Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 30

Episode 1: Blue Tyrant

Currently, the color of skin filled his vision.

This was a room in one of the largest buildings of the academy.

Other than the Drag-Ride trainings, most of other physical training, like kenjutsu and taijutsu took place here, hence the floor was padded with a high friction material.

The second floor in this building would be used as a venue for meetings from time to time.

Standing behind the wooden railings on the second floor, he could see all the girls in their underwear.

(Wh-what"s going on – !? This is bad !?)

As the footsteps got louder, Lux hid deeper into the building.

(Am I stupid, what"s the point of hiding? All I"m doing is cornering myself like this!)

Luckily, there wasn"t anyone on the second floor originally, so all he had to do was to continue hiding and not be discovered.

Lux hid in the shadow, after waiting for the girls he was trying to avoid walked past, he darted behind the armrest of a chair.

(Calm down, though I"m not completely sure how it ended up like this, but I will be killed if anyone finds me!)

While trying to recall his original purpose in this place, Lux"s eyes drifted further into the Shangri-La that was before his eyes.

Under the sunlight that came in from a window, the glossy nudes of the girls are clear as day.

Their skin shone in a healthy tone, they were even putting on some really alluring underwear.

The blush of their cheeks, their defenseless skin and smiles of pure innocence.

“Did your chest get bigger again? That"s so unfair ~”

“Of course not, it"s just that that pair she"s wearing is cuter and makes them stand out more.”

“Sen-senpai! Don"t be so loud! After all, this place -”

The room was filled with the soft breathing and sweet scent of the girls, all which were extremely stimulating to Lux.

Feeling something was amiss, Lux decided to look for his target again, as his eyes landed on the half naked girls, his heart rate started to go up again.

(W-why am I doing something like this that makes me look like a peeping pervert?)

But Lux had no choice.

Before finding out his secrets, Lux couldn"t s.h.i.+ft his vision.

Lux trembled as he recalled what happened a few minutes ago.

“Alright, as planned, we will be making the final adjustments for the promotion tests. There will also be mock exams for both the technical and written parts of the a.s.sessments, are you all ready?


As Raigree sensei"s stern voice resounded through the cla.s.sroom, the students, including Lux, replied in unison.

That morning, the cla.s.s was filled of tension and uneasiness—even a bit antic.i.p.ation.

The All-Dragon Battle in the capital ended 2 weeks ago, and autumn had arrived.

Lux and his party returned to the city of Cross Field, shortly after returning to the tranquility of campus life, a new event had arrived to disturb their peace.

That was the Drag-Knight"s Cla.s.s promotion exam which took place every spring and autumn.

There were a total of 5 levels of "" for Drag-Knight, based on one"s proficiency at piloting a Drag-Ride.

There was the "Beginner Cla.s.s" which was only allowed to observe and took part in training sessions.

Then there was the "Low Cla.s.s" who could take part in combating "Abyss" when permission was given.

Above that was the "Middle" Cla.s.s made up the numbers of the main fighting force, the "High" Cla.s.s that could command these forces, with the special Cla.s.s at the apex "EX".

Of course, "Cla.s.s" did not dictate everything. Especially so to those girls who saw piloting a Drag-Ride as their lifelong dream, this test was but a gauge of their personal strength.

“As said by the a week ago, this year"s exams will be held at Wanheim, we, as representatives of the new kingdom must show our strength and not tarnish the name of our nation."

Moreover, this year’s situation was somewhat different.

Usually these Cla.s.s promotion exams were held in the royal capital, but this year about half of the exams were taking place abroad.

The join test had the objective of strengthening the alliance from the cultural exchange and unifying the standard of the evaluation related to Drag-Ride.

So, the examinations would be in the Wanheim, and students from the new kingdom would be going over to take it.

“Your exams begin in 7 days, keep that in mind, do your best and leave no regrets!"


The students once again replied in unison, Raigree-sensei quietly nodded his head.

“Your written exam begins in 10 minutes, I expect you all to pay attention!"

As she left the cla.s.sroom, the cla.s.sroom lightened up again

“Uwaa~ we are having a writing test next?… Ah … That"s too boring.”

As the neighboring Tillfur complained loudly, Lux smiled.

As planned, the mock writing exam began.

Because Lux enrolled halfway during the year, even the basic questions were giving him a headache, but due to his studying sessions with Krulcifer in the library, he could barely cope with the questions.

As the written exam ended, the technical exam was going to begin.

The first part of the technical exam was a long-distance run.

Then there were tasks that gauge the candidate"s strength, balance etc. Following that were basic kenjutsu and taijustsu, lastly was the Drag-Ride proficiency where real blades and rounds were used.

The Drag-Ride exam consisted of summoning and equipping, flight and weapon usage combined with various forms of other tests that would only get harder.

Lux was able to handle all of these with ease, a few minutes later the bell sounded.

“—Well that concludes the mock exam. Lux Arcadia. After this you are to proceed alone. After changing into your uniform, you are to wait in the cla.s.sroom. If you feel tired, or experience pain, then proceed back to the dormitory to rest, if you are really bored, then go study at the library. I won"t force you to stay indoors but you are not allowed to get close to any other buildings until you get permission.

“Uh. Okay, I got it.”

Raigree sensei"s instructions left Lux slightly puzzled. Just as he was ready to leave the training field —

Lux felt a pat on his back,

“Yo, my knight, how was the mock exam?”

He turned around.

The girl in the pilot suit bared an innocent smile.

Lizsharte Atismata.

The princess of the new kingdom, the girl who appointed Lux as her personal knight.

That ponytail tied with a ribbon on the side of her blonde head, her red eyes filled with strength, her small body exudes an infinite confidence and enthusiasm, Lizsharte Atismata was such a girl.

She was the one to recognize the abilities of Lux, an orphan, as well as a criminal of the old empire, and the one who suggested forcing him to enroll. Now that the two had gotten close, Lux was truly grateful of her.

“There was no problem, thanks to Lisha-sama"s tuning, the machine was able to function really smoothly.”

The “Wyvern” that Lux piloted was fine-tuned by Lisha.

With the specialized defense tuning as its base, she added it with the weapon she developed herself: the Scale Blade. Even Lux, who had seen a lot of customized Drag-Rides in his lifetime, thought that Lisha"s talent for this was one of a kind.

"Of-of course it was thanks to me! You are going to use that in your exams at Wanheim after all. Also, I"m quite happy myself, since my knight is getting stronger!"

Lisha nodded enthusiastically as she hugged Lux"s arm. From this angle, her pet.i.te body only served to emphasize her bountiful chest that was rubbing against his arm. Lux heart went doki-doki, at this moment—

“You are thinking too much, it"s not like he is getting stronger because of you."

Wearing the same outfit as Lisha, Krulcifer appears from the side.

Straight blue hair that reached her waist, a body that wasn"t just graceful but also well-proportioned.

This girl"s beauty was almost fairy-like, she gave off a unique aura. She shrugged her hair elegantly as she approached.

“Ah, Krulcifer-san, good work there. Tha-thanks to your guidance I was able to successfully complete the written exam."

“Ara, that"s good news, looks like my nightly visits aren"t wasted."

“Wha…… !?”

Upon hearing Krulcifer"s really vague description, Lisha blushed and started to panic.

“Wha-What is this? Lux! Even though you already have me, why do you still mingle with this woman?”

“No, no—She is just helping me with my studies!”

Lux tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but Lisha just glared at Krulcifer suspiciously.

“It"s me who asked Lux to keep this a secret, and if word gets out that I was giving Lux extra lessons after, there would sure be bizarre misunderstandings.”

“Guh … … It"s still really suspicious … … Well, since the writing exam is over, let"s just forget about it.”

“Well, of course. Well, I believe we have our separate things to do after this, so I"ll take my leave first. It’s a pity that I’m going to work separately with Lux.”

As Krulcifer smiled and left, Lisha nodded to herself.

(Huh … … So what"s everyone going to do now?)

As Lux wondered to himself, Lisha turned around and said to him.

"… Right, that thing you left with me. It"s on the workbench in my workshop "Atelier", can you get it by yourself?"

“Yes, I got it.”

That thing referred to the “Bahamut”, the sword that was kept in a black scabbard "Sword Device".

Since the mock exams only required the “Wyvern”, Lux left it with her since it"s troublesome to carry it around.

So far, their everyday life was a peaceful day.

After Lisha left, Lux went to the workshop "Atelier" to recover the "Sword Device" of "Bahamut".

"Even so, last time was very dangerous…."

Although it was quite an imminent situation, the symbol of “Black Hero” who once destroyed the former empire, the Divine Drag-Ride "Bahamut, was used in the imperial city.

Fortunately, because the huge chaos caused by the “Giant Soldier (Gigas)” that was raging in the venues of the entire Dragon Tournament, coupled with the Queen Raffi and the relevant personnel"s help, so the people didn"t notice Lux"s true face.

However, it couldn"t suppress the people’s curiosity.

Who was that Drag-Knight that saved the New Kingdom from the crisis, by chance, could it be the "Black Hero" from 5 years ago?

Such a rumor was whispered around the kingdom, it was a painful headache for Lux.

At the academy, the ident.i.ty of Black Hero was supposed to be unknown to anyone other than the “Knights Squadron (Syvalles)” as usual, but if there was a girl student in the All-Dragon Battle auditorium and she saw him wearing "Bahamut", even if there was a distance she would be able to recognize him.

"It seems until the situation has calmed down, I need to be careful──"

Lux said so alone, trying to pick up Bahamut"s Sword Device.

Now outside the scabbard was also wrapped in pieces of white cloth, it looked very simple.

“There should be no problem … … right?”

When he went outside the workshop (Atelier) and confirmed it, the appearance of the dorm mother calling toward him from a place that was a little away came into Lux’s sight.

"Hey, errand boy, I have something I want to ask a moment."

"——Ah, yes. I"m coming."

Because the sword scabbard he just picked up became an obstacle, he left it on the side of the curb, and went to listen to the story.

The talk was about the previous, mainly about storeroom of the dormitory, although it only lasted for a few minutes——


When Lux got back to the location, the sword that should be placed on the curb suddenly disappeared.

Lux confusedly looked around and saw someone looking liked a first year girl was running from not far away.

“Wait for me! I just found my "Sword Device"!”

He saw the girl chasing another girl student in a panic.

And her hands were holding the scabbard ——

"——Don"t tell me!?"

Lux reflectively looked along the vicinity.

In a position slightly far away, a Sword Device was also covered in white sheath stood against the curb.

Lux immediately picked it up to check … but from a glance he knew that this thing was slightly different from his.

The biggest difference was that, outside of the sword scabbard was trimmed with the name “Clariss” embroidered in red.

"Not good!? That girl, she mistook my sword——!"

Perhaps taking advantage of the examination interval to rest here, the result was that she had forgotten and left her Sword Device here, then she noticed and came to get it in a hurry.

Then, she accidentally misunderstood Lux"s nearby Sword Device, and took it directly.

"Wait, wait a bit!? That"s mine——!"

This is bad

Absolutely bad

Even currently at school, the rumor of "The mysterious Black Drag-Knight in the kingdom capital" was buzzing, therefore the black Sword Device mustn"t be exposed to the light.

Thinking about it, Lux was losing his calm.

Why, after receiving various simulation tests together, only Lux was forced to act separately.

While not completely reaching the idea in there, he chased after the little girl with full force.

Although the girls had run farther, but he was still able to catch up.

However, as soon as he was about to catch her figure, the back of the girl disappeared inside the indoor practice ground ——a wooden building that was as large as a large inn.


When Lux was just about to continue to chase her, he was stopped by the two girls at the door.

"………A, Lux-senpai is off-limit? Because in here, there is special training."

"Yeah , but as much as I personally want you to see——A, as expected, it"s no good. I’m very sorry."

Both girls were standing up with their hands spread out blocking his view while they blushed.

Although both of them looked like they were joking, but they didn"t seem willing to let Lux through.

"That, a little girl who went in awhile ago forgot something ——"

"A, that"s alright. Because we will make sure to give it to her later. What did she forget?”

Although the gatekeeper girls said so, but they seemed to be unable to move for awhile, in the meantime, it would be too late if they pulled out the Sword Device.

Lux observed the indoor training ground and then made a decision immediately.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It was my mistake. Well then!”

Lux bid the girl farewell in a hurry, turned his heel and leaving the place —— immediately after pretending to leave he hid in the shade of a tree nearby, this time, while watching the surroundings, he sneaked in from the side of the front entrance.

Climbing up the tall tree on the side, he jumped to the staircase to the second floor from there.


The janitor didn"t find him, he finally reached the door of the indoor training field.

The other end was connected to the second floor and roof, so he entered from there.

This door on the second floor was badly built and not used normally, but just yesterday he just finished the repair

"Great, now I can——!"

Having able to bypa.s.sed them and slipped in—— But, Lux regretted instantly


A few seconds after he stepped in, the inside of his head turned white.

Looking from the second floor, he saw the training ground filled with skin color.

This vast s.p.a.ce was covered with smooth floor, the floor also had a layer of red carpet.

Girls in underwear were arranged in rows, and undressed uniforms were put here and there.


Lux involuntarily averted his eyes, and he hid in the shadows nearby.

After a few seconds of confusion, Lux finally realized the fact.

(Per, perhaps this is ── body measurement!?)

To handle the Drag-ride, accurate information such as height and weight as well as simple physical ability were important.

And, as expected, they couldn"t let Lux do it together.

“You"ll work alone after this” the meaning of this sentence, Lux finally understood.

(——Argh, It"s not time to think about such thing! I have to get out of here quickly! )

Lux reflexively left the second floor back to the stairs and between the entrance, and then he heard the footsteps coming closer, he had to hide again in the shadows.

"Strange? I heard something from here a little while ago…….."

“Yeah? I thought this doorway could not be used, but the door is open?”

*Kacha*, the door was opened, and the two janitor girls appeared from behind.

Fortunately, the second floor usually had no people, so the table, chairs, stuffed with non-slip mat wooden box, exercise equipment, things that weren"t used were piled here, there were many places to hide.

However, there was only one way, so it was impossible to go out.

If he was found at this point, of course, Lux would be caught as a peeping devil.

(Why, why is there such a thing…..!?)

He was starting to lament to G.o.d.

If they were only doing physical measurements, it was unlikely that Lux’s Sword Device would be immediately pulled out, but the girl student who took “Bahamut” would notice it sooner or later.

Therefore, there was only one choice left.

(There, there"s no choice, I have to do it now!)

He must somehow elude the eyes of the girls, then retrieve the Sword Device “Bahamut”.

Lux took a deep breath and decided to prepare, and walked up the pa.s.sage on the second floor, which turned into a mid-sized storehouse.

The girls behind, because they had a role as a lookout, they shouldn"t be able to leave outside soon.

As long as he stayed on the second floor, then he should be less likely to be found, but just in case, Lux put the tablecloth on the side to cover his body.

Then he crept out of the shadows, looking at the situation from the gap between the handrail.

Lux tried not to see the girl’s skin as much as possible and carefully searched, finally he found the girl and the Sword Device.

(Great, I found it—— but how do I get it out?)

If he went down to the first floor where the physical measurement was being done, Lux surely would be found.

However, it seemed that the measurement was being carried out didn"t use all of the training field.

If he moved to other rooms, because there was less eyes around, he could get close without being detected.

Lux adorned the tablecloth, just ready to go to the corridors outside the training ground——


Suddenly, outside the training ground sounded the shrill screams of the girls.


He thought that his heart would stop due to fear.

However, it seemed that they didn"t discover Lux.

“What, what? What happened !?”

“It is said that there is a suspicious man outside, some students saw him secretly slipped into the campus!"

"The peeping tom came again!? But the date of the measurement has been changed every time——"

Then, the training ground became noisy.

Several female instructors shouted “Please calm down”, but once spread, the fuss couldn"t died down and accelerated more and more.

Uneasily Lux observed the situation downstairs from the shadow, his eyes met with Noct who was wearing a garter belt attached underwear.

Lux had just wanted to confirm that first year girl, but the result was that he was accidentally found by others, this was bad! Lux’s heartbeat began to accelerate.

Noct"s eyes slightly opened wide, she blushed a bit, but she immediately averted her line of sight.

Apparently she seemed to have guessed that there were some reasons, so she let Lux relax without concern.

“… Wait a moment!? Someone is on the second stairwell!?”

A scream of a girl who climbed up from another place struck where Lux was hiding.


Because the incident disrupted his position, so his body also stood up slightly, the result was that he was exposed.

But fortunately he was also dressed in tablecloths, so they didn"t see his face, but this was only a matter of time.

Lux flew out of the shadows, and ran through the pa.s.sage in full force.

He only heard screams of the girls who saw him came from behind.

For the time being, it was necessary to take off the tablecloth somewhere no one could see.

"Why, why does it look like the first time I come to the academy……!?”

Lux kicked the door, jumped from the middle of the stairs and onto the gra.s.s, rushed into the empty campus, and then ran to school.

(Since everyone is doing physical measurement, there should not be anyone in the cla.s.sroom yet——)

Lux thought so, but

"Kya——!? Oh no!? Someone entered the school building! Call for help!?"

In the corridor he could see a girl wearing a green bow tie——a third year girl hurriedly escaped.

(Not good!? Wrong move!?)

Instructor Raigree said, “Do not get close to the library and girls’ dormitory.”

It was here that the girls who finished the body measurement returned and changed their clothes.

That meant——In the vicinity of this, there was a high possibility that there were girls in uniforms who had already finished changing clothes.

"Stop! Call for backup quickly!"

Along with the voice from behind, came the following footsteps of the students.

With the cloth covering his head, his vision was poor so he couldn"t run fast.

As he came to the stairs, Lux rushed to the second floor of the school building.

Fortunately there was no one in the front, but the footsteps of the pursuers were increasing.


(I can"t shake them off! I must——make a gamble!)

In a desperate moment, Lux took off the table cloth in the last resort, and pushed open the door of the reception room for guests.

From the scene just now, there should be a lot of students who had not finished the measurement.

Especially in this reception room, the possibility that students were changing clothes was low.

Lux thought so, and slid in with desperation.


Unfortunately, he lost the bet.

The room was full of luxurious ornaments, the ground was also covered with red carpet.

In the familiar living room, a breathtaking scene was spreading.

Carefully cared honey color long hair, under it was a pair of deeply transparent jade eyes.

Among the body which was tall and well-balanced, the rich chest bulge that stuck out tightly, this contrast to the flawless glamour gave a vibe of dangerous beauty at first glance, making her more vivid and attractive.

And her awe-inspiring atmosphere, with her appearance complemented each other.

This great n.o.bleman daughter of this caliber was as if the girl was specially tailored.

Standing there was the most well-known academy strongest Drag-Knight, third year Celistia Ralgris.

She was wearing light blue underwear, with her uniform neatly folded in front of her.

"Wha, wha-wha-wha——what are you doing, Lux!? I am——"

After freezing for a few seconds, Celis screamed with red face.

"So, sorry!? There"s  a reason——!"

When Lux was trying to defend himself in a hurry, the sound of running outside the corridor was heard.

*Konkon*, after a light knock, a voice was spoken without waiting for a reply.

"Excuse me, did someone come here!? Looks like a peeping tom entered into the campus, we were chasing this far——"

To the voice of a girl who seemed to be a third year, Celis glanced at Lux with a combination of shame and anger.

When Lux lowered his head apologetically, Celis let out a sigh "Haa…..", and raised her voice toward the outside girl.

"I didn"t see anyone suspicious. I will help as soon as I"m done changing clothes."

“Thank you! Well then!”

And, along with the answer, the girl"s footsteps could be heard moving away from the outside of the living room.

A couple of seconds after the greatest crisis had pa.s.sed.

Celis covered her lacy underwear with her hand, looking seriously at Lux.

"Ano, Celis-senpai, this is——"

“Really … I didn"t think there will be a scene where you would do such a thing … …”

With her face faintly dyed red, Celis angrily muttered.

The muttering of the girl who trusted him struck him with guilt, but there was no time to feel depressed.

“Wait, please wait! Actually …”

"Lux, peeking on girl changing clothes is not good, you know?"

Celis scolded, with a tone for speaking to children who did mischief.

Her face was full of shyness and angry, this scene made people felt freshness, it could somewhat be said to be quite cute.

“Haa, what a shock. I never think Lux would do this, what happened to you? I have never scolded a young boy, so I am troubled, what a headache── That, especially in this kind of situation, I don"t know what to do."

Holding her chest with both her hands, Celis talked to herself.

For some reason her appearance looked extremely grave, Lux got stiff and forgot to say his excuse.

"——That’s it. This is the solution."


Celis, whose eyes were suddenly s.h.i.+ning, looked straight at Lux.

"In our Ralgris family of the Four Great n.o.ble, I heard rumors that there are traditional methods of mental correction for va.s.sals. It seems there is a need to go deep in an isolated mountain for two weeks, then soon Lux should also regain his original beautiful heart."

“When that is over, it definitely will not be the original me, isn"t it!?”

Celis confidently said, while Lux desperately denied.

"That, that"s not the case, this is a bit, I have personal complicated circ.u.mstances! I, I will accept punishment for this later, for now ——"

Then, Lux pleaded with sincerity.

Celis who saw it stopped moving as if confused, then she began to think.

"Lux"s circ.u.mstances……By any chance, that is, I heard rumor from Sharis, some trouble that only male has……. is it?"

Celis whispered, her face showed a little confused expression.

Then, Celis seemed to have decided, she released her hands exposing her body in lingerie.

"…….I, I get it. If Lux says that much, I, I"ll only allow a little bit. But, but this is, a secret to other students, okay?"

"What are you talking about!?".

Hearing Celis said something so frightening, Lux unexpectedly blurted out.

He didn"t know what kind of misunderstanding she had, but she definitely wasn"t thinking the same thing as he was.

In a hurry he explained about his Sword Device to her, Celis suddenly realized.

"This, this is serious! I"ll help as soon as I finished changing clothes, so quickly——"

“I’m sorry! Thank you!”

Lux somehow got forgiven, and started to run out of the living room.

He pa.s.sed through the corridor so as to avoid being seen, trying to escape the school building for the time being.

But after a moment’s delay, Lux noticed that it was an incredibly bad idea.


Was it because the student found him, or he was quite shaken by the sight of Celis in her underwear, he couldn"t focus anymore.

However, the students who already wore uniforms had gathered in the downstairs of the school building which could be seen from the staircase, and escape was impossible without being seen.

(Dammit…….!? That"s——I can"t get out!)

Not long after Lux felt shaken, he heard footsteps approaching from the bottom of the stairs.

Since downstairs was certainly dangerous, then he could only escape to the roof.

When Lux embraced the last trace of hope by opening the door, suddenly someone from behind seized his wrist.


Suddenly there was a strong trembling feeling running across his spine, Lux hurriedly looked back.

"Ara? I was wondering who made a sudden visit——so it was you, my lord?"

"……Yoruka!? Why are you here!? ——And, what"s with that outfit?"

Seeing someone who was so unexpected, Lux couldn"t help but opened his mouth wide.

A beautiful black hair girl showing a bewitching smile.

With perfect body curve, the girl, who had different eye color blue and purple on the left and right pupil, her name was Kirihime Yoruka.

In the past she was an known as “The Empire’s Blade” serving the Old Empire, she was an exotic girl with unparalleled ability as a Drag-Knight.

Although they opposed each other for a short time because of her loyalty to the old empire and her purpose of “rebuilding the empire”, now she had sworn to become Lux’s faithful servant and had been doing her duty.

Currently in order to secure her position, with Headmaster Relie"s help her admission procedures into the academy should be arranged but——

“Yes, a few days ago they also helped me prepare this uniform. How do I look? My lord?”

Usually Yoruka always wore a dark exotic dress, today was the first time he saw her in school uniform.

Her bountiful chest wrapped in the blouse, and glossy l.u.s.trous thigh lines extending from the skirt, her beauty was dazzling.

Although it was surprising to see in a glance, but because she had good looks from the start, there was not much discomfort from her appearance.

"A, yeah, it suits you…. Wait, it"s not the time for that ——"

Lux said shyly, but then he immediately recovered himself.

The girls who were searching in the school building seemed to be coming to the roof soon.

In a hurry, Lux told her about the Sword Device of "Bahamut" being taken by mistake, as well as about the peeping tom coming to the campus which caused the commotion.

"I see, it"ll be good to get back the Sword Device from that first year girl——and for my lord to be found here at school, it would be bad….. is that it?"

Yoruka let out a smile, then she approached Lux.

During this time they heard the commotion of the girls downstairs.

"Wait, not here either? I wonder where he went?"

"There"s still the rooftop——could it be?"

Words like that could be heard, it was a desperate situation.

"What should I do, Yoruka? If this goes on——"

Lux had no choice but to ask, Yoruka revealed a bright smile.

"This is simple, my lord. I have a plan."

She gently brought her lips to Lux"s ear and whispered.

"Wait!? Anything, but that——!?"

“If we don"t do it fast, they"ll come here, right?”

Yoruka emerged a mischievous smile, then she crawled her hands into Lux"s clothes.

Then, her suggestion was carried out——3 minutes later.

*Don*, the roof door was flung open violently, the girls who were chasing him looked around, they noticed someone"s shadow from behind the wall and called out.

"Hey, did someone come here!? Someone like a peeping——"

“No one came here from a while ago? I"m a bit busy now, so can we do that later?”

Faced with the urgent tone of the female students, Yoruka answered lightly.

Of course, they didn"t give up just like that.

"Maybe he hid somewhere. Let’s have a little look——……!?"

The sound of them becoming petrified, even Lux could hear it.

They saw, lying on the rooftop"s floor and tangling each other, the appearance of two girls.

One of them, was a girl with beautiful black hair that fell on her own skin——Kirihime Yoruka

And the other one, being pressed under, was a girl wearing a blouse and a skirt.

Hidden by Yoruka"s hand which was holding her Sword Device, the girl"s face couldn"t be seen, but it was obvious that she was a student at this school.

"You, you…..are——!?"

Seeing this, the two female students were speechless.

Only the girl underneath was wearing uniform, Yoruka was riding on her waist, wearing only her top and bottom underwear.

That——couldn"t be imagined as anything else but a special tryst between girls.

Looking at the girls who stiffened up with their red faces, Yoruka gently smiled.

"As you can see, we haven"t seen any peeping tom. But it would be you two if you were to continue watching like this——"

As she finished, with her gorgeous little lips, she gently overlapped them on the lips of the girl lying underneath.

Lips and tongues, engaged in a long tangling movement.

The girl underneath let out a m.u.f.fled voice.

After about ten seconds, the kiss was over, Yoruka loosened her lips, and a transparent silver string was trailing from her tongue..

Immediately after seeing that, Yoruka gazed again and the girls retreated.

“Well, then please enjoy yourself!”

"Sor, sorry for disturbing!"

The door of the rooftop was closed violently, and there was sounds of footsteps running away.

After a while, screams telling that they had lost sight of the peeping tom in school resounded.

"Well, looks like it"s fine now."

As Yoruka heard it, she crawled down from Lux"s body, Lux murmured in a dying state.

“I thought everything was lost ……”

Or, it was better to say he"d die if this were exposed.

And not to mention Lux"s mental state, as the only male student in the academy, he"d certainly kneel.

“My Lord is exaggerating. Just let bygone be bygone."

“Although it seems like I"ve lost something important, but thank you…."

Lux thanked her, turned and began to take off the uniform.

Yoruka proposed a plan to fool the girls——That was for Lux to wear Yoruka"s new uniform, it could be described as a taboo approach.

"Just, just that——there"s no need for the kissing part, right….?"

When Lux turned his face red and raised a voice of embarra.s.sment, Yoruka showed a little bewitching smile.

"It was not unnecessary. And my lord response to women, after this time I can begin to understand."

After all, her actual age should be one year younger than his, Lux felt speechless.

“Then I am going to get back to my lord Sword Device. Please wait for a while, then look for opportunities to return from the roof to the school building."

"A, yeah. I"ve troubled you."

Saying it in a monotone, Lux reluctantly nodded.

When Yoruka who once again wore her uniforms went down the stairs, Lux was released from tension and he sighed.

About the Sword Device, it would be better to leave it to Celis and Yoruka.

"Ha, somehow, I"m exhausted……"

While looking at the clear sky, Lux powerlessly sat down.

A few minutes later. After, Lux’s Sword Device came back to his hand without being noticed by anyone.

It seemed that the Triads and Airi also cooperated under Celis"s command, and came looking for Lux on the rooftop and handed it to him.

"Thank you——And sorry for the trouble."

While giving thanks to the girl, Lux was able to get out of the school building

“Fuu, I"m saved …”

As he left the school building and wore the Sword Device he just got back, Lux sit on the curb of the courtyard and finally stroked his chest.

Already most students had finished physical measurements and changed their clothes, and had come back to their rooms, Lux decided to take a rest for a while

“Although I can feel rest a.s.sured … what was the noise a little while ago?”

It was a misunderstanding that Lux entered the indoor practice ground, but an incident appeared as an outside peeping tom was entering the school building, which made a serious commotion.

"A peeping tom. So who could it——"

Tilting his neck, Lux murmured to himself..

Lux was in a daze in the courtyard in autumn where falling leaves were dancing.

"——You look free, little brat over there."

Because of the unexpected voice from behind, Lux bounced up straight.

A voice of a heavy and deep man, rarely heard in school.

Although in a musical range that could be affirmed as a mature man, but it wasn"t loud and rough, it had a unique intonation giving those who heard it a strong impression.

When he turned around, there was a man who he had never seen before.

His appearance was similar to Lux’s pet.i.te body.

His face looked pretty young, at first glance he looked like a boy, but with somewhat old-fas.h.i.+oned expression and dangerous atmosphere around him, one would hesitate calling him a boy.

He was wearing a slightly dark blue mantle, below that was a black suit, protected by a thin metal armor.

Black hair under the hood, as well as his left eye was wearing a strangely shaped eye patch, decorated with metal pieces.

But, stranger than his appearance, was his eye.

Dark. Bottomless dark. Black pupil, such as the abyss where light could not be seen.

Still, it was strange that his expressions and tone were not somewhat depressing.

A s.h.i.+ny, hard polished black.

He was a man with an atmosphere reminiscent of an obsidian incarnation.

“You are——”

When Lux was being stunned by his atmosphere, the man gently lifted his chin.

"I"m a visitor. I"m looking for the Headmaster for some business. Come show me the way quickly."

Lux was speechless again when he heard the man"s order.

Why a man who looked like a boy like this, being so bossy.

"E, etou——Please wait. In the first place, who are you?"

"You"re a man that really like to ask trivial stuffs? Who am I, how should I say it I wonder?"

His eyes opened wide, the man distorted his mouth into a bow shape, and laughed strangely.

"That won"t do. Because here is within the grounds of the Royal Military Academy, I cannot guide you anywhere unless you tell me who you are. Moreover——I"m kind of busy right now."

“That’s too bad, but I don"t mind? After you lead me there, I will handle it myself.”

"Not that, I said…."

Even Lux didn"t know how to answer.

Although he experienced doing service business many times while doing, he had never met such a domineering guest.

"I don"t know much about details, but it seems an outside peeping tom got inside ——"

"Is that so? It was really troublesome, but it was strange? I was stopped by the guard at the gate earlier, I got in without permission while shaking them off——I did not see suspicious people in particular."


As the man calmly uttered these words, Lux had a bad feeling.

Stopped by guards, entered without permission?

Then, don"t tell me——

"Oh? A, you don"t have to say anymore. I get it."

And, while the man opened his usual eyes with no light, he raised his mouth into a smile, and pounded his hand.

Then he looked straight at Lux and said confidently.

“The culprit is you, with a face like a woman, you transformationist.”

"You"re wrong! It"s you! The peeping intruder who went in without permission!"

"Oh, I see. This country will treat it like that. It is a cruel custom."

“Any country will do the same! Please leave the campus quickly!”

"Yare yare. How awful, there was also unreasonable treatment. Even though I was called directly by the Queen of this country, I was told to get out."

"……!? What, just now——?"

The moment when Lux showed a dubious face, the man took out a doc.u.ment from his chest pocket and showed it to him.

"A letter from the Queen. Let me say it again. I request you to show me before the school headmaster. New Kingdom ch.o.r.e boy."

The man said with a sneer.

It seemed that he knew Lux’s position and added inside also a little provocation, Lux decided not to respond to it.

“……I understand.”

Lux had also seen the Queen’s letter and signature.

Although he did not know who he was, but what the man said was true.

Lux decided to guide the man to the Headmaster"s room.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the body measurement seemed to have ended safely, and no sign of girls could be seen around.

However, unlike the previous time, Lux tightened his face and entered the school building.

He was aware that the unknown man was not a good character.

"It’s a nice academy. Morale is also high, and the level of practice is also so so. It is also interesting to have a policy of educating women who are well-manned in Drag-ride. However, it is unnecessary for my subordinates. Are you not dissatisfied even if you see it?"

After looking around to appraisal, the man spoke unexpectedly.

"What do you mean?"

When Lux returned with a vigilant voice, he heard footsteps from behind.

Coming in a hurry, a middle-aged man wearing a robe and two young men.

If he remembered correctly, they were the chiefs of the new kingdom and the school secretary.

"This, this is, thank you for coming from such a long trip, sir Singlen. It seems that you came a little bit earlier than the original scheduled time——"

"I"m a busy man unlike you. I do not like being kept waiting so I let myself in. Has the school headmaster known of this meeting?"

“Yes, it has been sent to inform her before.”

Even with the man’s rude att.i.tude, the two men continued to abide by the etiquette, Lux showed a puzzle expression,

"It was a hard time ch.o.r.e boy. As a reward, let me give you the honor of knowing my name."

The black man"s fearless smile, and he spoke his words in a tone that looked down from very high.

"Singlen Shelbrit. Vice captain of states alliance"s Drag-Ride force, the "Seven Dragon Paladin", affiliated to the Blackend Kingdom, head of the White Ridge Knights regiment, those are——some trivial t.i.tles of this great me."

""Seven Dragon Paladin", Vice captain….!?"

Reflectively, Lux repeated like a parrot.

"The troublesome guys call me "Blue Tyrant". Call me whatever you like, ch.o.r.e boy."

The threat of Phantom G.o.d Beast (Abyss) growing year by year.

To counteract the seven Ruins activating, each country selected one Drag-Knight as their representative, a total of seven Drag-Knights.

It was an elite unit gathering representatives from various countries that would investigate the Ruins with their own authority and acted as a fighting force against those threats in case of emergency.

Not all of them had yet been decided, but among them the captain and the vice captain were judged based from past record, and it seemed to be decided by discussion.

In other words, it meant that he had such a tremendous outstanding track record on a worldwide scale.

At the last All-Dragon Battle outside of school——The man did not show up because of the restrictions on the official candidate, but there was still stronger people in the world.

(——But, why such a person is in the school of the new kingdom?)

No way, was the threat like the Demonic Beast of The End (Ragnarok) approaching?

“Oh, didn"t they tell you? The upper part of the country was also surprisingly scattered.”

As if seeing through Lux"s thought, Singlen mouth bent into a curve.

His obvious imprudent way of speaking made the consul and the secretary behind stunned.

"Don"t worry, my affair here is just an interview. The "Seven Dragon Paladin" of this country has not been decided yet. Before the meeting that takes place in the near future, I hope that each country decides at least one good candidate."

"That"s it. Can you do me one thing, ch.o.r.e boy. I want you to keep a watch on this place. I feel somewhat better than being watched by those two with a thin face."

In the corridor facing the long courtyard, Singlen said to Lux.

This had been more than the level of rude, it could be said that his mouth was dirty, but Lux wasn"t in the mood to refuse.

"……..It doesn"t guarantee that I will be allowed to do it."

"It"s done. It"s me who decided it. ——Okay, I"ll leave it to you."

After that, the man named Singlen went into the Headmaster"s room.

(That man, what on earth was he thinking…..?)

After that, when asking if he could watch over the room to Relie who came, "Really? Then please do so." he easily got permitted

As he was standing in front of the door for a while, the first who came over was Lisha.

"A-re? If it"s not you, Lux. What are you doing here?"

Looking at the Lux who was watching for some reasons, she widened her eyes surprised.

Perhaps, it was probably that the people who would receive this interview had been decided in advance.

“There was something happening, and then it became such a strange situation.”

“What. I thought I"d have you on the same seat as my knight, that"s a shame.”

Then with a proud face she crossed her arm which looked cute, Lux’s expression also relaxed.

"But——Please be careful. The vice captain of the "Seven Dragon Paladin", is quite an odd man."

"Don"t worry. There are many strange people in this school and I am accustomed to dealing with them. Besides——In a way, I"m also the princess of this country."

She said so confidently, then left a "Then, please stand watching", she walked inside the room.

Clack, a few minute after the door was closed.

Since he couldn"t freely eavesdropping, Lux was waiting at the distance——

"Haa!? Stop joking! Who are you, calling people like that!?"

Suddenly Lisha roared, it could be heard outside the room.

"No more talking. I"m going home! I don"t have free time to go with your nonsense!"

Then it seemed that the conclusion of the discussion had arrived soon, Lisha came out of the room.

From the outrageous att.i.tude of that Singlen, it was possible to expect it to a certain degree, but this result was still a little surprising for Lux.

Lisha’s character was simple and straightforward on the surface, but in fact she would use strategy, and also able to see through nature of problems.

For negotiations to break so quickly, it was hard to imagine.

What Singlen was trying to do, Lux was being a little concerned about it.

"What a rude man!? Has the Blackend Kingdom quality become like that!?"

"Ano, Lisha-sama. I understand your feelings, but this is the corridor——"

Seeing steam coming out from Lisha"s head, Lux persuaded her with a wry smile.

Lisha complained for a while then left, and then there was another footstep coming near Lux.

“What a surprise, I didn"t think we could meet here, Lux”

The girl wearing a dignified atmosphere, third year student Celis.

"I was called here, to receive an interview as a candidate for the “Seven Dragons Paladin" of the New Kingdom——Don"t tell me, you too?"

"No, I just have some reasons, I’m supposed to be a guard here."

"Is that so. I can"t be panicked in front face of my junior. The opponent is the "Blue Tyrant", I have to keep it in mind."

Her tone was as serious as usual.

But compared to thinking that was “Really Celis-like”, Lux was more concerned about another word.

"………About Singlen, do you know something?"

“To some extent ——if you do not mind, can I speak what I know?”

Lux nodded reflexively.

Because time was running out, Celis made it very simple, but Lux learned about Singlen.

A man from the Blackend Kingdom, he emerged immediately as a striking figure after the Drag-Ride was excavated, with overwhelming ability, he climbed to the rank of general.

However, after a period of time, after a large-scale civil strife, he was punished by the king for his merciless fighting style, it was said that he was robbed of the t.i.tle knight.

"I don"t know the truth, but the King seems to be afraid of his ability and kept him away from the royal family? There seems to be that theory, Later, Sir Singlen left the Imperial City."

Lux felt that the theory was highly believable.

An era in which various things suddenly changed due to existence of Drag-ride, which was still about several years after the ruins were found.

There was too strong military Drag-Knight that appeared, it was no wonder that people would fear his growing power.

“However, as we all know, a large-scale natural disaster has occurred in various places, including the Blackend Kingdom from the other day. The existence of a new type of humanoid Phantom G.o.d Beast (Abyss) called Nocturnal….."

After the end of the Dragon Tournament, Lux also learned from Raigree instructor about the matter.

"The Blackend Kingdom lost its main force due to the battle, I heard that Sir Singlen was called to the King’s Castle again. Just before the former king was killed in battle and was subst.i.tuted."

“That"s all I know. Then, I"ll go first.”

As Celis finished saying, she quickly went into the Headmaster"s room.

Unlike Lisha, if it was Celis who didn"t act straightforwardly, she would be able to avoid being on the same pace as Singlen. Lux thought.

"Yes. Is, that so….? No, I am honored to be praised. But——eh?"

Although he had no attention of eavesdropping, but he could hear a relatively calm voice.

It seemed that the meeting was over in a matter of minutes, Celis came out of the Headmaster"s room.

Her face was a bit confused.

“What happened?”

"No, nothing special….I got praised for my quality as a Drag-Knight, but the details about the subject, he seems to be avoiding it."

"Avoiding the main issue?"

“And, of course, these contents should not be revealed to others, so let it be——"

"Ah, I"m sorry."

With Celis words, Lux also noticed the danger of his remark.

Soon after he regretted asking promptly, Singlen patted Lux on the shoulder.

"It"s over, ch.o.r.e boy. Come and see me outside. That"s my last request."


Lux nodded and walked by Singlen’s side.

Did they know the news of Singlen coming to the academy?

The appearance of the girl students looking at Lux in a long distance was seen in some places.

"——You don"t ask me what I said to the two in the interview?"

“If you don"t mind, please tell me.”

“That won"t do. Can"t tell you.”

"……..Is that so."

As Lux tone was mixed with a sigh, Singlen quivered his shoulders and laughed.

"Kukukuku, don"t make such a face. Do you think it"s hard to understand? A man purposely received a royal command from the Blackend Kingdom to come all the way here, why did he take a stuffy att.i.tude towards those two girls?"

The eye reflecting the bottomless darkness looked into Lux’s face.

His eye was not laughing.

Only his mouth was slightly bowed and distorted.

“Can you see through my intention? Ch.o.r.e-doing criminal."

"……..from the beginning you have no intentions of discussing. Is that right?"

Lux answered immediately.

Thinking carefully, it was very unnatural from the beginning.

He visited the academy half a day earlier than planned, and also entered the campus without permission despite being stopped.

At first glance he seemed to be just rude and arrogant, but this man who climbed up to the position of the royal knight"s leader, there was no way he didn"t understand how to behave.

That was, contrary to the fact that the candidate must be determined as soon as possible, he didn"t intend to achieve his goal from the start.

"Is that all? Well, it"s only half of it. How disappointing. The worth of your head was only a little more precious than the majority of the country council."

“What does that mean?”

"Your understanding is really bad. Has your intuition slowed down just by taking care of the ladies."

Singlen turned a wicked smile at Lux.

"I"m willing to put the story together. We’ll talk here. Haven"t I told you some hints? Didn"t I let you stand there deliberately, and let you hear our discussion?"

"——could it be."

At this moment, Lux was aware of Singlen’s intentions.

"You, ch.o.r.e boy. The "Weakest Undefeated", former Acardia Empire Seventh Princes Lux Arcadia. I came to scout you out. As one of the “Seven Dragon Paladin”."

Surprised and shocked, it penetrated Lux"s body at the same time, he was petrified.

"Are you surprised? You thought that you were not supposed to be chosen? If so you"re stupid. Compare to 5 years ago, has this peaceful days turned you into a fool. Like this kingdom."

"Are you seriously saying that? To me——"

"This is a boring conversation. Please stop acting in front of me. I need to pull the strongest man in this country as the vice captain of the "Seven Dragon Paladin". Not just on the surface, but the truly strong."

How far this guy knows about myself?

However, even if he saw through Lux"s ident.i.ty as "Bahamut” user, Lux couldn"t admit he was the "Black Hero".

“Although I was certainly recommended from the consular officers of the kingdom to be the candidate for the "Seven Dragon Paladin”, I do not think that I am suitable, and I don"t intend to do so.”

Although being on alert, Lux"s voice was unwavering, Singlen continued.

"Don"t say such childish words. You used to be more adult like. No──Or that you just put on a mature look? In any case, you showed such performance at that age, you are not an ordinary man and you have qualifications for being the representative."

There was decisiveness in his tone.

This tone was like he knew that Lux had destroyed the old empire in the past, Lux further raised his vigilance.

"Do you know——about me and the Old Empire?"

"It"s not like I don"t know. The upper part of the Old Empire had been a.s.sociated with the Blackend Kingdom. Oh, I was getting along with your older brother from that time. Was his name Fugil Acardia?"

Instantly hearing these words, Lux gasped.

Although he wanted to conceal his own shaking, but that man might have been seen through him.

“It seems he"s missing since the coup d"état five years ago, but I don"t think the guy will die easily, do you know something?”

"No…..I know nothing."

“Well, that’s a pity … No, actually, the other day, I heard a story that my subordinate saw a man looking like Fugil.”

"——Is that, true?"

"You want to know? Just tell me. What, if you become one of the "Seven Dragon Paladin", the opportunity to continue talking to me would come soon."

"…..then, can I ask one last question?"

"It"s fine. But make it quick, time is precious. Even gold can"t buy my time."

Conceit, bold, and fearless.

Singlen nodded, with an arrogant att.i.tude befitting the t.i.tle "Blue Tyrant".

“What is your real purpose? Promoting me to join the "Seven Dragon Paladin", it isn"t just simply to bring stability to the world isn"t it?"

"……Fu, what a troublesome kid. I was suspected quite a lot."

The school ground was surrounded by tall walls.

They had arrived near the gate.

“My mission and purpose are to protect this world, as a Drag-Knight, as the commander of Drag-Knight, what else is there?”

"Well, I will talk about my purpose. I"ll tell you as a ch.o.r.e prince, I will protect this academy, I will become the power of everyone who goes here, it is now my wish."

He didn"t know Singlen"s true intention.

As a "Seven Dragon Paladin", why did he seek Lux"s power so much.

However, regardless of what the other side"s intention, Lux had decided the answer.

He once concealed his ident.i.ty and destroyed the Old Empire, it was Lux’s wish.

He tried to make a country without unreasonable tyranny and unjustifiable discrimination.

And now, to protect this new kingdom from the threat from other countries and Phantom G.o.d Beasts (Abyss), to support the power of the countries of the young girls with his own strength.

For that reason, he became an exclusive knight of Princess Lisha.

"Ha ha ha. How awful, negotiation breakup, it’s a shame, my time has been wasted. I wanted you to be a "Seven Dragon Paladin" even now."

Singlen tilted his head slightly, only his mouth revealed that strange smile, staring at Lux’s face.

Lux also returned a resolute line of sight to his opponent, just outside, seven people wearing white helmet and cloak covering their faces, immediately came up to stop the two.

“My lord. We come to pick you up, it’s about time to leave the kingdom.”

"……..I understand. Farewell, orphan of the old empire—— "The weakest undefeated". You have to work hard to fulfill your wishes."

Saying that with a loud tone, Singlen walked out of the campus, and looked back.

"But remember, never, will your wish comes true. Because I"ve never failed to achieve my purpose, and what you really want, is just boring self-sacrificing. ──Well then, let’s meet again, Hero."

Even after hearing that final word, Lux didn"t even blink an eye.

"The Blue Tyrant" and his followers gradually disappeared from the field of vision.

The breathless encounter was over.

But, why.

Even though they didn"t resemble each other, an air somewhat like his older brother Fugil, Lux could sense it from Singlen.

“So the result, "Over Limit" can no longer be used?”

In the school ground after the storm had left.

In the Drag-ride workshop (Atelier), Lisha who was wearing a white gown said so suddenly.

“Yes, it seems so.”

Putting his waist on the workbench, Lux answered Lisha who was watching him, and released "Bahamut" armor.

A special system which released the output restriction of the Drag-ride which was usually restricted to avoid the burden of body and mind, Limit Break (Over Limit).

For a while, it was thought that Lux"s body could not bear it, so it was forbidden to use it since the training camp, and as his physical condition stabilized now, in order to be prepared, he tried to repeat the steps but was unsuccessful.

"But it"s strange. Don"t you remember it? The way of perfect Limit Break (Over Limit), even I don"t know it clearly——"

"I do not know. Why only that time, I can do it——"

I remember seeing the method of Limit Break (Over Limit) that La Cruche had done as the Ruin"s Supervisor (Gear Leader), I wonder if that was the reason for my memories?

(…..Memory? No, I should have used the Limit Break (Over Limit) for the first time at that time. Or——)

Am I forgetting something? Lux mind emerged this question.

"It may be because Phi-chan was there. Maybe I forgot something——"

"…..!? That, that airhead girl has nothing to do with this!? That…. this is still a problem, I"ll think about it myself. Hum."

After hearing Lux murmuring to himself, Lisha somehow anxiously shouted.

Lux tilted his head curiously, as time went by.