Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 99

Episode 2 - Queen and Princess Part 1

「NUAAaA……! I"m frustrated here!」

The first day of the ten days in preparation to face Azure Division.

Lisha and Krulcifer were training in the capital"s arena under the sunny blue sky.

They were both wearing pilot suit and Drag-Ride, but there were only security soldiers here and there around them. There was no one else.

The training was also a light one and not with their full power in order to not exhaust their stamina.

Even that was ended early after ten-odd minutes before Lisha would return to the castle.

「It can"t be helped. After all the one who is nursing Lux-kun was decided by lottery.」

「Not that! No, that one is also in my mind but……, that"s not it. I"m angry at the bunch who came at this kind of situation. They are getting in the way of our confession time!」

「That"s a coa.r.s.e reasoning but, I also agree with your point. Thanks to them there is a need to extend the pact"s period again.」

Krulcifer also leaked out a sigh.

There was no way they could do the confession to Lux in this emergency situation, so it ended up being postponed in emergency.

And then it was decided by lottery who would be nursing Lux──it was fine until this point but, there was one concerning matter.

「More importantly, is it alright to not mention that matter to Lux-kun? I think that it"s a problem that have to do with thing from here on though?」


Lisha faltered toward Krulcifer"s question and thought.

She was thinking about whether she should secretly tell Lux about the suggestion from her stepmother Queen Raffi behind the scene, but──.

「No, it"s alright. Let"s not tell Lux. He will act recklessly if we tell him anyway.」

Lisha"s face looked somewhat lonely when saying that.

「Thinking back, everyone is relying on Lux too much. That guy is strong and can do anything, so that guy too is fighting to answer the expectation. This time we have to step up to the challenge.」

「Yes, you"re right. That"s an unusually logical opinion coming from you.」

Krulcifer also agreed after hesitating a bit.

「What"re you saying? I"m always saying the proper thing.」

「Yes yes. Let"s just leave it at that.」

It was a casual reply like usual, but Lisha noticed that there was a hidden meaning somewhere in Krulcifer"s gaze toward her.

Her gaze asked whether the suggestion from Queen Raffi the other day really didn"t have any other meaning.

(There is nothing strange at all. Hahue"s suggestion shouldn"t be mistaken at all.)

Lisha believed on Raffi who had confessed her past to her and deepened their bond.

She had to put herself on the line in order to protect the New Kingdom, for the sake of her stepmother, and also for Lux"s sake.

She renewed that feeling within her heart and threw herself into the training in the arena.

Part 2

「Say……. Celis-senpai. It"s alright even if you don"t stare so intensely at me like that you know?」

「Tha, that"s true. But, if I don"t properly watch over Lux, it feels like I won"t be able to accomplish my duty.」

On the other hand, at the inn around that time.

Celis who was entrusted with nursing Lux was standing near the room"s door while still dressed in maid uniform. She was staring still at Lux.

Normally she had a dignified and aloof att.i.tude, but when she was like this she looked like a dog that was given the "wait" command.

Simply her presence itself was making Lux anxious, but there was also another matter that was a troublesome problem for Lux.

Currently Lux was the actual leader of Azure Division.

Thus, he had to give instruction to Magialca, Aeril, and Alma. In order to do that he had to write letter and thought about the strategy.

His collaborators would be looking for a chance to contact him, or he would give the signal if it was possible for him to give some direction, but doing that would be difficult in this situation.

Therefore, Lux was plainly troubled.

「There is no need to worry. After all I cannot really move just as you can see.」

Lux waved both his hands while smiling wryly. He showed that he was nervous from being stared like that.

He thought that even Celis would surely understood that, but contrary to his expectations she turned a serious expression toward him.

「Perhaps it might be a needless consideration but……her majesty the queen also directly requested us. She wanted us to not take our eyes off Lux during these ten days as much as possible.」


Lux slightly gulped hearing those words.

This constant supervision wasn"t spontaneous action of Lisha and others, but an instruction from Queen Raffi.

The other day, the queen also tried a threat at him when his criminal collar was taken off, but perhaps the suspicion of him being related to Azure Division still hadn"t been cleared.

(Her majesty"s wariness is still not cleared. I guess it"s only natural. Even though there is no proof, looking at the circ.u.mstances the possibility is high that I"m involved with Azure Division.)

Powerful Drag-Knight who could attack the Garden and defeated a clone of Sacred Eclipse was limited in number even throughout the world.

And above all else, the other side also learned that he noticed the world revision loop once.

In her position, the queen wouldn"t wish to harm Lux who was currently a hero of the New Kingdom, even so she was regarding him as danger.

Furthermore if the people monitoring him were his close comrades, then it would be even more difficult to shake them off.

Lux thought that the monitoring on him would be decreased if he was in a state unable to fight due to the acc.u.mulation of damage, but it was a big mistake.

The continuing monitoring on Lux itself was within the expectation, but his options from here on would be limited.

(This is her majesty"s tactic……. Or else, was it a suggestion from Fugil?)

Lux thought slightly before judging that the latter wasn"t the case.

As far as Lux knew, it would be unthinkable for Fugil himself to give instruction to the ruler for every single thing.

He would only guide someone for them to grow. Although he would show the general path, in the end he would leave the person to decide the fundamental policy by themselves.

Fugil whose mission was to 『continue saving the weak』and was acting to fulfill his role of ascertaining the people"s choice wouldn"t interfere greatly with history by his own will.

In that case this was the queen"s decision.

Furthermore it was a calculation from Raffi who was possessed by Sacred Eclipse and was reborn to possess both tremendous ability and self-confidence. There was no doubt about it.

Lux suddenly recalled the leaders of the organizations that he had fought until now.

In order to take revenge to the humans thriving in this world and to display the majesty of the Lords, Hayes pushed on with strategy that would be in accordance to those.

The Dragon marauder was moving with the rationality of mercenary in order to obtain royal authority themselves.

Listelka used prudence to a degree that could even be called as cowardly and cool-headedness to a degree that she would even discard her own siblings Hayes and Aeril only to single-mindedly aim at obtaining Avalon.

──In that case, what about Queen Raffi?

She didn"t let her guard down by indulging in her power from her union with Sacred Eclipse. At the present time there was no opening in her action, but what was she trying to do?

How would she deal with the aggressor Azure Division?

There would be no chance of victory if he didn"t learn the way she thought and saw through her tactic during these ten days.

The objective of Lux"s side at present was generally three.

First was to pinpoint and discover the location of the hidden Avalon that seemed to have been moved from the abandoned capital Guernica to the New Kingdom.

Next was to search the weakness of Uroboros and also Sacred Eclipse itself in the library facility that was called the Archive in that Avalon, and then thought of the countermeasure for them.

And then their last objective was to defeat Fugil and Sacred Eclipse without being noticed by Lisha and others, but because Lux attempted to strengthen his body using Baptism, he couldn"t move satisfactorily for two or three days.

During that time, his movement to give instruction to Alma and others and to take the first action against the queen was sealed like this.

(Then, I have no choice but to distract Celis-senpai somehow.)

It was within expectation that Lux himself would be monitored, that was why several methods had already prepared in order to make contact with Alma and others.

But, only the situation of being under constant supervision was bad, so it would be necessary to lightly lure Celis away.

「I"m sorry. Can senpai leave me alone for a bit? There is something that I want to think about.」

「Tha, that"s……. Is it no good if I"m here? That, I think I can at least give you advice.」

When Lux said that, Celis naturally persisted to stay, but Lux also had a plan.

What kind of instruction Celis and others received from Queen Raffi?

He planned to get the information about Queen Raffi"s proposition and aim from conversation without directly asking.

「No, of course that"s not the case. But can I ask senpai to leave me for a bit? I absolutely won"t leave the room.」

「……However, that"s──」

Celis fidgeted while entwining her fingers with a troubled face.

Perhaps because he was normally seeing her dignified figure, when she was behaving like a girl like this, she looked really lovely in addition of the gap.

「Wait a second Celis. Your diligence is something widely known but, even Lux-kun will have it hard if he got constantly stared at you know?」

Sharis of the Triad who was outside the room seemed to hear their conversation and entered inside.

Just from this Lux understood that he was monitored by at least two people.

(As I thought it"s strange. Most likely they are ordered with the pretext of protecting me. But the reason is weak with only that.)

Although there was also Lux"s own complicated position to consider, there would be meaning to guard him this strictly.

Raffi should be telling them a clear reason why Lux mustn"t go outside or why they mustn"t take their eyes off him.

Perhaps there was also Automata present. They might be in disguise or secretly lurking and watching from afar.

But, with a Grand Force taken away from the Garden, right now the world revision couldn"t be done.

That meant even the presence of Automata would be noticed by people. It would attract attention if they acted too strangely.

That must be why Queen Raffi was making use of everyone of Syvalles but──.

「However Sharis, you also know right? You know, that……」

Celis spoke ambiguously.

It was obvious that she couldn"t lie well and hesitated to speak exactly because she was an upright and cleanhanded girl.

(This is, it"s something necessary in order to grasp the truth and take back the New Kingdom but──. Somehow this is unpleasant, doing something like this.)

a.n.a.lyzing the personality and thought of the girls who were trusting him and reading the underneath.

Five years ago he resolved himself to destroy the Old Empire, but Lux right now didn"t want to look to these girls with that kind of eye.

Surely that was the proof that they were also important comrades for Lux.

(But, exactly because of that──I can"t drag them into this battle.)

It would be enough for him alone to take the blame if this failed.

When he was thinking that and renewing his resolve once more,

「Celis. Boy at that age has all sorts of circ.u.mstances. Even Lux-kun will have time where he wants to be alone.」


The conversation of Sharis and Celis that were going on right outside the room caused Lux to tilt his head in puzzlement.

「Is, is that so?」

「Yep yep, and about what he is going to do specifically, mumble mumble……. In the past, when I went out with everyone of Triad we also got interested with that kind of book.」


Lux noticed that they were having a questionable misunderstanding and his face twitched.

「It"s like that, that"s why isn"t it fine even if you push him down now? Luckily Airi-chan is also not here, he might fall easily you know?」

(Err, your voice is audible until here though……)

They were making an outrageous misunderstanding about him, but as the result they might let him to be alone, so would it be better to not correct them?

Lux was observing the exchange of the two senior girls with a conflicted feeling.

「That is, that, it"s imprudent! At this kind of time──」

Celis somehow imagined Sharis"s suggestion and rejected it.

Well, he felt like it was already problematic by the time they were nursing him in maid uniform but, at the very least it seemed she had no intention to cross a line with Lux during these ten days.

Before long the talk seemed to be concluded. Celis in her maid uniform peeked in.

「I, I understand. I will check inside sometimes but, I"ll leave the room for a bit. If something happen I will immediately come running, so please call me.」

「Ah, yes……」

Celis said only that and walked to leave the room──her feet stopped walking in the middle and she turned around.

「A, also……one more thing. If there is something, that you want to do……. I, if it"s not something too indecent then I"ll help out so, please tell me!」

Celis said that with bright red face and bowed with a bob of her head before exiting.

Lux stiffened for a while before he let out a sigh.

「Sharis-san must be the one making her said that……」

It was a guess that was most likely right but, even so it was the nature of man to feel his heart throbbing when being told that for real.

It would be wonderful if he could really enjoy a daily life with them peacefully without anything happening.

(I"m sorry, Celis-senpai. Everyone──)

Lux who was finally liberated from the supervision pretended to lightly stretched his body and checked the surrounding of the inn from the window.

And then, he changed the position of the cup beside his pillow. A few minutes later.

The curtain in front of him soundlessly swayed and a girl in uniform appeared.

The strongest from Koto who was feared as the Empire"s Blade──Kirihime Yoruka.

The members of Syvalles received summon from the New Kingdom, but she was an exception.

In the first place Yoruka herself received a treatment like a member of Syvalles, but on the surface she wasn"t recognized as Drag-Knight. She was working as Lux"s right hand.

At the award ceremony the other day too, Lux suggested for her to attend too, but Yoruka declined by her own will.

Therefore, while she was hiding a strength that was top cla.s.s even among Lux and others, she was an unknown existence for the New Kingdom.

It went without saying that her strong point was the capability of her special equipment type Divine Drag-Ride Yato no Kami, but even more than that was her excellence in covert action.

She was skilled at reading the opponent"s presence and erasing her own presence at the same time.

And above all else she wasn"t restricted by the system called the New Kingdom. Her allegiance was offered to Lux personally.

Because of that, he had given her detailed instructions to follow his order even before this situation where he became unable to move.

They had decided several signs like changing the cup position just now.

『What is your order for me Aruji-sama? Please ask me for anything.』

She pinched the end of her skirt and reverently bowed her head.

Her eyes had different colors at the left and right.

Her bewitching air that seemed unworldly from a glance caused him to watch in fascination without meaning it.

By the way, speaking words were forbidden so that the lookout outside wouldn"t get suspicious.

In exchange they were conversing by reading each other"s lips.

In the past he had tested with her once whether it would be possible for her to lip reading, but as expected from her who was also doing covert work in her birthplace, she was also able to do that.

After that it depended on Lux, but he somehow mastered it only by looking and remembering Yoruka"s lip movement.

In other words, she was his greatest trump card in the battle against the New Kingdom.

In the previous war she was defeated by Singlen and unable to really play an active role due to acc.u.mulation of fatigue and post-recovery symptoms. But right now she was fully recovered so she could fight to her heart"s content.

『There are several things I want to ask but, is it alright?』

『There is no need to ask me that. After all this body exist only for Aruji-sama"s sake.』

He had a short exchange with Yoruka without making any sound like before.

It seemed like Raffi was limiting Lux"s action cautiously, but at this point of time it was a diversion.

Lux predicted that it was a plan to make him more wary than necessary to blunt his momentum. He shook off his hesitation and moved to take action.

Currently Raffi didn"t have any piece at hand except the Automatas that she couldn"t move in the open and Syvalles.

She also had to split some personnel to search for Aeril and Grand Force, because of that Avalon would be lightly guarded.

Lux prepared to search for its location and attacked within these ten days.

It should be Raffi who was being cornered by the limit of ten days.

The reason of that was, now that the previous world revision ended imperfectly, the more days pa.s.sed, the more the revision would gradually come apart at the seam.

『Just as Aruji-sama expected, that place was visited by a tragedy. Will you send letter to them?』

"Them" that Yoruka referred to was of course the main members of Azure Division.

『Yes. First we will investigate the opponent"s battle strength, and then I plan to set a diversion. Tell them that it"s just as planned.』

Specifically they were Lisha"s little sister, Alma Kilzrake.

Aeril vi Arcadia.

Magialca Zen Vanfrick. Those three.

They didn"t make any sound and he didn"t think that this conversation was being observed, but he was progressing cautiously just in case.

What Lux was trying to do was nothing but a coup d"etat in reality.

From here on all his actions would be risking his life.

『Also, can I ask you for one more thing? It"s about Airi──』

After handing the letter that had the strategy written in it and conveying the information, Lux talked to Yoruka.

『If something happen to me, I want you to take her away and escape. Protect Airi as much as you can, but if it"s impossible even then, then I want that you to survive even if it"s only you alone. This is a selfish request but──』

It was a talk about if Lux was defeated in this battle and death, or if he was executed as traitor.

At the very least he wanted to save his only sibling who would get dragged into this.

Of course he didn"t take this challenge with the intention of losing, but the enemy was just too powerful.

Even though he didn"t want to treat Yoruka like a tool, in the end he imposed a harsh order to her and felt guilt. Even so he could only rely on her at this situation.

『──Yes, I understand and accept.』

Yoruka nodded at Lux"s request.

『……I see. Thank you.』

Lux smiled, but he was unconvinced in his heart.

『Is that unexpected Aruji-sama? That I will obediently follow that order?』

Bull"s eye.

Since Yoruka met and fought Lux, she gave him her loyalty.

But in the end that was only a relations.h.i.+p of her serving Lux alone and no one else.

That kind of girl, in a situation where Lux might die──and given an order for after his death was accepting it readily. Honestly it was unexpected for him.

『Yeah. I thought that Yoruka would surely dislike it.』

『I"m acting with dislike? Why would I?』

The subservient girl made a small smile and looked up to him.


In that instant when he was trying to express his feeling that was hard to describe in word, his lips were blocked.

Warm, smooth, and soft sensation.

The girl"s sweet scent was mixed with the scent of blood and steel.

They were talking with only their lip movement until now without making any sound, but he almost let out a voice from surprise.


After their lips overlapped for ten-odd seconds, Yoruka silently let go.

Her cheeks were tinged with faint blus.h.i.+ng. Her purple eye that was looking up to him was s.h.i.+ning in exaltation.


Lux was bewildered by the surprise kiss, even so he somehow muttered while holding back his voice.

Then, the girl displayed a carefree bright smile and softly took Lux"s hand.

『Aruji-sama, don"t need to feel any guilt for the like of me.』

『Did I, make such face?』

『Yes. Very clearly.』

She answered instantly. Lux became unable to say anything further.

『I am honored. That Aruji-sama is valuing me highly as your trump card. That you are giving me order that you cannot say to anyone else. This body is throbbing from happiness that I cannot suppress.』

In other words, the kiss just now seemed to be the expression of Yoruka"s own impulse.

If he thought about it, that might be so.

Lux wouldn"t be able to entrust Airi who was his only blood-related family to her if he didn"t trust her from the bottom of his heart.

Surely an ego that enabled her to feel that feeling of Lux was also sprouting within Yoruka herself.

『I won"t let Aruji-sama die. But, if Aruji-sama can feel relieved with me accepting that order, then I happily accept. Well then Aruji-sama──I love you.』


Yoruka lightly kissed Lux"s cheek before silently leaving the room.

Lux felt impressed once more at her body movement that didn"t make a single sound while entering a dreamy state of mind.

「Yoruka……. I」

The girl didn"t remember about the three days loop of the New Year parade──or it should be.

That was why, she was also forgetting about confessing her love to Lux in the middle of that festival and swearing her love.

Even so, the flame of feeling that was sprouting in her hadn"t vanished.

But, Lux alone knew.

About her──about their feeling.

Even Lux couldn"t imagine what kind of conclusion would come from this battle against the New Kingdom.

But──if he could make a wish, there was just one thing that he wanted to settle.

(──Celis-senpai, Yoruka, Krulcifer-san, Phi-chan……)

The feeling that was conveyed to him from everyone in those three days.

He strongly vowed that he couldn"t die until he could tell them his grat.i.tude.

Part 3

Around the time Lux was forming various plans in the inn"s room.

Lisha who finished the light training with Krulcifer at the arena returned to her room in the castle.

She was behaving courageously when she was with other people, and she also couldn"t show her weakness to Lux who was unable to move from fatigue, but in the inside she was tormented with a terror that was crus.h.i.+ng her.

「How……? Alma is, alive……, and she knows about Hahue"s secret, and resenting her──」

She leaned deeply into the sofa and hung her head down with a pale expression.

She believed that they had finally obtained peace and she even safely finished her duty as princess in the parade.

And yet, the ghost of the past five years ago was surfacing again.

Originally she should be happy that her little sister who should have been dead was alive, but Alma introduced herself as an enemy that shook the peace of the New Kingdom. It was worrying her as the princess.

Besides, even if she wanted to stop it, the situation was already moving.

Aeril was kidnapped, and Grand Force was also taken out from the Garden.

The objective of Azure Division that she was leading was still unknown, but what concerned her was the line that was written in the threatening letter, exposing the sin of the New Kingdom──that description.

In a glance it was incomprehensible words for other people but, Lisha had an idea regarding that.

If she had to say the personality of her little sister Alma was similar with their father.

She treasured her pride as a feudal lord"s daughter and respected her father who was trying to remonstrate the Old Empire that was carrying out misgovernment at that time.

Lisha as a person was also agreeing with her father"s policy, but when she was taken as hostage and learned that she was abandoned for the sake of greater cause, she was unable to commit suicide and ran away.

She betrayed her father and sided with the Old Empire. She resolved herself to live as an

Alma idolized her at the past, but if she knew that Lisha betrayed their father, it would be only natural for her to hold grudge.

Because surely if it was her, even if she was captured she would choose a honorable death.

「This is no good……. Even though I have sworn to not rely on Lux for a while just now.」

Lisha believed that she had obtained self-confidence after overcoming all the battles until now.

She believed that she had recognized her weakness and conquered it in her own way.

But when she was facing a completely unexpected danger like this, she keenly felt her own weakness helplessly.

(Lux……. If it"s you, what will you do at this kind of time?)

The problem of the New Kingdom.

The problem of the kidnapped Aeril.

And then the appearance of her destiny with her little sister Alma. When she was at her wits" end of what to do,

「Lisha. Can I come in?」

「Ha, Hahue……? Please, come in.」

*Knock knock*, after the small knocking sound, a gentle and graceful voice came from outside.

The one who entered the room was Queen Raffi wearing a dress.

She should look the same like usual but──.

(What in the world……. This feeling is──)

Since the day after the parade, she had this murky feeling, and sometimes Raffi"s figure would look blurry to her.

It wasn"t her eyesight that was declining, but Raffi"s existence itself that for some reason looked like a different thing. She was harboring such misapprehension.

A silhouette that was different from the current Raffi, one that looked like a young girl the same age like Lisha glimmered into her view.

(……Am I tired? I have to limit myself even in running from reality.)

Raffi sat down beside Lisha who was smiling in self-depreciation.

Anyone would be shaken in this situation, however her stepmother was unwavering.

「It looks like Alma is alive. From the story of the Drag-Knights protecting the checkpoint of Garden, they didn"t actually see her face but──either way it"s not something that can be judged from appearance.」

「It will be great if it"s just completely a fake but……. If she is the real one then──」

「Unfortunately if she can"t be persuaded, then there will be no choice but to kill her.」

「No way……!」

Lisha spontaneously raised her face at the words of Raffi who was quietly looking down.

But, her stepmother the queen kept the smile on her face and gently took Lisha"s hand before whispering to her.

「Of course. For me she is your little sister and my niece. I don"t want to kill her. But, no matter who she is we can"t leave alone someone who is disturbing the peace that we finally obtained. The duty of royal family doesn"t consist of only clean work.」

「That, is……」

Lisha also understood that logically.

──No, she intended to understand it.

If Alma came here as an enemy of the New Kingdom with a great cause of her own, exactly because they were sisters that she couldn"t overlook her.

Power struggle due to blood relations.h.i.+p was the norm for a ruler.

But, even while knowing that laying hands on blood relative who shared the same blood was something extremely painful.

(Did Lux, try to change the Old Empire even if he had to make this kind of resolve……)

She flinched when she thought about the resolve of the young man who was her knight.

「You can"t do it? Then, please leave it to me. I will work to deal with this without dirtying your hand.」

When Raffi said that with a kind expression, a heat bloomed inside Lisha.

That was something that came from the pride that was buried inside Lisha"s own heart.

「……No! Please wait! I will do it!」

「Is that fine?」

Lisha nodded without hesitation at Raffi"s question.

「I was naïve. I have to be the one who settle this destiny with Alma. If my knight is in this kind of position, then he surely won"t run away and face it head on.」

「You mean Lux aren"t you? You really like him.」

Lisha"s cheeks blushed red when her stepmother pointed that out.

「Yes……. That guy──no, he doesn"t notice at all though.」

Lisha said while nodding and puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Raffi who saw that also chuckled in amus.e.m.e.nt.

「There is no such thing. I think that surely he also like you.」

「Is, that so?」

「Yes……. There is no way he won"t have feeling toward a girl so laudable and persevering like you.」

Her words sounded like a mere consolation, but for some reason Lisha was relieved just from being told that.

For a brief moment the room was filled with a gentle atmosphere──.

「What"s the matter, Lisha?」

「N, no. It"s, nothing.」

Suddenly she felt like there was a thick stench of death emitted from Raffi beside her.

But, it seemed to be just a hallucination.

(What, was that presence just now……? It"s like Hahue, isn"t human anymore──)

Her whole body shuddered in terror as though her instinct as living thing was stinging.

Lisha knew that sensation from her battles until now.

It was as though, an Abyss……no, a Ragnarok"s──]

「Your majesty, so you are here!?」

Suddenly a soldier"s voice came from outside the room. Lisha returned to her senses in surprise.

「Please come in, what is it?」

When the queen replied gently, a soldier who was still young rushed inside in panic.

「The people of Azure Division appeared at the district for the rich in the capital! They are demanding to negotiate with your majesty or with Lishsama! They are also bringing Grand Force.」

「──! So they made their move!」

They came in challenge quickly after making the war proclamation.

The enemy"s objective was unclear, but from how they were mentioning Queen Raffi and Lisha"s name, their aim must be the two of them.

「I will go out. Your majesty, please ask for support from the military so that the citizens won"t be dragged into this.」

「I"ll leave it to you, Lisha. Ah, also──including you who have gone through the aforementioned thing, the strengthening of those girls will take a bit more time. Especially that girl because her body is a bit complicated.」

Raffi spoke with a tone that was filled with implication. Lisha nodded.

Celis was guarding Lux, and Philuffy was in the middle of rest. Excluding them, right now Lisha and Krulcifer were the only Syvalles who could move.

She had to be at the front in order to ascertain the opponent"s strength too.

「──Awaken, ancestor of the beginningings. O monarch dragon of G.o.ds who is worth an army on your own. Tiamat!」

She jumped out of the room and fell down the parapet. Then she pull out her Sword Device and summoned the Divine Drag-Ride Tiamat.

After countless armor pieces were fitting onto her body, she flew toward the scene without any hesitation.

「Your majesty. What should we do? Also──we cannot find Prime Minister Nulph anywhere.」

「Can you dispatch the Drag-Knights to back up Lisha? Regarding Prime Minister Nulph, I will talk about it later. I have an idea where he is so──」


The soldier who came as messenger bowed to Raffi and immediately left.

Two people appeared behind the queen who was seeing him off.

「It looks like the Azure Division bunch is moving. Did you make the wrong prediction?」

The one who asked with monotone voice was the Automata that managed Avalon, Arshalia.

She possessed pure white hair and grey eyes and wearing a pilot suit.

Then standing beside her was Fugill wearing black overcoat.

「It seems a trial has arrived quickly. If you have any order than please allow me to hear it.」

The silver haired man bowed courteously to serve.

「Fufu, how reliable.」

Raffi smiled while turning toward Fugil.

「I indirectly sent ordinary soldiers stand watch but, it seems Lux has done nothing but resting in the inn"s room. There is no suspicious movement at all.」

「So you are saying, that my foolish little brother is unrelated with the case of Azure Division?」

「No, I don"t think so. If it"s Lux, he surely can do something like tricking the eyes of the soldiers and give order to Azure Division using some kind of method. That"s if he is connected with them though.」

「Hou……so you have confidence in it? When you personally took off his criminal collar──you tested my foolish little brother whether he noticed your true ident.i.ty or not didn"t you?」

The parade the other day.

At the last day when the activation of world revision by Uroboros ended incompletely, Queen Raffi made Lux aware of her union with Sacred Eclipse, but he didn"t react.

Therefore, the suspicion to Lux originally should have been cleared, but,

「It"s because I know of Lux"s true ident.i.ty──. It"s thanks to you.」

Raffi made a smile that was mixed with cynicism and replied so to Fugil.

Five years ago, the Old Empire was destroyed due to the Black Hero──or more accurately due to Fugil"s plan.

Lux"s memory regarding world revision was erased due to Uroboros, but after that the New Kingdom administration was born, then Lux and Airi were given amnesty. From that sequence of events, Raffi learned that it was none other than Lux who was the mastermind that planned the revolution with Fugil"s guidance.

Although he received various helps with that, the fact that a boy at the tender age of twelve was guiding the destruction of the Old Empire caused her to harbor vigilance toward him.

If it was someone who had accomplished such great undertaking, then something like tricking Raffi and turning the New Kingdom into enemy would be something that he could easily pull off.

And then, until now she had continuously watched him defeating powerful enemies possessing bottomless strength many times.

She was the one who a.s.sessed Lux highly more than anyone in this world. She recognized him as an opponent she couldn"t let her guard down against.

She believed that now that she was in the position as his enemy.

「──I"m looking forward to it.」

There was a smile on the lips of Raffi who was muttering that.

「The true value of I and Lisha, of the New Kingdom is being tested. How will he break through this situation, I have to learn from him.」

「Then, should I send several of my sisters?」

Raffi nodded at Arshalia"s counsel.

The sisters here referred to the seven Automatas other than Arshalia.

The girls who were the Gear Leaders of the Ruins gathered as the hands and feet of Raffi in order to protect Avalon. Their performance was strengthened to be Drag-Knight.

「Pleaes choose the suitable person to keep watch. But, well, just one person is enough. We also can"t make any waste after all.」

Because they had done world revision several times and with a Grand Force also stolen, the power to move Automata was also lowered.

With the idea of controlling the automatas, the 『Eight Instrumentalists』 as trump card, she couldn"t move them in the open right now.

「Right now just one will be enough. First we have to prevent the enemy from discovering the location of Avalon. Besides, if we don"t also repress my impulse──」

Raffi was wearing a dress that fitted her appearance that had gone back to her youth. Her lips twisted into a wide arc.

The sign already came out in the middle of her talk with Lisha just now.

The body that fused with Sacred Eclipse and took in the abilities of seven Ragnarok could destroy even the world. It possessed an absolutely undefeated capability.

But, the stronger the power was, the bigger the consumption would be.

Thus, she had to go in order for refill.

At any rate it was insufficient with just the low quality fodder the other day.

「Then, please take care of the castle, Fugil, Arshalia.」

「Yes. Please head out without any worry.」

Arshalia bowed. Then Raffi headed to the terrace that was jutting out from the castle.

Several seconds later, Raffi"s figure vanished like a smoke.

Part 4

「Uu, I"m nervous……. According to Lu……, that person, not all Syvalles members will come out but──」

Two Drag-Knights clad in the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride, EX Wyvern were talking while flying at the sky of the capital.

One was a blond haired girl, Alma Kizlrake.

She was the second daughter of the great man Count Atismata, and the candidate to be the next leader of Magialca"s Kilzrake family.

After learning that Lux was the Black Hero who she respected and entered under his command, she was acting as the leader of Azure Division at the surface.

「Geez, don"t carelessly let your tongue slip like that, Alma. After all our life is at stake here.」

The one who chided Alma"s slip of the tongue from the side was a girl who was one of the Lords wearing a full face mask, Aeril vi Arcadia.

Aeril was rescued from the Garden in order to oppose Raffi who was possessed by Sacred Eclipse and schemed to rule using world revision. She agreed to fight the New Kingdom together with Lux.

Since then it was decided that she would move under Lux"s instruction. She was hiding in the hideout while taking the role as Alma"s a.s.sistant.

The number of Drag-Knights in Kilzrake family numbered considerably, but fundamentally there was no plan to make them partic.i.p.ate in the battle.

After all New Kingdom"s──Syvalles"s top cla.s.s Drag-Knights were phenomenally more powerful than them.

Whether they tried surprise attack or using number, most likely they wouldn"t even be able to buy time if they clashed with Syvalles──.

Because that was what Magialca said, Alma too could only obey.

In reality Alma had also seen Lux"s true capability at Garden before, so she could also accept it.

「Also, you understand don"t you? Even if you meet with Princess Lisha, you mustn"t get too heated up okay? Remember that our mission this time──」

「Diversion and buying time right? I know.」

Alma cut off Aeril"s words a bit too snappily.

In Lux"s camp and Raffi"s camp, each had their own design toward the opponent.

For Raffi, she wanted to take back Grand Force before ten days pa.s.sed and the binding of world revision was dispelled.

The reason was because the previous world revision ended incompletely, from here as time pa.s.sed, the change in Raffi"s appearance and the sin she committed at the previous loops would be brought to light.

Therefore, if Alma and co exposed themselves, she would bite in order to take back Grand Force.

She would surely became desperate to obtain it.

Furthermore because the Automatas were standing out and also using up the Ruin"s energy, they shouldn"t be usable for something too big.

「This is my first work from that person"s request. I"ll accomplish it without fail.」

「Right. I"ll act just as planned, so do your best for the rest.」

Alma muttered with a serious expression. Aeril also nodded back.

The district for the wealthy where many n.o.bles related to the Old Empire faction were living at.

Alma who arrived at its main street used the megaphone function of the Drag-Ride and raised her voice.

It was still noon, so the figure of people of all age and gender could be seen.

「──People of the New Kingdom. Listen to me! My name is Alma Atismata! The second daughter of the great hero Count Atismata! I come to this place in order to expose the evil of Queen Raffi and the New Kingdom!」

*Murmur murmur*. The appearance of the unfamiliar Drag-Knight caused a commotion.

「What"s with that?」

「Alma Atismata……. Is she a daughter of the great hero Count Atismata?」

「But, she said something about exposing her majesty queen Raffi"s evil.」

The people were shaking from the clearly disquieting atmosphere while watching over from afar at the girl who appeared.

There were also people like women bringing children who hid inside house or building.

「The queen"s sin──. There is also how she displayed her incompetence at the decisive battle against the Lords in the struggle for the Ruins, but her greatest sin is the slaughter of the people who she ought to protect.」

Alma unsheathed her Sword Device and pointed at a section of the land.

「You gentlemen and ladies who are living in this area already know it aren"t you? Of the case of ma.s.s disappearance of the senior consuls who are said to belong to the Old Empire faction! Queen Raffi is the perpetrator. The mansion they used as gathering spot was burned down, and even the guards became sacrifice. And then──」

The moment Alma raised her voice to continue her speech, the sound of cutting through wind struck the eardrum.

Instantly Aeril who was wearing EX Wyvern raised up her medium sized Blade.

Four flying objects that were hidden in the shadow of the first, second, and third shot.

The special armament throwing weapon that was modeled after a huge arrowhead belonged to Divine Drag-Ride that Aeril also recognized.

「Looks like she has come. It will be the critical moment after this you know, Alma? Be careful──」

「Not to lose myself you say? That"s a stupid question.」

Alma displayed a fearless smile from the appearance of her destined opponent.

「So that"s Divine Drag-Ride Tiamat……. As expected from the princess of New Kingdom huh, Ane-ueelder sister. You have a nice thing unlike me.」

Several mel ahead of her gaze was Lizsharte who was similarly hovering above the main street.

She was the first one to arrive at this place after hearing of the appearance of Azure Division, Alma Kilzrake and the speech of war declaration.

「Alma……. Is that, really you? What were you doing until now?」

Lisha glared at Alma with a suspicious expression and questioned.

Alma scoffed in respond.

「How easygoing you are Ane-ue. Are you being deceived by that aunt? Or perhaps you are blindly obeying her? I"m astonished when I heard that you are the princess of New Kingdom who inherited father"s dying will.」

「……What do you mean!? Just what are you saying!? Why are you, my little sister are trying to hold the New Kingdom and us in contempt!?」

Alma carefully observed Lisha"s reaction.

(As I thought, so, she doesn"t notice Raffi"s abnormality……)

「I guess it can"t be helped when it"s still the first day……. Well, you will notice sooner or later. That the person Onee-sama is trusting and respecting is actually the source of all evil that is.」

LIsha"s gaze turned grim seeing Alma"s curt att.i.tude.

「I"ll have you retract your statement just now. And then I"ll ask you this. You are the one who is leading this so called Azure Division, kidnapped Aeril, and stole the Garden"s Grand Force?」

「Those are some misleading words Ane-ue. It wasn"t kidnapping, we were only rescuing the imprisoned Lord.」

「Do you intend to talk about justice after disturbing the peace like this?」

In respond Lisha also didn"t back away at the slightest.

In this situation where citizens were watching, she was taking a resolute att.i.tude as a princess.

If she was provoked than she would respond and retort back.

Lux formed the plan with that prediction and his perception of Lisha was right on the money. Alma was satisfied inside her heart.

She harbored a particular emotion toward her big sister who betrayed their father in the past and sided with the old empire, but right now the Black Hero"s order was absolute.

「I wonder, which one of us actually has justice in our side? I"ll teach that to you Ane-ue.」

「Just try it!」

Lisha reached out toward her own sword belt and unsheathed her Sword Device.

Instantly the special armament Legion hovering around Tiamat spewed out fire and hummed before springing into action.

「You have grown violent during our separation for a while haven"t you.」

Alma took a stance with her medium sized Blade while dodging four Legions.

Because the basic spec of EX Wyvern wasn"t inferior even compared to Divine Drag-Ride, she could oppose them enough with her mobility.

Thus, she had the leeway to dodge even without swinging her weapon──was how it should be, but,

『Alma! Behind you!』


Alma reacted to Aeril"s dragon voice and turned around.

At the sky several hundred ml behind her. The blue Divine Drag-Ride that appeared without any sound took a sniping stance and pulled the trigger without delay.

The streak of light that was tinged with chilly air drew a silver track toward Alma.

「That Drag-Knight is──!?」

The special armament Freezing Cannon of Divine Drag-Ride Fafnir fired a freezing bullet that was impossible to block.

It wouldn"t be deflected by barrier, and even if it was blocked it would freeze the armor and sealed the movement.

Furthermore because it was a sniping from right behind her, she was unable to even react decently.

「So the Legions just now from the start was to lure me to dodge and guide me to the sniping point……!」

But, as the guard Aeril threw her Blade in front of Alma and barely stopped the freezing bullet from hitting directly.

One weapon was sealed but they avoided Alma getting restrained in this place.

「Don"t let your guard down Krulcifer! They"re a bunch with skill that can a.s.sault even the Garden!」

「Yes, I"ll bear it in mind.」


Lisha and Krulcifer communicated with each other while attempting the teamwork to launch a pincer attack once more.

It seemed the two were suppressing their strength because it was in urban area, even so it would be over with one attack if she got hit fully once.

(What the h.e.l.l……! Now this is exasperating even for me. After all I intended to fight this kind of opponent as equal.)

Alma desperately defended against the two"s fierce attacks while a self-depreciating smile formed on her lips.

But, from the beginning she didn"t think that she would be able to surpa.s.s Lisha and others in offense and defense.

Her aim from the start was to fall into disadvantage.

Alma evaded that attacks while quickly turning aside adroitly. She made her EX Wyvern to glide horizontally to escape.

If she flew in zigzag and weaved her way through the building"s alleyway, the sniping would be sealed due to the obstacles.

「You"re going to run away!? Alma!」

Lisha and Krulcifer were in pursuit, but with their Divine Drag-Ride, that size backfired and their movement was limited──or it should be, but the two of them were overtaking Alma without difficulty.

(Tsu……, what speed!)

It wasn"t just simple acceleration power.

Their proficiency in handling Drag-Ride was abnormally high, so their movement felt even faster.

But, even while feeling nervous inside her heart, Alma succeeded in luring the two of them to the destination.

「Running away? I told you I"ll teach you. About the sin of this country"s queen! Howling Roar!」

The place that Alma arrived at was a large and old mansion──a burned down ruins.

When she released shockwave from the head part of her EX Wyvern, the countless rubbles piled up below her were smashed away.

Underneath it──countless hands were reaching out from the ground that was scorched black.

「Wh, at……. This is!」


Lisha and Krulcifer looked down at that gruesome site while still clad in their Drag-Ride.

Around ten-odd burnt corpses were giving off odd scent.

「Now that the binding of world revision ended up imperfectly, even you two can perceive it right? This is the that was carried out by New Kingdom"s queen Raffi!」

「……What did you say?」

Lisha stared at the ground with a dubious expression.

Bewilderment and confusion. However she shook her head left and right to sever her doubt.

「There"s no way that"s true! Only Hahue won"t ever──! Don"t you utter any nonsense!」

Lisha lifted her Sword Device once more and particles of light whirled at the surrounding. She summoned an additional armament.

The giant cannon Sevens Heads, and then more throwing weapon Legion that increased in number until a total of twelve units.

Alma"s skin was quavering from the powerful pressure of those two armaments.

(What, intimidation……! Honestly……it"s terrifying!)

The next instant, Alma turned around and soared. She began an escape in full speed.

But, there was no way Alma could break down here.

Because Lux──the real Black Hero had saved her who was captured by the past resentment and tried to challenge into a fight with anger and resentment.

Part 5

「──Say Alma. Won"t you stop with the revenge? Whether it"s toward Lishsama and also Queen Raffi.」

Several days ago.

Lux who succeeded in the mission to rescue Aeril from the Garden and returned to Magialca"s hideout learned the fact that Alma was Lisha"s little sister and persuaded her like that.

The girl who idolized and believed in the Black Hero averted her gaze looking slightly awkward from being told that.

Looking objectively, what Lux said might be the right thing.

Lisha didn"t turn traitor to the Old Empire because of her own wish, she could only choose that path in order to survive.

And hten, even Queen Raffi who sold Alma and others also didn"t act because of malice. She was seduced by Waybra who was a spy from the Old Empire, got deceived, and lost everything.

「Both of them also went through painful things like you. They had suffered. Both Queen Raffi and Princess Lisha were troubled by their position all this time.」

They suffered from the weight of the sin they committed in the past while worrying about the responsibility burdening them.

Even so they fought against it.

They desperately lived in the New Kingdom trying to accomplish their duty.

「That"s why, can you forgive them? At the very least, I wish that you won"t resent the two of them in that respect. I beg you.」


After looking down for a while, Alma looked up to Lux in wonder.

Her expression looked like she was baffled somewhere, as though she couldn"t make any sense of him.

「Why are you, able to say something like that?」

Alma"s voice wasn"t filled with anything like anger or sarcasm.

She just felt puzzled that Lux who was living until now as a criminal of the Old Empire, that the young man who should be the target of hatred of many people was trying to stop Alma"s revenge.

「Why, are you trying that hard to save them……. How can you be kind to people?」

「Because I know those two"s feeling.」

Lux instantly answered so toward that question.

「Because for nearly this one year, I spent time with them and watched them. That"s what I thought. Nothing will start if you don"t watch with your own eyes and try to know it better.」

「Did they really abandon you, did they really have no other choice──. And can you forgive that, you should ascertain it with your own eyes.」

(What──in the world)

Alma who heard that couldn"t lift her face for a while.

During the several years where she fell into a harsh and painful environment, Alma needed something to support her heart in order to survive the cruel world.

However this young man──the Black Hero was trying to save even his enemy.

Whether it was in the past, and even now.

Her heart was struck by that n.o.bility and strength.


Alma pondered a lot for several minutes and made her conclusion.

It wasn"t simple to let go of the desire for revenge that she was ama.s.sing until now inside herself.

However, she decided to try fighting together with him in order to face it.

Part 6

(I"m envious……! Of that person"s, the Black Hero"s skill as Drag-Knight and, his strength of heart!)

And then right now──Alma was pursued by two of the best Drag-Knigths in New Kingdom Lisha and Krulcifer while desperately heading toward the destination in order to accomplish her mission.

She slipped between the trees of nearby forest in order to avoid the attack of the two who excelled in long range attack, even so she was approaching the verge of death every second.

But, the sniping using normal bullet that Krulcifer fired finally hit Alma"s EX Wyvern!


Even though it was already an advanced technique just for flying between the trees that were cl.u.s.tered together, she went further and sniped through the gaps.

Alma was struck with admiration at that miraculous feat, at the same time her balance broke and she fell.

She somehow landed without cras.h.i.+ng on the trees, but she was completely stopped.

「If the opponent"s movement only has two choices of dodging or escaping left, then it will be easy to predict it even with this many obstacles.」

Krulcifer who was clad in Divine Drag-Ride Fafnir slowly descended from above Alma.


Alma immediately took a stance with EX Wyvern"s Blade, but the wrist of her armored arm was sniped and she dropped her weapon.

The battle was already decided with that.

「Unlike offense, defense and evasion demand smallest and fastest movement. That"s why after seeing your movement several times it become easy to predict. After that if as long as I can grasp the area"s terrain by sight, it will be possible enough for sniping.」

「Wise Blood──so it"s Fafnir"s power of precognition……!」

Even the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride EX Wyvern wasn"t far behind the Divine Drag-Ride in specs, but as expected taking on powerful opponent who was able to skillfully use Divine Raiment made the difference plain to see.

「I don"t know what kind of great cause you have but, can you stop making anymore commotion? Everyone fought desperately to finally obtain this peace.」

「……Fuh, peace huh.」

In respond Alma scoffed even while knowing that she was in a predicament.

「Is that so called peace, something that really exist? You"re sharp to notice other people"s flaw but, it looks like you don"t notice anything at all about your side"s own situation.」

「……? I don"t have any time for pointless talk. After all she already caught up.」

Lisha who arrived right beside Krulcifer before anyone realized took aim with Sevens Heads toward Alma.

Lisha was moving around to the opposite side in order to caught Alma in a pincer attack.

Alma was completely caught by Krulcifer"s attack, but if she actually managed to dodge it then she would be caught by the net of gravity control from Tiamat"s Suppressor.

The two members of Syvalles should already understand about the difference in strength just from this little time, but the way they fought without letting down their guard at all made Alma realized their threat level once more.

(Destroying the New Kingdom……. Defeating Queen Raffi and Fugil who are protected by this bunch and the Automatas while hiding our true colors will be next to impossible yeah.)

「Dispel your armor and surrender. If not then I"ll blow you up here! You won"t be able to endure it with EX Wyvern"s barrier!」

The huge barrel of Sevens Heads was already gathering energy.

The fear from having a weapon that would bring the fate of death thrust before her by her big sister.

On top of that seeing how Lisha"s hand was also touching her Sword Device, she intended to also use her Divine Raiment depending on the situation.

It was a hopeless situation where there wasn"t any way to breakthrough.


「Do you really think, that I showed up here only to get defeated?」

Alma lifted her Sword Device with a fearless expression even while being cornered into this predicament.

The moment tension ran through the two Syvalles, a black gale ran through before their eyes.

「Wh……!? Reinforcement!?」

「No! Perhaps it has been lurking here from the start!」

Krulcifer"s voice cut off Lisha"s yell.

Sight diversion.

Lisha and Krulcifer were wary toward Alma"s Sword Device and their focus was turned toward it.

Although they were in overwhelming advantage based on strength──no, exactly because of that overwhelming advantage that they focused on any strange movement.

From the previous information of the a.s.sault to the Garden and the kidnapping of Aeril, it inevitably caused them to think of the true strength that Azure Division was hiding.

That focus was used against them. Alma caused them to focus on herself and made the young man"s surprise attack a success.

「U, aah……!」

The Force Core that was located at the top of armor"s shoulder was slashed and the output of Tiamat that Lisha was wearing rapidly dropped.

The initial plan was for Alma on the ground to fly toward Lisha just before her armor was dispelled and she started falling, and then she would kidnap Lisha back to their hideout──but,



Just before the armor was dispelled, Lisha reflexively threw Tiamat"s Sword Device in her hand toward Alma.

This time it was the opposite. It was Alma whose attention was diverted by Lisha"s action. In that instant, Krulcifer"s Fafnir fired the freezing bullet that directly hit Alma"s EX Wyvern.

「Uh, kuh!」

Lisha and Alma were simultaneously disabled from fighting and their respective armor was dispelled. Right after that, the remaining two Drag-Knights confronted each other.

「It seems you are that girl"s trump card. Eerr──who could you be?」

The question of Krulcifer in her Fafnir wasn"t responded by the Drag-Knight in front of her.

A user of Divine Drag-Ride clad in huge jet black armor. That was the only information she could obtain.

(This person……? Who in the world──)

Krulcifer felt like she remembered that face and voice from somewhere, but for some reason she couldn"t recall it, she didn"t recognize the person.

Krulcifer had no way of knowing but for some reason, right now she was unable to recognize the young man in front of her.

「──I have no name to introduce to you two. I will simply carry out my mission.」

「I see, so you are the true leader of this Azure Division.」

Although it was a surprise attack, the opponent accelerated from quite far away and instantly took advantage of Lisha"s opening to drive her into incapable of fighting.

Krulcifer raised her guard against the opponent"s strength and faced the Drag-Knight in black armor.

(The stage has been set! It"s the main performance from here!)

Lux focused his mind like that and gazed at his opponent Krulcifer.

It was just as planned until this point.

He didn"t know who else from Syvalles would come with Lisha, but no matter who came he knew that they would be a formidable enemy.

Why Krulcifer was unable to realize Lux"s true ident.i.ty?

The reason wasn"t just from the mask that was hiding the area around his eyes, it was caused by a certain tactic that Lux set.

It was a tactic that he prepared in order to slay Fugil and Sacred Eclipse without anyone of the New Kingdom noticing it.

Lux already used the Coffin and finished strengthening his body through Baptism.

It still wasn"t completely adapted to his body, but they were lacking time and manpower.

He wouldn"t be able to reach Fugil at all if he was unable to manage a single tightrope walking here.

「If you don"t have any intention to talk, I"ll make you talk then. After I catch you that is.」

Right after she muttered that with a tone that was mixed with resignation somewhere, Fafnir"s armored arm quickly moved and pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle.

It was an instantaneous sniping from the gun barrel that was pointed down that took the opponent by surprise.

In order to defend against the freezing bullet, he immediately threw a Dagger as s.h.i.+eld, but his initial movement was stopped completely by that action.

「Looks like you have also finished preparing countermeasure for Fafnir"s special armament. In that case how about this?」

*Tan-!* This time she sniped with a normal bullet that was a ma.s.s of energy.

But, that sniping target wasn"t Lux and Bahamut, but the trunk of a large and tall tree that surrounded the area like a cage.

A part of the trunk was largely gouged out and the tree was slowly collapsing toward the inside of the clearing.

The instant Lisha and Alma who were unarmored on the ground got their attention taken by that, Fafnir who was holding a medium sized Blade closed the distance in front of Lux.

「……uh, ku!」

Fafnir that was specialized in long range battle attempted a close range battle that should be disadvantageous for it.

The completely different tactic from Lux"s impression of Krulcifer surprised him and made him doubted his eyes.

(No, if you think about it I guess it"s only natural……)

The accidental factor increased here deep inside the forest that was surrounded by obstructions, so it was also hard to use the future prediction.

In addition the high speed movement to hara.s.s the enemy while launching precise sniping was also sealed.

Thus, even if it was somewhat disadvantageous, searching for a means of survival in close range battle would be plausible enough.

In fact, Krulcifer"s sword skill using Drag-Ride was also improving.

Therefore, Lux was forced into a one-sided defensive battle for several minutes──but,

(……It"s a chance! With this it will be easier too for me to read her movement!)

Lux knew about the scope of Krulcifer"s capability, but her right now didn"t know that he was Lux.

In other words, it became easy for Lux to utilize his strong point that was seeing through the opponent"s attack.

He deflected Krulcifer"s slashes one by one and made preparation to activate Reload on Fire.

Because Fafnir was protected by its special armament the seven s.h.i.+elds──Auto s.h.i.+eld which was an automatic defense, he aimed to decide the battle in one go using a slash with super acceleration.


「──Howling Roar!」

A vortex of shockwave was released from the head armor part Krulcifer wore and attacked Lux.

Because doing that when both sides were locking swords with each other would also caused the user themselves to get hit, Lux predicted that she wouldn"t use Howling Roar, but──.

Seven s.h.i.+elds were deployed in front of Krulcifer in order to defend against the after wave of the shockwave that was generated from close range.

「You used Auto s.h.i.+eld"s automatic defense in this way!?」

Lux was blown backward one-sidedly. Krulcifer readied her sniper rifle to aim at Lux.

「My bad to do this when the plan of you guys has only started, but it"s over with this.

She quickly pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle along with those merciless words.


A normal bullet impacted the shoulder armor of Lux who was completely unbalanced.

Part 7

「Alma! Who in the world that guy is!? There aren"t that many people in this world who can compete with that Krulcifer you know?」

「……Fuh, he is just a compatriot. You yourself, don"t get conceited after getting helped out by various people.」

On the other hand, at the same time when the intense battle was happening at the air.

Lisha and Alma were facing each other at the open spot of the forest.

Both of them had their armor dispelled and held their Sword Device as weapon while only wearing their pilot suit.

The two of them wouldn"t be able to use their Drag-Ride for a while after the hit on their Force Core. Alma picked up the Sword Device of Tiamat that Lisha threw toward her and took a stance.

A strange scene of a duel of sword fight between fellow Drag-Knight was unfolding.

But, with a development of two versus two formed like this, and with how important the position of both sides was, this battle had a great meaning.

If one side could subdue the other earlier and took hostage, then the battle at the sky could also be decided at the same time.

The two sisters both understood that implication.

「It seems you are learning the good mannered sword fighting at the Academy, but can you fight in this messed up terrain?」

Alma said that in order to shake Lisha who wasn"t used to fighting with sword.

In respond Lisha was staring still at Alma with her hand holding a Sword Device she unsheathed from her sword belt.

「Or perhaps, you are also used to this kind of fighting? Onee-sama who betrayed the New Kingdom──betrayed father and became the Old Empire"s」


Lisha bit her lower lip when her own dishonor was pointed out at.

「The soldiers who attacked the hideout where I was at five years ago told me. That Onee-sama turned traitor. You also know that it was Queen Raffi"s fault that our father died don"t you?」

「I know……. Your anger is justified. But! There is no meaning in venting your anger to the New Kingdom right now and drag the people into it!」

Lisha raised her voice and slashed with her Sword Device.

In respond Alma also blocked it with Tiamat"s Sword Device, averted the tip of the blade Lisha swung as though drawing the shape "V", parrying it away.

Alma intentionally provoked Lisha to lure her to attack and aimed to counterattack it.

The moment the tips of both swords were diverted, she tackled and sent her flying toward the direction of a tree trunk.


The moment Lisha"s balance crumbled, Alma straddled her and pointed her sword tip to Lisha"s throat.

Part 8

「──Reload on Fire!」

The instant it looked like Krulcifer"s precise sniping pierced through Lux"s shoulder armor, crimson light of Divine Raiment surged from Bahamut"s armor.

He made himself as the center and performed compression strengthening to the effect of the impact energy──drastically damping the power of the first five seconds.

Therefore, Lux could barely turn aside the impact, then he further recovered his balance and flew toward Krulcifer who was above him.

「──Wise Blood!」

Krulcifer also immediately activated Fafnir"s Divine Raiment.

She switched her weapon to the medium sized Blade once more and prepared for a close range battle.

(As I thought, this is Krulcifer-san"s new tactic!)

Using the power of future prediction, she overpowered the opponent in close range battle where she was originally at disadvantage. When she saw an opening she would use Howling Roar or the like to blow the opponent backward.

The moment the opponent"s balance crumbled and a distance was opened, she would land a sure kill sniping with certainty and decided the battle.

Because she had Auto s.h.i.+eld, she wouldn"t receive damage in close combat even if she forced herself a little.

It was a battle style that had obviously evolved from the tactic that was only relying on sniping while dodging.

「……-!? You, who in the world are you?」

But, after crossing swords several times, Krulcifer escaped by flying back without pus.h.i.+ng off Lux.

She was sensing that she was losing in close range battle where originally she should be able to overwhelm the opponent with Wise Blood"s future prediction.

「That Divine Drag-Ride Bahamut and Reload on Fire……. I know your way of fighting. Just, who are you? You are──?」

Krulcifer right now shouldn"t notice Lux, nor would she be able to.

Even so it seemed she was feeling something from Lux. Lux fell completely silent seeing her behavior.

Lux resolved to fight alone in order to not drag the girls into it.

On the other hand, it was a really joyous matter that the girls were banding together in order to protect the New Kingdom.

However, Raffi would surely use Syvalles appropriately to corner Azure Division.

Therefore, he would defeat the elites of Syvalles except Yoruka one by one, made them unable to fight for a while, and aimed for Raffi and Fugil.

That was the first step of Lux"s plan that he had to accomplish during these ten days.

(I"m sorry, Krulcifer-san.)

Surely Lux also loved her.

But, most likely he would be unable to convey that feeling to her anymore.

Those three days of parade that occurred in reality were already vanis.h.i.+ng into beyond her memory due to the world revision.


The moment Reload on Fire"s effect ran out, Lux activated a secret technique of Drag-Ride control──Quick Draw.

He surpa.s.sed the deployment speed of Auto s.h.i.+eld"s automatic defense, and landed a slash of the great sword on Fafnir"s shoulder.

Part 9

「The meaning of dragging the New Kingdom into it you said? Then why are you two──Raffi-obaasamaaunt and Onee-sama are staying as queen and princess then?」

Right after Lux"s attack exploded into action at the sky above the forest, Alma and Lisha"s battle was also nearing the conclusion for the time being.

Alma who was straddling Lisha had a tip of a Sword Device pointed at Lisha"s throat.

「Especially Obasama. After leaking information that put father into harm and sacrificed our whole family and clan, how is she able to stay at the New Kingdom with that unconcerned face? It"s in order to protect herself and obtain benefit. People like that are telling me to not drag the people into it?」


「My body……, is ingrained with terror. I was betrayed by the family I trusted and tasted h.e.l.l. That"s why I"m already……unable to trust people from the bottom of my heart. Even if I pretend to trust, I"m scared somewhere inside. My world has been dark all this time.」

Alma made a self-torturing smile and looked down at the pushed down Lisha.

She was betrayed by her aunt, her big sister, her blood relatives who she trusted. Her father was killed.

The wound of her heart that became unable to believe in people.

That was the impulse that drove Alma to take revenge in Kilzrake family.

It was necessary for her to paint over her heart with rage in order to stifle the pain and survive.

Alma lived until now with that as her support.

If it was Alma from before, she might stabbed Lisha"s throat here.

But right now, Alma who had been persuaded by the Black Hero she idolized──by Lux Arcadia was simply observing Lisha"s reaction with a focused gaze.

「I see……. As long as I am a princess, the people also won"t be able to become unrelated. That"s logical. Then, I"ll take care of dealing with you! I"ll take responsibility as someone who was unable to save you!」

Agitation ran through Alma"s face seeing Lisha"s strong gaze.

In that moment, the nearby tree got hit by the sniper bullet of Krulcifer who was fighting above. It broke and fell toward the side of Lisha and Alma.

The trunk fell near the foot of Alma who immediately tried to dodge.

「Ukuh! Aaah……!」

Fortunately because there was a slant on the ground, the angle was shallow and her foot wasn"t crushed. But her movement was completely sealed.

On the contrary there was no effect to Lisha and she quickly picked up Tiamat"s Sword Device.

(d.a.m.n it! With this, at this rate──!)

The table was overturned by the accidental happening.

The situation was reaching an

In order to save Krulcifer who was in an intense battle above, Lisha would surely take Alma as hostage at the very least.

Or perhaps if she was unlucky she would be killed as someone who introduced herself as the mastermind of Azure Division.

When Alma thought that, Lisha pulled out a new Sword Device from her sword belt.

「Alma, don"t move! Your foot will be damaged if you move carelessly! Wyrm Claw!」

When Lisha yelled and thought strongly, a Drag-Ride in the shape of only giant armored arms was summoned.

The unit part for strengthening Tiamat, Wyrm Claw was something that was created from general purpose Drag-Ride Wyrm, but unlike other simple weapon, it was equipped with its own power source that was a Force Core.

Therefore, although it was different from its original purpose, as long as the user was near it then it could be operated slightly.

「Just, what are you planning to──」

「Never mind that just don"t move. I won"t care even if your foot break you know」

Lisha kept her Sword Device raised in front of her eyes and controlled Wyrm Claw with mind control operation.

The armored arm that had claws attached softly lifted away the large tree on Alma"s foot.

The large tree that fell off on the slanted ground raised a loud dull sound *DON*.

Alma who slowly stood up looked dumbfounded with her eyes wide open.

Alma stared in a daze at Lisha"s figure who helped her little sister that she even threw away the absolutely advantageous situation.

「Do you want to erase your own sin by doing something like this?」

「No one is saying that. My sin and also the past cannot be erased. But, that guy taught me, that the answer will come out if you think about what you yourself can do and face your own problem.」

「……That guy?」

After asking that, Alma guessed that who Lisha referred to was Lux, the Black Hero.

「What I have to do no matter what as a princess is to persuade and stop you. You were hurt simply because I didn"t have courage. But, this life that I obtained by betraying father, I want to use it for the sake of the New Kingdom that father wished for!」

Alma hung her head down at Lisha"s straightforward words.

「Alma. I don"t intend to tell you to believe me. But, is there any further end to this act of yours? If you say that I am walking on the wrong path, then I"ll receive your criticism anytime. But, if you say that it"s enough with just that……if you are going to involve anybody else with force, then I"ll stop you no matter how many times!」

Alma looked at Lisha"s gaze and couldn"t say anything.

She had tried facing her in reality.

She questioned her at the end of battle, and heard her answer.

Now that she had learned her big sister"s resolve, Alma completely lost her reason to resent Lisha.

(In the end, it"s just as Black Hero-dono said huh……)

Lux"s words that wanted her to test Lisha and ascertain whether she would be convinced with that or not.

She was unable to accept it when she heard his words, but now after she crossed swords and exchanged their true feeling with each other, she was able to easily accept it.

But, the mission of Azure Division was still continuing unrelated with this.

Removing Sacred Eclipse that fused with Queen Raffi, and defeating Fugil who was carrying out world revision as the Hero of the Beginning. In order to do that, Lisha had to be kidnapped temporarily no matter what.

In order to not let Lisha and Syvalles to be burdened with the sin of destroying the New Kingdom too, she had to be captured here──.

The moment Alma reached out to Lisha in order to restrain her──, she heard a voice.

「Pile Anchor」


Alma"s body was instantly entangled with wire at the same time with a monotone voice of a girl. She was reeled into the thicket right beside her.

No one there could react toward that exquisite quick work that didn"t even take one second.

(Phi-chan!? She came here!?)

──Or perhaps, it was reasonable to a.s.sume that she had rushed here just now?

Taking on three elites of Syvalles at the same time would be harsh even for Lux.

It was time to retreat.


Ignoring Krulcifer who was. .h.i.t by a single stroke from Lux and lost her balance, Lux flew at low alt.i.tude with Bahamut and aimed at the dumbfounded Lisha.

「What are you doing! Let go-!」

Lisha immediately pointed Tiamat"s Sword Device in her hand, but Lux repelled it with his armored arm.

The impact caused the four Sword Devices along with their sword belt to be taken off from Lisha"s waist. They were scattered around.

Alma was taken away, but currently it was nearly impossible to recover her.

Therefore, Lux succeeded in kidnapping Lisha and then flew away in full speed.

「-……!? You won"t get away!」

Krulcifer who saw that hurriedly tried to pursue, but Lux"s speed that was already using compression strengthening of time with Reload on Fire couldn"t be overtaken.

New Kingdom army and Azure Division.

The battle in this place was temporarily halted with the key character of the opposition falling into the hand of each camp.

Part 10

「……Guh, uh! Dammit, let go-!」

Alma who saw Lux leaving with Lisha pretended to struggle in frustration, even so she sighed in relieve inside her heart.

Philuffy"s appearance was surprising, but it was more or less within the expectation.

The worst case was it was Alma alone who was killed or fell into New Kingdom"s hand, but there would be no problem if she was exchanged with Lisha who was a princess.

The actual leader was Lux anyway. With the Azure Division obtained a card that was the princess, the negotiation from now would become smoother.

「It"s dangerous to struggle you know? My Drag-Ride has claw. Errr……your name, what is it?」

「……Alma Atismata.」

「Princess"s little sister, was it? I"m taking you back so don"t struggle.」

Even though it should be a dangerous situation for the New Kingdom that Lisha was kidnapped, and yet the girl in front of his didn"t look agitated at all.

She was even interacting calmly with the enemy Alma without any change in her unique tone or atmosphere.

「……Haa, what a headache. Just who in the world that black Drag-Knight is──」

On the other hand, Krulcifer who gave up in chasing after Lux approached Alma and Philuffy.

She glanced at Alma who became quiet, and hten she stared fixedly on Philuffy"s face.

「You. The schedule should take quiet long for you but, are you fine already?」

「Yep. The fatigue from Baptism is gone. The Coffin……is already empty, so the next person.」

(……-! Baptism they say?)

Alma shuddered from hearing a certain word from the two"s casual conversation.

Coffin was one of Ruin"s important equipments. It could perform the operation to strengthen the body.

Alma herself had a relatively light strengthening as a test run, but in case Elixir was used to strengthen the body, it would put a large burden on the body. Because of that there was a risk of death.

For such procedure to be applied to the elites of the New Kingdom by turn, it could be a.s.sumed that Queen Raffi"s countermeasure was to send the girls to directly clash with Azure Division.

(However, this is a miscalculation. If even these girls got strengthened by Baptism, Lux-san who wants to defeat them one by one will be forced into really hard battles.)

Even at the battle just now Lisha and Krulcifer weren"t going at full strength.

Lux"s remaining cards were only Yoruka, Aeril, and then Magialca and the Drag-Knights of Kilzrake family. But there was none among the subordinates who would be able to contend with Krulcifer, Philuffy, and Celis.

From here on ahead, strategy that was even more risky would be necessary.

The two girls were still in discussion in front of Alma who was getting even more nervous like that.

「After this, what to do?」

「We don"t know where the enemy is going, there is also this girl who we captured. Looks like we can only return to the city for now and consult her majesty Raffi. Besides──the enemy also handed something like this.」

Krulcifer lifted her fingertips while replying to Philuffy"s question.

There, the fingers were holding a single letter that was left behind by Bahamut that flew away.