Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Episode 3 – G.o.d And Angel

–Part 1

──The next day.

The second day of Pilgrimage Festival was as expected, they woke up early and took breakfast, then they headed to the gathering place using horse carriage.

This time they would do the same ceremony at a cemetery existing in the west side of the holy capital.

「The schedule today is also to go to two places. After finis.h.i.+ng the ceremony in this cemetery where high ranked believers are sleeping, we are scheduled to head to a monastery near the sanctuary.」

「But, is there something in the places today? Somehow, it feel like the atmosphere is different from yesterday.」

Krulcifer nodded at the blunt question of Lux.

Different from today, the Sanctuary Knight Order members showed expression that was strongly tense.

「It’s because the distance is relatively near to the Ruin HallTunnel. There is no guarantee that Abyss won’t appear anytime. Of course the surrounding of the Ruin is being monitored, but the Hall here is a bit special.」

According to her, just like the name implied, it was a Ruin with shape like a coal mine that already had everything in it dug to exhaustion.

Although the entrance at the outskirt of the holy capital was naturally monitored, sometimes Abyss would still appear from place other than there, and recently the frequency of that was increasing exceptionally.

「Is, that so.」

Having been told that, Lux focused his mind.

Somehow recently, because he was fighting against a lot of Abyss he tended to lose focus, but letting his guard down was taboo.

After that, they boarded the horse carriage the Sanctuary Knight Order prepared, and an hour later.

The moment they arrived at the foot of the cemetery hill that was the pilgrimage location, Mel leaped at Lux.

「Yahhoo. Onii-chan. You also came today! Mel is really happy you knooow!」

「What’s the matter, Mel?」

Regardless of how her pretending to be a child had been exposed, she still acted mischievously like this. Lux smiled wryly at that.

But, when he was unable to shake her off in the end, Krulcifer who was beside him spoke out.

「Mel. You are a member of the Sanctuary Knight Order right? I think it’s better if you act a little quieter.」

「Nooot reallyyy. I’m genius after all, and I’m also a kid. It’s fine for me to be somewhat selfish. Even Onii-chan, he is happy that a cute girl is sticking close to him.」

But, Mel grinned like a little devil and provoked even further.

「That’s unfortunate. Lux-kun is a boy who is already used of getting surrounded by cute girls daily you know? Even like that he cannot lay his hand on them even for a little bit, that’s why it’s pointless for you even if you go that far.」

「……Wait, even me got spoken ill of casually!?」

Lux immediately retorted like that, but unfortunately he was ignored.

「Hmmmph. But, I’m cuter, that’s why Onii-chan is happy aren’t you?」

Krulcifer sighed seeing Mel kept pressing aggressively even now, but she was casually sending glances at Lux with a gaze that seemed as though she wanted to say something.

(So, somehow, she is looking like she really wants to complain to me……!)

In a glance, Krulcifer was taking an att.i.tude of the senior who was unperturbed by Mel’s provocation, but that kind of atmosphere could be sensed from some points in her att.i.tude.

‘Yosh’, Lux resolved himself.

He would object in Krulcifer’s place so that her mood wouldn’t be harmed here.

「I can hardly say that you know? Krulcifer-san is also pretty, but that’s not all there is to her, because I think including her behavior and also her atmo

sphere, she is a really lovely person.」

Was it her refinement as a duke’s daughter, or else was it something special that came from herself?

It was again different from Lisha and others. Her aura that maintained her own style and pride was really beautiful in his opinion.

Perhaps Krulcifer was pleased with his words, her lips loosened just slightly.

「Lux-kun too has become skilled with flattery aren’t you?」

Lux let out a relieved sigh at her reaction, while Mel puffed up her cheeks looking displeased.

「Heee. So Onii-chan’s preference is adult person. But even me, after a few years pa.s.sed I will be the same age like Krulcifer you know? At that time the younger me will be better than her don’t you think? My b.r.e.a.s.t.s too will of course become bigger in the future!」


The words from Mel who was hugging Lux’s arm shaken up Lux and his cheeks blushed.

His upper arm felt soft sensation from the chest of the girl that was mostly flat right now and his heart skipped a beat.

(──Wait, just what am I thinking!? Mel is still thirteen you know!?)

While he was trying to hide his agitation like that, Krulcifer beside him quietly muttered.

「It’s better to not put on air with something that you have no guarantee of, you know? After all it might make you feel embarra.s.sed later on.」

「Aas expecteed from Krulcifer. The saying from a person with currently embarra.s.sing breast size really has different weight behind it.」

Mel responded with derisive smile toward Krulcifer’s composed respond.

Krulcifer’s icy expression *snap* looked like there was a faint crack entering it.

「Ah, are you bothered? I’m sorry. I have to apologize if I had said something bad.」

「I’ll say this ahead but, it’s not like I’m bothered with breast size or anything.」

「Hmmph. I think that most man doesn’t feel like that thouugh. Before this I heard it from the people of Sanctuary Knight Order though, they said that bigger breast is better. Onii-chan, which one is your preference?」

「E, eerrr……」

Lux was troubled that the talk was suddenly directed to him.

There was no way he could make immediate decision of which was better, so he couldn’t say anything, but for the time being he tried responding.

「Eerr, the size is not something I’m concerned about……I think.」

For a moment he felt Krulcifer’s gaze glancing briefly at him from afar, but perhaps that was just his imagination.

「Hmmm. Well, fine I guess. I’ll leave it at that.」

Mel grinned wickedly and leaned her body further toward Lux.

「Even so you, you are a man with a strong sense of duty more than I thought aren’t you? It looks like despite your appearance, your core is relatively firm.」

「Ahaha, thank you.」

It didn’t feel bad to be praised by this girl who was terrifyingly intelligent and prodigal relatively to her age.

There was no doubt that she had strongly pushy personality, but she didn’t seem like a bad child. It was when Lux was thinking that──,

「Then, won’t you cancel your betrothal with Krulcifer and try to marry me?」


Lux couldn’t immediately understand what he was told. His mouth was gaping wide.

But, Mel kept staring at Lux with upturned gaze and continued with a bewitching smile.

「Although the manliness of your looks is moderate, but it’s still a nice face. And your strength as Drag-Knight is also considerable, and your humbleness too, I’m quite pleased with it.」

「Do, don’t make fun of me!? That, even if it’s me, I won’t keep getting tricked that many times.」

「I am serious you know? Besides──you’ve gone through the trouble to partic.i.p.ate in the Pilgrimage Festival like this, so it also save some effort already.」

「……? What does that mean?」

Lux tilted his head in puzzlement. Mel told him the answer straightforwardly.

「There is a condition so a pious believer of Ymir Theocracy can marry with a person of other country. That marriage partner has to partic.i.p.ate in one of the great festival that is hold in this country. In family like n.o.ble with old pedigree, it’s still something that they will carry out for sure.」

Ymir Theocracy that possessed unique faith.

He had heard before that believer with high rank even in such country would be imposed with particular obligation.

(Eh, but……. That means──)

「To dare to seduce him when I’m right here, you really don’t value your own life aren’t you?」

The moment he thought something like that, Krulcifer cut in along with a sigh.

「Although you are a child, but making a ruckus in the middle of ceremony will become a disgrace for the distinguished Gizalut house you know?」

When Krulcifer rebuked with a tone that was like a big sister once more, Mel responded with a smile that contained no guilt at all.

「There is no such thing. Then, see you again, Onii-chan!」

Perhaps Mel decided that she had made enough provocation already, because she let go of Lux’s arm.

She waved her hand with a smile, then without pause she rushed toward the ranks of troops that would head to the cemetery.

When there were only the two of them left there, Krulcifer glared at Lux with reproachful eyes.

「It looked like you were really enjoying yourself aren’t you? I wonder, is Lux-kun’s preference a little girl?」

「Wai-!? Please don’t say strange thing, Krulcifer-san! Certainly she was a peculiar child, but it doesn’t look like she is particularly malicious……」

「I wonder about that. In the end Lux-kun seems to be particularly kind to cute girl after all.」

Krulcifer kept her gaze to the front while talking with a tone that was vaguely cold.

It could also be seen that she was slightly sulking for a girl who was always composed.

「Mo, more importantly. About this Pilgrimage Festival……」

And so Lux tried to change the topic. He spoke out about the question that arose from what he heard from Mel just now.

「What is it?」

「By partic.i.p.ating in this event, I can be recognized as Krulcifer-san’s marriage partner even by the country, is that true?」


「Wai-, why are you falling silent!? That’s not like you, Krulcifer-san!?」

When Lux said that in panic, Krulcifer made a serious face and slowly averted her face away from Lux.

「That was really careless of me wasn’t it? Now that you mention it, there is actually that kind of custom. Certainly when this Pilgrimage Festival is over, Lux-kun will unexpectedly obtain that qualification.」

「Somehow that’s really transparent you know!? Krulcifer-san!」

「Don’t be surprised like that. Remember that I simply called Lux-kun to come home with me is simply because I was concerned with the true intention of Einfolk house, it’s not like I’m trying to arrange all the engagement requirements while Lux-kun is unaware, I have no such aim at all.」

「At least say that while looking at my eyes!?」

Lux unconsciously retorted with loud voice at Krulcifer’s matter-of-fact talk.

The surrounding knights glared his way fiercely. Lux blocked his mouth when he noticed, right after that,

「──All hands, draw your sword!」

A male voice cut through the white mist. The voice came from the front of the ranks.

Lux and Krulcifer instantly changed their expression and pulled out their Sword Device from their sword belt.

「There is reaction of one Abyss from the front of the cemetery! Five members of Sanctuary Knight Order will head there to intercept it. The remaining members will wear their Drag-Ride and devote themselves to the protection of his eminence the pope!」

The knight captain raised a loud voice and sent instruction to the troops.

Naturally, one person among the troops would constantly wear Drake all the time to detect enemy using the Drake’s basic function, the Radar.

「Fuh, at any rate if the Abyss is only discovered, that means it’s still far away. Is there any need to be that panicked?」

The eldest brother, Zain who was walking nearby without them noticing muttered that.

But, Krulcifer calmly shook her head and denied his words.

「If it’s necessity, there is one. A narrow hill path is continuing from this path until the exit to the cemetery. It will be dangerous if we don’t obtain the advantage in terrain, that’s why they made the first move before the enemy notice.」


Zain who had that pointed out fell silent bitterly.

「Certainly……. If it’s this place, it will be too dangerous to fight.」

Lux also agreed with Krulcifer’s opinion.

Naturally, in this kind of single narrow path, they wouldn’t be able to spread out their force, it would be hard to fight even if they summoned Drag-Ride.

If there was an Abyss at the square of the cemetery, it would be dangerous if they didn’t intercept it before it could arrive at this narrow path.

「Rather what concern me is──no, perhaps I’m only thinking too much.」

「……What do you mean?」

Zain showed a dubious expression at Krulcifer’s muttering, it was then──,



The intense strange noise was reverberating in the nearby area of the cemetery.

It was the tone of the outbreak of battle that they had got used to hearing many times.

The sound of the horn flute that called Abyss and made them obey.

Right after that a tension ran through the surrounding, the trees at left and right began to shake, and several Abysses leaped out.

「──!? These guys, they are……!」

Creature type Abyss that was called Haiit.

It was a huge monkey with height several times of human and it was densely covered in thick hair.

It would cut apart its prey with three claws that were sharp like long sword, and it possessed physical strength that could smash even castle wall in one strike.

Even when one was clad in Drag-Ride, they were a formidable enemy that might brought down their enemy by brute force if they let their guard down.

Furthermore, it was relatively agile despite their hugeness, it would be quite a disadvantage if they faced this Abyss in a terrain without good visibility.

「It, it’s pincer attack-!? They are coming simultaneously from left and right-……!」

The Sanctuary Knight Order members yelled with voice that was a mix of terror and surprise.

Two Drag-Knights who weren’t even perturbed by the approaching threat muttered the Pa.s.scode almost at the same time.

「──Come, the winged dragon of crest, the symbol of strength. Obey my sword and soar, Wyvern.」

「──Reincarnate. The huge dragon of calamity, taken captive by riches. Become the compensation of desire far and wide, Fafnir.」

Right after that, phosph.o.r.escence gathered in front of Lux and Krulcifer and formed shape.

The aerodynamically shaped Drag-Rides that appeared quickly covered their body and transformed into armor.


The Abysses were howling while mowing down *BEKI BEKI-!* trees in their approach.

It seemed there were multiple Haiit that came in pincer attack, the scream of the other Sanctuary Knight Order members could be heard.



「Yes, I’ll leave the vanguard role to you.」

Shockwave from Howling Howl and the swing of Scale Blade as s.h.i.+eld replacement deflected away the many trees thrown their way and smashed them apart.

Right after that, a huge monkeyHaiit that leaped out from the trees. Without delay Krulcifer sniped it.

Fafnir’s special armament, Freezing Cannon fired out freezing bullet.

The blue flash that was fired avoided the countless obstacles that were scattered to everywhere and froze the face of the Haiit.

If it was a normal beast, the victory would be decided the moment its head was frozen along with its respiratory tract.

──But, the Abyss before them came attacking by swinging its powerful arm that was like a log even in that state.


Zain who was looking from nearby shuddered in terror seeing that unexpected counterattack.

But, the complexion of Lux who was confronting it didn’t change in the slightest. He instantly cut off the arm that was swung at him.

It was a super high speed slash from Quick Draw, a technique to accelerate just one action to the extreme.

The Abyss was resisting even now, but Krulcifer’s Freezing Cannon fired several normal bullets on its chest.

The concentrated attack to the same spot destroyed the core at its chest.

「……Gi, aA……!」

The Haiit writhed as though trying to tear off its chest with its remaining hand, before it finally ceased to live.

It fell prostrate on the spot with a thunderous sound before it crumbled into black ash.

「Defeating a Haiit that easily, in this situation……?」

The eldest brother Zain who was watching Krulcifer and Lux muttered in daze.

The two’s great coordination captivated him, but the excellence of their skill was even more so.

The Drag-Knights of Sanctuary Knight Order at the surrounding also recovered their calm and began to start an even match despite some amount of disadvantage.

「H, hmph……. It looks like the seat of Seven Dragon Paladins aren’t just a mere t.i.tle.」

Zain pretended to be tough while being overwhelmed by the strength of the two, but the fighting was still continuing.

「Countermeasure against Haiit was also described in the Academy’s textbook isn’t it.」

Krulcifer muttered and looked up to the sky for confirmation.

「──That’s right. Let’s go by the book here.」

The huge monkey Abyss couldn’t fly in exchange of their maneuverability.

Therefore, it was a good plan for those who was wearing flying type Drag-Ride to not crowd up in a cramped place and scattered instead.

「Zain-niisan, join up with the force at the front. I will give backup from the sky.」

Krulcifer told her big brother like that and she quickly drove Fafnir flying.

She took position in the sky where she was able to get bird’s eye view of the cemetery and the hill path until there. She then readied her Rifle to give backup, it was then──,

「Krulcifer-san! Watch out-!」

Right after Lux yelled, light bullet smashed on Fafnir’s back and explosion occurred.

When the flame blasts that burst consecutively settled down, there was Krulcifer lingering in the air along with seven s.h.i.+elds.

「……What could that be? This is──」

She was unharmed due to Auto s.h.i.+eld, the special armament of automatic protection, but she was frowning at that attack that seemed as though it was plotted.

At the alt.i.tude of one step higher than Fafnir that was flying midair to aim at the Haiit──the Abyss called Gargoyle was lurking inside the cloud.

「They planned this? No, such thing is──……!」

Lux also flew his Wyvern and ran his gaze to the surrounding alertly.

Something was strange.

Excluding some minor exception, the thing called Abyss wouldn’t coordinate with fellow Abyss of different type.

Especially when someone was using horn flute to manipulate several type of Abyss simultaneously, their movement should become simple because they were obeying the same command.

And yet, what was with this splendid coordination?

The one Haiit that appeared first at the beginning caused the force’s Drake to concentrate their attention to the front.

At the opening when the attention of the enemy searching was s.h.i.+fted, a pincer attack came from Haiit that were lurking among the trees at left and right.

No matter how the Sanctuary Knight Order tried to prepare their battle force beforehand, they wouldn’t be able to avoid wracking their brain thinking of how to deal with this terrain.

If Drag-Knights wearing flying type Drag-Ride escaped to the sky then took position to give covering fire toward the ground, at that moment the Gargoyle above would hit them with light bullet as though it had been waiting for it.

It was a coordination that was as though the situation at their side, the best action the Drag-Knights would take had been completely seen through.

If it was someone else other than Fafnir that possessed Auto s.h.i.+eld, they would be struck down, or at the worst case they would lose their life on the spot.

At the present, the number of the Abyss that could be confirmed by sight was seven in total.

The user of the horn flute couldn’t be found at the surrounding, so for the time being that was all of their enemy.

If it was with the force this time that was mostly formed by High Cla.s.s Drag-Knights, they should be able to fight in superior position, but the ingenious planning of the enemy forced their side to disadvantage right now.

「Lux-kun. Can I leave the below to you? I will chase after the Abyss in the sky.」

First nothing could begin if they didn’t grasp the enemy’s battle strength.

The Sanctuary Knight Order members were becoming agitated against the change in situation that was occurring in succession, their formation was almost crumbling.

Here they could only open a path of survival somehow using the strength of Lux and Krulcifer.

「This isn’t the time to save strength.」

Lux made that decision and quickly put his hand on Bahamut’s Sword Device.

But, at that instant. Thought of terrific killing intent pierced the surrounding air.

「──Don’t move. They are my prey.」


Lux saw instantly.

The young girl who was messing around with him until just now ──Mel Gizalut was wearing a large type Drag-Ride that was unbalanced with her body.

The upper body was red, the lower body was white.

Right after his gaze was stolen by the armor with unfamiliar coloring, that Divine Drag-Ride started moving.

「……I’ll show you, the meaning of the nickname Subjugator.」

Mel lifted a large type HalberdDragon Battle Halberd, then she accelerated using wheel Drivepropulsion device.

She leaped out in front of the Sanctuary Knight Order members who were in one-sided defensive battle and struck a Haiit with her Halberd.

「Gi, GOBUAaAH!?」

Haiit that had tough body including hard fur that was like wire was blown away with just an attack.

Furthermore perhaps from the ability of a special armament, its whole body was enveloped with flame instantly.

But, even Lux knew from the battle just now that it wasn’t an opponent that would be finished just from that.

「Mel! Just that much is no good! If you don’t destroy the enemy’s core──」

「My, that’s troublesome isn’t it.」

Right after that, the Haiit leaped toward Ddraig Gwiber even with its whole body getting scorched.

But, Mel used the tip of her Halberd──the spear part and unleashed a thrust, piercing the core at its chest without difficulty.

「O, GU……u!」

It left behind short groan and its huge body that was around three ml crumbled. (TN: Made a mistake with this meter unit, previously I used ‘mel’, but the correct one is ‘ml’. It’s the unit for meter in this world)

After confirming that, Mel quickly drove her Divine Drag-Ride and hunted the other Haiit.


The brilliance of her skill stole the words from Lux.

She attacked with flame in order to burn off the Haiit’s hard fur, and right after that she pulverized the core with a thrust of her Halberd.

It was an extremely effective tactic that was carried out by seeing through the Abyss’s trait.

While Lux was admiring that extraordinary skill, a Dragon Voice from Krulcifer came to him.

『I finished off the Gargoyle in the sky. There is only one left now.』


This wasn’t the time to be entranced by Mel’s movement.

Mel’s Divine Drag-Ride had Drive in wheel shape meant that her Drag-Ride was land battle type.

The moment Lux flew toward the sky in order to give Krulcifer’s backup, he saw a Haiit that might be the last a.s.saulted a defenseless nun.

「Watch out-!」

Lux made his Wyvern flew in full speed and intercepted the Haiit.

He blocked using Scale Blade the tip of the fist that the Haiit raised as counterattack.

Right after that, that huge fist was smashed up into pieces.

The counter technique that received the opponent’s attack and returned it into one point, Critical Hit.


The Haiit shrieked while plucking off a nearby large tree. It came striking by using that as replacement for weapon.

It must be its countermeasure because he considered Lux’s technique as danger, but its movement was perfectly predicted.

「──Wise Blood.」

Krulcifer who was midair didn’t overlook it and sniped.

The Divine Raiment of Fafnir that carried out future prediction of a few seconds ahead completely estimated the movement of the Haiit. Several streak of flash froze the Abyss’s limbs.

At the end consecutive shots concentrated on the chest gouged the core and the Abyss crumbled from that.


They somehow escaped from the predicament. Lux let out a relieved sigh.

The Sanctuary Knight Order members too were an elite lineup as expected, it didn’t seem like the group, including the pope Nias had any serious harm.

「Haaa, I’m saved dearimasu.」 (TN: Kinda like ‘desu’)

But, Lux felt something out of place from the existence of the sisternun who was nestling close to the side of the similarly relieved Pope Nias who was still a young boy.

A girl who looked like she was the same age with Nias and Mel.

Her presence here itself wasn’t unnatural, and she might be with them too in the pilgrimage yesterday.

But if she was here in the role as helper of the ceremony, wasn’t a single bishop sufficient for that?

The meaning of intentionally making a powerless girl accompanying this kind of pilgrimage that was accompanied with danger was──.

「……-!? Everyone be on your guard! There is still one reaction of Abyss remaining!」

One of the Sanctuary Knight Order who was wearing Drake yelled.

When tension ran in the area once more, a winged beast──Chimera that was hiding behind fallen snow a.s.saulted toward the position of Pope Nias.

「Protect his eminence!」

As expected the people there weren’t that careless.

Several Drag-Knights stood in front of Nias and the bishop, but the Chimera suddenly changed direction, bit the clothes of the pet.i.te sister, and left while carrying her to the sky.


It changed objective in a situation where everyone was worrying about the pope’s safety.

Not to mention the whole Sanctuary Knight Order, even Lux and Krulcifer were also taken by surprise.

When Lux poured strength into the control stick of his Drag-Ride to chase after the Abyss, something flew up from the ground.

「Ddraig Gwiber──Wyvern ModeFlight Form」

Mel grasped her Sword Device and muttered. The mind control operation that was done almost simultaneously with that transformed the shape of the Divine Drag-Ride she was wearing.

From the land battle type that specialized in ground battle, close quarter combat, and defensive power, into flying type that possessed back wings with high mobility.

The Drag-Ride that was colored with two colors of white and red had the proportion of that coloring reversed.

「Transformation!? Don’t tell me, that Divine Drag-Ride is able to use both trait of flying and land battle?」

Even while Lux was shocked like that, there was no way he could leave everything to Mel alone.

Lux and Krulcifer also flew their respective Drag-Ride to chase after the base, it was at that timing a squall suddenly flowed in front of the Chimera, stopping its movement for a moment.

Right after that, the Halberd of the flying Mel struck its torso from behind into two.

「──GI, iiIII!」

The Chimera left behind the reverberation of dull scream of death agony before its body crumbled.

Mel watched it from start to end in satisfaction while smiling bewitchingly.

「──How disappointing, it looks like there is no more enemy left. But well, it means that the achievement today is my victory.」

Lux was speechless against her atmosphere that was vaguely tinged with shadow.

(The squall just now, was that Ddraig Gwiber’s Divine Raiment?)

In any case, what he understood was that the fact that this girl called Mel Gizalut was really a genius Drag-Knight wasn’t an exaggeration.

「──Wait, rather than that, someone please save meeeeee-!」

「……-! Krulcifer-san! Will you make it!?」

「Yes, it’s all right.」

The sister who was liberated due to the death of the Chimera and was starting to free fall was quickly caught by Fafnir that possessed unrivalled mobility.

Like that they landed at the outskirt of the cemetery, slight distance away from the pope and the group of Sanctuary Knight Order.

Mel watched that before returning, while Lux chased behind Krulcifer.

「Krulcifer-san! Is that girl all right!?」

When Lux caught up beside Krulcifer, she was making a dumbfounded face while looking down on the girl in sister clothes who was simply lying down on the new snow.

「Nn, uuu……. I thought it was the end for me dearimasu.」

The girl slowly opened her eyes above the snow and twisted her body painfully.

The hood covering her head slipped down, exposing a beautiful hair and face.

She was a young girl possessing light green hair.

There was no sign of worrying wound anywhere on her body, just──on her head, drooping ears like puppy were attached there.

「Lux-kun, this……」

「This ears, this child, don’t tell me……!」

The body stature of the pet.i.te girl, and her appearance with animal ears growing on her head.

The Gear Leadermanager that was called as Automaton, which they had happened to see several times in various Ruins.

They reflexively held their breath seeing her features that had the vestiges of Gear Leader.

「Eh……? AAAAH!?」

Perhaps the girl noticed the gaze of Lux and Krulcifer, she sprang up on the spot, then her hands reached out to left and right in panic.

It seemed she was searching for her falling veil on the snow, but before long she gave up and hid her ears with both her hands.

「You, those ears are──」

「Wo, woof woof-!」

She said with upturned gaze while her hands kept hiding her ears.

Strange silence drifted in the area.

「Fu, fufufu……, if I attach accessory and character like this to myself, I might be able to deceive them somehow dearimasu. O, Onee-san and Onii-san, thank you very much for saving Ney woof. I’m immensely grateful dearimasu! ……Woof!」


The looks that Krulcifer was looking at the girl with was gradually changing into a complex look.

A personality that resembled La Cruche who they found at the Arc some time ago.

No, somehow she even felt that this one here was even stranger.

Lux and Krulcifer guessed that for the time being there was no danger, so they dispelled their armor and discussed with each other.

「I wonder, if all Automatas basically have regrettable personality?」

「I don’t know about that……」

Lux smiled wryly at Krulcifer’s muttering. Seeing that, the girl who introduced herself as Ney waved her hands in great panic.

「Yo, you’re wrong dearimasu! I am not this thing called Automata that you are saying! ……Fuu, I almost got found out just now dearimasu.」

「I don’t care about it but your inside voice is leaking out completely you know……. And, what are you──」

Krulcifer was completely exasperated, but Ney didn’t even realize that and she averted her face.

「Fufufu, they are completely tricked dearimasu. Perhaps in contrast to their appearance, they are actually dim witted child dearimasu.」

「That’s why we can hear you loud and clear. I have the conceit that I am a gentle person but──I’ll dismantle you, you know?」

「Hawa──!? I’m sorry dearimasu-!」

「I’m joking. More importantly, you don’t have recollection of my face?」


Krulcifer calmly told her and lightly patted the girl’s head.

Instantly, Ney went ‘hah’ in realization and her eyes opened wide, bluish white light dwelled in her eyes.

「──You are XferKey’s Supervisor, sama?」

After blinking her eyes a few times, the girl removed her hands from her head.

The drooping ears went *piko-* and stood up straight, then she suddenly jumped on the chest of Krulcifer who was still in pilot suit appearance.


Krulcifer unusually raised a delicate cry. Ney hugged such Krulcifer with her face moved to tears.

「I finally can meet you Xfer-sama! With this I too can return to the Ruin dearimasu. I’m glad desuuu」

「Calm down a bit, are you really, an Automaton of the Ruin?」

「Yes. I am the Gear Leader of the Ruin Hall, Ney Louches dearimasu. Ah, err……. On that subject, this person here is──」

Saying that, she became concerned of Lux’s presence after this late and she directed her gaze toward him coweringly.

It was a concern whether she would regard Lux as enemy just like La Cruche when her memory returned, but at the present time it didn’t seem like it.

「Then, this mean you will listen to what I’m saying right? Ney, can I ask you to keep silent about the fact that I am an Xfer, and that your true ident.i.ty became known by us?」


Lux and Ney tilted their head simultaneously hearing Krulcifer’s words.

On top of that, it seemed Krulcifer was telling even more various things to Ney with small voice.

「I’m relying on you. Let’s talk about the minute detail again later on. Then──」

But, Lux immediately understood what she meant.

The force of Sanctuary Knight Order that was protecting Pope Nias was searching the area around the cemetery.

Most likely they were looking for this girl who was disguising herself as a sister.

「Are you two okay!? Where is that sister!?」

The voice of the knight order’s captain came to hearing, so Lux guessed Krulcifer’s intention.

「Everyone is safe. The girl is also not injured.」

Lux answered like that while showing Ney who had put on her veil once more.

The captain sighed with relieved expression. Then he said his thanks and led away the girl.

「It looks like there is a need to ask that child about her story later.」


It seemed that due to the great effort of the Sanctuary Knight Order that was centered on Mel, they managed to purge the swarm of Abyss.

After that the pilgrimage ceremony ended without a hitch, and with that the schedule today was accomplished.

「──Then, tomorrow we will be in the care of everyone in the knight order once more.」

The grateful speech from the bishop Orphel concluded the second day and the group broke up in front of the sanctuary.

Lux’s gaze chased after the figure of Ney who was nonchalantly accompanying Pope Nias, but she entered inside the sanctuary without stopping.

The sanctuary was thoroughly a place for practical business, there shouldn’t be any place for living there.

(Is Ney under the management of this country’s top bra.s.s?)

At the very least, there was no doubt that the high ranked priest around the archbishop or bishop knew about Ney’s true ident.i.ty.

While Lux was thinking of such thing, his back was suddenly tapped.

「Where are you looking at, Onii-chan?」


The sensation of his back suddenly getting tickled caused Lux’s body to jump on the spot with a twitch.

When he turned around, Mel Gizalut was standing there with a bewitching smile.

「Do, do you have business with me?」

Lux was scared whether she had seen through Ney’s existence, but fortunately it didn’t seem so.

「What do you think? About my fighting style with Ddraig Gwiber? It was even more magnificent than Krulcifer right?」

Mel smiled with a proud tone.

Regarding Lux’s true ident.i.ty as Black Hero who was driving the Divine Drag-Ride Bahamut, it seemed she noticed it when he fought Greifer at the arena in the royal capital, but she didn’t show any sign of making allusion to it.

In the first place, normally someone wouldn’t poke their nose into the affair of their allied country.

In short, she was simply asking Lux because she knew that he was a strong person at the same level with her.

「It was really amazing. I have never seen before someone that can handle Divine Drag-Ride until that far in your age.」

「I wish for lovelier compliment here. Something like my age, or being genius, I’m tired of hearing that kind of ordinary words. Ah, I already know that I’m beautiful and lovely, so you don’t need to praise me about that.」

「As I thought, Mel is a really interesting kid.」

Her att.i.tude was full of confidence, but mysteriously it didn’t sound like sarcasm.

Perhaps it was because of the girl’s innocent atmosphere.

「However, I think that the way you fight is dangerous.」

「Hee, I wonder if you can give me an opinion that I can use as reference.」

Mel asked back unperturbedly toward Lux’s words.

She was still very young, but it seemed she wasn’t soft mentally.

That was why Lux too didn’t force himself to be considerate and he spoke his frank opinion.

「Certainly you are strong. Perhaps, you have been memorizing the mode of life of various types of Abyss, and you are also able to master that peculiar Divine Drag-Ride. If it’s only in aspect of strength, then certainly I think among the force just now you might be stronger than anyone……but」

「You aren’t putting the safety of everyone as first priority──is that what you want to say I wonder?」

Mel made a cynical smile and preempted Lux’s words.

It was hard to realize because her situational judgment was accurate and her strength was also overwhelming, but Mel was trying to hunt the Abyss inside her range in the shortest and fastest way.

That act itself was correct as one possible strategy, but at the same time it would make any leeway to be lost.

And then, she wasn’t taking into account of cooperating with other Drag-Knight.

It must be an action that came from possessing outstanding combat strength and absolute confidence, but it was risky.

「──I see. Well, that can’t be helped.」

But, Mel more or less nodded toward what Lux pointed out and she said that without hesitation.

「Because, my heart is something cursed.」


Lux t.i.tled his head at her suggestive mutter.

「I am the Subjugator──it’s the t.i.tle given to a person who destroyed Abyss more than anyone in this country. The reason I obtained that tilte, is because when I see Abyss, my nature is that I cannot help but to defeat it before anything else.」

「That’s, what do you──?」

「You didn’t hear from Krulcifer? My house──Gizalut house that is a great n.o.ble of this country was destroyed seven years ago. My family died from Abyss’s attack, leaving only me alone.」


Lux was shocked by that tragic fact, but at the same time he also felt like something clicked into place.

Although her house was a military family that was equal to Einfolk house, but why was it only her existence that was famous?

It was because the lineage of her house had already died except herself.

「The day of Pilgrimage Festival just like today seven years ago. The Ruin rampaged──and ten-odd Abysses overflowed out all at once. It was difficult for the Drag-Knights of this country that was inexperienced at that time to even deal with it.」

Mel’s face that was always filled with smile of unyielding spirit was tinged with slight grief.

「That’s why, since then I’m broken. Even if I have to risk some amount of danger, when I see Abyss I can’t help but feel that I have to defeat them. Even myself cannot stop it, this impulse of mine.」


「This talk is over. Let’s meet again, Onii-chan.」

Mel’s tone returned to usual and she left.

Lux couldn’t say anything more. He saw off her back.

–Part 2

「Thank you for your hard work today. Well then, let’s head to the number one inn in the holy capital.」

After getting discharged from the guard duty near the sanctuary, Alterize came along with horse carriage as expected, but today she was showing them a different destination.

「Eerr, we aren’t going back home?」

「Because there is plan to partic.i.p.ate in a dinner party that is being hold during the Pilgrimage Festival.」

「If you are tired, it’s also fine to return to the mansion of Einfolk, but I think that staying outside at least for today will instead make it feel more easeful you know?」

Urged like that by Krulcifer, Lux decided to partic.i.p.ate in the party too.

Fundamentally it was a celebration of Ymir Theocracy that would be held solemnly in one’s own residence or at the church, but a part of the n.o.bles would prepare a gorgeous dinner party.

Believers with position like the pope or bishop wouldn’t partic.i.p.ate in this banquet.

It seemed that it wasn’t something formal that was conforming to the doctrine, but something that a part of the n.o.bles held independently.

Having said that, compared to the dinner party of other country, there was no doubt that it was something quiet.

After the horse carriage ran for a while, they arrived at a high cla.s.s inn that was attached with bath, bar, and cafeteria.

「Ojou-sama  has a bit of business, so please relax over here first.」

Guided by Alterize, Lux opened the door of an individual room.

The room was clean, with calming interior design and color scheme.

It wasn’t as luxurious as the royal capital’s high cla.s.s inn, but it had chic design and consolidated ornaments, bringing out a mysterious calm.

It seemed that it also had services that were unique to northern country, like putting warmed rock at the bed and so on.

The interior of the inn itself was something that even Lux was happy about, but,

「Err, Alterize-san. This room, for some reason it has two beds in it though……」

After giving the room a brief survey, Lux alluded regarding that.

「Yes. There is also a room with one large type bed but, that’s, it’s still, the Pilgrimage Festival is also not over yet. If the two of you cut loose too much──」

Alterize averted her gaze for some reason and her cheeks reddened. Seeing that, Lux was convinced.

「That’s not it, don’t tell me Krulcifer-san will be in this same room!?」

「……Honestly speaking, from my view I also think that this is still too early, but this is so, Lux-sama too, won’t become too daring, in the academy or in Einfolk house, that’s why.」

「Please don’t be considerate like that-! Or rather, between I and Krulcifer-san something like betrothal is still no──」

「Then, when you finished changing, please head to the dinner party at the second floor. I think Ojou-sama will also change in this room, so please hurry as much as possible.」

The door was closed shut with a click along with a bow.

He missed the chance to resolve the misunderstanding again.

「──But, I wonder, what does Krulcifer-san think about the matter of bethrothal?」

Lux was changing into the prepared dress suit while he suddenly thought of such thing.

For Krulcifer, at present Einfolk house was pus.h.i.+ng troublesome betrothal on her, so she made Lux to a.s.sume the role of fiancée to avoid the troublesome matter. Surely that was it.

But, as expected, he got the hunch that it would become problem at the future if this misunderstanding was left as it was indefinitely.

「I have to do something about it.」

The moment he relaxed his attention like that, an impulse of wanting to lie down on the bed welled up.

「Fuu, I’m tired……」

Lux sat down on the bed. He then stretched up his body before collapsing down.

Then, in the place of soft feather blanket, *munyun* such soft sensation touched his head.


The moment Lux tilted his head in confusion, Lux’s body was quickly embraced by a girl’s hands gently and he was restrained.

Lux was speechless from a great shock. Then a familiar voice of a girl entered his ear.

「Lu-chan, caught you.」

「……Wait, Phi-chan!? Wa-, why!? How!?」

The one sleeping on Lux’s bed was his childhood friend, Philuffy.

The back of Lux’s head was placed on the chest of the girl who was incidentally lying down face up there. His posture was as though it became replacement of pillow for him.

On top of that, Philuffy circled both her hands around Lux and embraced him *gyuuu-* tightly that he couldn’t move.

「The door was left open, so I entered you know?」

「A, it’s true. If I’m not careful──not that, what I want to ask isn’t that you know!?」

Lux’s face turned red from feeling the soft and elastic texture of Philuffy’s breast while he yelled.

「Onee-chan, and my master will do something somehow about it for me a bit. So I can finally come here.」

Philuffy gave him such answer with an indifferent tone.

Lux didn’t understand the detail with only that, but it seemed that the gist of it was that Philuffy came to Ymir using Relie’s strength.

「Master? ……Or rather, this posture is bad, so let me go for now okay!?」(TN: Master in the meaning of mentor, teacher)

「…………, don’t want.」

Philuffy kept hugging Lux with reproachful eyes, then she faced away with ‘puih’,

「Eeeeh, wai-, why──!?」

When Lux was fl.u.s.tered and he reflexively yelled,

「……I’m, angry here.」


Philuffy puffed up her cheeks slightly with her expression and voice still didn’t look or sound like she was angry at all.

「Even though, I promised, to go to crepe stall, together with Lu-chan.」


Lux recalled that promise now that she told him.

Because Lux left the country a day earlier in a hurry, he was unable to keep his promise with Philuffy.

「So, sorry Phi-chan! This time there is a circ.u.mstance, but next time I’ll make up for it without fail, so──」

「……You, promise?」

After staring still at Lux’s panicked face, Philuffy said that to him.

「Yes. That’s why, that, if you can forgive me this time──amuh」

When Lux tried to explain, Philuffy let go of him.

And then something softly pushed on the lips of Lux who was getting up.

Looking carefully, it was a cookie that Philuffy often eat.

「Then, for you. The proof of making up.」

Lux was relieved seeing Philuffy showing him a faint smile and he ate the cookie.

The gentle taste of the faint sweetness was melting inside his mouth.

「That’s, after this, I have plan to go to the banquet though……」

Leaving her behind like this would be a bit……, should he take her along with him?

While Lux was thinking of such arrangement, Philuffy slowly stood up.

「I’m being invited by the inn’s big wig, so I’ll be all right. Later, Lu-chan.」

It seemed Philuffy herself also had business.

They would talk in more detail later and so Lux parted with her for the moment. He then went to the dinner party too.

After checking his appearance using mirror, Lux exited the guest room and headed to the second floor.

When he exited into a banquet hall, a s.p.a.cious fantastical s.p.a.ce spread out.

「……This is, the dinner party of the capital.」

That place Lux was looking at was so bizarre that such muttering reflexively came out.

It was a completely different atmosphere than the dazzling party at the royal capital.

It was quiet and dim, an atmosphere that was like Holy Communion.

Small silverwork candlestick was put on each table, then after being guided to the seat, wine and bread would be served first.

The other food would come after the prayer was finished, it seemed that they would be coming along with the lighting getting brighter.

The lighting only came from unreliable candles, a choir’s solemn voice could be heard from the stage.

「For now, I have to wait until Krulcifer-san arrives──」

However, the atmosphere was solemn, and yet he couldn’t calm down for some reason.

「Excuse me──, could it be you are alone?」

While Lux was fidgeting, an elegant lady and women of blooming age who seemed to be her companions suddenly called out to him.

Perhaps they were drunk. Other than strong perfume aroma, they gave off the scent of alcohol.

It seemed although this was Ymir Theocracy, there was also believers who didn’t fit into the mold.

「You are a traveler who came for the Pilgrimage Festival aren’t you? If you like, how about conversing a bit with us?」

「Tha, thank you very much for your consideration. But I’m, waiting for someone──」

When Lux responded like that while acting bewildered at their invitation, the woman came even closer to him.

「My? She must be a bad woman to leave alone a boy like you. Then while you’re waiting, we will keep you company here. We will also pour you some alcohol.」

「N, no, I’m──!?」

Even while fl.u.s.tered, Lux stiffened, unable to think of how to respond skillfully.

Wondering what to do, Lux fully operated his knowledge he got from his, but he didn’t have experience avoiding older female.

When Lux became even more bewildered and panicked,

「──I heard that in Pilgrimage Festival, it’s the custom to be quiet until the hymn is over you know?」

There, a different girl’s voice suddenly came from the side of the women.

「Also, it’s still too early to drink alcohol too. And so, I come bringing water.」

With a quiet gesture, that girl’s hand put a gla.s.s of water on the table.

She was graceful, and yet she gently chided the women with resolute tone.

Just with that gesture, the flowing atmosphere that was teasing Lux was splendidly severed.

「-……, wha, what’s with you. Thi, this is a kill-joy. Even though we are expressly tying to have a fun conversation here.」

The women were feeling indignation selfishly and then they left.

After that, that girl quietly sat down while saying 「Excuse me」.


That conduct that was just too natural caused Lux to mutter unconsciously.

He couldn’t see her face well because of the dim room, but that beautiful presence caused Lux’s heart to skip a beat.

She was wearing a chic dress with stacked up black and purple fabric, and conservative ornament.

The clothing style was calm, suitable for this holy communion, but the chest area that was slightly opened showed an abundant bulge, which made it felt like it emphasized that seductiveness deliberately instead.

「Err, thank you very much for helping me.」

Lux talked to deceive himself from the loud beating of his heart.

Then, the girl sitting beside him chuckled inside the darkness and brought her face closer to Lux with a smile.

「──Thanks is not permitted you know? Aiding you is my job after all.」

「Ee──, eeeeeeh……!?」

Lux raised a shocked voice spontaneously seeing the girl’s figure.

The new kingdom’s Academy’s strongest, the duke’s daughter who was the captain of Syvalles.

Celistia who was also the aide of Lux who became Seven Dragon Paladins was there in dress appearance.

「Wh, why!? Celis-senpai is in this place──」

She was a girl his senior who he a.s.sociated a lot in the Academy, but he never imagined that he would reunite with her in this country──furthermore in the inn of this holy capital.

「That’s my line Lux. It’s troubling that you’re going far away arbitrarily.」

Celis was telling him with a tone that was somewhat unusual for her, as though she was chiding a troublesome little brother.

She must had been told how his departure schedule was moved ahead and came to this holy capital after asking Yoruka to give the others his message.

In regard to that, Lux couldn’t argue back at all and felt guilty.

「──But, I’m relieved that you are safe. In the future please discuss it with me first before doing something like this.」

But, that girl his senior conveyed to him that she wasn’t particularly angry, that she was simply worried about Lux.

「Yes. Next time for sure.」

Lux who noticed that responded to her with a relieved smile.

Then Celis smiled wryly.

「But, I’m also similarly helped, because it’s troubling that men has been calling out to me since some time ago. I unconsciously said 『Don’t come near me』 to all of them by mistake. I was nervous so──in that sense……」


Lux comprehended from Celis’s muttering that was mixed with a sigh.

「As I thought, senpai is not good with male even outside the Academy.」

「Do, don’t make fun of me please! ……I have been working even harder than before after all.」

Celis hung her head down in embarra.s.sment. Lux smiled wryly seeing that.

「But, if senpai doesn’t get strangely tense, surely you will be able to talk with them normally you know? If you can do that, you will be able to get along better with other men──」

「Is that so? Then……」

Celis looked around the men at the surrounding with a distant look, but then her expression looked like she wasn’t really enthusiastic, and then at the end she turned a faint smile at Lux.

「──No, as I thought I’ll refrain for now. Male other than Lux, still feel somewhat scary, so I’ll ask you to teach me about male for a bit more first before trying it.」

「I, I see.」

That roundabout talk felt like she was thinking of him as special, which made his heart skipped a beat spontaneously.

At that timing when such atmosphere was flowing, the chair in front of Lux quietly moved.

「It looks like you are enjoying yourself with a beautiful woman aren’t you, Lux-kun.」

「Kru, Krulcifer-san!?」

Krulcifer who came late in dress appearance was talking to him with a fixed stare that looked vaguely cold.

「It was my bad for spending time to finish various kind of troublesome procedures. I never even imagined that you will do something like calling out to other girl even at this country.」

「Tha, that’s a misunderstanding Krulcifer-san. Celis-senpai is just, she only came here because she is worried for me──」

Lux made excused while getting fl.u.s.tered, but Krulcifer’s att.i.tude was somewhat dissatisfied.

「Glad you could make it Krulcifer. Let’s have the piled up talk later.」

「Well, it’s not like I didn’t antic.i.p.ate that it will become like this though.」

Krulcifer also sat down with a somewhat resigned tone, then the three started their dinner.

It seemed that they gathered attention from the surrounding as expected, but even so they were able to spend an enjoyable moment.

「Even so all of you, no matter how much you all want to meet with Lux-kun, but isn’t this still too much of impatience?」

After they finished dinner and joined up with Philuffy who had finished her business too.

They were walking at the corridor while Krulcifer asked that with sarcasm mixed in her tone.

「That’s not really true. In the case that Lux is staying in Einfolk house, there is no way all of us will intrude to there.」

「Don’t tell me, you mean……」

The moment Krulcifer heard Celis’s reply, she made a dubious face.

Lux too tilted his head while opening the room’s door. It was then a surprising sight leaped into his sight.

「I’ve been waiting, Lux.」

「Long time no see, Aruji-samamy lord.」

「Lisha-sama!? Yoruka too!?」

Inside the guest room that had been left empty for around a hour, the princess of new kingdom Lizsharte and the former who now introduced herself as Lux’s servant──Kirihime Yoruka were there.

Lisha was sitting on the bed in her usual uniform appearance, while Yoruka was kneeling on the floor wearing foreign attire with high degree of exposure and welcomed Lux.

「……Haa, I wonder why it turned out like this.」

Krulcifer unusually covered her face with her hand and let out a deep sigh. She then averted her gaze.

「In the end everyone came here!? That, the new kingdom and the Academy are──」

Somehow or another, the elite Drag-Knights of the Academy were a.s.sembled here.

If there was plan for such members to be away from the Academy, they could ask for the royal capital to dispatch reinforcement of Drag-Knights to Cross Field, but Lux wondered if it was okay this time.

「No worry. The headmaster has arranged for subst.i.tute Drag-Knights after all. That’s why we too could finally arrive here just now.」

Lisha folded her arms proudly and muttered that.

「And so, everyone came to stay here? Even Yoruka──」

After asking Yoruka to give the others message, Lux also instructed her 『I want you to follow the headmaster’s instruction』 after that.

It was because he wanted her to cooperate in case there was danger that visited the Academy.

「Yes. I was tentatively asked by the headmaster-san about what I wish to do, and so I rushed to Aruji-sama’s side like this. ──Am I being a bother?」

「No, there is no such thing but──」

「That’s fortunate. After all serving Aruji-sama is my wish.」

Saying that, Yoruka bowed reverently.

Honestly speaking, it was a bit unexpected that Yoruka was here.

After Lux entrusted only her the matter of conveying his message, he thought she would only abide by his usual order of 『I want you to obey the Academy’s norm』, and yet she came here by her own will.

She was a girl who wouldn’t hesitate to say that she was a tool, but at the depth of herself there properly was an emotional aspect.

Next if she could get along well with everyone little by little then it would be great but──.

While thinking of such thing, Lux turned to face Lisha again.

「But, for everyone to purposefully come here──could it be」

「……Yeah. We found out that there is a great danger approaching you two and Ymir Theocracy. We came here in order to inform that and help out.」

Saying that, Lisha spread out on the bed the summarized report──the data regarding the abduction plan that would be carried out in Ymir Theocracy.

And then, six people gathered inside the room for two and a lively strategy meeting began.

–Part 3

At the same time, the center of holy capital.

At the snowy landscape where snow was starting to fall very deeply, inside the sanctuary where the lighting was already out, a single woman was standing.

In the ear of the woman who was clad in white robe, *zazaza-* such coa.r.s.e sound like the sound of sandstorm could be heard.

「──And, what did archbishop-sama said? Because there was enemy attack in the middle of pilgrimage, cancel the Pilgrimage Festival……, there was no way he was saying such thing right?」

The voice of one of the three bosses of Dragon Marauder, the Human Dragon division commander Drakkhen, was reaching the ear of the robed figure at the audience hall inside the sanctuary.

Drakkhen was wearing Drag-Ride at a place far away from the sanctuary, but the robed figure she was talking too didn’t wear anything like that.

The two of them weren’t conversing using Dragon Voice. By using the Divine Raiment of the Divine Drag-Ride Asp that Drakkhen possessed, the sound from both sides were conveyed to each other and they could exchange words from afar.

「In the first place I’m not going to give any worrying report. Though I told them that the danger in a level that is smaller than what was antic.i.p.ated has been driven away without any problem.」

「Kukuku, you speak harshly. I too was planning to do the best to my ability with the combat force that I could use in that place though……」

「Being unwilling to admit defeat is unsightly you know? Is the strength of the so called legendary mercenary is just a