Sage Monarch

Chapter 1339: The Crown Prince’s True Self Part 2

Chapter 1339: The Crown Prince’s True Self Part 2

Yang Qi had done everything possible to keep the recent events in the House of G.o.d Ordainment under wraps. But he knew it would be impossible to keep word from spreading forever. Disciples inevitably went out of the sect for missions or business, and would interact with outsiders. So he had known all along that, within a year or so, rumors would leak.

And it was only natural that, upon finding out about the rumors, the Crown Prince Society would come to him with questions. After all, he was still a member.


Vanishing, he reappeared in a city outside the G.o.d kingdom, the very same location that was a business owned by the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty. Waiting for him were none other than Dream Daylily, Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang, and G.o.d-King Ruthless. These three were core members of the Crown Prince Society, and high-ranking ones at that. That was especially true of Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang, whose cultivation was on par with Summer Vastcold and Summer Soundfyre of the Nacrelight Sageland. In other words, he was on the verge of breaking into the Unbounded level.

G.o.d-King Ruthless wasn’t quite on that level, but was still incredibly strong, being capable of vanquishing multiple peak Perfect G.o.ds in combat. As for Dream Daylily, she was so weak as to be hardly worth attention.

Even peak Perfect G.o.ds were broken up into various grades and ranks. After all, such individuals could have different types of G.o.dhood. There was ordinary G.o.dhood, but there were also unique types of G.o.dhood. Monarch G.o.dhood was the ultimate version, but there were others, such as child-mother G.o.dhood, dark netherworld G.o.dhood, ten preeminences G.o.dhood, heavenly halls G.o.dhood, radiant light G.o.dhood, epic saga G.o.dhood, hundred transformations G.o.dhood, infinite transformations G.o.dhood, and many more.

One type of G.o.dhood that was second only to monarch G.o.dhood was called the eternal sands G.o.dhood, in which numerous aspects of G.o.dhood were present, like the eternal sands of the universe. They became a flowing river that was unparalleled under heaven, and led to incredible levels of destructive power.

As for Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang, he had a G.o.dhood called yin-yang double-fish G.o.dhood. In other words, he had two specific G.o.dhoods, one icy, one fiery. Together, they could unleash two polar opposites of power, ensuring that no other peak Perfect G.o.d could match up to him.

Of course, Yang Qi had remolded all of his friends and family using the G.o.dhood manufacturing systems of the Cruiser of Civilization. They all had unique types of G.o.dhood, which meant that if they reached the peak Perfect G.o.d level, they would actually be far more powerful than Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang.

For example, Jadefall, who was already a peak Perfect G.o.d, had developed eternal sands G.o.dhood, myriad longevities G.o.dhood, death messenger G.o.dhood, empty tribulation G.o.dhood, and indestructible avināśya G.o.dhood.

When she released her G.o.dpower, it might not be as strong as an Unbounded expert, but at least it would enable her to flee with her life from one.

“Yang Qi, you"re here!” said Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang, rising anxiously to his feet along with G.o.d-King Ruthless.

“Yes. Why exactly did you exalted figures summon me with such urgency?” Although Yang Qi spoke with humility, his heart pulsed with killing intent. Unfortunately, the House of G.o.d Ordainment was still on the rise, and he didn’t want to throw it into a fight of mutual destruction with the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty. Perhaps in a few hundred years, after the sect had grown much stronger and built up more resources, when he reached the Paramount G.o.d level, he might be ready to put himself on equal footing with the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty and Nacrelight Sageland.

But right now, it would just cause too many problems.

The Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty had numerous Paramount G.o.ds, and if they worked together, they could even cause problems for Yang Qi. Although he might personally be able to escape, they could severely damage or destroy his foundations.

But once he was a Paramount G.o.d, his monarch G.o.dhood would ensure that his fighting prowess reached a point where he could cut down other Paramount G.o.ds with impunity.

Besides, thanks to the G.o.d Legion Seal, he could now produce trillions of G.o.dstones and G.o.dnotes every day. Investing that into business was bringing immense wealth that only grew on a daily basis.

“You"re asking why we summoned you?” Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang said in a grim tone. “Yang Qi, the Crown Prince Society spent a lot of resources to help you grow. And yet you didn’t bother to report in about everything that"s happened in the House of G.o.d Ordainment over the past year? According to our information, the Sage Monarch Society has taken over the House of G.o.d Ordainment. Also, Jadefall is backed by an Unbounded expert. Houselord G.o.d Ordainment even used the sect’s secret reserve power, but came out on the losing end. Now the houselord, junior houselord, and other chief elders are essentially imprisoned. Meanwhile, the Sage Monarch Society grows stronger and stronger. Have you withheld this information because you’re planning to rebel against us?”

Yang Qi shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t do anything like that. You"re thinking too much into this. I benefited a lot in the last year; Jadefall took me to a secret dimension to work on my cultivation, allowing me to finally reach the Perfect G.o.d level! But I"ve been plotting and scheming this entire time in the hopes of turning the situation to the benefit of the crown prince. I"m willing to sacrifice myself for the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty, so how could I possibly rebel?”

“He"s right,” said G.o.d-King Ruthless, who could sense the aura of the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty on him. Nodding firmly, he continued, “So, you reached the Perfect G.o.d level? How is that even possible? Last time we met you were a Greater G.o.d, and now, only two short years later, you’ve reached this level? What kind of speed is that? I refuse to believe that Jadefall of the Sage Monarch Society is that impressive!”

Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang seemed similarly shocked, but didn’t say anything.

Yang Qi released some of his aura, and it was indeed that of the early Perfect G.o.d level. Furthermore, he made it seem like he had three unique types of G.o.dhood, which would make him so strong that not even three ordinary Perfect G.o.ds would be a match for him.

It was a sham, but considering he had Unbounded will convergence, even the crown prince himself would have been deceived, much less these people. Fooling Grand Eunuch Nie Yinyang and G.o.d-King Ruthless was as simple as playing a trick on children.

“Three-discs martial-dao G.o.dhood!? That’s a supreme-grade G.o.dhood combination!” The two experts looked at Yang Qi with expressions of shock. “Tell us how this happened? When did Jadefall get this powerful? What magical treasure did she get? And what level has she reached by now?”

“I don’t know all the details. I just know that she acquired an incredible magical treasure that’s the legacy of an important G.o.d-Lord from ancient times. She’s a peak Perfect G.o.d with half Unbounded will convergence. She’ll definitely reach the Unbounded level soon, at which point she’ll be more terrifying than ever. And her patron, whoever it is, must be a mysterious Unbounded expert.” Yang Qi didn"t even need to think twice before weaving tales such as this. After all, among the three thousand special const.i.tutions he had was that of the Fraudulent One. “She secreted me away to some hidden dimension, a place filled with falling flower petals and other dramatic transformations, where primordial chaos is inverted from normal. There, she stood within the river of time and looked into the future. That was when my G.o.dhood blossomed and I was remolded. Thankfully, I’ve already accepted the teachings of the crown prince, otherwise she would’ve sc.r.a.ped my destiny clean.”

“It sounds like a very impressive magical treasure,” Nie Yinyang said. He exchanged a glance with G.o.d-King Ruthless, and then the two of them projected a quick conversation. Afterward, they smiled, and Nie Yinyang continued, “So, please explain about everything that’s happened recently. Does the House of G.o.d Ordainment really have new leadership?”

“Not really,” Yang Qi replied. “Jadefall is actually very afraid of the houselord’s secret reserve power. The sect is basically divided between two factions: the Sage Monarch Society and the Mystery Society. The Mystery Society has agents everywhere, and it"s difficult to identify them. Of course, some of the major divisions of the sect are indeed under the direct control of the Sage Monarch Society, such as the Law-Enforcement G.o.d-Palace, Thrall Camp, Treasure Storage Warehouse, Scripture Pavilion, and whatnot. The Sage Monarch Society has taken over enough aspects of the sect to be considered sixty percent in control.”

“So that’s how it is. The Sage Monarch Society’s business operations on the Heaven-Wretch Continent are constantly expanding. They actually have Perfect G.o.ds from the dao of devils in charge there. And they’re very loyal. We also suspect they’re having dealings with the Nacrelight Sageland. Do you know anything about that?”

“A bit. Apparently, Mother Voidwalker from the Nacrelight Sageland came and tried to a.s.sert her authority, only to be staved off by Jadefall. Later, they reached a deal, although Jadefall is constantly trying to come up with a way to get rid of her.” Yang Qi was really spinning some wild tales.

“Mother Voidwalker?!” Both Nie Yinyang and G.o.d-King Ruthless were visibly taken aback by the name. After all, Mother Voidwalker was an Unbounded expert, someone only the crown prince could fight without experiencing many losses.

“If Mother Voidwalker has gotten herself involved, it’s no wonder our own plans failed,” Nie Yinyang said. “During the past year, we dispatched quite a few experts to try making deals with killers from the League of Wretch-G.o.ds, all in the hopes of destroying the Sage Monarch Consortium. Unfortunately, they all failed. If Mother Voidwalker is there right now, it makes sense. We need to report this to the crown prince immediately. In any case, that doesn’t have anything to do with you. Now that you’re a Perfect G.o.d, we’ll take you to meet the crown prince in person.”

“Meet the crown prince?” Yang Qi said. At long last he was finally going to see what this extremely important person was like. “He"s back?”

“Yes, he"s back, although that’s a secret,” G.o.d-King Ruthless said proudly. “He"s a Paramount G.o.d now, which means that he"s completely invincible. For now, he wants it to remain a secret until he cleans house in the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty and gets rid of his rivals. Not even ten people are aware of the truth, and now you"re one of them, which shows how much he trusts you. Come on, let’s go!”

With that, they led him toward a teleportation portal.

Yang Qi wasn’t afraid. He stepped into the portal, which whirred to life and sent them toward the Eternal-Life G.o.d-Dynasty.

“We"re now heading to a secret base set up in the wilds by the Crown Prince,” Nie Yinyang said. “It’s called the Harvestland. Even most of the top officials in the dynasty aren’t aware of its existence. Only his most trusted confidants are allowed there. You’re very lucky.”

1. The “double fish” is also the common word for Pisces in Chinese. However, the Western zodiac signs are foreign to China, so in these Chinese high fantasy settings, I tend to avoid them unless it’s clearly supposed to be a reference to the Western version.