Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 403

A+A-Chapter 403

Episode 4 – The Subjugator, Mel Gizalut

Part 1

「Uu──, AAAaAAH……!」

Near the cathedral located at the north of the holy capital, inside a room of a lodging house for high ranked monk or Sanctuary Knight Order to sleep.

At the time of dawn where it was still dark outside, a high-pitched scream resounded.

「Haa, haah! Haa……! Haa……」

Mel was breathing roughly with heaving shoulders on top of the bed in sitting posture.

She confirmed the situation around her and embraced the Sword Device leaning on the wall.

「……How hopeless. Only this dream hasn’t changed since that day seven years ago.」

She embraced her body that was trembling from the lingering memory of the bad dream with her own two hands to hold it in.

The terror and despair from losing her whole family due to the rampage of Ruin seven years ago.

And then the burning rage inside the chest made Mel Gizalut’s body to tremble.

「Why, even though today isn’t that day……」

She bit her lower lip hard and let out a voice with a grieving expression.

「Even though I won’t lose if today is that day. Otou-samafather and Okaa-samamother too, Onii-samabig brotherand Onee-samabig sister too──even my little sister, I won’t let them die if it’s today, and yet!」

She pulled out the Sword Device from the sheath and muttered while gazing at the beautiful blade of two colors that was glistening.

Divine Drag-Ride Ddraig Gwiber, it was a prize that was bestowed to Mel after she was defeated by Krulcifer at the military art tournament due to Bishop Orphel’s proposal to the archbishop.

Although she lost due to decision, but thinking about the future prospect and strength of her who polished her skill until that far in that short time, it was fitting for her to receive it. It seemed that was the reason, but Mel thought that surely it was just the reason at the surface.

Wasn’t it actually something like consolation reward for Gizalut house after dying in the line of duty and also because of all their contribution in the past as member of Sanctuary Knight Order that was directly subordinate to the pope? At first she was doubting it like that.


「Mel, you have nightmare again?」

*Knock knock* After that light knocking sound, Bishop Orphel entered inside the room.

「……I’m fine. It’s a usual thing.」

Seeing Mel wiped her sweat and said that, Orphel walked toward her with uneasy look.

She sat down beside the bed, then she hurriedly put on a coat above Mel’s white underwear.

「Bishop-sama is a worrywart like usual. Shouldn’t you worry about his eminence the pope instead as his aide?」

Even while talking sarcastically, Mel didn’t reject that good will and smiled.

Orphel who heard her words also didn’t look offended, she merely spoke with chiding tone.

「It’s no good for a girl to let their body get cold you know? You are a strong and smart child, but you are still careless in that kind of area.」

Saying that, she made Mel’s hand grasped a warm stone that was wrapped with fabric.

Her body that was starting to get cold was warmed, and her heartbeat was recovering its calm.


The bishop with years of long service in the church──Orphel. Mel always thought that she was a mysterious woman.

In this country, bishop who engaged in politic and ceremony usually wouldn’t get deeply involved with the Sanctuary Knight Order that was military.

Because both sides shouldered important authority in the country, there was regulation so both

sides wouldn’t be too closely connected.

And yet for some reason, since the incident seven years ago Orphel frequently came to check Mel’s condition.

Even though she never even heard that Orphel had particular friends.h.i.+p with Gizalut house.

(Really. Just what is this person thinking I wonder──)

No one was talking about it openly, but the number of fellow who talked badly about the relations.h.i.+p of Mel and Orphel wasn’t few.

Orphel was aiming for the hidden fortune of Gizalut house, or she was taking advantage of the lonely girl’s weakness, or she was trying to win over the powerful person who became a member of Seven Dragon Paladins, etc, etc. There were many kind of rumor.

Mel was a clever girl, so she immediately understood that kind of method with ulterior motive.

But for some reason, she didn’t harbor animosity toward Orphel.

She didn’t really understand why, but it might be because Orphel never gave her cheap consolation.

When she had only lost her family, various people called out to Mel in pity.

『You must not lose heart. Because G.o.d is always watching over your hard work.』

『Don’t lose. This too is a trial that is given to you.』

『Let’s offer a prayer. If you do that then surely the time will come when your heart too will receive salvation.』

──Don’t screw around.

That was what Mel was thinking even while nodding smilingly at the surface.

She didn’t know how much her heart was hurt until now by those very cheap consolations.

The people giving those consolations themselves didn’t have the slightest ill will, so it caused even more anger to well up inside.

Both her parents were devoured to death by monster before her eyes, her everything was suddenly stolen unreasonably. After such thing, how could she believe in G.o.d or anything?

It was only Orphel who had never said such thing even once to Mel.

She only asked things like, ‘is there something troubling you? Are you hungry? Don’t you feel cold? How is your health?’, and so on, after that she would talk about trivial thing with her, and stayed at her side longer than anyone else.

She visited the lodging house every morning, and looked after Mel when she was tormented by bad dream.

When Mel was injured or when she was sick, Orphel would nurse her throughout the night.

That was why, Mel was harboring emotion that was similar to deep affection toward this woman called Orphel.

She even thought, ‘If only she is my real mother……’.

(I too am foolish huh. Even this person, it’s highly possible that she is trying to use me, and yet──)

Her obtaining the Divine Drag-Ride Ddraig Gwibel, her becoming Seven Dragon Paladins too, everything was because of the endors.e.m.e.nt of Orphel who volunteered as Mel’s guardian.

Of course, Mel herself had the conceit that her strength was the best even in Ymir Theocracy, but she could sense some kind of motive from Orphel.

But, even so, there was a side of herself who felt that the woman’s existence and feeling were pleasant.

(In the end, I too am still a child even if I’m called the prodigy of Ymir am I.)

Even while she was laughing at herself inside her heart, she couldn’t do anything at all regarding her feeling.

When human was weak, they would harbor good will toward their ally.

She was thinking that she didn’t want to be abandoned by this person, that she wanted to answer her expectation.

「Mel, you have talent. Proof it by obtaining achievement in the pilgrimage this time okay? If you do that, everyone will recognize you. You won’t──feel lonely anymore.」

「You cannot make use of me just by b.u.t.tering me up you know?」

Mel chuckled and stood up from the bed.

「But, I’ll show you how I raise the greatest achievement as guard this time too, I will win against Krulcifer only for my own sake, that’s all. I won’t pray to both G.o.d and angel.」

「As expected, you can be charged with lese majeste because of those words.」

Even while smiling wryly at Mel who was saying such thing while being a believer herself, Orphel didn’t reprimand her.

「It will be preparation time soon. I’ll look forward to it, as your guardian.」

Orphel only said that and exited the room quietly.

From the grey sky that was visible from the window, light sleet was starting to fall.

Part 2

The morning of the last day of the Pilgrimage Festival.

Lux and Krulcifer first headed to the departure place that was the sanctuary as planned.

At the same time, Lisha and others also used horse carriage to accompany them to the sanctuary. When they arrived, they made the offer of cooperation in order to stop the kidnapping plan of the Dragon Marauder.

「I understand. As an allied country, I gratefully accept the a.s.sistance of the elites from New Kingdom Atismata.」

It seemed Pope Nias was surprised, but after consulting with the bishop, he immediately accepted.

Although, Lisha and others wouldn’t accompany the pilgrimage of the pope.

The aim of Dragon Marauder was split into two at present.

In the description of the secret message that Dilwy left, it was written that the kidnapping target would be the archbishop or the pope, either of them.

While Pope Nias was carrying out ceremony at the old sanctuary site nearby the Hall, Lisha and others would stand by at the holy capital where the archbishop was staying. It was arranged so that their combat force would be applied as the situation demanded.

Fifty elites of Sanctuary Knight Order, Lux, Krulcifer, and Mel, they served as the pope’s guard just like before. It seemed that it was decided that line up was fundamentally enough.

「I wish to accompany Lux as an aide of a Seven Dragon Paladins but……it cannot be helped with our strategy. Please leave this side to us.」

Celis gave out only a little bit of sign of feeling disappointed, even so she straightened her back and threw out her chest.

When Lux nodded, Philuffy suddenly peered with unblinking gaze at Lux’s face.

「Uwah!? Phi, Phi-chan!?」

「Lu-chan. It’s no good unless you properly sleep at night you know?」

It seemed that she saw through Lux’s lack of sleep in an instant.

Well, one of the cause of it was related to Philuffy though──,

「Also, it’s no good, if you fight while worrying too much you know?」


Lux was surprised when Philuffy told him that indifferently with her usual serious face.

Even though he didn’t say anything about Krulcifer and the Ruin, and also about Ney Louches.

She softly caressed Lux’s hair *pon pon*, and then gave him a soft smile.

「If Lu-chan’s feeling isn’t mistaken, surely it will be fine.」

「……Yes. Thank you.」

Even without her knowing the detail of the circ.u.mstance, Philuffy’s words mysteriously were able to relieve him.

When his feeling was turning peaceful like that, Lisha finally came last.

「Be careful okay Lux. ……Also, don’t flirt too much with Krulcifer.」


「Come back safely for sure. The safety of his eminence the pope is also important, but you are my knight after all.」

「Yes. I absolutely won’t do anything that make Lisha-sama sad.」

When Lux smiled like that, Lisha averted her eyes just slightly while offering her hand slowly.

After Lux took that hand and squeezed back, he also finished greeting Yoruka lightly.

The preparation of Pope Nias was also finished, and the elites of Sanctuary Knight Order got into the horse carriage.

But, the a.s.sistant sister who was usually riding together on the pope’s carriage, Ney Louches came in front of Lux and others.

「Due to Orphel-sama’s command, today I will accompany Xf……, not that, Krulcifer-sama and others dearimasu. Please take care of me. ……Fuu, I almost expose the whole secret completely there dearimasu, good grief.」

After holding up her hand in front of her face with a snap, Ney averted her face and muttered.

Lux and Krulcifer who saw that looked at each other’s face with wry look.

「That’s why your true feeling is leaking all over though……, perhaps it’s a blunder to include this child into the plan. No matter how long it has been since she was last serviced just like she said, she is still a bit too much of a piece of junk.」

「Tha-, that’s cruel dearimasu! Even though Ney look like this, Ney is a child that can do it if she try dearimasu. Ney also hasn’t said to anyone about that plan──muguwah」

Lux and Krulcifer who went pale hearing her words wasted no time to block her mouth.

It seemed the surrounding didn’t hear, so they immediately got into the horse carriage before even more mistake could be made.

They departed to the last pilgrimage location, the old sanctuary site near the entrance of Hall.

Next, would Dragon Marauder came to kidnap Pope Nias just like the information the new kingdom obtained?

Or else, would that be a diversion and instead they would attack the holy capital to suppress the cathedral where the archbishop was at?

And then, would Lux be able to head to the Hall’s archive following Ney’s guidance?

A day where various thinking was interlacing started.

Part 3

Ten-odd minutes later, they arrived at the old sanctuary site without any accident.

It seemed the ceremony here would take long, Lux and other who found opportunity planned to accomplish their objective.

Krulcifer would use the supervisor authority she possessed from underground the old sanctuary site, teleported to the archive of Hall, and obtained information of the past.

Ney Louches was given detailed instruction by Pope Nias──or more accurately the upper of the church who were advising him, to investigate the inside of the Ruin together with Krulcifer.

But, the pope and the bishops didn’t know about Automata’s trait that was obedient toward Xfer. Krulcifer turned the table through that. She would investigate the Hall’s archive along with Lux and aimed to be a step ahead in investigating about her true ident.i.ty and the objective of the existence that was called as LordCreator.

While Pope Nias was preparing for the ceremony, the eldest son of Einfolk house, Zain came talking to Krulcifer.

「Don’t loiter around too much. Our duty in the end is to guard his eminence the pope, and for you to raise an achievement that doesn’t lose to Mel Gizalut.」

His tone sounded chiding, but there was no particular malice that could be sensed from ti.

Therefore Krulcifer too merely returned a simple question to Zain.

「I know. More importantly, is Otou-sama partic.i.p.ating in today’s pilgrimage?」

She quietly turned around and stared at the back.

A man in his prime using a cane──the father of Krulcifer, Stiyl Einfolk was for some reason looking this way from afar along with Alterize who was acting as guard.

His foot was bad because of old wound. Perhaps because he had a body that couldn’t wear Drag-Ride, he was beside the horse carriage that was some distance away.

The old sanctuary site that was near the Hall had been predicted beforehand that it would be dangerous, and yet for him to intentionally come here was certainly an unnatural act but──.

「I also told him. That the position of Einfolk house doesn’t matter, just today father should restrain from coming. But, he is obstinate like that, he said to me 『There is a need for me to come』 and won’t listen.」


Lux ignored Zain’s grumbling and stared at Stiyl who was standing at distance.

He didn’t understand his true intention, but to him it looked like he was somewhat concerned with Krulcifer’s condition.

「Perhaps unexpectedly, it can be that father also come here to watch your achievement?」

「No way such thing is true, absolutely.」

Krulcifer calmly cut down the words from his big brother that was filled with sarcasm.

「Even though, he didn’t come to save me at that time……」

She muttered that with a lonely look before slowly entering into the old sanctuary site.

「──Excuse me.」

「I, I’m going too dearimasu!」

Lux also excused him with a brief words to Zain, and then he along with Ney followed behind Krulcifer.

The Sanctuary Knight Order including Mel was already going ahead. If the old sanctuary site had to be described with few words, it was a mysterious place.

Different from the Ruin, it wasn’t a structure that existed from ancient time, but a great sanctuary of Ymir Theocracy that was build around two hundred years ago.

Lux heard that the entrance to the Hall was accidentally discovered near this site.

Deep at the center there was a large altar. Even in its state with the ceiling collapsed and the sky was visible, the vestige of solemn atmosphere could be sensed.

There was a stair continuing to underground beside the mountain of rubble, because there was the risk of cave-in over there, it was forbidden to enter with a chain.

That was exactly──the entrance toward Hall that was their aim this time.

「It seems the Ruin is silent. Scout was dispatched last night and it was investigated, but there wasn’t even a single Abyss from here until the entrance of Hall that was around a kl from here.」

「I see, thank you for your effort. I will begin the prayer ceremony now. Olpher, I’ll entrust you with a.s.sisting me.」

After the captain of Sanctuary Knight Order counseled Pope Nias, the bishop Orphel moved to aid with the ceremony.

Ritual tools for the prayer were lined up. The last ceremony of the Pilgrimage Festival would begin from here.

But, even after understanding that there was no reaction of Abyss nearby, it was possible that an ambush like yesterday could happen.

A total of fifty-odd Drag-Knights took position like their plan at the beginning without letting down their guard.

Lux and Krulcifer, and also Ney were placed to guard the inside of the old sanctuary site following the instruction of Pope Nias and Orphel.

Just as instructed by the top bra.s.s of the church that was conveyed through Pope Nias, Krulcifer whose origin was from Ruin and the Automata Ney were tasked to bring back treasure and information from the Hall.

However, the moment they descended down the stair, Ney was scared toward the depth of the darkness that was gaping wide open.

「Uwaaa. It’s dark! It’s scary! Ney is not good against mouse and bat dearimasu!」

「Is that so? How pitiful. But, I’ll have you walk ahead so do your best.」

「Hiiiii! The supervisor-sama here is inhuman dearimasu! U, understood, I will handle it carefully. ……Even so it’s cruel dearimasu, you are a type that will be hated by man, wait, oh nooo!」

(As always, the voice of her heart is leaking out……)

Lux unconsciously smiled wryly while beside him Krulcifer made a small sigh.

「It’s not like I want to hara.s.s you. With the narrowness of this pa.s.sage, Drag-Ride cannot be deployed, so I thought that you as an Automata will have easier time to detect danger. That’s all. No matter how long you have been separated from the Ruin, you still at least have that function right?」

「Uuu, I understand dearimasu. I will do my best somehow.」

「I’ll depend on you, Ney. I’m holding hope for your real ability. You are a child who can do it when you try aren’t you?」

「Wo, woof-! Ple, please leave it to me!」

When Krulcifer patted the head of Ney who was nodding tearfully, her eyes sparkled and she recovered her liveliness.

(She tamed her in this short time……!)

Was it Krulcifer’s wiles that was amazing, or perhaps it was Ney who was simple.

In any case without even any time for Lux to feel admiration, Ney took the initiative and began walking through the collapsed underground pa.s.sage.

Fortunately, perhaps because it was cold and there was no food, there wasn’t any mouse or anything like Ney was worried about.

Just, rubbles were scattered everywhere, so it was hard to walk combined with the darkness.

「It’s not as deep as I thought, if there is sign of fighting, we will also be able to return quickly.」

「Yes. even if the opponent planned to split their force, we cannot let our guard down. The Drag-Knight who is the mastermind of the kidnapping plan, a division commander of Dragon Marauder, Drakkhen, I heard that she is a clever person who excel in forming strategy.」

「Yes. Besides, I’m also worried about Krulcifer-san’s father and brother.」


Krulcifer didn’t reply to Lux’s muttering.

Her side face that was illuminated faintly by the lighting of torch was also in her usual cool expression.

「Lux-kun, do you dislike me who keep putting distance with my family?」


The girl’s sudden words that was also similar like talking to herself caused Lux to raise a bewildered voice.

Even so Krulcifer kept looking forward and continued walking quietly.

「I noticed. You were calling out to my family in place where I wasn’t looking. You were trying to obtain some kind of information, regarding my discord with my family.」

「……Sorry. It wasn’t my intention, to hide it though.」

She must be referring to Lux giving present to Krulcifer’s little sisters, or talked to her father.

「You don’t need to apologize. I’m not angry or anything.」

Her lips abruptly relaxed and she turned a gentle smile to him.

「Rather, I want to say my grat.i.tude instead. I’m happy that you are trying to ascertain in my place, whether I really cannot get along with my family for the second time anymore. But──I myself, don’t really understand my own feeling.」

In the past, Krulcifer found out that she was born from Ruin.

Since then, a gulf was created between her and her family.

And then, she was banished from Ymir to the new kingdom.

In the new kingdom, thinking that if she was able to solve the mystery of the Ruin, wouldn’t she be able to meet her true family, she entrusted her wish to that.

Krulcifer herself was wavering in her heart even now.

「Should I try to meet my family halfway one more time, even after thinking of it for the whole night, the answer didn’t come out.」

Even if right now she entered the archive of the Hall and obtained some kind of truth, she would still waver.

That was why, as an important friend of her, Lux said the answer.

「──I am Krulcifer-san’s ally. No matter what happened, for sure.」

「That’s right isn’t it.」

Krulcifer chuckled and showed a smile at Lux’s serious expression.

Right after that, Ney who was going ahead stepped her foot on an open place.

「We arrive dearimasu. Xfer-sama, Lux-sama.」

It was hard to see because of the dimness of the place, but it was a s.p.a.ce that was like cone shaped hall.

Deeper inside, there was a wall that wasn’t made from stone, a metal wall that had weird pattern arranged on it.

「From this we can trespa.s.s into inside the Hall, toward the archive dearimasu. And then──here they come. Twelve Abysses appeared on the surface of old sanctuary site.」

Lux and Krulcifer lifted their face with alert expression.

This hall that was beside the door that connected to the Ruin had high ceiling. There was s.p.a.ce to summon Drag-Ride.

In addition, if the ceiling was destroyed, it would be accompanied with the danger of collapse but it would be possible to escape.

「There is no large type Abyss, but what should we do supervisor-sama? If we go until the viewing room that is nearby the archive, we can even observe the surface from there dearimasu, we can also return using teleport but──」

Should they head out to help right now, or else would they go in a hurry toward the viewing room after finis.h.i.+ng their business at the archive.

The elite force of fifty Drag-Knights made from a lot of High Cla.s.s and above was a battle force that could oppose twelve Abysses.

Furthermore, right now Mel of Seven Dragon Paladins and Alterize who was EX Cla.s.s were also there.

But, if reinforcement of Abyss or Dragon Marauder came at the middle, there was also the possibility of Krulcifer’s step brother Zain and her step father Stiyl getting exposed to danger.


「Wait! I’ll try contacting Alterize-san!」

Lux quickly pulled out his Sword Device, summoned his Wyvern and equipped it.

And then he used Dragon Voice to send his voice to Alterize’s EX Wyvern.

If the enemy was noticed by Drake’s radar, she should also be wearing her Drag-Ride.

The prediction of Lux who was thinking like that was right on the spot, a connection with her was immediately linked.

『Lux-sama? Did something happen in the underground? Currently here we are in the middle of battle with appearing Abysses. Their number is twelve, and there are three types, Gargoyle, Chimera, and also Haiit.』

That lineup wasn’t weak, but she and the other Drag-Knights there should be able to oppose that number and types of Abysses.

Lux asked for some more detail just in case.

「Other than that, is there enemy reinforcement?」

『The Drake force of Sanctuary Knight Order is searching for reaction of Abyss and Drag-Rode, but for the time being none can be found in the area. We had also confirmed the sound of this rumored horn flute, but the one sounding it seemed to leave immediately.』

The conversation between Lux and Alterize were also heard by the two girls beside him.

When Lux told that to Alterize, Alterize gave a push on the back.

『Ojou-sama, please advance forward. We will hold on at this side.』

「──I understand. Take care of Einfolk house.」

Krulcifer told Alterize that without going as far as saying ‘family’.

From the beginning, the true objective of the Pilgrimage Festival this time was at here.

The girl who originated from Ruin, Krulcifer, and the Automata that came out from the Ruin, Ney Louches.

The mission was for the two to combine their strength and solve the mystery of the Ruin.

When Krulcifer lifted up her hand to the metal wall, words made from light ran through the surface and it was tinged with dazzling radiance.

『……’s existence is confirmed. The unlocking of special code is executed. If there is no problem, teleportation will begin.』

Inorganic strange voice could be heard resounding directly inside the brain.

It was the same phenomenon that also occurred when they once investigated the altar in the Garden.

With the authority toward Ruin that Krulcifer possessed, it was possible to infiltrate from a special route.

「Then, we are going in dearimasu!」

Along with Ney’s call, light enveloped the surrounding.

Right after that, they received sensation as though floating in the darkness, and when they noticed it was as though they were standing in different place.

A pa.s.sage made from inorganic silver colored wall was spreading before their eyes.

The surrounding was tinged with faint light in reaction to their existence.

「──This place, is inside the Hall……?」

「Yes dearimasu! After a long time I have returned to the home I missed so muuuch! Waaaai!」

Perhaps feeling great delight from being able to return to the Ruin, Ney’s dog ears stood up then she jumped *pyon pyon* up and down.

But Krulcifer plopped her hand on Ney’s head with a quiet expression.

「My bad, but right now we have no time. Can you guide us to the archive here, so we can also quickly return to the surface?」

「Ro, roger dearimasu!」

Ney straightened her posture in a snap, then she quickly began to walk through the corridor.

Each side began to act with various feelings kept concealed inside the chest.

Part 4

──At the same time. Two hundred members of Sanctuary Knight Order as well as cooperator from new kingdom, Lisha and co who received information of the kidnapping plan, they took their post and performed security with maximum vigilance.

Anywhere in the holy capital that was the capital city of Ymir was important position, but in this day that was the last day of the Pilgrimage Festival, it was the cathedral at the northern part that was the most heavily guarded.

The believers in this country had no method of transportation to visit all the pilgrimage spot.

Most believers would get through with it by staying home or visiting the nearest church. But the n.o.bles whose position as believer wasn’t low had the custom to spend half a day offering prayer in this cathedral to make up not doing pilgrimage.

Furthermore, right now this place was also the residence of the archbishop.

The aim of Dragon Marauder’s kidnapping plan was Pope Nias as well as the archbishop. From that point, a method to not gather the important people in the cathedral to avoid needless danger was also considered.

But, the result of the discussion caused such method to be dismissed because of two reasons.

The first reason, because the stage of the battle would be the holy capital itself, in the case that the important people were scattered everywhere, it would make it harder instead to protect them.

The other reason, was so that the Dragon Marauder wouldn’t realize that their kidnapping plan had already become known by this side.

By all rights, if the n.o.ble believers didn’t gather in large number at the cathedral, the enemy would also notice that their plan had been exposed.

Thus, this time Lisha and co were also placed in hidden position..

The waiting place for the four was on a stone balcony protruding out from the cathedral’s third floor.

「Fuu. At any case this country is really cold……, feels like I’ll freeze just by staying outside.」

Lisha blew out white breath to her hands that were rubbing on each other while her body s.h.i.+vered.

She was wearing fur coat on her body, but right under it was her pilot suit.

「How about warming up inside? If it’s keeping watch, we will do it for a while.」

「No, that’s no good.」

Celis beside her was being considerate, but Lisha immediately shook her head.

「Those Dragon Marauder bunches are aiming at this chance, victim might appear even if we are late just by several seconds. Besides──Lux too should be feeling the same coldness about this time.」

Lisha straightened her back and acted tough. Celis’s expression loosened seeing that.

「Consuming stamina before the fight will bring nothing good you know?」

「Both of you, here.」

There, Philuffy who was snacking on cookie at the back presented something with her empty hand.

It was hot rock wrapped in fabric. Lisha and Celis accepted that and said thanks.

「Even so, that ero woman is a willful one like usual.」

Among the reinforcement force from new kingdom, it was only Yoruka who was at the rooftop of the cathedral instead of staying at the designated position.

In order to perform defense, Lisha and co were guided to a place where it would be easy to receive instruction from Ymir’s side, but it seemed Yoruka’s decision was different.

『My objective is to annihilate Aruji-sama’s enemy.』

She a.s.serted that, then said how the field of vision here was bad and left from the designated waiting place.

「Are you worried? Lisha-sama?」

「Wro-wrong, I’m not! No matter what happen to that indecent ero woman, that’s not my business! Just, that──as the representative of the new kingdom, it’s troubling that she is acting as she please!」

Lisha responded slightly panicked at Philuffy’s question.

「How nice. To have someone to fuss for you──」

Celis was watching that smilingly while muttering. Right after that, a voice roared from behind.

「E, enemy attack──a messenger came from the Drake’s defensive line! It’s a large swarm of flying Abyss!」

Lisha and co who heard that tensed their expression and pulled out their Sword Device.

「We are going to finish this before Lux arrive. ──Let’s go, everyone!」

They quickly wore the Drag-Ride they summoned and the battle began.

Part 5

On the other hand, the old sanctuary site.

Right after the tone of flute horn resounded, twelve Abysses attacked, but the guards of the pope were fighting in advantage.


A Haiit was screaming in a shriek, then its burned body was crushed.

「──Looks like they don’t learn anything from the previous defeat eh, this so called division commander of Dragon Marauder.」

The Sanctuary Knight Order was alert due to the previous attack and the information from new kingdom. They fought bravely, but even among them, Mel’s movement was the best by far.

Land battle form and flying form.

The Divine Drag-Ride Ddraig Gwiber that possessed the function of switching two types of form was freely controlled by her. Abysses were defeated one after another.

She accelerated on snowy wasteland  with the wheels and cut down the enemy with a heavy attack from her Halberd.

Against Haiit that possessed hard fur, the attack scattered fire and burned the enemy.

She struck down Gargoyle that was dancing midair in high speed with a squall, and when the enemy’s movement dulled she fired her Cannon.

The true ident.i.ty of the squall was Ddraig Gwiber’s armament, or perhaps the power of its Divine Raiment.

In any case, she was seeing through the Abyss’s trait instantly and got rid of them through the shortest time and shortest distance.

She was overwhelming the swarm of Abyss with brilliance as though she was in a dance performance.

「──This is lacking. If it’s like this, should I go to guard the holy capital instead?」

The swift and accurate attack of Mel stole even the eyes of her fellow elites from the Sanctuary Knight Order.

「She changed this much just in one and half year……?」

「What unbelievable girl……. And she is still 13 years old?」

Alterize who drove EX Wyvern and defeated two Abysses muttered in amazement.

In addition, the eldest brother Zain was cooperating with several Drag-Knights to fight. When they finally finished off an Abyss, there were only around two Abysses remaining.

「As expected from our country’s Seven Dragon Paladins. The pilgrimage this time is fraught with danger, but as expected Mel is exactly the one worthy of obtaining meritorious deeds.」

Pope Nias was muttering with admiring expression. Bishop Orphel also showed a smile hearing that.

「Those generous words of praise are truly an honor. She too surely will be delighted. ──Mel Gizalut, come down!」

Orphel took a deep breath, then she raised her voice toward the sky.

Mel who had just shot down the last Gargoyle at that timing quickly landed down before her along with Ddraig Gwibel in Wyvern Mode.

「There is no more Abyss in sight. This area should be safe. And so, there is a place I wish for you to head toward right away.」

「You like to handle your subordinate roughly aren’t you? Then, is it protecting the archbishop in the capital next?」

Ymir Theocracy’s Sanctuary Knight Order──the Drag-Knights main force was split up with a portion protecting Pope Nias as guard.

In exchange four Divine Drag-Ride users from the new kingdom were placed to cooperate with the protection of the holy capital, but a communication came that the number of Abyss appearing at the other side was a lot more than here.

The normal practice was for them to retreat, while having Mel who excelled in exterminating Abyss to go back ahead.

──But, until this point it was the conspiracy of Drakkhen and Orphel.

「This country is also really pitiful. For them to put that kind of wicked woman on the seat of bishop.」

A Drag-Knight of Dragon Marauder was laughing with the corner of his lips raised in a smirk.

At the vicinity of Hall below, security guards that were fewer than usual were standing.

This was exactly the real aim that Drakkhen was talking with Orphel.

If they stepped inside the Ruin Hall that was currently increasing in activity, the Ruin would react and new Abysses would flow out.

By manipulating those Abysses with horn flute, they could secure a lot of combat force.

In other words, the kidnapping of the archbishop as well as the pope was diversion in order to split the theocracy’s battle force, creating this opening.

For the sake of this strategy, Dragon Marauder had joined hand with Bishop Orphel since around a year ago. the archbishop, took the pope hostage, then obtained fund by exchanging hostage with the Drag-Ride and treasure that the theocracy possessed.

As compensation, Bishop Orphel would succeed the seat of archbishop, and she would run a puppet government using Pope Nias who was still a child as figurehead.

『──Now then, you also has sent the combat force over there toward the holy capital as planned, we are going to ransack the Ruin with no worry now.』

Drakkhen’s voice was sent to Orphel’s ear.

If it was toward a designated location, the voice could even be adjusted into a whispering voice that other people couldn’t hear.

The power to manipulate and made sound freely.

That was the Divine Raiment of Divine Drag-Ride Asp that Drakkhen had.

Therefore──the sound of horn flute that originally was for manipulating Abyss on the whole at wide range, with this power she was able to send the sound separately, executing multiple tactics.

A voice came back from Orphel at the old sanctuary ground toward the snickering Drakkhen.

「That’s so, isn’t it. But it’s better to be careful you know? Even if it’s you the legendary mercenary──, you aren’t a match against my Mel.」

『……What did you say?』

Right after Drakkhen gave that respond, the air of the cold weather ripped, and violent sound of slicing air roared.

When the Dragon Marauder squad of five people in the air noticed that, their defeat was already set in stone.


Immediately after, a Wyvern was knocked down by Ddraig Gwibel’s Halberd.

Its back wings were smashed and the Drag-Knight fell toward the ground in a straight line. Red flame blast bloomed on the snow field.

「I believe all of you are a bit too careless. Or else, don’t you even know the basic? Drag-Knight using flying type should always be alert toward their above and back you know?」

「Yo, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d-!?」

The troop of Dragon Marauder reflexively screamed and attacked, but Mel easily repelled that attack using medium sized Blade.

Just with that the weapon of the man’s Wyvern instantly froze, and even its armored arm became unable to move.

「Wha, ah!?」

The man was shocked with the phenomenon that occurred to his body and he lost his cool. Mel told the man with extreme indifference.

「──Boring. Human is riddled all over with weak point compared to Abyss.」

She smashed the shoulder armor with the Halberd in her hand.

Due to the strong impact toward the Force Core, the Wyvern’s function halted and it fell.


「This brat──don’t get carried away……!」

「As long as we understand the trick of your freezing ability, this fight belong to us!」

The remaining three men each yelled out and they launched simultaneous attack from three different directions.

Breath Gun’s barrage, the bombardment of Cannon, mowing attack from Wire Tail.

But, every single one slipped through the figure of Mel and Ddraig Gwiber that should be hit.

「──Wh, aaat!?」

A few seconds after they noticed that it was an illusion, Mel who circled to each of their back struck them down one after another before she called out to the last one.

「Are you, the division commander Drakkhen? Let me have a little fun, okay!」

The Halberd of Mel who bared an aggressive smile was barely blocked by a medium sized Blade.

A crack ran through the blade from that attack and the opponent was blown away greatly backward.


The female mercenary Drag-Knight was losing the color of her face and without pause she flew in the attempt to escape.

But, a few seconds after she turned her back on the enemy. *Gakun!*, her Drag-Ride slanted and she became unable to put on speed at all.

「Wha-, what the h.e.l.l is this! The Drag-Ride’s control is, not working──!」

A sudden breakdown.

But, why did it happen this time of all thing!? The female mercenary was fl.u.s.tered.

「I’ll tell you something for your souvenir to h.e.l.l. This is Ddraig Gwiber’s Divine Raiment, Dual s.h.i.+ftNatural Laws of Rivalry.」

Flame, ice, wind, illusion, furthermore even the output of Drag-Ride was sealed by this mysterious Divine Raiment.

The female mercenary was struck down without being able to grasp the answer until the very end. She was enveloped in flame blast.


Mel who defeated the Dragon Marauder just as Bishop Orphel instructed let out a relieved sigh.

She was a girl who was widely acknowledged as genius, but with her still immature body, it was impossible to handle Divine Drag-Ride for prolonged time.

「Perhaps, my antagonism toward Krulcifer surfaced a bit too much……」

After confirming the safety in the area, she landed down on that spot and dispelled her armor.

The Drag-Knights of Sanctuary Knight Order who were protecting the entrance of Hall immediately rushed the moment they saw Mel’s figure,

They led her to a cabin at the side.

The Drag-Knights protecting the Ruin from invasion always had one of them constantly using Drake to watch out the surrounding.

Even if she would head to reinforce the attacked capital, she should at least took a little rest.

「Looks like everything goes well.」

Mel took a rest inside the small room while smiling proudly.

With this she was able to get obtain meritorious deeds from that guard duty too, and she should be able to protect Orphel’s safety too.

「As expected, something like this is unnecessary for genius like me.」

Mel took off the holster of short sword attached on her waist. She then muttered that while staring at the blade.

The tip of the knife that was sheathed inside the cover was emitting slight beam of seven colors.

It was a blade that was loaded with the secret medicine of Ruin called Elixir.

By wounding a part of the body using that, the secret medicine would melt into the body, and it would awaken the latent ability that human possessed.

Before this Orphel handed it over to her and told her to use it in case she fell into danger.

(Just a bit more. It’s just a bit more and I──can overcome the past at that day.)

Seven years ago, there was an attack due to the Abyss outbreak from the Ruin.

Due to that, she lost all her family members and fell into despair.

If it was now when she had become a Seven Dragon Paladins and obtained the strength that could defeat Abyss, she would be able to save the holy capital again.

And then──.

「Orphel……I’m, fighting properly.」

She closed her eyes slowly and muttered with a voice that no one could hear.

That was Mel’s thought toward Orphel that normally even she herself wasn’t aware of it.

Part 6

「──This place is, the archive of Hall?」

About that time, Lux and others who managed to infiltrate into Hall from the underground of the old sanctuary site finally arrived at their destination.

Lux spontaneously asked because it was a room that didn’t bear the slightest resemblance with what he thought as archive.

Smooth silver wall was divided by countless lines, every single one was emitting faint light.

And then the surrounding bookshelves had countless small boxes placed on them.

「This is, are they the 『book』 put inside this archive?」

「Yes dearimasu. There is a little bit of trick to operate them but──, in any case they need to be put into deciphering device so──. More importantly dearimasu, is it all right to not go to the control room? I think it will be more convenient somehow with my memory recovered though?」

「Don’t make me say the same thing repeatedly. This time just this is enough.」

Krulcifer ordered Ney to stop suggesting that.

In exchange, she gave her instruction to tell her the content of the 『book』 in the archive.

「Ro, roger dearimasu! Eerr, first is──」

Ney read up the variety of the book systematically.

From there, Krulcifer picked three kind of book that she wanted to get deciphered first.

『Drag-Ride’s Fusion Function』, 『AvalonGreat Sacred Precincts and Sacred Eater』, and regarding 『XferKey’s Supervisor』.

The first was a book that recorded about limited strengthening function hidden in Drag-Ride.

The second was about the way this world came to be.

The third was about Krulcifer herself.

「Roger dearimasu. Then, I will load as well as translate the ancient language dearimasu!」

Ney put the 『book』 on an object inside the archive, then frame and letter made from light emerged.


Krulcifer was watching over that sight with a complicated look.

Was there anyone else like Krulcifer in this world, and what Xfer actually was.

That information which she didn’t understand until now would become clear after this.

「The translation of the three volumes is finished dearimasu. It can be read anytime──」

「Then, let’s go quickly to this viewing room. I’m worried about the situation at the surface and the holy capital.」

From what Alterize said, the fighting at old sanctuary site was going well for their side, but they didn’t know what was going on.

At the present, after obtaining the translated 『books』 they didn’t need to stay here for long.

「Roger dearimasu. Then right away──……-!?」

Ney nodded and right after they finished teleporting to the viewing room──*DOoN!* the inside of the Ruin shook fiercely.

「This sound……!? Don’t tell me, there is abnormality in the Ruin──」

Lux raised a cautious voice and put his hand on the hilt of his Sword Device.

「No──dearimasu. This pattern, the old sanctuary site at the surface was attacked.」

Ney who told them that hurriedly sat on the chair and operated the viewing room.

Image of light emerged on the silver wall surface, projecting the sight of the old sanctuary site at the surface.

「This is──what, happened?」

There, they saw the figure of Pope Nias and others. They were already surrounded by ten-odd Abysses once more.

「They aren’t appearing from the Ruin here. But, if the enemy still has combat force put nearby, then the reason they didn’t move their full force right from the start is──?」

It was when Ney muttered like that, the swarm of Abyss performed strange cooperation and a.s.saulted the force of Sanctuary Knight Order that was surprised and stunned ──.

「──U, AAAAAA-…….!」

The stomach of Bishop Orphel who was at the side of Pope Nias, was pierced by a claw.

「Orphel! Get a hold of yourself!」

「Please escape, your eminence. Their aim, should be, yo……」

Lump of blood leaked out *kopuh* from the mouth while she was talking.

Her internal organ was sc.r.a.ped off. It was clear that the wound was already fatal.

The flowing out blood was dying the surrounding snow crimson.

The force of Sanctuary Knight Order that was joyous of their victory and concerned about the holy capital until just now was struck down straight to h.e.l.l because of the attack of swarm of Abyss once more.

The number and variety of the Abysses were mostly the same with the first wave, but the effect of the surprise attack while Sanctuary Knight Order was reorganizing their force was big.

There was a lot of knights who weren’t wearing their Drag-Ride, the initiative was completely s.n.a.t.c.hed from them.

Thus, the troops couldn’t avoid falling apart.

Mel of the Seven Dragon Paladins wasn’t there. The knight captain was protecting Pope Nias somehow, while Alterize was doing the same thing for Stiyl Einfolk and the eldest son Zain.

「What a blunder……. To be manipulated like this just by an a.s.sault that came with time difference!」

Alterize raised her voice while wielding twin swords using her EX Wyvern.

But, her swords had no momentum, perhaps because she was protecting her lord.

The eldest son Zain was also swinging his Wyvern’s Blade while yelling in trepidation.

「A, a rampage! The same like that time, it’s the punishment of breaking into the Ruin!」

「……Zain! Don’t speak that!」

The family Head Stiyl who was watching over the battle situation with grim expression until now spoke those words with sharp voice.

On the other hand, Alterize who heard about it for the first time made a bewildered expression.

「Rampage? Ymir’s, Ruin is──?」

「Please send reinforcement! They got the bishop!」

The moment Alterize was taken aback and turned around with held breath, the sorrowful voice of a member of Sanctuary Knight Order could be heard.

Looking there, Bishop Orphel was lying down on the snow while being stained with blood.

「──You’ve done really well you know, Orphel, our former compatriot.」

*Zazaza-*, right after the discordant sound that was like sand storm came, a voice was sent into Orphel’s ear.

The voice’s owner was Drakkhen who should have been finished off by Mel some time ago.

This was a conversation that was carried out between the two who were conspiring with each other throughout this past one year.

It was a message that was sent by the Divine Raiment of Divine Drag-Ride Asp that Drakkhen possessed.

「Who Mel Defeated, was your body double……a decoy, was it? Since when you noticed? That I’m trying, to betray you──」

Orphel asked mumblingly, without a single twitch on her body and with vacant eyes.

Drakkhen who heard her smiled wryly in exasperation.

「I’ve got not the slightest duty to explain it you. But, well, if I’ve got to tell you the trick, I knew right from the start, that you betrayed me.」


「I’ll tell you as souvenir for your journey to h.e.l.l. The trick to deceive someone isn’t to make yourself not seem suspicious as much as possible. It’s to ascertain what your opponent is believing. Is it the words from the people they trust, or is it the teaching of the authority they are clinging on, well there are various things but──for all people, it’s hard to doubt the information that they investigated themselves.」

「Did you, notice, that I made my subordinates, to observe, you……?」

「No. I noticed that at another time.」


*Zazazaza-*, the unique jarring sound reached Orphel’s ear once more.

「This discordant sound you can hear when I sent sound to you using Asp. In a situation where this sound hasn’t come to hearing first, I won’t be able to listen to your voice, and you also won’t be able to listen to my voice──. In the first place you having that kind of impression is my trap.」


Orphel bit her lips hearing that.

She got her.

Asp’s Divine Raiment──the ability to send sound to a designated place, or picking up sound from that place.

The jarring sound like a sandstorm that she would surely hear before that ability was activated was a trap that Drakkhen set up.

That jarring sound originally wasn’t necessary in the activation of the Divine Raiment. It was a bluff in order to make Orphel suspect that Drakkhen wouldn’t be able to eavesdrop using her Divine Raiment without that jarring sound coming first.

In other words Orphel’s plan was regularly overheard using that Divine Raiment that was picking up her sound from far away.

And the result of that was this.

「Besides, you want to make her obtain achievement right? That Subjugator girl.」

「……What are, you talking about?」

「I’m talking about Mel Gizalut. She is──actually your daughter right?」


Orphel’s breathing was already feeble, but she raised a small groan on that spot.

「Ho, w……, did you──」

「Oh, I hit the mark? Well, this is just a hunch though. I thought of it while observing you. Why is a bishop who originally wasn’t connected with Gizalut house is supporting an orphan girl until that far……well, it’s not that rare of a story though. Even if Gizalut house that is a noted family of knight is acquainted with someone from church and a child resulted, it’s not strange at all. Of course, it’s something one cannot go public with, so Mel was adopted to GIzalut house but──」

Gizalut house itself was completely eradicated, and Mel became alone.

By all rights she wanted to introduce herself as her mother, but she was unable to do that with her position.

「What are, you, planning……with that child?」

「Rest a.s.sured. I’m preparing the greatest big moment for your daughter. The erasure of the traitors who are trying to destroy this country. I’ll have her become the trump card in order for us, Dragon Marauder to obtain the Ruin.」


Not even voice could come out from Orphel’s throat anymore.

At that moment where her consciousness was fading, an armored arm lifted up her body.

「Orphel! Get a hold of yourself-!」

Already unable to move, she mustered her last remaining strength, and she was finally able to open her eyes.

The one who was there was her daughter who she was unable to tell the truth──Mel Gizalut.


Why why why why why why why.

That word was continuing to go around in circles fruitlessly inside Mel’s head.

Even though she should have done everything well, even though she should have become strong.

That time seven years ago, the rampage of Ruin──.

Different from that time when the holy capital and Gizalut house was destroyed, she wasn’t powerless anymore. That should be so, and yet.

Even though she also shouldn’t have any feeling of like to Orphel.

Why──did her sight was blurred with tears she wondered.

「Me, l……」

The lips of the woman who lost her face’s complexion opened, and a voice could be heard.

「……There is, something that I have, to tell you──」


The moment she heard her last words, warm tears spilled out from the girl’s eyes that still had childishness remaining in it.

Part 7

At the north of holy capital. A battle began against the army of Abyss that appeared in the battlefield in front of the cathedral.

The n.o.ble believers who came to offer prayer evacuated in panic to inside.

The outside was surrounded by the defense force and a barrier was laid out to protect the outer wall along.

At present, the variety of Abyss that could be seen was only Abyss that could fly like Gargoyle, Chimera, and so on.

Thus, excluding Philuffy and Yoruka, only Drag-Knights handling flying type Wyvern headed out to intercept.

The enemy was a mix of around three types of Abyss, they numbered around thirty in total.

What was troublesome was the existence of around three powerful Abysses called Diabolos among them.

No matter even if it was a user of Divine Drag-Ride, taking on that number simultaneously would be harsh, there the experience and skill of the girls who had continued fighting until now won out.

「Divine Gate.」

Celis wearing Lindwurm entered the range of the Abyss at the sky instantly using the Divine Raiment of instant movement.

Without delay, she unleashed a thrust of Lightning Lance and easily pierced the core of a Gargoyle.

That splendid performance caused the n.o.ble believers inside the cathedral to leak out cheer and stir.

It even triggered Lisha who saw that to smile.

「She is powerful as usual but──I too cannot lose!」

She pulled out the Sword Device of Tiamat that she was wearing and sent in the thought of mind control operation into it.

At the same time, the supplemental armament of throwing weapon, Legion appeared in countless number, they were fired simultaneously aiming at Abyss.


The Abyss of mixed animals──Chimera was. .h.i.t hard by the countless throwing weapons.

The moment the enemy showed opening when it tried to dodge, a huge flash from the main cannon Seven Heads struck it into pieces.

The Drag-Knights of the theocracy who were carrying out covering fire became even more roused up seeing that offense.

Celis was charging into the swarm of Abyss alone and annihilated Gargoyle one after another.

By all rights it was a situation where she was surrounded by Abyss, but due to the instant movement ability of Divine Gate, it was as though it posed no problem at all.

Lisha controlled Legions freely and not just attacking, she even carried out disturbance action to enemy’s rank.

Thanks to that, the covering fire of the theocracy’s Wyvern user and the Cannon bombardment from the ground force had easier time to connect.

But, as expected the enemy was also preparing the stance of counterattack.

One Diabolos that should be at far in the rear of the enemy swarm came flying with speed that eye couldn’t follow.


The jet black powerful arm that was three times larger than Gargoyle was swung down, a.s.saulting a Drag-Knight of the theocracy wearing Wyvern violently.


A barrier was automatically laid out, but it was broken through forcefully.

The moment the young Drag-Knight of the Sanctuary Knight Order screamed, Diabolos’s figurew was reeled in at high speed to below.

「Pile Anchor.」

The land battle type Divine Drag-Ride Typhoon that Philuffy was wearing.

The wire weapon that was fired out from every part of that armor caught Diabolos that stopped moving just for a moment, and pulled it toward the ground in front of the cathedral where she was.

「──Wait, be careful airhead girl!? That thing can spew fire and also self-detonate! The cathedral will get swallowed!」

「There is distance so no problem. Take care, of the other two.」

Philuffy unleashed a spinning kick at the Diabolos she reeled in and she brought the battle into a one-on-one duel with the enemy still restrained by Pile Anchor.

Celis who saw that also approached the remaining Diabolos using Divine Gate and succeeded in pining it down.

「Wai-, I’m the commander of you guys, so even though I told you not to move carelessly──」

Based on her status, Lisha received the role as the commander. But now she was fl.u.s.tered and already about to regret it.

『Oi, listen ero woman! You do something about the last Diabolos──』

Unable to see the figure of Yoruka, Lisha called out using Dragon Voice, it was at that timing her face’s complexion changed.

At the same time, a Dragon Voice from unfamiliar Drag-Knight was sent toward her.

『Yaa, aren’t you all putting a good fight here, everyone from the new kingdom.』

『You are──don’t tell me』

『Perhaps I should say, nice to meet you for the first time. I’m the one called one of the three bosses of Dragon Marauder, the Human Dragon division commander Drakkhen.』

Lisha made a dubious face that the mastermind of the case this time suddenly sent out Dragon Voice to her.

But, without even any time to ponder about the enemy’s intention, Drakkhen told her.

『Well, that’s enough for the greeting but, did you notice I wonder? While your attention was pulled to the sky, I sent out new type of Abyss to the place of you guys see.』


When Lisha lowered her gaze to the townscape of the holy capital, she saw some black objects were approaching while hiding at the cover of the buildings.

A lump of liquid──it seemed to be slime type Abyss.

But, it was different from the type that Lisha had seen until now, worthy of the name of 『new type』.

Its size wasn’t something huge, a single one had the volume of about an adult male.

『Number is an ironclad rule in battle, but it’s a maxim that is a bit insufficient to defeat you all who can overturn that. ──Then, I’ll teach you all, the tactic to crush that conceit that is drunk on strength and underestimate the enemy.』

「Hah, you said that you are going to expressly teach me──don’t look down on us!」

Lisha swung her Sword Device and controlled Legion──but, the moment it hit the black slime, she felt something out of place.

「──? This is!?」

When the Legion that hit the slime returned to her, the black slime that she thought was crushed was clinging on it like glue.

When she tried to wipe it away using Tiamat’s armored arm, it also got stuck further on that hand.

「It’s not melting the armor……does it not has offensive power? Then──」

It was fine like this, the movement would become somewhat dull, but it could continue battle without any trouble.

Lisha thought that and flew away the Legion. In that moment, its movement deviated and fell to the ground.

「──!? No, this slime’s true ident.i.ty, it’s something that weaken Drag-Ride!」

The output of Legion itself, and furthermore her control using Sword Device were dulling.

Most likely the slime didn’t only have stickiness, but also the property to obstruct the command signal from the Drag-Ride’s main body.

『Hee, aren’t your instinct sharp? Looks like it’s true that your talent as Drag-Ride developer is also first cla.s.s……. That thing’s name is Chaff Slime.』

『Fuh, your luck has run out now that I found out. This new type Abyss won’t come off once you touch them and it will weaken Drag-Ride, but accordingly it also don’t have offensive power. If we dealt with it without touching then──』

『Say, your highness of new kingdom. Do you think that I’ll execute that kind of shallow tactic?』

『──What do you mean?』

『Farther north of the cathedral, there is a large hill right? If that snow turn into avalanche, don’t you think it will be disaster?』

『──You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don’t tell me!?』

Lisha instantly guessed it and turned around while cutting off the Dragon Voice communication.

「Everyone! Evacuate the people from the cathedral! An avalanche is──」

The Divine Raiment of Drakkhen’s Divine Drag-Ride Asp was the power to freely control sound.

And then, sound was the vibration of air.

Right after Drakkhen struck the surface at the top of the hill with maximum oscillation wave──, the surface of white surge swallowed the troop formation at the cathedral.

A part of the cathedral collapsed, and