! I don"t look down on you, really, I really don"t.”

Seeing this guy clumsily explaining, Aiden smiled and interrupted him. “I really like children, but I"ve always felt that children should be born from a loving union. So I won"t marry an alpha I don"t like. You can rest a.s.sured about that.”

Carlo quickly took a gentle hold of Aiden"s hand, and said with a face full of expectation, “Then can you consider waiting for me? Wait until after I graduate, and I"ll go to your house right away to propose.”

Aiden was silent for a moment, then said seriously, “I can"t guarantee that I"ll wait for you for two years. But I believe that if we"re really fated to be together, I won"t meet someone I"ll like to the point of wanting to marry them during these two years… Take care of yourself at school.”

Carlo stared after him blankly as Aiden turned and walked away. At his side, he lightly clenched his fist.

It"s true, it was forcing things a little too much to make Aiden commit to waiting two years for him right now. Aiden had been this intelligent and cool-headed since he was small. He definitely wouldn"t promise him anything in the heat of the moment. The feelings between them weren"t that deep yet. As Aiden had said, if they really were meant to be, maybe two years later they could still be together… So all he had to do during these two years was just stay in contact with Aiden, and let him know that the love he had for him would never change.

Since Xi Wei and Klaire were going the same way, after lunch, they returned to the palace together. Inside of Xi Wei"s personal hovercar, Klaire smiled and hugged Xi Wei. “Ever since you went to Ellen Academy at fourteen, we"ve rarely met and often been apart. This time it"s really great, with the imperial military exercise we don"t even have summer break anymore…” He sighed.

Xi Wei pushed him away, rolled his eyes and said, “Can you not be so sappy?”

Klaire smiled and said, “Isn"t this because I"m worried about you? You"re an adult omega already. You don"t know how many eyes were staring at you on the day of the banquet. While I"m not here, if some alphas come to pursue you, or if they straight off use their connections with the palace to ask His Majesty for your hand in marriage, what are you going to do?”

Xi Wei waved his hand readily and said, “Don"t worry, I won"t get married.”

Klaire lost his smile and faced Xi Wei with a rare look of seriousness. “But Xi Wei, you"re a prince. Much of the time, your ident.i.ty destines you to be without the freedom to act independently.”

Xi Wei smiled and said, “Then I can think of ways to maximize my freedom of choice! If there"s an alpha who"s bent on marrying me, then at the very least, they have to beat me first. Just with this one condition, I feel like there"s a lot of alphas who won"t have a chance for a lifetime.”

Klaire: “...”

So it was really important that he had learned how to fight from Xi Wei since he was little! Otherwise, he"d be doomed to fall at the first hurdle.

Xi Wei continued, “Besides, Uncle Berg will help me as well. Don"t worry, I won"t surrender easily.”

Seeing his self-confident manner, Klaire started to smile. He wrapped himself around Xi Wei"s shoulders and said softly, “I have faith that you can deal with these things well. But if His Majesty insists on you marrying, he"s your father after all, and you can"t disobey him openly. I actually have a method that I"ll provide for your reference.”

Xi Wei said curiously, “What method?”

Klaire said seriously, “If His Majesty insists on choosing an alpha for you to marry, you can just tell him that you already have someone you like, and he"s that guy called Klaire. You grew up together with him and you"re childhood sweethearts. The feelings between you are deep, and if it"s not him, you won"t marry…”

Seeing his face that had a sincere smile on it, Xi Wei couldn"t help but hit him on the shoulder and interrupt. “Wake up, do you think you"re acting in some melodramatic play? How about when the time comes, I go ahead and elope with you?”

Klaire said, “Sure, I"m happy to be your beard.”

Xi Wei rolled his eyes. “We don"t need to go that far, I don"t want to use you.”

I"m perfectly happy to let you use me...Klaire shouted at the bottom of his heart, but on the surface, he didn"t bat an eyelid. He said seriously, “I"m saying, if. If there really comes a day when you use all sorts of excuses and you can"t get His Majesty to drop the marriage he"s chosen for you, then at that time, you can wheel me out. At least I"m still worth your trust, right?”

Faced with Klaire"s tender gaze, Xi Wei was silent for a moment, and finally nodded his head. He said, “Alright, thank you, brother.”

Klaire smiled and didn"t say anything.

Full of excitement, Bluestar called out in his head, “Owner, what does ‘elope" mean? It means that you"re going to run away with the prince, right? That"s great! When the time comes, I can elope with Egret as well…”

Klaire said with a headache, “You shut up.”

Xi Wei didn"t know at all that the words he said during this farewell would turn out to be prophetic, and he had actually taken the first step to eloping with Klaire.


5:22 for 3,441 words, or 9.4 minutes per 100 words. Improvement in rate by 0.9 seconds ✌️

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