Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter - Aruji-sama"s Punishment

Episode 6   Yoruka Chapter - Aruji-sama"s Punishment

Part 1

Since enrolling into Cross Field"s Academy, things were going well for Lux.

Of course, there were only daughters of n.o.bles around him, so problem would occur with him being the only male.

Because of his past as a prince of the old empire──and furthermore because of his role as a ch.o.r.e boy, sometimes there would be strange request coming to him from the female students, and sometimes he would also get dragged into various turmoil.

Even so if Lux"s unique status was taken into consideration, it could be said that he had managed to blend into the Academy enough.

That was thanks to the girls around him.

Krulcifer who taught him the lesson, or Philuffy who was treating him the same like in the past.

Everyone of the Triad who acted amiably with him, or his little sister Airi who was controlling his reputation at the Academy, and so on. He was supported by many comrades and obtained a place to belong.

But, recently that was one thing that made Lux worry.

It wasn"t about his current life in the Academy that was going well, it was──.

「Lux Arcadia. Do you have time? There is something that I have to tell you.」

It"s weekday at Academy──the short break after the morning cla.s.s was over.

Instructor Raigree who exited the cla.s.sroom beckoned at him, calling Lux out to the corridor where there wasn"t anyone else.

Even Lux who had got thoroughly involved with many great incidents would be a bit nervous if he was called by a teacher.

(What could it be? I think I didn"t do anything bad recently though──)

Raigree was a self-reliant woman, so Lux never received even a single request from her.

If this was something like a warning or instruction to him, he believed she would act more brazenly but──.

While Lux was cautious like that, a sentence about something that normally he put out of his mind came to him. In a sense it could be said that it was just as expected.

「Perhaps this is something that I originally should say to you. But, about that first year student, the girl who had just enrolled here, what"s the deal with her?」


The moment Lux heard that, his face turned really complicated.

Even without listening to the detail, he understood everything just from that single sentence.

「This is about That girl from nation of Koto who introduced herself as your servant. That of the old empire, Kirihime Yoruka.」

In the past she confronted Lux who didn"t wish for the revival of the old empire and both of them crossed swords.

But, at the end of that, the understood each other"s feeling and reconciled. Yoruka then swore allegiance to Lux.

After that with Lux"s intermediation──more accurately Lisha"s intermediation that Lux requested, she was enrolled into the Academy under the pretext that the new kingdom would manage her.

Since then Yoruka should be spending peaceful days in the Academy as a first year student. But,

「I have told you before, Lux. That girl, she isn"t blending into the Academy at all.」

「As I thought, it"s like that……」

Raigree"s expression was displeased. Lux also responded with a complicated expression.

Yoruka"s personality was like a fluttering wind that cannot be grasped, her way of thinking and action were also really particular.

Furthermore because her skill as Drag-Knight was also outstanding, Lux could easily imagine how she would be completely out of place even in the cla.s.s.

But, his little sister Airi and Noct of Triad were also Yoruka"s cla.s.smate, so Lux thought that they would follow up on her just barely, but──.

「Could it be, Yoruka is feeling troubled because she cannot get used to the Academy?」

「……Do you think so?」

The smiling face of the serious Instructor Raigree was scary.

「Eerr, is everyone around her troubled just as I thought?」

When Lux asked back awkwardly, Instructor Raigree took out a memo from her pocket.

"Ah, I get a bad feeling."

「In the middle of cla.s.s, she said things like guarding you and sneaked away as she pleased. She isn"t talking at all with her cla.s.smates. At training, she ignored the menu and did self-practice willfully. At mock battle, she used her partner as decoy to defeat her opponent. She won"t listen to the instructor. She ignores the regulation for sleeping and waking up time. She won"t reflect even when she is scolded. In her clothes she is carrying hidden weapons that she won"t part with. She took off her clothes as she pleased……」

「I, I get it! It"s enough already!」

By the way, it seemed that list still had half remaining.

Until now Airi who was in the same cla.s.s settled down the troubles, but as expected it seemed that Yoruka"s actions couldn"t be overlooked anymore.

Thus, it seemed that the talk came to Lux like this as he was the one leading her.

「But, I have to be the one warning her? Certainly she was calling me her master but, this is more or less a matter in the Academy, so someone like the headmaster Relie-san or even one of the teachers──」

「Do you believe, that girl will properly listen to anyone other than you?」

「I"m sorry……」

He was taking into consideration his position inside the Academy, but he retracted his statement when he saw Raigree"s twitching face.

「It was Princess Lisha who proposed the enrollment of Yoruka, but it was you who asked her to do that right? Take responsibility to look after that girl as her master. This is my first request to you.」

「I, understand.」

Lux could only nod at the completely sound argument.

After the battle, he wanted to give a new place to belong for Yoruka who returned back to him.

Even though he had decided to look after her, and yet he was unable to guide her properly. That was his blunder.

Before the problem was getting bigger than this in the Academy, he had to guide Yoruka to act properly no matter what.


After he had decided that, he immediately took action.

Although, for Lux whose cla.s.s and grade were different from Yoruka, there were still a lot of things that he didn"t know.

Thus, first he had to gather accurate information.

Lux who bid farewell to Raigree returned to his cla.s.sroom and sat down.

(Perhaps I should cancel my today as much as possible……)

He was thinking of such thing while concentrating on the rest of his cla.s.s.

Part 2

「And so, because of that Nii-san is finally coming to me after this late?」

「Err, yes. Well……」

An awkward atmosphere was filling the cramped room to the brim.

He was in a room inside the girl dormitory after school.

It was the shared room of Airi and Noct.

It was a request from Raigree to guide Yoruka so she became accustomed to life in Academy, but first it was necessary to know about the situation of her cla.s.s in first year.

Thinking so, Lux thought to hear about the story from Airi who was Yoruka"s cla.s.smate, but the situation appeared to be more pressing than Lux thought.

「I"m very happy. To think that Nii-san will act considerately to someone like me even if just for a bit. I thought that surely Nii-san was foisting the matter of Yoruka-san completely to me while Nii-san isn"t planning to do anything at all.」

Airi was showing him a gentle smile, but her smile didn"t reach her eyes.

In other words, his little sister was proclaiming that she had been fussing about Yoruka quite much since her enrollment into the Academy by Lux"s hope.

「Let"s stop with that much, Airi.. After all it"s not like Lux-san was doing it maliciously.」

Noct was sending a timely help to Lux who was receiving a gentle intimidation from Airi.

But, even with her best friend soothing her down, Airi still puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

「Noct is spoiling Nii-san too much. It"s because Nii-san has never thought about consequences since the past that he should be properly warned to make him reflect. After all if Nii-san isn"t acting responsibly, it will make me terribly worried.」

「……Perhaps that"s also true. I was also troubled by Yoruka-san.」

「Even though I thought you are helping me-!?」

Lux was crestfallen seeing Noct quickly changed side.

But, at the same time Noct who saw that was quietly bringing her face closer beside Lux.

「Forgive me Lux-san. I unconsciously made fun of you. Airi isn"t as angry as she look, so please don"t worry.」

「Is……, that so?」

「Yes. Right now she is saying suchthing, but it was Airi"s choice to not tell Lux-san about the problem. 『I don"t want to put needless worry at Nii-san right now, so I will do something about the internal situation of the Academy』, she said. She even came to me to consult about Yoruka-san"s matter.」

Noct whispered so. Within her usual composed expression, her lips looked just slightly loosened.

Airi who heard her instantly turned red and raised her voice in fl.u.s.ter.

「Wai-!? What are you saying Noct!? I, I was just──」

At the end her words turned ambiguous without denying it.

Recently Lux got a lot of work.

In addition of the normal cla.s.s and practice, there was also his in the Academy and his activity as Syvalles member, not just that, as the country"s representative──as a Seven Dragon Paladin, he was extremely busy.

Amidst that, since some time ago it seemed Airi was acting for Lux"s sake in order to erase the friction between Yoruka and her surroundings.

In the end it was always like that.

Since Airi grew up, she would make fun of Lux or chiding him for his rash action, but in actuality she was always worrying about him.

「Thank you Airi. And Noct too.」

「Yes. As Airi"s close friend, I"m happy if Lux-san will understand.」


Seeing Lux"s smile, Airi made a troubled expression and stared reproachfully.

After groaning for a while like that, before long she let out a long sigh.

「……Haa, I understand. Now about Yoruka-san, how much has Nii-san heard?」

Finally the concrete talk began.

Yoruka"s problem that was talked by AIri who was spending time with her daily in the same cla.s.s was mostly the same like what he heard from Instructor Raigree.

Fundamentally Yoruka wasn"t going against the Academy"s education policy, but here and there she would make a decision that violated the rule.

And then, she didn"t show any sign of reflecting even if she was rebuked for doing that.

In addition she wouldn"t match her pace with her cla.s.smates and didn"t try to get close to them.

Even if there was student who talked to her trying to become her friend, it seemed Yoruka would turn them down with a smile saying 『I don"t really understand something like that』.

Yoruka herself had the past of being a princess of the nation of Koto, but the people around her took distance from her because she was a strange existence that couldn"t understand human"s emotion.

Her ability as Drag-Knight was standing out, but as a human she couldn"t do the 『normal』 thing.

「We too are pondering hard of what we should do. Though when I am speaking with her, she will more or less listen to me because I am Nii-san"s little sister.」

「Yes. It doesn"t seem like that she simply doesn"t want to listen to what she is told. The point is that she doesn"t know the way of living for the position of military cadet and how to interact with people.」

Yoruka was out of place in the Academy wasn"t simply because her individual character.

She didn"t understand the way to live inside the society called school.

The way to interact with cla.s.smate, the way to act inside the order called school.

It was necessary for Lux who was her master to make her learned the normal thing as a person.

「Then, in the end I have to be the one to tell her?」

「Yes. Perhaps it would be better for Lux-san to spend as much time together with Yoruka-san in the Academy while teaching her that. Airi will sulk if Lux-san get too intimate with her, so I ask you to please act with that in mind.」

「Noct keeps saying strange thing since some time ago, please stop it!」

Noct muttered that coolly, which was responded by Airi"s yell with a red face.

Lux observed their exchange warmly while thinking of a plan.

For the time being he promised Airi and Noct that he would report the progress to them every day and left the room.

He would teach Yoruka the importance of rule in the Academy and how to interact with students and teachers.

Lux was thinking of how to do that while doing his

「But, not just cla.s.s, even my year is different from Yoruka, how should I make a point of contact with her……?」

Even if he asked her to accompany him with his after school, she would be alone with only Lux, so there wasn"t really any meaning in doing that.

If possible it would be better if he got the chance to teach Yoruka through cla.s.s lesson or living together.

「──My, isn"t this Lux-kun. You are making that kind of long face, has something happened again?」

「Ah……, good afternoon headmaster.」

While he was sweeping at the backdoor of the school building, a familiar face of a woman pa.s.sed through.

She was the big sister of his childhood friend Philuffy, a woman of blooming age who was serving as headmaster here, Relie Aingram.

She who was his acquaintance since the past smiled friendlily "fufu" at him.

「Don"t be like that, calling me headmaster at this place, it"s fine if you call me Relie-san familiarly you know?」

「That"s, normally isn"t it the reverse?」

Even though they were inside the Academy"s ground, she was like this.

Lux was smiling wryly at her informal att.i.tude that was unthinkable for someone responsible for an academy of military cadets.

He also took the opportunity to try consulting her a little about the matter of Yoruka that was worrying him since some time ago.

「I see, certainly that method is interesting. In everything, one has to experience it first before being able to understand it.」

Unexpectedly, Relie was giving her endors.e.m.e.nt to the plan of spending time together with Yoruka in the same environment.

「But, as expected it"s impossible. Our year is different in the first place, like that trying to have a school life with the same point of view──」

「It"s possible.」

The moment Lux scratched his head with a wry smile, such reply came to him.

「That"s right isn"t it, even if it"s Relie-san, as expected that is……. ──Wait, eeeeh!?」

「Let"s try it. If it"s also the request from none other than Lux, there is no way I can refuse it.」

Relie nodded powerfully along with a smile that was filled with confidence.

Thus due to a trivial thought and a terrifying coincidence, this uproar begin.

Part 3

An atmosphere of surprise and commotion was filling the cla.s.sroom at the morning.

Inside the cla.s.sroom of the Academy"s first year, the girls were making a stir in bewilderment.

Even Airi and Noct were stiffened with a conflicted expression.

「E, err……. Then for one week from now on, Lux-kun from the second year is going to be entrusted into this cla.s.s. Everyone, su, surely you all are confused of various things but, please get along well with each other.」

No matter how anyone looked at it, the one who was the most bewildered was the female teacher in charge of the cla.s.s.

Only a day after he consulted Relie.

A special schedule where Lux would receive cla.s.s lesson for one week in the same first year cla.s.s with Yoruka was realized very easily.

He was told that at the surface that this was for the first year to interact with male student in the prospect of turning the Academy into mixed school at the future.

This was an experiment for the first year students to experience that.

(No matter what, this is still too forcing it I think……)

In order for Yoruka who couldn"t adapt in the Academy to know about 『normal school life』, Lux too would really spend a week as first year together with her.

Naturally Lux would fall behind schedule with his own cla.s.s and practice during that time. Regarding that, it was scheduled to cover that with the supplementary lessons after school next week.

It seemed that Celis, Krulcifer, and Philuffy would help him there. Krulcifer with the general cla.s.s lesson, Celis with Drag-Ride practice, and Philuffy in the practical skill of hand-to-hand combat.

『Eei, I want to help out Lux in something too-!』

It seemed that Lisha yelled like that when she knew it, but that was another story.

And because of that, this attempt that could even be called as mad was hurriedly started, but speaking of Yoruka, the person in question herself──,

「I"m happy that we are able to be together. If it"s like this I can save the time to rush to Aruji-sama"s side when I sense danger.」

She was obviously the one who was the most unperturbed with this happening.

Far from feeling perturbed, she moved her desk to stick with Lux"s desk beside her and softly nestled her body on him.


The warmth of skin and the softness of breast could be felt from above the uniform.

At the same time the feminine scent tickling his nose cavity made Lux perplexed.

Her upward gaze emitted a bewitching sensuality. Her body twisted as though inviting him.

Even though she wasn"t wearing that black outfit with high exposure rate, her behavior was enough to make a man"s reasoning melted into puddle.

「……What are you doing Yoruka-san!? This is cla.s.sroom! Nii-san too, please don"t get lovestruckdere dere like that!」

Airi hurriedly leaned her body forward from the seat at opposite side and pulled at Lux"s arm.

「My? Are you jealous, Airi-san? It"s all right. I won"t take Aruji-sama away from you.」

「Tha, that"s not what I"m saying at all!? Please understand the time and place!」

Airi who normally should be acting like a sheltered young lady in the Academy was losing her self-control.

「……Say, Noct. Could it be that it was always like this in this cla.s.s?」

Lux looked behind him with a complicated expression. At the seat right behind him, the Triad member nodded briskly.

「Yes. ……Is what I want to say, but, No. It"s more boisterous like this now that Lux-san has come.」

He thought that Yoruka would be quieter if he was taking cla.s.s at the same place with her, but it seemed it brought the opposite effect instead.

Yoruka"s abnormality was getting even more standing out because she was conscious of Lux"s existence.

The sudden happening of the only boy in the Academy coming to the first year cla.s.s.

Right after the talk came out that Lux was coming here, the first year students turned a curious gaze at him and cheered joyfully, but in this situation where Yoruka was in confrontation against Airi, they were bewildered and watched quietly.

「Nii-san too, please scold her. You came here for that aren"t you?」

Prompted by his little sister whose tone had roughened when he noticed, Lux nodded.

「Yo, Yoruka, get away a bit from me. The cla.s.s will begin soon.」

「Yes, Aruji-sama.」

Her expression flashed into a pure smile and she obediently followed his words.

As expected it appeared that she was absolutely obedient to Lux"s command.

When the scene settled down and the atmosphere relaxed, small voices could be heard from here and there.

「Hey, just now that girl, she called Lux-senpai with Aruji-sama──」

「Could it be, no it"s certainly that kind of relations.h.i.+p between the two of them.」

He wondered what was with this atmosphere.

Even though he came in order to make Yoruka fit into the cla.s.s, the commotion became bigger instead.

(Or rather, if I remember right, everyone doesn"t know about Yoruka"s circ.u.mstance in detail……)

The detail about Yoruka"s special circ.u.mstance was known only by small part of people. The headmaster Relie, the members of Syvalles, as well as the teachers.

The majority of the female students only heard that Yoruka was 『a surviving servant that had been serving Lux since the time of the old empire』.

Furthermore with what had happened just now, the students became even more curious about the relations.h.i.+p of the two.

While Lux was thinking of such thing, the teacher cleared her throat.

「The, then, we are starting our lesson. Open the text book──」

「……Oh, no.」

The matter of him receiving lesson in the first year students cla.s.s was decided hurriedly, so he didn"t have the teaching materials for it.

When he thought of asking Airi to share her book with him, a text book already existed right in front of him.

「Here Aruji-sama. I will offer you mine.」

「Tha, thank you Yoruka──wait, what are you doing giving it wholly to me!? What about yours!?」

「It"s unnecessary for me to accomplish my duty, so it"s something fortunate that it can be of help for Aruji-sama.」

Even Lux was troubled when she told him that with a cheerful smile.

「Err, that"s……. I"m happy with Yoruka"s feeling──but」

「Here Nii-san. I"ll show you mine.」

The moment Lux was hesitating of what to say, Airi brought her desk closer to him.

Thanks to that he was able to return Yoruka"s text book and safely……well, he couldn"t go as far to claim that, but even so the cla.s.s resumed.


Lux was patting his chest in relief inside his heart, but beside him Airi was glaring at him reproachfully.

*Tap tap* Her finger was pointing at the corner of her notebook. A small message was written there for Lux.

『It will be scolding later for Nii-san』


Lux hung his head down after reading that strong line with dripping ink while pa.s.sing through the first cla.s.s.

Part 4

He was worried what going to happen with his sudden change of cla.s.sroom, but unexpectedly after that time was pa.s.sing peacefully.

A somewhat restless atmosphere was flowing right after Lux arrived, but after seeing the confrontation between Yoruka and Airi, almost no student appeared to call out to Lux.

The students were observing the quarrel of the two while nonchalantly prompting at him. The atmosphere was reserved like that.

「Lux-senpai had partic.i.p.ated in the tournament at the capital right? Please give me guidance at the practice.」

「Is the impression in the second year"s cla.s.s different from here?」

「Which one is Lux-senpai"s type, a younger or older girl?」

There were juniors who were talking to him here and there, but Yoruak didn"t join into that conversation.

Rather, she was taking a step back and watching Lux from afar.

At the same time, Airi too was putting up her guard while stealing glances from the side.

Like this it was scary and the cla.s.smates were found it hard to make their move.

At time like this Lux was troubled at what he should do.

「Come to think of it, what is Lux-senpai"s hobby?」

Then, a student suddenly asked such question to him. There Lux went into offense.

「Err, I was doing nothing but so I don"t have anything like hobby but, what about you Yoruka?」

He abruptly addressed Yoruka who was some distance away.

It was his attempt to add Yoruka into the circle of conversation and familiarized her with her cla.s.smates, but,

「……I don"t really have anything like that.」

「Ah, I see……」

She flashed a bright smile and answered instantly.

Noct who saw that sighed quietly while Airi held her head.

However he wondered why.

Somehow, he felt a different impression that was different from usual from Yoruka"s answer.

「More importantly, you there, can I ask you to s.h.i.+ft slightly more to the right? You block the window and I cannot prepare against attack from outside.」

「Ah, right. So, sorry.」

After Yoruka pointed out with a gentle tone, the girl who was standing near the window moved away from there.

It seemed that she was observing from some distance away was to be vigilant toward outside so that Lux wouldn"t get aimed by

「Say Yoruka……here is inside the Academy, so you don"t need to be that worried.」

「That"s also true. But, although it"s not zero but there is still a chance.」

「……Bu, but you see, right now is break time, talking with other friends──」

Please tell her more strongly.

The gaze from Airi with expression that seemed to be telling him that was painful.

Even so the current Lux was helpless to do anything throughout the morning cla.s.s.

During the two days after that, Lux"s endeavor didn"t go well.

When he was taking lunch together with the first year students, 「This is a good chance so allow me to test the food for poison」 Yoruka said that and lightly ate Lux"s meal before presenting it to him, after that, even when Lux was leaving his seat when it was time to change clothes into the pilot suit, she would try to change together with him saying that it was for his protection, and on top of all that, at the time when Lux"s finger got cut by paper edge, she would put his finger into her mouth to disinfect it.

With such loyalty that made even Lux himself got red faced displayed in the open, the first year students who were watching from the side were getting heated up toward that stimulating exchange.

As the result──Yoruka wasn"t developing to open her heart to her cla.s.smate or even trying to protect the rule, rather it was as though she was charging fiercely through the path of deterioration.


Even though this was a plan for teaching Yoruka to be social, and yet her action was growing even worse by Lux coming to her side.

「Nii-san is naïve. Please warn her more severely.」

「Yes. I"m asking Lux-san too before all the blood vessels in Airi"s body burst.」

The lunch break at the third day, Airi and Noct finally told him that.

But, he wondered why.

Lux wasn"t really feeling like to do that.

「Um, certainly you two might be right but……」

Making use of his position as her master and restricted her action by commanding her.

Perhaps that was the shortest path.

However for some reason Lux was hesitating to do that.

*GOoOON* The sound of bell resounded inside the school building, telling the end of the lunch break.

The next cla.s.s was Drag-Ride practice.

Airi who was a civil official candidate would have a different cla.s.s. Because of that they would part here temporarily.

「Then Nii-san. Please be very, very careful to not do anything strange.」

「Right. Let"s go, Noct.」

Lux nodded at Airi"s reminder and stood up from his seat.

He hurried to the practice ground so that he wouldn"t be late for cla.s.s.

Part 5

「Today, I have a little request for Yoruka.」

「My, what could it be? Aruji-sama doesn"t need to be that reserved. If it"s the command of no one else by Aruji-sama, I will obey it right away.」

Afternoon──in the middle of the practice ground.

It that place where the students who had changed into their pilot suit gathered, Lux instructed Yoruka in a certain matter.

「Can you not get too close to me in the middle of practice? That"s, as expected the visibility in this place is great, so there is no need to be that worried about my security.」

「──That, might be true.」

Yoruka nodded once with a serious face and showed a thinking gesture for a bit.

「But, I believe that we shouldn"t let our guard down, just in case. There is also various kinds of Abyss, the modus operandi of the enemy is also becoming ingenious.」

「Yes. But for today, won"t Yoruka teach your technique to everyone else? Of course, it"s okay if you only teach them what they can possibly do. I want you to pay attention not just at me, but to everyone else too.」

Lux finally told her that clearly.

He wasn"t leaving her to her own independence, but urging her to cooperate with everyone else.

Yoruka was hesitating for a few seconds, but before long she nodded quietly.

「I understand. I"m not confident, but if it"s Aruji-sama"s command, then I"ll do it with pleasure.」

Lux felt slightly guilty seeing her figure responding to him with a smile.

He wondered if in the end Yoruka would be able to do it.

In the first place at the practice for the first year, Noct reported to him that Yoruka wasn"t able to even carry out a proper mock battle in a battle between pair.

It wasn"t simply because Yoruka was unable to match the pace of her partner.

Compared to a first year military cadet, Yoruka"s skill was too outstanding, she didn"t mesh well with her partner, and she also finished off her opponent instantly.

Of course, Divine Drag-Ride basically wasn"t used in practice, in exchange Yoruka was using a general purpose Drag-Ride Drake, but even so the difference in skill was still that wide.

(Even so, there is no other way but making her to give it a try.)

Just in case, Lux was observing Yoruka at the corner of his gaze so that he could follow up on her anytime while beginning his own practice too.

Confirmation of the basic motion, the fundamental of the basic motion.

Confirmation of weapon use, the combination of weapon and basic motion.

It was a cla.s.s that was focused on practicing the basic that was aimed for first year student, so Lux was mainly giving advice to the other students.

He was teaching them courteously while frequently paying attention to Yoruka.

「──Because of that, consecutive attack in midair can be done like this.」

「E, even if you said that it can be done……」

「……Yes. In the first place, attacking once normally is the best that we can do.」

It seemed that Yoruka was trying to do her best in her own way, but it didn"t look like it was going well.

(However, it looks like she is doing her best just like I told her.)

Lux thought that it was a move in the right direction.

To begin with it was important to start first.

(Later, perhaps I should discuss it with Yoruka about what to do so she can give better advice.)

Lux was doing mock battle in pairs against the girls while thinking such thing. It was then his gaze suddenly met with Yoruka who was wearing Drake at some distance away from him.


Right after that──the gaze of Yoruka who was also doing mock battle at some distance away was moving slightly to the side.

It happened in the situation when each of them was doing their own respective mock battle in a form that was like real battle.

It was a special situation inside the s.p.a.cious practice ground, where four mock battles were carried out simultaneously.

The battle area of each was divided by lines, they were all taking enough distance from each other, but rarely a trouble like stray shot would occur.

This time a Wyvern that was training at the neighboring area got flipped by Cannon"s impact and caused a situation where it was flying horizontally toward Lux who was some distance away.


The yell of female students could be heard from the audience seat.

If it was an energy light bullet, the barrier would block it, it couldn"t block the Drag-Ride"s frame itself.

But, if it was the defensive ability of Lux who had the nickname Weakest Undefeated at the capital"s tournament, he would be able to react properly even at this unexpected situation.

(It"s fine. I can dodge──no)

How to safely catch the first year girl who got sent flying?

During less than two seconds, Lux had the composure to think that far──but,

「……-!? Yoruka, don"t!? That"s──」

A motion that was suddenly occurring at the corner of his eyes caused Lux to spontaneously yell.

Perhaps seeing that the Drag-Ride that was sent flying was going to collide with Lux, Yoruka who was fighting at the neighboring area drove her Drake and flew in between.


Lux thought to stop her, but he didn"t make it in time.

The Blade that Yoruka swung repelled away the Drag-Ride of the girl who was flying toward Lux midway, and it struck the ground.

"Oh no." Lux felt regret, but it was already too late.

「The student there! What are you doing!? Slas.h.i.+ng at student who was sent flying by inertia is──」

「I was only protecting Aruji-sama.」

Yoruka answered like that to the male instructor who noticed only just now with an expression that wasn"t regretful at all.

Lux and Noct hurriedly explained the situation, but most of the students there didn"t understand the situation correctly.

A student who only might collided with Lux was purposefully struck down.

The majority of the students surely interpreted it like that.

「To think, that it would become like this……」

After that, Yoruka"s action was criticized by the instructors as a dangerous act, and she was made to write a written apology.

The third day pa.s.sed amidst the incident that made Lux let out a long sigh.

Part 6

「Haa……. Do I really have to say it just as expected?」

A night had pa.s.sed after the aforementioned incident, it was the fourth day.

It seemed that Yoruka was scolded harshly by the teachers, but it seemed Yoruka didn"t put up with it like usual.

He understood that her personality was like that since the beginning, but as expected, it couldn"t stay like this.

『Nii-san. Please stop stalling and scold her already. Tell her not to act excessively for Nii-san"s sake and think of the surrounding, scold her harshly. If she won"t follow it, then please punish her. If even after that she won"t listen to what she was told, at that time──』

She should be made to leave the Academy while she still hadn"t caused any bigger problem.

That would be the best path for the Academy and Yoruka. Airi who knew about the incident told him that.

Certainly Lux also understood about the necessity of that, but──.

「A punishment huh……」

Honestly, it was troubling.

Even though he wasn"t good at scolding other people, now he had to do something like punis.h.i.+ng other people.

When he was entrusted with taking care of a selfish child in one of his, he gave a verbal warning, but as expected he never raised his hand toward the child.

「Furthermore, Yoruka is a girl one year younger than me……」

It was difficult to give a punishment that wasn"t just a mere violence, he didn"t have any good idea for that.

Even so, not doing anything would be just escaping from responsibility.

If he only wished to grant Yoruka a place to belong in the new kingdom while not having the motivation to get actually involved in her problem, it would be extremely irresponsible of him as her master.

Even so, for some reason Lux didn"t feel any motivation to punish Yoruka strongly.

「Kuh……, I"m no good like this. If I don"t properly chastise Yoruka──」

When Lux was muttering that while working in the corridor after school,

「My, what does Aruji-sama mean by that?」

「Uwaaaaah!? ──Wait, Yoruka!? Since when you were there!?」

Lux jumped in surprise when a voice addressed him suddenly from behind.

When he turned around, behind him a girl in black outfit was standing with a gentle smile on her face.

「Yes. Just now, I heard the story from Airi-san. I was told that Aruji-sama is looking for me.」

Lux took a deep breath even while feeling surprised, then he directed a serious gaze at the girl in front of him.

「Err……that"s, I have something to talk with you. I cannot speak it here, so when my are over, if possible at a place where there are no other people──」

「Is that so? Then, I will sesarch for a place that we might be able to borrow.」

「Ri, right, please.」

Like that, Lux parted with her for the moment and then he let out a sigh.

If possible he wanted to only use words, if that didn"t work then he would use other way.

He would punish her and correct her mistake properly as her master.

「I have to manage somehow no matter what──」

Lux resolved himself in a corner of his mind while continuing his

Part 7

And then, at night.

He had finished taking dinner and bath. It was when the time was moving into the period for sleeping in the girl dormitory.

Lux had received a message from Yoruka that was told to him through Noct. He headed to the underground prison inside the Academy"s ground following the message.

Underground prison──.

When Lux came to this Academy for the first time, he was misunderstood as a peeping tom and was put inside there.

He was told that it seemed that place was what Yoruka chose by herself.

The place was dark and cold. It wasn"t suited for talking. He wondered if there was a reason why she was choosing such place purposefully.

Lux was thinking of such thing while going down the stair to the underground.

When he opened the wooden door, he saw the iron bars at the other side and the silhouette of Yoruka inside it.

The moonlight was faintly s.h.i.+ning in from the upper window, but the room was gloomy and he couldn"t see well.

Just, it felt like Yoruka"s expression was different from usual.

「I"ve been waiting, Aruji-sama.」

Her voice was gentle, filled with deep affection.

Her peculiar trait, her asymmetrically colored eyes were s.h.i.+ning inside the darkness.

「Yoruka……do you understand what is it I"m going to talk about?」

Lux said that with a serious tone so that he didn"t look like he was angry.

Then Yoruka"s gaze dropped to the floor, and she murmured somewhat seductively.

「Yes, I know. It"s about how I went against Aruji-sama"s command isn"t it? I had heard from Airi-san. That Aruji-sama is going to punish me.」

She went against Lux"s instruction in the practice ground and went near him.

She tried to protect Lux who was approached by danger with excessive force and did a dangerous act against other girls.

「I"m not that angry, but even so I have to scold you. If you won"t listen about how you should act in the Academy even after I told you, then at that time──」

Lux hesitated at the end of his sentence.

Yoruka spoke the answer at that opening.

「I will be punished──is that it? It"s fine, I have resolved myself.」

Right after Yoruka replied so, the lightning inside the prison was lit up.

At that moment when the darkness was cleared slightly, Lux"s head froze.

「Yes. But I──……wait, EEEEEEEEEEEEH!?」

A surprised scream echoed inside the prison.

Yoruka"s appearance was mostly naked.

In contrast with her glossy black hair, her white skin was bewitchingly standing out.

Below she was only wearing a piece of panty and a ribbon that was tying her hair.

From the leather choker under her chin, a small dark grey chain was hanging down, both her hands were handcuffed.

Her moderately big b.r.e.a.s.t.s were sandwiched by her own arms, emphasizing the bulges.

It was as though she was a beautiful salve girl imprisoned inside a jail waiting to receive humiliation.

Such abnormal scene was unfolding before Lux"s eyes.

「Wha, wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what are you doing Yoruka!? Just what in the world this──!?」

Lux immediately backed away and yelled with a red face.

「I heard that Aruji-sama would bestow me a punishment, so I prepared various things. ──Now, please be compa.s.sionate.」

Yoruka said that while handing him a whip. No matter how he looked, her expression wasn"t that of someone who would be punished.

Her cheeks were flushed, "haa haa" sweet breath that was deliriously feverish were slipping out from her mouth.

She was antic.i.p.ating, intoxicated, and excited with what would happen after this.

She was demanding punishment from her master with such bewitching expression.

「No, not that, isn"t this strange in various senses!? What"s with this whip!? Why are there this many candles!? Other than that, there is also something that looks like a stand for crucifixion!?」

There was also a wooden horse behind her that he didn"t know what it would get used for, but the part that was for sitting was shaped like triangle.

By the way, it seemed Yoruka discovered these tools from a sealed storage room.

Originally this Academy was also a military facility of the old empire, so perhaps they were used for interrogation in the past.

But, as expected it was unforeseen that such things would show up here.

「Now, Aruji-sama. Please punish me. Disgrace me, hit me with that whip, drip candle on me, please discipline me.」

Yoruka twirled around and put both her handcuffed hands on the cold stone wall.

And then she slowly pushed out his b.u.t.t that was only covered by a single piece of panty toward him.

At the same time she looked back at him with a flushed smile. Lux stiffened with his hand still holding the whip.

"Wha, wha-wha-wha-wha-what to do?

Although it is Yoruka herself who wished for this, is it really fine for me to give this kind of punishment?

No wait, in the first place will this become punishment for Yoruka?

Or rather, if it got exposed that I"m doing something like this in the Academy, I think this is exactly the thing that would make someone get expulsed."

But, the sweet temptation for Yoruka who was pleading for punishment by herself caused Lux"s heart to beat painfully. His head was getting hazily blank.

「……-!? Wai-, I remember that I have a business! You tidy up this place properly later-!」

Lux somehow managed to say just that and rushed up through the stair and retreated outside the building.

He was gasping for breath while his shoulders dropped in dejection.

「Perhaps, this is a little bit beyond me……」

It was also hard to imagine that Yoruka would change because she got punished, but he never imagined that she would go that far.

Or rather, it even felt like that Yoruka herself was wis.h.i.+ng for that.

He believed that she wasn"t causing the incident this time because she wanted to get punished but──.

「Haa, what should I do……」

Lux looked up at the moon from the courtyard and let out a sigh.

At this rate, sooner or later Yoruka might be forced to leave the Academy.

Perhaps ordering her to not have anything to do him at all anymore within the Academy was also one choice.

「However, I──」

「Thank you for your hard work today, Lux-san.」


Right after Lux muttered to himself, the girl who was his junior appeared from behind him.

Noct who was also cooperating with him in the matter this time continued her words with her usual calm expression.

「Yes. I had something I was a bit concerned with and did investigation in the Drag-Ride hangar. From how Lux-san looked, it seems that the punishment for Yoruka didn"t go well.」

「It"s pathetic, but as expected such punishment was──」

Lux recalled the lascivious scene just now and his cheeks reddened.

But, with a calm expression Noct continued with her bland and quiet words.

「Are you two unable to understand each other? Or else, Lux-san felt as though you are unable to grasp her true feeling at all and cannot understand her?」

Lux fell silent when Noct hit the bull"s eye.

Certainly that was what he was worrying about.

「Perhaps that is so. She isn"t suited with school life. If thinking about the interest of both parties, perhaps it would be better if she drop out of the Academy. But──」

Noct suddenly changed her tone and stared straight at Lux"s eyes.

「I have obtained just one material to know about her true feeling. It shouldn"t be too late to make the decision even after discussing about it with her.」

Noct said that and presented something to Lux. It was a written report about a weapon"s repair that she obtained from a mechanic in the Drag-Ride hangar.

「This is──!?」

Lux saw it and held his breath spontaneously.

The truth of the commotion this time was written there.

Part 8

The next day.

The fifth day where Lux was spending time together with Yoruka and others in the first year cla.s.sroom──the last day. Then after school.

Yoruka was quieter than usual when in the cla.s.sroom. In order to talk with her, Lux borrowed a parlor of the school building.

*Knock knock* When Lux heard the knocking sound, he invited her inside.

His heart was beating fast from wondering if she would come with an amazing appearance again, but she was wearing her usual black clothes.

「Good evening, Yoruka.」

「Thank you for your hard work today, Aruji-sama. What business do you have with me today?」

Her appearance stood out under the lamp"s light.

Her asymmetrically colored eyes, her black hair, her smooth white skin.

The air of the young man"s servant who possessed a bewitching beauty was different from usual.

「That"s, there is something that I want to ask……it"s about the incident the day before yesterday.」

「Yes. I understand. I will accept any kind of punishment willingly. Even if it"s expulsion from this Academy──」

Yoruka responded immediately with a smile that didn"t regret anything.

But, Lux"s words were different.

「──I"m sorry I didn"t notice, what happened at that time.」


Yoruka tilted her head with an astonished expression that she rarely showed.

「You hit away the Wyvern flying toward me with the intention to avoid incident right? Because you understood that I was planning to catch that girl"s Drag-Ride, you went to help to avoid the worst case from happening.」

「There was a report from the mechanic in the Drag-Ride hangar. The base of the Blade that the girl who got blown away was holding had a crack on it that was hard to see. Perhaps it was fractured because it received a strong impact. If I caught her at that time, the blade might break from the impact. It was possible the fragment could stab me. That was why, you tried to prevent that right?」

Certainly Yoruka was worrying about Lux"s safety, but when he gave her a command, she would entrust it to him to a certain degree.

As expected, there was a reason why at that time she reacted overly.

Even Lux didn"t notice it until Noct told him.

「──It"s not something that Aruji-sama has to apologize for. It"s the fact that I broke your order.」

Yoruka made a troubled smile and muttered that.

「Rather than that, why didn"t Aruji-sama tell me to keep away from you during these few days, just like your younger sister advised? I"m wondering about that.」

"So she asked", Lux smiled wryly inside his heart.

It was quite dangerous to keep a secret from this girl who was able to erase her presence.

「If Aruji-sama told me stop guarding me, don"t fuss about me, just ignore me──if Aruji-sama only told me anything like that, I would do so as you commanded. And yet, Aruji-sama didn"t say anything. Why is that?」

「Because, if I do that, surely it would be harsh for Yoruka.」

Yoruka asked Lux while tilting her head. In respond to that, Lux smiled with a lonely look.

「It"s the only thing that Yoruka  feel you want to do so much. Telling you to not do it is the same like denying you something that you think you can do. That"s why, I cannot just one-sidedly tell Yoruka to stop when it"s something that you do because you like it.」

This girl decided that herself was a toll and served Lux who was her master.

He gave her his opinion and order in regard to her method and the detail.

But, giving an order to her to stop doing that act itself, that was the only thing that he didn"t want to do no matter what.

Continuously being an even better tool due to their contract as master and servant.

That was the only connection possessed by Yoruka who was said that she 『didn"t possess human heart』. Lux didn"t give that order because he knew that.

「But still, if something like this time happen, tell me properly. Surely you were covering for me so that it won"t become my miss, but I won"t understand something like a weapon is in the verge of breaking if you don"t tell me. That"s why, can you just promise me to do that from here on?」

「──Yes. I swear, Aruji-sama.」

Yoruka formed a faint smile on her lips, and then she reverently kneeled and bowed to him.

With that, the case this time was concluded.

「……Haa, it can"t be helped.」

The moment Lux thought that, there was a presence outside the door that made a voice.

The presence entered inside the parlor. It was the two girls who were deeply involved with the case this time.

「Airi!? Also Noct too, why are you two──」

「Because it"s Nii-san who is really soft on girl that we are talking about here, so there is no way we can entrust this to you isn"t that right? That"s why, we only came to check on the situation for a bit.」

「Yes. Though I think you can just say it honestly that you are worried about the two of them.」

「Please just stay quiet Noct-!?」

Airi was fl.u.s.tered to hide her embarra.s.sment, then she turned back toward Yoruka and,

「Well, at the very least I understand that you are really taking action for Nii-san"s sake. So just for this time, I"ll specially forgive you. Also──」

Airi coughed once and then continued.

「Just this once, I"ll become your friend only for form"s sake. Because if I don"t do that, it doesn"t look like you will be able to go through the school life properly.」

「Yes. I also feel the same. I too am not good in social relations but, best regards.」

「……Is it alright, Aruji-sama?」

「Yes. I"m also requesting you, please become these two"s friend.」

After Lux smiled, Yoruka quietly stared at the face of the two girls.

「Please take care of me. I don"t understand anything about what I should do but──」

Yoruka"s words were like usual.

Even so, it might be a step forward just from having her recognizing other as friend like this.

「That"s great.」

Lux let out a sigh of relief, but right after that, Yoruka suddenly turned her gaze toward him.

She quietly drew close to him and her finger stroked his chest. Then she smiled bewitchingly at him.

「But, it"s a bit unfortunate. Even though this time I was holding expectation that Aruji-sama will personally punish me.」

「-……!? Tha, that"s, this time there was that after all……, as expected next time──」

「Nii-san want to do it if there is a chance? That kind of indecent punishment, to Yoruka-san?」

The moment Lux spoke ambiguously, Airi whispered smilingly with shadow covering her eyes.

「Wait, why do you know about that!? Even though it was only me who went there!?」

「Yes. We helped out with the tidying up. I thought that it wasn"t Lux-san"s hobby but──the nature of man is something deep.」

「You are wrong-!? I only wanted to say 『next time let"s choose a different way of punishment』, that"s all!」

「My? Does Aruji-sama think up of a way to better disgrace me than that? Then, right away──」

「That"s why!? I"m telling you that"s not iiiiit!?」

For some reason, even Yoruka joined up Airi and Noct at teasing him.

The first interaction that was fitting for fellow friends was created between the girls.