Sage Monarch

Chapter 940: The Will of the Great Necropolis

Chapter 940: The Will of the Great Necropolis

With a wave of his hand, Yang Qi sent the G.o.dpower seed into Profound Valor, who shivered in response. The seed was already one hundred percent compatible with Profound Valor’s soul, and in the blink of an eye, the G.o.dpower seed of the Great Necropolis had pierced through the Myriad Worlds Monarch Chart to reach him.

That alone went to show that the Great Necropolis was on a higher level than the Myriad Worlds Monarch Chart.

And that begged the question of whether or not the creator of the necropolis was actually stronger than King Immortal-Slayer. Even in the myths and legends of the G.o.d world, there was only one ent.i.ty who was stronger than King Immortal-Slayer, and that was the monarch of the myriads of G.o.ds, the being who possessed the G.o.d Legion Seal, the boundless Sovereign Lord.

But considering that the Sovereign Lord was not the creator of the Great Necropolis, it seemed to indicate that there was indeed another ent.i.ty that strong. Why had this immensely powerful being created the necropolis, then sent it drifting down the Ancient Road to the G.o.ds for hundreds of millions of years until it finally reached the Immortal Dao Age?

“Why are you giving the Inheritor seed back to me, Yang Qi?” Profound Valor asked. “Conscience getting the better of you? Don’t think this makes us even, though.” When Profound Valor felt the seed enter him, he immediately perked up. And then power began flowing into him, forming G.o.d vitality in his sea of energy. At first, that G.o.d vitality was weak, but as it acc.u.mulated, the Inheritor seed rotated faster and faster, and his power grew. At a certain point, he flexed his muscles, and the chains of magical law around him shattered.

However, that was when Yang Qi made his move, slapping his hands onto Profound Valor over and over again. Each time he did, he activated a sealing mark from the Strength of the h.e.l.l-Crushing G.o.dmammoth. It was none other than the old Devil-G.o.d Seal, which was the ultimate origin of all sealing marks in heaven and earth. Upon being hit with those seals, Profound Valor was incapable of moving.

“Heaven-G.o.d h.e.l.l-Exterminating Devil Embryo!” Yang Qi bellowed, and a devil embryo appeared in the palm of his hand, which he inserted into Profound Valor’s sea of energy. Although Profound Valor had regained his G.o.dpower seed, he hadn’t yet fully recovered. Besides, even at his peak, he wasn’t a match for Yang Qi, and now things were even more one-sided, considering they were in the Myriad Worlds Monarch Chart. Profound Valor had no other choice but to watch as the devil embryo entered him and slowly began drawing on his G.o.d vitality.

It was almost as if Profound Valor was practicing cultivation in Yang Qi’s stead. His true energy was going to Yang Qi, as was the G.o.d vitality, thanks to the devil embryo.

The Heaven and Earth Furnace appeared within Yang Qi, into which he funneled the G.o.d vitality, where it was subsequently melted and refined. Thus, the will of the Great Necropolis began to form within his sea of energy.

However, Yang Qi kept it suppressed and under his control. When the time came to unleash it, he would definitely reach a higher level of enlightenment, and entering the Terrifying level would no longer be a mere dream.

As his tendons and bones creaked, Yang Qi activated the Engine of the One G.o.d and eagerly waited to turn on the strength G.o.d systems.

The G.o.d vitality in the Heaven and Earth Furnace was slowly becoming a thick, viscous liquid the color of stone.


As Yang Qi worked, Profound Valor shivered and then screamed. “You vicious villain, Yang Qi! You’ve turned me into a thrall!?”

Yang Qi ignored him. Before long, a liquid fleck of G.o.dhood could be seen in the Engine of the One G.o.d. The strength G.o.d systems were just on the verge of turning on again.

At this point, Yang Qi realized that the power of the Great Necropolis inside Profound Valor was very weak. Profound Valor’s cultivation base hadn’t reached the proper level, and he didn’t have Terrifying will. If he had, then the G.o.d vitality of the Great Necropolis would turn into true liquid G.o.dhood.

After all, the immortal-slaying clone could absorb power from the G.o.dhood stars of the Myriad Worlds Monarch Chart. If the creator of the Great Necropolis was actually stronger than King Immortal-Slayer, then how could the necropolis not have its own reserves of G.o.dhood?

Actually, after Yang Qi had seen Profound Valor unleash the G.o.d-Ordaining Dais, and the paragonic ent.i.ty on it who could turn mortals into G.o.ds with the tap of a finger, he was convinced that the necropolis could create G.o.dhood. He just didn’t know where such G.o.dhood was located.

“Very good, Profound Valor,” Yang Qi said coolly. “At least you know what you are now. A thrall. So stop struggling. The more you struggle, the more it will hurt. Just settle down and be a good thrall. If you do, your cultivation base might improve, and I might let you keep a little of that true energy and G.o.d vitality for your own. After I reach the Terrifying level, I might even allow you to improve your cultivation level.

“Remember, we’re in the Myriad Worlds Monarch Chart, and there’s no way you can ever escape. I advise you to put away all thoughts of rebellion and just acknowledge allegiance to me. Agreed?”

“Dream on!” Profound Valor spat. Obviously, people who had reached this level of cultivation were no longer mortal, and possessed incredible willpower. Although he wasn"t quite on the same level as Star Swordlife, he wouldn’t submit to ordinary methods of torment. However, Yang Qi didn’t feel a pressing need to turn him into a believer. Instead, he would continue to use him to harvest G.o.d vitality. For all he knew, forcibly converting him might make it impossible to take his G.o.dpower seed later.

The G.o.dpower of the Great Necropolis continued flowing into him, with scattered bits of the necropolis’ will inside of it. As a result, Yang Qi’s energy arts and cultivation base slowly but surely continued to rise.