Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 20

Episode 1 -Training CampPart 1

「Uu……. I felt sick……」

The boisterous sound of waves and the cry of the sea birds could be heard.

Lux was turning over with pale face on the bed inside a cabin where sunlight was s.h.i.+ning in from the window.

The truth was that it had been a few years since the last time Lux boarded a s.h.i.+p for real.

Or rather, perhaps this was actually his first time.

There were several occasions when he was helping with carrying and managing s.h.i.+p cargo when he was doing odd jobs at the harbor.

But, this time he wasn"t boarding a small s.h.i.+p that was going to fish, but a quite large s.h.i.+p that was heading to a far away destination. Lux had never experienced something like that since he was born.

It was fortunate that there was cabin for personal use in the s.h.i.+p because the s.h.i.+p was a large military s.h.i.+p of the new kingdom.

Lux didn"t wish to worry his female cla.s.smates by showing his pallid face to them, and what"s more everyone else seemed to be fine in general, so this problem was also a concern about his personal honor.

「Nii-san. I"m coming in.」

The door of the room was opened after a knocking sound. Lux"s little sister Airi showed her face from there.

「Yes……. Airi is all right……?」

「So there is something else that Nii-san is poor at other than your relations.h.i.+p with woman.」

Lux tried to smile, but he was unable to make a good expression, which caused Airi to smile wryly.

「N, no, it"s not like, I"m that weak ab──」

Lux felt mortified because his little sister was all right for some reason despite the two of them were placed in the same environment, so he tried to say his objection, but then,

「I only heard this just now but, because of the sea current and the wind, it looks like that our arrival might be delayed for a few days.」

Lux"s head dropped down dejectedly after seeing Airi"s smile.

「I"m lying. It looks like we are going to arrive at the island soon, so how about Nii-san come out to the deck to look at the scenery?」

Lux nodded「Ah, right」 at Airi who was showing a teasing smile before he stood up.

When he tried to go outside with staggering footsteps, he suddenly became concerned about something and turned his face to Airi.

「Say, Airi. About that girl called Hayes──」

「……I also, don"t know anything.」

Perhaps expecting Lux"s question, Airi answered with a complicated face.

「If what Nii-san saw was correct, then I think that there is almost no doubt that she is one of the imperial family of the old empire. But──」

「……I see.」

A few days ago, the special forces of Heiburg a.s.saulted the academy.

The Black Marketer, a girl called Hayes was currently placed as the strategist of that Heiburg. Her silver hair and eyes resembled Lux and others, the imperial family of the old empire.

When Lux was a child living in the imperial court, he had seen the face of all the imperial family of the old empire.

But, it was like only the face of that girl named Hayes didn"t exist in his memory.

At the coup d"etat five years ago, the imperial family of the old empire died with the exception of Lux and Airi. There shouldn"t be other living imperial family except the two of them.

From the story of queen Raffi of the new kingdom, not to mention the imperial family inside the castle, even most of the important people who were related to the imperial family were

Lux"s eldest brother, Fugil was the only one whose whereabouts was unknown, but could there be other member of imperial family who was still alive?

Lux discussed about the matter to Airi, and the other day they sent a secret message to queen Raffi for confirmation, but the reply was still the same like five years ago.

No answer came out even after thinking about it.

Perhaps there would be no other way to find the answer except capturing that girl called Hayes and asked her directly.

「Then, I"ll go out in a bit.」

Lux stopped the talk and he climbed up the stair to come out to the deck.


Lux unconsciously held his breath from witnessing the superb view that couldn"t be seen at Cross Field(Fortress City) that was located inland.

The weather was clear without a single cloud in the sky, with the beautiful sea that was reflecting the blue color of the sky on its surface.

And then the dazzling sun of the early summer was highlighting their destination this time clearly.

The island floating at the ocean that was the new kingdom"s territory, covered with the greenery that was the unique vegetation of the island──Ries Island.

For one week starting from today, Lux and co would make the boardinghouse in that island as their base.

Part 2

「Special training camp, in Ries Island──is it?」

About three weeks after the academy internal selection battle, the early summer of June.

In preparation for the international tournament, the twelve names who were the representatives who would partic.i.p.ate in it were gathered inside the waiting room of the practice ground.

There, all the members were told about that proposal instead of the original plan.

「Yes. I heard about it from the board chairman just now, so I"m thinking to hear the opinion of everyone.」

The words of the captain of the academy"s raid squad 『Syvalles(Knight Squadron)』, Celistia caused the eyes of the n.o.ble lady students to s.h.i.+ne.

「Hmm. If I remember right, there is a huge practice ground for Drag-Ride in Ries Island. That"s a good place for our final preparation toward the international tournament. No objection at all from me here.」

First it was the princess of the new kingdom Lizsharte who showed her approval about the talk of training camp.

Starting from the overseas student Krulcifer, Lux"s childhood friend Philuffy, the famous trio of the academy the Triad, and so on, the other selected members also consented one after another, and it was decided in the blink of eye.

「This will be the first time I"m partic.i.p.ating in this kind of event, so I"m looking forward to it. ──Lux-kun, what about you?」

「……I guess. Yes, I"m also looking forward to it.」

Lux was nodding in agreement at Krulcifer"s words while showing her a smile, it was at that time

「I"m going to feel bad for everyone in the academy, but it looks like I will be able to spend time with you just the two of us after so long, right?」


Lux felt his heart jumped from the mischievous gaze of Krulcifer while his mouth replied like that.

Lisha who saw that cut in between the two of them with a sullen face.

「Oi! What kind of licentious thing you are thinking right now Krulcifer!? Just so you know, Lux is going to help with my research, or doing Drag-Ride practical test, ……anyway I"m going to have him do various things for me there!」

「How vexing. I"m not thinking about anything wicked at all. Rather than that, I want to give you a tiny piece of advice though. I think that there is something wrong if you are working him hard like a horse just because you want to be together with him you know?」

「Kuh……, it, it"s not like I want──!」

When Lisha"s cheeks were turning red against Krulcifer"s cool smile,

「The two of you, I"m still in the middle of talking.」

The serious faced Celis flatly rebuked the two of them.

「This kind of event is rare, so I also understand your feeling of wanting to let loose, but this is a part of our education. Keep in mind to not forget about our duty.」

Her face was the face of a resolute senior that was worthy for the name of the strongest girl of the academy.

(As I thought, Celis-san is just amazing……)

Lux breathed out in relieve inside his heart seeing the small quarrel settled down safely.

There was an aspect of Celis that was relatively awkward, but she was fundamentally a splendid mediator.

Lux was directing such respectful gaze at her, it was at that time

「Co, come to think of it, there is something I want to ask Lux regarding the matter of this training camp.」

Celis was asking him like that as though she had suddenly recalled something.

「Yes. What is it?」

When Lux replied back, the academy"s strongest girl spoke with seriousness in her face,

「Tha, that……I heard that one should carefully choose their spare underwear when they are going for a sleepover with a boy, ──is that true?」

*murmur-*……Ripples spread inside the waiting room at that moment.

「Tha, that kind of thing is the first time for me and I don"t really get it so, that"s, if possible I want to receive advice from Lux who is a boy──」

「No, perhaps that"s the misunderstanding of the person who told senpai that you know!? That"s a sleepover in a different meaning you know!?」

When Lux said that in panic,

「Well, in a sense that"s not wrong though.」

「……? What do you mean? Teach me Krulcifer.」

Lisha tilted her head in puzzlement when Krulcifer who was beside her said that.

「Or rather, isn"t captain Celis unexpectedly letting loose too in this……」

When Tillfur muttered that with a complicated face at the end, Celis straightened her posture in panic.

「The, there is no such thing! It"s not like I"m thinking something like what kind of game to bring In order to deepen my interaction with everyone this time for sure or anything, not at the slightest so──」

「Celis, I think that we are still in the middle of the explanation here……」

When Sharis who was similarly a third year retorted so, Celis"s face reddened and she put her breathing in order.

「My, my apologies! E, err……, then I think that everyone is in agreement with this proposal, so let"s end this talk for the present. As soon as the detail is settled, we will once more──」

(Senpai"s true color is completely showing out……)

The strongest girl who was obstinately protecting the discipline she imposed and was bound by 『rightness』.

But, perhaps thanks to her relying once on man that was Lux and his declaration that he could accept her, it might be that she became relatively able to also show her weak side.

「Oh man, I"m really looking forward to it. Lux-chi is also happy right? You"ll be able to have training camp together with everyone.」

Right after the explanation was over, one of the Triad, Tillfur called out to him with that sentence.

「Yes. I"m also a bit excited. This kind of even with everyone is the first time since I came to this academy──」

「That"s right. This experience is also the first time for me, so I"m feeling a bit in high spirit.」

Even Noct who was usually cool and collected among the Triad was showing an unexpected side of her.

「……Eh? Geez Lux-chi, could it be that you don"t notice?」

Lux tilted his head in puzzlement hearing Tillfur"s suggestive sentence.

「Lux-chi is slow as usual in this kind of thing "innit. Well, doesn"t matter. It"s something to look forward to later.」

「Yes. I"ll also stay quiet until that time.」

(So, somehow I"m getting really worried……!)

Although Lux felt somewhat uneasy from Noct"s whisper, for the time being they wrapped up the whole talk.

(……But, I"m glad that I can go outside the academy in this timing.)

The other day, when the academy was a.s.saulted, Lux used his divine Drag-Ride , but the majority of the students were in chaos and it was the best they could do to evacuate, so with the exception of a small part that was the selection members here, there was no sign that Lux"s true ident.i.ty was exposed.

But, because the rumor of 「Just what is that black Drag-Ride and its Drag-Knight?」 became hot topic inside the academy for a while, it caused Lux to go through days that were bad for his heart.

He was thinking that it would be great if the rumor calmed down nicely while he was going to the training camp.

Lux slowly turned his gaze to his side while thinking of such thing.

Ahead of his gaze there was the face of his childhood friend who possessed beautiful pink hair.

「Training camp. Sounds fun, isn"t it?」

Philuffy said that to him with her face was still nearly emotionless.

「Ah, yep……」

Lux also replied back with an awkward smile.

Philuffy was fatigued at the a.s.sault to the academy before this and so she took a break. But it seemed that her condition had became completely well, so Lux was relieved about that, although──,

(Ries Island, huh……)

Lux harbored a complicated feeling toward that name of the place they planned to go to.

And then, at the morning five days later.

Lux and co departed to the practice ground of Ries Island using the large military s.h.i.+p of the new kingdom.

Part 3

The time after the island came into view from the s.h.i.+p was fast.

The s.h.i.+p approached the pier that was made from stone, the anchor and the cargo were brought down, then all of them walked through the road in a line.

The path that was surrounded by grove of tall summer trees gave the image of a green corridor.

「The plants are growing really thick. The path is also rough, the maintenance here is lacking. ……Good grief.」

When Lisha was grumbling while both her hands were carrying her bag, headmaster Relie who was at the rear of the line started explaining with a smile.

「It"s on purpose that there are a lot of plants around here. This place more or less is also a military facility, that"s why it"s set so that the gaze from outside can be avoided as much as possible. And so everyone, be careful not to get lost ok?」

By the way, Ries Island was quiet far from Cross field, so the preparation for this training camp was a bit problematic.

The summoning of Drag-Ride became unable to function if there was too much distance.

There was the nearest Drag-Ride hangar at the neighboring port city, so the Drag-Rides of the partic.i.p.ating members were re-stationed there temporarily. They needed to arrange such thing so that they could summon the Drag-Ride in this Ries Island.

「Aah, aah, even though it will be a breeze walking through this kind of path if I can use

It was obvious, but the use of Drag-Ride outside of training and emergency was fundamentally forbidden even in this island.

Perhaps because of being not accustomed to travelling, even Tillfur of Triad was muttering about how tiresome this was, it was at that time

「You can be relieved. Looks like we arrived already.」

When Lux raised his face at the same time with Krulcifer"s calm words──,


The surprised voice of the girls could be heard from behind Lux.

Ahead of the path that came out of the thick tunnel of leaves, a site that looked like another world spread before their eyes.

A s.p.a.cious practice ground surrounded by thick and steep stone wall could be seen from afar. Right before it, there was a forest that functioned to absorb shockwave and sound from the practice ground.

There was also a huge lake and farming area. And not just lodging facilities to be used as base, there was also shops lining up even though small.

Ries Island was originally the military facility of the old empire, but during these five years, it seemed that it had changed considerably.

There was also the existence of vegetations that were unique to the island that even gave them the illusion as though they had arrived to another country.

All the students including Lux had their gaze stolen by the sight for a while.

「Oo. Welcome, it"s a pleasure to be in your presence, Relie Aingram-sama. I would have come to receive you myself if only you contacted me beforehand.」

A gentle-looking old man who grew white beard on his face was slowly walking their way.

It seemed he was the village chief of this island.

「I came here today as headmaster, so please don"t worry about it. We will be in your care for a while.」

The village chief greeted Relie warmly. The two of them might be acquainted through Aingram Conglomerate. After the greeting, Relie received something like a key and she walked at the front.

「Currently the military personnel isn"t using the practice ground, so you all can take it easy here.」

After Relie said that, they walked for a bit before reaching a hut that was the boarding house.

Perhaps because it was originally a lodging facility for use of the old empire military, the structure of the building was s.p.a.cious and solid, but when compared to the girl dormitory of the academy, as expected it gave off a plain impression.

Even so, when Lux thought back of the period when he was doing, it was a building that was enough to be called as splendid.

After Lux put down his luggage, he was about to go help out someone else, it was at that time,

「……I"m just a bit, tired.」

Airi who finally arrived at the living room of the boardinghouse let out a sigh.

Her personal luggage should only be filled with things related to doc.u.ments, but it seemed that she was tired from the long trip that she hadn"t done in a long time. She was sitting down deeply into the sofa.

「Airi, are you okay? If you feel unwell, then I"ll call the doctor of this──」

「I"m fine. Nii-san is always treating me like a child. Even me is already an adult you know?」

「……Ah, yes. You"re right.」

Lux showed a wry smile at Airi"s sullen expression while he replied like that.

「Come to think of it, why is Airi coming along here?」

「What a heartless brother. Am I not allowed to come along here?」

「No, that"s not what I meant. This, it"s the training camp for the representative members for the international tournament right? I"m just wondering if it"s alright for Airi to come along too……」

About Airi"s accompaniment, it wasn"t hard to imagine the headmaster Relie giving Airi permission using her authority.

However, Lux thought that there wasn"t any reason for Airi to purposefully partic.i.p.ate in this training camp, but,

「I come to monitor Nii-san.」

Airi replied to Lux"s modest question with a nonchalant face.


「Recently Nii-san flirt with girl too much. It makes me a bit worried that some kind of mistake might happen, that"s why I came along here.」

「By mistake you mean……」

As expected, whatever the circ.u.mstances may be he didn"t think anything like that would occur.

Since Lux came to the academy, he came to get along well with a lot of girls, including the man-hater Celis. He wanted to think that it wasn"t just his conceit but, even so──.

「Err, I"m the only man here, that"s why everyone act kindly to me. That"s all there is to it I think.」

Lux"s sentence caused Airi to stare fixedly at him in exasperation,

「Haa……. I don"t know if I should be relieved, or perhaps I should feel uneasy……. Nii-san is Nii-san as expected isn"t it.」

「That"s, what do you mean──?」

When Lux tried to ask back,

「Airi-chan. Everyone has finished changing already. They are going ahead, so tell Lux-chi too "kay.」

Tillfur"s bright voice could be heard from outside the room.

Airi who heard that let out a light sigh 「Fuu」, and then she handed the bag on her hand at Lux.

「Then Nii-san, change into these clothes and then please go to coast. If you get out of the lodging, and then go straight the right path, you will arrive at that place.」

「Err……. Then, I"m going.」

Lux changed his clothes as he was told while still not really understanding anything, and then he got out of the boardinghouse.

It seemed that Tillfur and others had changed and gone on ahead, but was the place they were going the practice ground?

(But, as expected from everyone. For them to practice right after arriving──)

Just as he was told by Airi, he went through the many paths with a lot of vegetation and headed toward the coast.

「But, what"s this clothes? It looks different from the suit……」

The clothes Lux changed into was different from the suit for Drag-Ride use, it was only the size of underwear for the lower body.

……Was there some kind of mistake perhaps?

For a moment Lux hesitated whether to head back to the boarding house or not, it was at that time──,

「Ooooi. Lux-chi, this way, this way─」

He could hear Tillfur"s voice from ahead of the narrow path that was colored by greenery, from the opening of a thicket where sunlight s.h.i.+ned through.

When Lux moved his feet forward following the call, his view suddenly opened up and he could see the coast.

「Sorry. I"ve made everyone wait──……eh, eeeeeh!?」

When Lux got down with his hand blocking off the strong sunlight of the early summer, he could see it.

The s.h.i.+ning bright beach, and the transparent blue sea.

And then, the girls clad in colorful and vivid outfit who were gathering there.

「You"re late, Lux-kun. Everyone is already impatient here.」

The third year Sharis──, one of the Triad whose body was clad in small clothes with rose decoration was smiling elegantly.

「U, uwaaah!? I"m sorry-……! I, I"m not looking so──」

The exposure rate of the outfit was high, so Lux thought that Sharis was wearing underwear. He tried to avert his gaze in panic.

「No. I judged that your reaction is wrong. Lux-san, our clothing isn"t underwear.」


Lux felt puzzled hearing that. He turned his gaze toward the owner of that voice Noct.

The exposure rate was high, but that outfit with polka dots pattern decorating it really matched the girl"s unique atmosphere.

「It"s unfortunate for Lux-san, but this isn"t underwear.」

「Why did you say it twice!? Or rather, in the first place it"s not unfortunate or anything!」

「Uwaa, geez Lux-chi, your mind is dirtyyy. But it"s fine you know, we"re always indebted to you anyway」

Even Tilffarr who was wearing outfit with yellow sunflower pattern was sending him a teasing stare. As expected her outfit was an outfit with slightly high exposure rate compared to the suit she was usually wearing.

「No, it"s not like I──」

Lux"s face reddened and he was troubled of where to look. When he tried to make excuse in a hurry,

「It seems that this thing is called water dress.」


When Lux turned around toward the voice he heard from behind him, there was Krulcifer standing there.

The outfit made from black fabric accompanied with silverwork was bringing into prominence her transient and mystical beauty all the more.

Her smooth skin that was like fresh snow, and those limbs which while slender depicted alluring line, they caused Lux to gulp his saliva.

「It was from a few years ago, but it seems this outfit is popular among n.o.bility. It"s a custom to create and wear outfit for the sake of dressing up yourself when swimming in the ocean. I too am wearing this for the first time in this country but──what do you think?」

Saying that, Krulcifer showed the 『water dress(swimsuit)』 she was wearing to Lux.

「E, errr──, it"s really beautiful. It completely matched, Krulcifer-san"s atmosphere……」

「You think? Thank you. To hear you say that to me, it"s worth it for me to spend time choosing this.」

Krulcifer"s face wasn"t her usual cool expression, she was acting bashful with a slightly embarra.s.sed face.

That gesture was excessively cute that Lux spontaneously felt his heart jumped.

「My my, how nice. It feels like the springtime of the youth.」

The headmaster Relie spoke out from under the pavilion to block the sunlight a slight distance away.

Perhaps it should be said as expected, she too was properly wearing the so called water dress.

「……Wait, even Relie-san is planning to play around!?」

She was the headmaster, someone who was in the position of leading others, and yet she was wearing outfit with excessive exposure rate that shocked Lux unintentionally.

「My, discrimination is no good you know, Lux-kun. Although I"m the academy"s headmaster, but I"m also a human. Can you allow me to let my hair down a bit this time as an occasional day off for me?」

「No, if it"s Relie-san, I got the feeling that you"re already relaxing quite often even usually ──I mean this, in the first place we"re here not for holiday……」

When Lux retorted calmly like that,

「It"s just as he say. I cannot allow something like playing right from the first day. In the first place, we came to this island under the pretext of training camp. We should strive for more seriousness.」

Celistia came beside Lux as though to give backing to those words.

Celis was wearing light blue water dress with an appearance that was nearly a dress type compared to what the other girls were wearing.

Regardless of the exposure rate that was slightly moderate, the destructive power of that abundant body was sucking in Lux"s gaze unintentionally.

「You said that, but even you are properly wearing water dress here aren"t you?」

「This is only because the headmaster(you) tricked me saying that this is for swimming practice!」

「Haa, you"re stubborn as usual……. Working hard is important, but this time it will a long training, so don"t you think that a bit of breather is also important? Right, Lux-kun.」

「Lux. You too, please say something to the headmaster. This kind of conduct cannot be tolerated.」

「Eh……!? Celis-senpai is also turning on me!?」

Honestly speaking, he was really poor of making determination in a problem that affect more than himself.

What to do.

Certainly Celis"s opinion made sense, but he didn"t think that she would win against Relie by reasoning──.


At that time, suddenly a silhouette entered the corner of Lux"s sight.

After giving a glimpse at that figure, Lux immediately determined himself.

「Eerr, Celis-senpai. Certainly I think that training is also important, but isn"t it also fine to spend a bit of time with everyone right now?」

Celis showed a vaguely sullen looking face hearing Lux"s polite proposal.

「You are a kind person, but you are a bit soft toward everyone. In order to obtain many victories in the international tournament, desperate effort is necessary──」

「Then, how about loosening up our body by swimming a bit before doing hand-to-hand combat training? The ground here is also soft sand, and it will also become warm up until we use Drag-Ride.」

Lux skillfully pacified Celis who was obstinate to the last.

「…………. Is, that so?」

「Yes! I think that"s so! Besides look, Celis-senpai too, you look really good in that water dress. You don"t need to be that bothered about the gaze of the surrounding──」

Lux pressed on when he saw Celis was wavering, at that time,

「Wha-……!? What are you saying-!? Ple, please don"t say strange thing! It, it"s not like, I want to change clothes quickly because I"m not used with this outfit and it feel embarra.s.sing, it"s nothing like that at all I"m telling you!」

(S, so that was it……)

Lux pushed those words down into his throat and he smiled awkwardly.

「──I understand. In deference to you, I"ll allow this just for today. But, don"t forget that this too is the extension of training. A, also, it"s prohibited to goggle intently at me.」

Lux felt relieved hearing Celis"s words while turning around to everyone behind him.

「Geez Lux-chi, you"re working hard like that, because you want to look at everyone"s swimsuit.」

「Yes. But, I think that"s understandable. After all even Lux-san has s.e.xual desire inside him.」

「He casually guide the conversation to carry out hand-to-hand combat training while we are dressed like this……. Lux-kun, you too are a strategist huh.」

The Triad said those things one after another.

「Even though I did my best for everyone, that"s cruel you know-!?」

The teased Lux reflexively complained with a troubled look, it was then,



Suddenly Lux"s back was splashed with water along with a girl"s absent-minded voice.

When he turned around hurriedly, he found Philuffy in water dress there, dipping inside the sea where the water reached until under her knees.

「……Is it cold, Lu-chan?」

Lux"s childhood friend showed a faint smile slightly inside that usual expressionless face.

But, rather than the surprise from getting splashed by water, it was Philuffy"s appearance that Lux"s attention was directed to.

The light green water dress decorated with flower pattern had a lot more exposure rate compared to the pilot suit Philuffy usually wore, that bewitching springy white thighs, and the soft-looking breast valley, and so on were being emphasized.

「We playing together in the sea. This is the first time.」

「Ah, yes……」

The face of Lux who replied half-heartedly like that was getting heated naturally.

When the two of them were children, he had played at the shallows of river bank with Philuffy several times. Various things right now couldn"t be compared with that time.

The face that still had vague trace of childishness in it, with voluptuous figure that stimulated male instinct.

In spite of that, it was only Philuffy"s att.i.tude toward Lux that was still the same like in the past. For some reason that felt really nostalgic for Lux.

「Fuu……. I was able to imagine it but, when we come to this kind of place……as expected this girl completely make me feel inferior.」

Krulcifer who saw that said so with a complicated face.

「Tha, that"s not true you know!? E, even me, it"s not like I"m only looking at that kind of place of everyone──」

「My? I wonder where are you looking at on my little sister"s body? Can you tell me in more detail, Lux-kun?」

When the startled Lux tried to make excuse in panic, Relie came teasing him even more.

「Ra, rather than that, I don"t see Lisha-sama anywhere──」

「I, I"m right here!」

When Lux ran his gaze at the surrounding, he could see Lisha"s figure under another pavilion that wasn"t used by Relie.

「……Eh? What are you doing there, Lisha-sama?」

From what he saw it seemed that she had changed into a water dress, but she was hiding her body with a thin towel and stayed motionlessly in the shadow of the pavilion.

「Co, come here for a bit. I"ll explain the circ.u.mstance to you……」

Beckoned by Lisha, Lux approached her. Lisha was sitting down wearing a vividly crimson water dress the same color with her eyes.

Her waist was wrapped with red decoration fabric, but the exposure rate of the outfit was fundamentally high.

「Do, don"t stare so much at me!? That"s embarra.s.sing……」

「Aa──, could it be」

Lux finally noticed belatedly.

「Tha, that"s how it is. The area around my stomach is visible more than I thought, that──」

There was a mark that was branded on Lisha"s abdomen by the old empire in the past.

That secret was originally something that mustn"t be known by anyone.

The mark was being hidden by the fabric tied on her waist, but there was a chance that it could be exposed if she made a big movement.

「No, actually it would be better if I don"t change into these clothes but……. How should I say it, swimming in the sea looks fun, so I was careless…….」

Lux smiled wryly seeing Lisha whispering shamefully.

Lisha usually was working hard in  fighting and developing Drag-Ride, but she also had desire that was appropriate for her age.

「I understand. But, that water dress, it looks really cute you know?」

「Wha-……!? What are you saying!? Thi, this lecher!」

Lux returned a smile at Lisha who became bright red and panicked before he went out of the pavilion.

And then, he decided about something for the sake of the frustrated Lisha while returning to where everyone was, it was at that time,


「h.e.l.lo, I"ve been waiting, Nii-san.」

Airi who had changed into a water dress finally arrived at the sandy beach.

Airi"s dainty and ephemeral atmosphere really suited her pure white water dress.

However different from the past when she was frail and sickly, her body build was healthy as appropriate for a girl her age.

「So Airi also changed into such outfit, just as I thought.」

Lux abruptly smiled seeing her currently grown little sister when he recalled about the past.

That was the feeling of relieve as the big brother, but,

「Nii-san, you said just as I thought, don"t tell me, has Nii-san been imagining about how I look in water dress all this time?」

「You"re wrong!? Like that won"t I become a person who is bad in various meanings!? That"s not what I mean, just now, you were watching this way while hesitating right? You were at lost whether to come here to play together, or else──」

「……So Nii-san noticed.」


When they were talking about whether they should train together with Celis or play at the sea, Lux could see Airi"s figure at afar spying this way.

There, Lux thought to skillfully guide the development to a direction where everyone would play together at sea.

「But I"m glad. Like this you can play together with everyone.」

In this training camp, Airi who was unable to use Drag-Ride would record the Drag-Ride"s output from outside, deciphered the ancient doc.u.ments from Ruin, and many other work where she would be doing it alone.

Even if it would be for the sake of the training camp, but no matter what it would surely be lonely and boring for Airi.

That was why Lux decided that he wished Airi could at the very least play with everyone at the first day and he took a plunge.

「For me to be fussed about by the insensitive Nii-san, for some reason it feels like I"m defeated.」

Airi puffed up her cheeks slightly and she muttered with a complicated face.


「And yet, that consideration make me happy, just a little. That"s why, today I"ll play with Nii-san for a bit today.」

Airi smiled at Lux with a voice that sounded just a bit embarra.s.sed.

「……Looks like, I too am still immature as a leader.」

Celis suddenly muttered so from behind.

「Relaxing at least at the first day we arrived is it, but, just in case everyone should warm up their body lightly. The having fun will be after that.」

「Yes. Please.」

It seemed that Celis also changed her thinking after seeing the exchange between Lux and Airi.

「Then, please quickly gather the members who can move. It will be free time after we have a bit of run along the sea.」

The leader Celis gave that order.


Like that, the eleven members other than Lisha replied with antic.i.p.ation of having fun after that.


Right after that, everyone present including Lux came to a realization. The words "a bit" and "light" that came from Celis who habitually acc.u.mulated training steadily while treating herself strictly, actually referred to training in a level that was honestly wearisome even for Lux.

Although Airi tried to keep up at the beginning, she then quickly escaped to where headmaster Relie was. Lisha who was only observing was also relieved.

In the end, they were able to have fun at sea an hour later.

Part 4

「Haaa……. I"m tireeed. I want to have a nap just for a bit heree」

After running, it was a swimming practice that was accompanied only by spirit without skill.

And then after the long-awaited water play was finished, everyone returned to the inn and ate box lunch and the time turned into afternoon.

Continuing after that, everyone began to look around inside the island"s facility following the schedule. It was at that time Tillfur yawned and let out a complaint.

「No. I judged that you were too high-spirited in having fun, Tillfur. You were also playing too much with your all when the training was over.」

「It feels wasteful to rest after we finally got over the training don"t"cha think!?」

The leader among the three, Sharis lightly tapped the shoulder of Tillfur who responded to Noct"s report.

「By the way, you don"t forget that there is also a plan for light practice after we finished with this looking around aren"t you?」

Lux reflexively smiled wryly seeing Tillfur"s shoulders dropped in dejection.

Everyone walked in one line through the neglected narrow path that was illuminated by the sunlight filtering through trees.

The scenery of the island that possessed a lot of trees and ground undulation changed variedly depending on the location.

「There is also farm here. It"s so big you won"t think that this is an island that has practice ground.」

Relie casually replied 「Right」 at Celis"s muttering and she lifted her face.

「That"s because in the past there was a lot of people here, although now there isn"t that many people.」

Lux guessed that she must be talking about the period of the old empire.

This place was used as the army"s practice ground, as the testing site for military weapon──and also as a base nearby a Ruin.

The facility that was well-ordered more than ten years ago changed shape and it was taken over by the new kingdom.

From Relie"s explanation, at their left side were forest and farm area, large water reservoir, practice ground, Drag-Ride atelier, small hangar, and then──,

「By the way, the best thing here is the hot spring. It will take a bit more time until we can enter it, but this time it will be reserved just for us, so all of you can heal you fatigue from training there.」

The training camp members were excited hearing that unexpected news.

「Waa……. It will be my first time entering a hot spring!」

「We can really do that!?」

「Reservation, that"s really a surprise. But, there should be other people too in this island, just how in the world──」

Seeing the students of Syvalles(Knight Squadron) became high spirited, Relie smiled and then said a short sentence.

「You use the power of money for that.」

Hearing that caused the face of everyone to turn really complicated with mixed feelings.

(As expected, it"s just like Relie-san to do something like that……)

As might be expected from Aingram conglomerate that was one of the prominent wealthy group even in the new kingdom, the way they used money was pointlessly amazing.

At Lux"s memory about when he was a child, he recalled about the birthday party of the little sister Philuffy that was celebrated in an excessively large party hall with a gigantic cake prepared for the occasion.

He believed that at the time Relie was also still young, but her personality hadn"t change since that time.

「If everyone is in agreement, it"s fine for Lux-kun to enter together you know?」


Relie said that with a mischievous face.

「Tha, that"s, as expected that"s a bit……」

「Wha, what are you saying headmaster!? Such licentious──」

When the panicked Lux and Celis reflexively protested,

「You mean while wearing water dress isn"t it, headmaster Relie?」

Krulcifer smoothly guessed so from the side.

「My? Even though I want to tease them for a little bit more, Krulcifer-san, you expose the joke too fast.」

「I see, if it"s wearing water dress then……」

For a moment Lux almost consented, but,

「No that"s still no good you know!? Even if we are wearing water dress──」

After thinking really, really carefully, Lux shook his head in panic.

Although there was water dress, in the end it didn"t change the fact that everyone would be lightly dressed.

It felt like his head would boil just from hearing the fact of beautiful girls entering bath.

「That"s regrettable.」

「Are you really……, a headmaster?」

Lisha retorted with an exasperation expression and the talk was somehow settled there.

「Then, for the time being how about we look around? The facility here that is introduced right now──」

Following Relie"s words, they looked around the facilities that gave off historical impression in order.

It seemed the military of the new kingdom wouldn"t come here in this one week, but it appeared that every facility was still properly attended by its supervisor, guard, and so on.

Even at the inside the atelier of Drag-Ride was fairly in order, making Lisha"s eyes to s.h.i.+ne.

「We are going to finish looking at everything soon. Then, let"s practice lightly before we end this day.」

Following Relie"s instruction, they headed toward the practice ground for the last.

Midway, Lux caught sight of an out of shape building above a small hill.

The name of the last facility that Lux knew, didn"t come out in his mind.

Part 5

And then, the light practice was over in the blink of eye, and the night of the first day training camp arrived.

Different from Cross field, there were few buildings and street lights in Ries Island, so the night was dark.

Everyone gathered in the s.p.a.cious living room of the boardinghouse to take dinner but,

「By the way board chairman, why didn"t you call for cook for the training camp this time? Even though we can save time and effort if you do that from the start.」

「My, making the food with everyone in this kind of time suit the mood more you know?」

Relie responded with a smile at Lisha"s question.

「But……Relie-san, I don"t remember but can you cook?」

When Lux said that while reeling in his memories of the past,

「There is no way I can.」

「I know it……」

Lux could only look astonished when he was told that by the widely smiling Relie.

「Anyway, we brought the ingredients and seasoning here so it looks like we have everything. With this, we will be able to make something somehow don"t you think?」

Krulcifer took a glance at the kitchen and the ingredients storage before she muttered.

「Lux-kun. Can you help me for a bit?」

「Ah, yes.」

It appeared the one who was skilled in cooking among the n.o.ble ladies was Krulcifer who possessed spirit of self-reliance since the past. It was also amazing how she reserved her stamina properly even after the training.

「I"ll also help. I"m still not really good at cooking but」

Celis made that offer, but,

「Please stop Celis-san!」

The students who were at the third year like her stopped Celis with their all.

「Wh, why!? Even though I look like this but I too am quite──」

「Because we realized it at our expedition to the capital before this! We are begging you, please don"t break various things anymore!」

It felt terrifyingly uneasy from what could be seen from that exchange.

「But, we are still short of hands in order to cook for the portion of 14 people. Is there anyone else that can help?」

「I also, can cook you know?」

The one who raised her hand silently was Philuffy who was watching the course of events absentmindedly until now.

「By the way, I wonder what cooking you are good at?」

「Something like hotcake, or cookie. Also, I can cook donut too you know?」

「I"m happy with just your feeling of wanting to help.」

That was so.

Philuffy had matchless fondness for sweet things, furthermore she was a big eater.

Perhaps Krulcifer imagined the dinner table would be filled to the brim with sweets because she quickly declined Philuffy"s help too.

「Excuse me Krulcifer. In the past, the cook in my house praised me that I"m good at decorating though……」

Celis called out once more. Perhaps it was frustrating for her to not do anything.

「I hope you can talk with cooking as the base judgment at the very least……」

In the end, it was Lisha who wasn"t used that much to cooking who was helping out.

The cooking was finished half an hour later and everyone took dinner.

Thinking that this was the first time they were cooking cooperating with everyone in the kitchen for the first time, the result was adequate.

Even so perhaps because everyone"s stomach was empty from exercising the whole day, when the meal was started there was almost no conversation.

Ten minutes later, the content of the plates were cleaned up leaving nothing behind.


When the meal was finished and they took a breather, everyone started to relax inside the s.p.a.cious living room.

Airi was reading the book she brought, while Noct was doing chess with other girl. Sharis and Tillfur was doing betting trump where they got scolded by Celis then.

Relie was emptying a wine bottle, where Philuffy was eating cookie while accompanying her.

Lisha was spreading blueprint of Drag-Ride above the table and thinking about something.

Lux who finished tidying up the tableware was watching that while he was enveloped in a mysterious sensation.

「Somehow, this kind of thing is nice.」

Such words leaked out subconsciously from Lux"s mouth.

He also spent time together with the girls at their everyday cla.s.s or at the girl dormitory, but spending time together with school friends the same age inside the same room like this made him felt like his yearning in the past was fulfilled.

「Certainly, it"s also not bad doing something like this occasionally.」

Perhaps Krulcifer also felt the same because she said so while sitting beside him.

「Yes. It will be great if we can also win the international tournament and finished everything safely like this without any incident but──」

「Right. And then, I"ll also pray so that your anxiety can be taken care of if possible.」


Lux"s heart pulsed heavily from hearing Krulcifer casually whispering suggestively to him.

She was right on the mark.

Since Lux arrived on this island, he had been bothered by something all this time. It wouldn"t leave his mind.

「How, did you──」

「It"s not something I can really brag about. For a long time I was living by covertly examining people"s expression, that"s all there is to it.」

Krulcifer was discovered inside the Ruin of religious country Ymir, she was then adopted by Einfolk family and lived there until now.

Because she was raised in other people"s family and wasn"t allowed to relax her guard around anyone, she excelled in seeing through the subtlety of people"s heart.

Surely that was the kind of meaning her words had.

「Since you arrived in this island, you look restless somewhere inside you. You"ve been worrying about something all this time. It will be great if it"s just my needless anxiety though.」

「……It"s nothing at all. It"s a matter of the past, right now it"s already──」

Lux showed a powerless smile while answering like that.

Krulcifer calmly smiled, then her fingertip gently reached out and caressed Lux"s cheek.

「You don"t have to say the reason. But please remember this. If you wish it, I will come help you risking my life anytime. I want you to remember that much.」

「Krulcifer, san……」

Lux"s heart was struck by those words and he unintentionally stiffened.

「Oi! What are you two doing in the living room where everyone is here!? Be, besides Lux. If you have free time, help me right now──」

When Lisha who saw the exchange between the two cut in spontaneously,


Lux suddenly hit the palm of his hand, then he said toward everyone who was currently relaxing.

「I"m sorry. There is work that I"ve to do after this for a bit, I"m going to step outside temporarily.」

After saying that as the preface, Lux rushed toward Lisha and then quietly whispered into her ear.

「Wha, what? You need something from me?」

「Lisha-sama. Can I ask you to accompany me for a bit after this?」

Lux told her that with a bright smile on his face.

Part 6

The calm sound of wave was echoing in the sandy beach that was illuminated by moonlight.

The night of the early summer was warm. Even when one was dressed nearly naked, they wouldn"t feel cold by any mean.

Lux and Lisha wearing water dress came to the same beach where everyone was playing water at the afternoon.

They both dipped into the sea until the water reached above their knee, tasting the sensation of the gentle wave surging in.

「Is something wrong, Lisha-sama?」

「……No, how should I say it, I"m a little surprised.」

Lisha averted her gaze from Lux while she embarra.s.sedly fixed the placement of her swimsuit.

「As I thought, isn"t this appearance strange on me?」

「That"s not true at all Lisha-sama, I think you look really cute.」

When Lux said that with a smile, Lisha was startled and her cheeks blushed.

The moon and stars that were reflected on the water surface were s.h.i.+ning like scattered gems.

The white figure of Lisha was reflected among that wondrous scene and highlighted her presence.

「I, I see……. When I heard you telling me to wear my water dress and come to the beach, I wondered what are you planning to do but……」

「Lisha-sama had expressly bought a water dress too coming here, so I was wondering that perhaps I can play together with Lisha-sama. After all see, if it"s me I know about the mark on your stomach, so there is no problem. And if it"s at night right now──」

Even if anyone saw from afar, it wouldn"t stand out in this dimness.

Making that conclusion, Lux tried inviting Lisha who was only secluding herself alone in the afternoon under a pavilion to play at this time as much as she wanted.

「I thought that surely Lisha-sama want to have fun, because you have even picked a water dress.」

「……N, no, I picked a water dress, because I wanted to show it to yo──I, I don"t say anything-!?」

Lisha was about to say something with a small voice, but midway she went bright red and denied in panic.

「……Could it be, I"m being a bother to you?」

「Tha, that"s not true! That"s──thank you, Lux.」

When Lisha-said that mutteringly, Lux stroked down his chest in relieve and he showed a smile.

This princess had a childish side somewhere in her, but she was a confident and adorable princess. That was what Lux thought.

「Besides, I also want to look properly, at that water dress──」

Different from the afternoon, this time Lisha"s mark under her navel wasn"t being hidden by a cloth wrapped around her waist.

Therefore, Lisha panicked when she realized how high the exposure rate of her appearance right now.

「E, even though I"m a bit moved here, you lecher!」


Lisha splashed sea water on Lux to hide her shyness.

「Fuh, I"ll do this to a guy like you! Don"t think that you"ve won just because you"re better in Drag-Ride.」

「I got it. Then I too──!」

Like that, both of them played by splas.h.i.+ng water at each other at the depth where the water reached until their knee.

The sea water that was slightly cold felt pleasant on their body that still felt the heat from the afternoon temperature and the training.

「Yos.h.!.+ You"re cornered Lux! ……oops」


Lisha"s body was suddenly unbalanced. Lux hurriedly caught her body in his arms.

「Are you okay, Lisha-sama!?」

「Ah, yes……. I"m all right. My leg is only a bit sprained──」

「Please stay still. We have to get out of the water and take a look at it thoroughly……」

Lux held Lisha"s back with one arm, while his other arm lifted her up from behind her knees.

It wasn"t that hard to do that because from the start she had pet.i.te stature.

Lisha spontaneously became red faced due to the posture as though she was treated like a princess inside a story.

「O, oi Lux. This posture, it feels embarra.s.sing somehow……」

「No, it"s no good if we don"t take precaution.」

Lux ignored her and he advanced forward.

Midway, Lux noticed that Lisha"s entranced face was near him and he became embarra.s.sed. When he averted his gaze slightly to the side,


「Wha, what"s wrong Lux?」

「Ah, no, nothing──」

Lux avoided the question in panic while he continued walking.

(This, this posture, Lisha-sama"s breast touched──)

That was so.

Lisha"s breast that was growing well for her small stature touched the chest of Lux who was holding her in his arms. He felt that soft sensation through the water dress.

In addition the white cleavage that was wet from sea water was also near his face, his male instinct was getting conscious of it automatically.

(Wha, what am I thinking!? Right now Lisha-sama"s injury is──)

Lux denied his worldly desire. He then made Lisha sat on the beach and took a look at her leg.

Fortunately she really only got a light sprain and it seemed the pain also receded quickly.

「I, I"m glad. It"s nothing serious.」

「Ye, yep……. But, like before, just a bit more──」


「No, nothing at all! Ra, rather than that……」

「Yes. What is it?」

When Lux asked calmly, Lisha hesitated a little and she looked down.

「That……can I, ask something a bit selfish to you, again?」

「I don"t mind, though why would Lisha-sama ask something like that to me?」

With hesitation on her face, Lisha averted her eyes from the puzzled Lux.

「That"s, recently when I"m looking at you, I was thinking. You"re certainly a reliable man, but just because you will listen to anything I ask, someone immature like me isn"t facing my duty as the princess of the new kingdom, am I not just using you as I please……」

She was someone who was abandoned by her real father, Count Atismata who was lauded as a great man, she then swore to obey the old empire, but after that, due to adverse fortune, she gained the seat of the new kingdom"s princess.

Because of that she had inferiority complex and reluctance in behaving as princess, but even so she was trying to face herself.

For her to say the words 『the princess of the new kingdom』, most likely the 『selfishness』 she mentioned was something related to the new kingdom.


「It"s not like Lisha-sama to be considerate to me.」

Lux made a smile that was filled with deep affection and stated so.


「I am a criminal that has to accept the request from the citizen but, I"m not doing the work just because of duty. I"m fighting by my own will.」

「──You"re right.」

Lisha let out a sigh of relieve and she puffed out her chest.

「It"s just as you say. It"s not like me to keep being indecisive! Then right away, starting tonight we are going to do the practical test for the new weapon that has been warming up for many years! Commence the experiment!」

「Somehow I feel uneasy from the words at the end there though!?」

Lux was feeling a tinge of unease toward the fully confident Lisha. A few minutes later, the two of them changed clothes, and then they headed toward the island"s Drag-Ride atelier.