Ryuu Kusari no Ori -Kokoro no Uchi no “Kokoro”-

Chapter 4 Part 19

Chapter 4 Part 19

"That idiot !!"

Nozomu is now running through the forest with all his might. When he saw the letter left by Shīna, he immediately knew that Shīna had left to fight with the demon beast.

On realizing that, Nozom told the stunned Mimuru to quickly get out of the forest and ask for help, then went after Shīna and ran into the depths of the forest.

"What are you thinking?! You"re the one who told me not to do something so reckless!!"

Nozomu could only utter cursing words for Shīna through his mouth, but inside, he understood her feelings.

She might not be able to leave the demon beast alone. Nozomu didn"t know the reason, but he knew it came from an unforgettable event that she wanted to forget.

At the same time, she probably didn"t want to involve Mimuru and Tom. If she told them the reason, Mimuru and Tom would help her. Nozomu had some conversations with Mimuru, so he knew they wouldn"t leave Shīna alone, who was being cornered.

Shīna couldn"t look away when she saw the hated Nozomu being bullied at school. She somehow treated Nozomu who was injured due to his own actions.

Nozomu realized that she was a very nice girl by nature, even though she said something rude through her mouth.

Since she was that kind of girl, she was happy that Mimuru and Tom were beside her, but at the same time, she would have thought they might have been killed by the demon beast. So, she couldn"t tell them about her past.

(d.a.m.n, how troublesome, it"s hard to understand!)

Shīna is kind but she can only say harsh things. A girl who was desperately trying to become stronger even though she was weak.

(... Isn"t she the same as me?)

Shīna couldn"t talk to Mimuru and Tom because she was afraid to involve them in the fight with the black demon beast. Nozomu also couldn"t tell Irisdina and the others about himself because of his fear of the power that resides within him. The two are, in fact, very similar in this aspect. That"s why Nozomu had no choice but to worry about Shīna. He couldn"t help but worry about her safety.

If she intended to fight that monster, she might head to the place where they met the monster yesterday.

Considering the time she left, no time should be wasted anymore.

"d.a.m.n! Make it in time !!"

In any case, going to her should take priority and Nozomu hastened his feet. He was frustrated now that his legs weren"t moving any faster than he wanted.


Shīna’s POV

"It"s here ..."

I arrived at the place where I encountered the demon beast yesterday.

My purpose is to settle with that demon beast.

The black demon beast that caused the loss of my hometown and the loss of my family.

It was a different existence from what I saw in my hometown, but still, I couldn"t leave that existence in the world.

"Fuu, fuu, fuu ..."

My breathing naturally becomes rough. My heart was beating violently and cold sweat was flowing on my back.

(It"s okay. It"s not that there is no way to defeat it, so it"s okay, it"s okay ...)

While telling myself such a thing, I release my magical power and spread it around.

The spirits who responded to the diffused magical power gathered, and particles of light began to dance around me. I started talking to the spirits who had just gathered.

(Everyone, please answer my call. That black, filthy beast. Lend me your strength to defeat it)

*Spirit Contract*

It is magic for contracting with spirits, and by temporarily signing a contract with the spirits on the spot allows you to use spirit magic, which is said to be able to be used only by spirit species.

It is possible to use powerful spirit magic, but using such magic requires extremely high compatibility with spirits, and the time required for contracting depends on the spirit contracting with the contractor, and the time required for a contract cannot be unequivocally stated.

Spirit Contract was originally cla.s.sified as magic, but it can only be used by elves who are far more compatible with spirits by nature than other species, and careful preparation is required for other races to succeed in using this magic.

Therefore, this magic is almost treated as elfves" exclusive skills.

I desperately tried to summon the spirits that had gathered around me, but the spirits just circled around me and didn"t answer my call.

(Why!? Why aren"t you guys answer me !?)

The spirits didn"t listen to my call making me impatient, I desperately try to calm my heart, but one impatience will summon another impatience. The flow of magical power that is released becomes sloppy. The distance between the spirits who were looking at me in a long distance became farther, which fueled my impatience even more.

A long time ago, when I lived with everyone in that forest, the spirits answered me normally if I spoke to them.

The spirits played with my elf friends, ate snacks together in the trees, and slept together.

But since that time 10 years ago, I can barely make a contract with the spirits.

I can feel the presence of the spirits, and even though contracts have been made several times, I can"t really communicate with them.

Because of that, I had no choice but to improve my own abilities until now, but now, I had to use spirit power to overcome the demon beasts.

(Please! I don"t want to see Mimuru and the others in a dangerous situation anymore! Therefore, please help me, everyone !! )

Mimuru and Tom.

In particular, I had conflicts with Mimuru many times. I always said what I wanted to say. Most of them were complaints about Mimuru"s bad behavior... but at that time, I was able to forget the tragedy of 10 years ago.

Tom always calmed us down whenever we were fighting. He calmed Mimuru who was angry with me. I provoked her, and Mimuru got angry again...

Before I knew it, I who had lost my family and was in a tense atmosphere was able to laugh again.

And he, Nozomu Bountis.

When I only knew him from rumors, I thought he was a terrible person.

Since he was dating Lisa, I thought he was good at deceiving women. When the rumors about him and Irisdina circulated, and when he was surrounded by other male students behind the school building, I didn"t even sympathize with him.

The next time I met him was in the city at night. He walked with a tottering gait and a body covered in blood.

I heard his story, it seems he did something reckless by entering the forest alone. Moreover, the next day, he ignored my warning and went into the forest again alone.

His reckless and life-throwing actions reminded me of my family who protected me, and my evaluation of him, which had originally fallen to the ground, pierced the ground and reached the bottom of the abyss.



"Kku !!"

The surrounding air changed completely. Suddenly, the surroundings were filled with corrupted presence, and the spirits that were around me disappeared by scattering.

A presence that I know very well and will never forget. As I followed that presence, there was something at the end of the place, staring at me.

"Grrrrrrrrrrr ..."

The black demon beast was there as a wolf. b.l.o.o.d.y red twin eyes shot through me. My hands trembled naturally. I can"t feel my own feet. I bit my lips tightly, took out a few arrows from the quiver, and placed them on the bow.

I can"t afford to have a spiritual contract anymore. Just one chance. Before the black beast closes the distance, I had to use all the strength I had to defeat it.

I pulled the string with all my might and the bow made a grinding sound until the last minute. The bowstring was pulled to its limit. A half-a.s.sed arrow could not pierce its tough skin.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!"

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It rushed towards me. The moment I finished pulling the bowstring, I shot the nocked arrow.


The arrow that cut through the air and flew with such a sound, pierced the demon beast"s forehead without missing its target.

The demon beast screamed and staggered, but my arrow only slightly suppressed the demon beast"s charge, and it immediately regained its momentum.

It was impossible to inflict fatal injuries on this demon beast with ordinary arrows. If so ...

I nocked the arrow again, pulled the bowstring, and this time I sent magic power into the arrow and cast a spell at the same time.

The arrow was filled with magical power and began to emit a dazzling light. This was a deadly arrow that could definitely kill if it was an ordinary monster, but it had been proven that this arrow could not deliver the decisive blow by firing it directly at this demon beast.

That"s why I put another preparation so that the demon beast wouldn"t notice it. It was a magic that stood no chance against this demon beast, but it was enough for now!

The demon beast that charged towards me with an earth-shattering force opened its jaw. Its head to neck split vertically, exposing a huge mouth with countless fangs.

The demon beast is approaching me, but I haven"t shot the arrow yet. I desperately suppressed my line of sight that seemed to be distracted by fear. Due to the pain of biting my own lip, it kept the muscles of my body awake which were likely to harden.

"Gagyaaaaa !!"

As its jaws tried to catch and bite me, I used all my strength to jump back and cast the magic I had prepared.

The next moment, countless spears made of stones protruded from where I was standing. Countless stone spears were sticking out, hitting the jaws of the demon beast that was trying to chew me. But the stone spear was originally not that durable. Immediately, countless cracks appeared and the spears began to crumble.

"How about this?!"

But that"s enough. I aimed at the demon beast"s mouth through the gap between the stone spears and fired the nocked arrow.

The arrow shot was sucked into its mouth, and the blast of magical power raging inside the demon beast"s mouth.

However, the raging blast at such a close range also hit me.

"Kyaaaa !!"

I was blown away by the blast and struck to the ground. Although I didn"t get the shock because I was jumping back in time, my whole body ached because I was struck to the ground.

" !! "

I immediately stood up with pain in my body and checked the demon beast"s condition.

"Gehe~e! Gugyau !!"

As expected, the inside of its mouth is not as strong as the outer skin. Some fangs inside its mouth are broken, and it is shaking its head while spitting blood.

"!! Gahyaau !!"

However, I still couldn"t defeat it. The myriad red eyes of the demon beast glared at me while shining red with anger, and the demon beast rushed towards me once again.

However, I couldn"t move properly due to the pain when I was struck to the ground. My fingertips trembled, and my hands didn"t have the strength to hold the bow.

(... So, it"s not good enough...)

In the face of inevitable death, I exhale once and for all.

I quickly lost all of my strength.

Facing my end, I remember that I have many regrets.

I wasted the hopes of my parents and sister who risked their lives and let me run away. I couldn"t get my hometown back. And yesterday, that man took responsibility for me and let me escape.

I don"t know, is it because my death is imminent or not, but the approaching beast looks slow

(Ahh right, I apologize to you guys too…)

Behind the demon beast that was approaching in front of me, I could see the spirits gathered under the spirit contract. The flickering lights vibrated irregularly and looked like they were frightened.

(...Ah I see, they are just like me. They"re scared.)

I just realized it now. All the spirits were afraid of that demon beast. So that"s why I couldn"t make a contract with the spirits just by communicating my intentions one-sidedly.

That"s right, even if I gave a one-sided order without considering the feelings of the spirits, there was no way they would cooperate in the truest sense. Even more so if it was an order to "fight" against someone they feared.

(A ha ha ... I"m so stupid, why didn"t I notice it earlier)

When I was in Foskia Forest, all spirits were my friends. No, I still think so until now. Therefore, I had to face it properly because I"m not the only one. We should face each other and become partners.

But it was all too late. My death is already imminent and the black demon beast is about to eat me with its huge jaw.

The bright red flesh and b.l.o.o.d.y fangs were reflected in front of me, and when the mouth was about to close.

"Uoooooooooooooooo !!!"

A shadow of something cut in between me and the demon beast.