Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 68

Episode 3 - Imperial Command of the Queen

Part 1

It was a tranquil day with sunlight filtering through trees.

Amidst the sleepy atmosphere at early afternoon.

An old soldier with tall and lean body frowned hearing he sound of sword fight from afar.

Fortress city Cross Field, first block.

At a small practice ground that was set up near the government office building made of stone, the thirty members of White Ridge knight order led by Singlen were doing Drag-Ride training.

Singlen came here with the pretext of doing regular inspection.

After the number of Ruins that hadn"t been conquered became three, any of Seven Dragon Paladins had the duty to watch the situation so they could give as much backup as possible to any faction.

It was called a duty, but in actuality it was something like a check so that no side would try to steal a march.

「I have grown old to doze off like this.」

The old soldier, Zweigbergk smiled wryly while heading to outside the building.

He was walking through the corridor that was illuminated with faint light while recalling the happening of the past.

It was a happening of more than twenty years ago.

A memory at his home country, Blackend Kingdom──.

「Sword Saint Zweigbergk. I want you to accept the position of being the private tutor of Earl Shelbrit house starting from the following month.」

Inside the rustic castle made of stone, within a room that had red tapestry hanging down.

Zweigbergk who was serving as the captain of the royal guard was suddenly told about his dismissal in the audience hall one day.

「Does that mean I have served my purpose? I have no memory of offending the ministers in politic to that degree though.」

*Murmur*, the sentence of Zweigbergk that he muttered with a fearless smile caused the lined up officials to stir.

Although he was the knight captain under the direct control of the kingdom, his remark was still too disrespectful for a mere knight.

It displayed his relations.h.i.+p with the kings, at the same time it also showed that this retirement was something that he didn"t consent with.

In fact it was exactly like that.

Since Zweigbergk was appointed as the captain of this country"s knight order, his accomplishments were endless, like subduing insurrections altogether and so on.

Indeed his age had reached the middle of his forty, but it was a suitable age if it was in his capacity as commander──no, even in plain swordsmans.h.i.+p and stamina he hadn"t showed any sign of declining, he was a matchless general who couldn"t be matched by anyone.

And yet despite that, he was ordered to retire. Zweigbergk happened to have an idea about the reason.

(This looks like the misgivings of the influential people. There is no way the will be happy knowing that someone like a general that is staying for nearly thirty years in the castle is nearby……huh.)

Although there would be small skirmish with other country occasionally, the situation was generally peaceful because their distance from the old empire was quite far.

At present when the public order also wasn"t bad, the existence of a powerful knight would be unmanageable for the statesmen by that much.

For the young king who had just taken over the throne, the presence of this veteran knight would make him unable to maintain his dignity.

「But, it will be regrettable if your skill is left to rust, can I ask you to lend your strength in order to nurture the next generation?」

「Fuh……. Private tutor for Earl Shelbrit"s house is it, certainly they are a prestigious family but──」

Zweigbergk scornfully laughed in his heart.

House of Shelbrit was a noted family that descended from the royal family and had produced knights for many generations. From that description it sounded nice, but if his memory served him right, that family"s behavior wasn"t decent.

The earl that was a feudal lord collected tax pointlessly and did wild merrymaking, surrounding himself with a lot of mistress.

He was ridiculed by his surrounding from misusing his authority. It was a house of a stereotypical debauched feudal lord.

However, although Zweibergk had rough and bold personality by nature, he couldn"t turn his back on the imperial command of the king.

When he went to the earl"s territory reluctantly the next month, it was a terrible place that surpa.s.sed his imagination.

The public order was the worst because the feudal lord lived extravagantly and didn"t do his work.

He held banquet in his ridiculously large stately mansion almost everyday. His several estates that were located in distance were being managed by his sons, but even those had fallen into depravity as a matter of course.

They were only busying themselves with alcohol, woman, and then hunting.

The heirs who were still very young were picking on and beating the servants and maids.

(Calling this a garbage dump won"t be enough.)

If it was like this then naturally Zweigbergk also couldn"t be properly motivated.

A few days after staying there, while he was cutting corners in giving lesson and swordsmans.h.i.+p instruction, he suddenly happened to encounter a certain sigh inside the ground of the earl"s mansion.

「Whoops, watch out, the tutor old man is here!」

「Let"s go! Oi, ooold man! We were only playing just now! Don"t you go tattle on anyone!」

Several children who were making vulgar expression were running away from the courtyard.

It seemed they were bullying fellow son of the earl.

Furthermore it was siblings, an elder sister and younger brother who were the children of a mistress who had died from sickness.

(If I remember right their names are──)

The elder sister"s name was Marche, the little brother"s name was Singlen.

He thought those were their name, but he wasn"t particularly motivate to remember their name.

「Can you stand? I"ll lend you a hand. I"ll warn those two later.」

The boy looked like he was around ten years old. Zweigbergk offered his hand to the young boy, but his words were a lie.

They weren"t children who would listen even if he warned them anyway, so he wouldn"t bother to do something pointless.

He only said that on the surface simply because of his obligation, but the boy smiled.

「Thank you for your consideration. But──your a.s.sistance is unnecessary.」

The boy called Singlen was a timid existence who wouldn"t resist even when several of his older brothers. .h.i.t him.

That first impression was overwritten with a strange out of place feeling the moment he saw the boy"s smile.

Something was strange.

Although he was thinking so at the corner of his mind, at that time he couldn"t give words to it and left from there.

When he went to bed that day, Zweigbergk suddenly noticed.

That behind the boy, there was his sickly elder sister looking uneasy.

And then, while the boy himself was covered all over with bruise, his face, his stomach, his essential vital spots could be said to be completely uninjured.

「Don"t tell me, he intentionally let them hit him?」

In order to defend himself and cover his elder sister from the attack of his elder brothers of different mother, he purposefully acted insolent and took the role of being punching bag.

Furthermore his own body wasn"t significantly injured, he handled the attack with only his dynamic vision.

「──Interesting. Just when I thought that I"ll spend my remaining years in boredom as private tutor.」

Zweigbergk found something to look forward to for the first time as this house"s private tutor. After that he gave a every kind of special education of Singlen outside of public"s eye.

He was different from the other heirs. He studied diligently and grew strong in the blink of eye, even so he didn"t strike back at his incompetent elder brothers.

Of course Zweigbergk wasn"t dissatisfied, he also didn"t instigate him by saying things like 『Why don"t you fight back even though you can win』.

It wasn"t because he was devoted to his professional duties, but because he had seen through Singlen"s true nature that was like a hawk hiding its talon.

He understood that even if he won temporarily against his elder brothers" violence, sooner or later he would meet a counterattack that was entangled with authority.

He pretended to be powerless until he could establish his own strength.

One day he would surely take over this depraved earl house with pure strength and wit.

(How many years will it be until he rise up I wonder?)

Such prediction and imagination of Zweigbergk was betrayed in less than a few months later.

It wasn"t like that boy was particularly waiting for the day to turn the table.

While Singlen was away, his elder sister was. .h.i.t and lost her eyesight. In less than three weeks after that──the serfs within the territory revolted, and the earl"s house was enveloped in flame.

The step brothers who hit the elder sister were all killed without exception, while Singlen and his sister escaped outside.

Zweigbergk noticed that belatedly.

Singlen"s ploy that raised the revolt and guided them through the hole in the mansion"s security.

From the beginning, he was able to destroy the family anytime.

He simply didn"t bother to do it until now, whether it was simply because of his whim, or because of his composure──.

A few days later he reunited with the siblings, and when he pointed that out, Singlen smiled without any guilt.

「And, do you intend to throw me into prison, Zwei-sensei?」

The boy looked up at his teacher with an insolent smile till the end. In respond, Zweigbergk shook his head.

In exchange he bowed his head and spoke.

「──I wish to be allowed to witness your path of supremacy.」

He said.

He swore his loyalty not to a prodigy who appeared every one hundred year, but to an inhuman monster with unknown depth.

Like that the relations.h.i.+p of the two continued until now.

It didn"t change even after that terrifying incident that occurred in Blackend Kingdom.

When Zweigbergk came back to himself, he saw Singlen having light practice against the knight order member in the practice ground.

The practice ground was a small s.p.a.ce with ring shape that was surrounded by solid rampart.

There, a knight order member wearing Wyvern was swinging his sword in full strength, sometimes he would pull his gun"s trigger, but Singlen who was piloting a Drake wasn"t even grazed.

If that was all, then it wouldn"t be something particularly surprising but,

「Vice captain-dono. That"s, what is he doing? How can Sir Singlen dodge with his eyes closed?」

When he noticed, a rookie member was standing beside him. He was muttering with a dumbfounded tone.

「It"s the lord"s secret technique, Battle Array - Moon Reflection. By touching the opponent"s Drag-Ride using Wire Tail, he can predict the enemy"s next movement through the mechanical sound of the Drag-Ride.」

The internal driving force of Drag-Ride would move the frame before causing the next movement.

But, predicting that with only sound and vibration could be called as a superhuman special move.

Since Ruin was discovered more than ten years ago, Zweigbergk had also acquired skill that wouldn"t put shame on the t.i.tle Sword Saint, but Singlen"s talent was on different dimension.

Zweigbergk answered indifferently while walking toward his lord who had finished training.

「Just as my lord expected, Queen Raffi is heading to Cross Field. I believe that she is likely intending to have a secret talk. There is no progress with the search of Dragon Marauder and the Moon.」

「I see.」

「What should we do? Lux Arcadia is taking action that is deviating from my lord"s prediction. If it stays like this, even the possibility to exceed Magialca"s position will be──」

「Kukuku, isn"t that something joyous instead? If that man surpa.s.sed my expectation, then we can even just have him become hero as it is. The hero who save this world.」

In contrast his lord, Singlen Shelrbit was grinning fearlessly.

More than ten years after that, there were various incidents and his elder sister too had gone from this world.

The man who constantly hid his fang tore off the chain binding him and transformed into the Blue Tyrant.

He didn"t try to hide his true strength and changed his method to dominate over other people by display of strength.

(──Even so, there is just one thing that is still the same.)

Those who touched the scale of the dragon called Singlen, would meet ruin with certainty. (TN: In j.a.pan there is a saying of touching the scale of a dragon, which means offending someone so badly.)

「By your will. Then I will proceed as planned.」

Zweigbergk s.h.i.+vered in the bottom of his heart toward this terrifying existence.

But, for some reason, he also felt similar fear toward that man called Lux too.

Part 2

In the end, the match between Yoruka and Coral ended in a draw. They guarded him alternately depending on the situation, but unexpectedly this situation started to function well.

Lux thought that the aide exchange program itself possessed an aspect of sounding out the other country"s intention, but it would be hard for Coral to do that because he had to be by Lux"s side as his guard, and above all else the female students who didn"t know anything about the situation would constantly hound Coral and follow him around.

Lux thought that it would be somewhat calmer when he was with a fellow male, but contrary to his expectation, they gathered even more attention instead.

「How should I say it, Lux-kun has it hard aren"t you? If it"s like this, it might be better if I also dressed as girl.」

Even Coral who usually showed good appearance on the outside now looked dead tired. Seeing him like that, Lux smiled wryly while realizing once more that his situation was abnormal.

It was scary to get used to it like this…….

While thinking such thing in the corner of his mind, he was doing ch.o.r.e of cleaning falling leaves at the courtyard after school.

The falling leaves of the late autumn were piling up everywhere, but soon the leaves would also become few.

While he was doing the work silently with Coral"s help, a voice suddenly called from behind.

「Oooi, Lux. Over here, here! Leave the work to that transfer student and come inside.」

「What"s the matter, Lisha-sama?」

Without him noticing, Lisha was in front of the atelier"s door.

When the sudden call caused Lux to wonder, Lisha folded her arms while facing aside with puffed up cheeks.

「What do you mean what"s the matter? Even though Krulcifer and Celis are finally gone, don"t get too occupied with your You are my knight after all. There is a confidential talk. Come here right away.」

「Ah, that atelier is the place where Drag-Ride development is taking place isn"t it? Is it okay if I have a look too?」

「Rejected. It"s an important secret, so outsider isn"t allowed to enter.」

Seeing Lisha"s curt att.i.tude, Lux smiled awkwardly.

「That"s, is it no good even if just for a bit? I think Coral can be trusted.」

「That"s not it! There is also another talk! Plainly speaking, it"s a talk about official business!」


When Lisha spoke impatiently like that after seeing Lux"s att.i.tude, Coral stiffened with a complicated smile.

「That"s, I"ll finish the cleaning of the leaves so, don"t mind me.」

Lux noticed Coral"s consideration and he entered inside the atelier. There, he smelled the familiar scent of metal and oil.

Everything was the same until that point, but during the time when he didn"t visit here for a while, there was a certain change inside.

「This is, the three types of general purpose Drag-Ride? But, they don"t look like the Triad"s Drag-Rides.」

Lux suddenly saw three Drag-Rides at the depth of the atelier and he tilted his head.

The flying type Wyvern, the land battle type Wyrm, the special equipment type Drake. Those three types, but each of them had subtly different shape from normal.

「It"s really sharp of you to notice my new technology. Well, in the end they can only be used for my Tiamat, but they are powerful for sure.」

If it was just simple reinforcement, there was already the 『EX』 type that was the reinforced model of general purpose Drag-Ride.

However, this three Drag-Rides here were disa.s.sembled from normal Drag-Rides, and then they were recombined into different shape. They gave the image that they couldn"t function by themselves.

「……Is that so?」

「Fufu, are you curious? But it"s still a secret. I will use it when the time come and make you astonished then.」

(She looks like she really want me to ask……)

Seeing Lisha who was folding her arms while puffing out her chest, Lux smiled wryly in his heart.

But, right now his sense of duty as Lisha"s personal knight won over his curiosity.

「And, what is this official business about? I heard that in the end of the year, there will be a banquet where the four great n.o.bles are gathered though──」

Regarding that, Lux would attend as long as there was no emergency business.

But the talk this time seemed like it wouldn"t be about that.

「That"s──you see. A bit more after this, Haha-uemother will come to do inspection in the Academy. At that time, you will be together with me to greet her.」

「Her majesty queen Raffy will?」

Lux was surprised in his heart hearing Lisha"s words.

Although the distance from the royal capital until here wasn"t too far, but it was quite a distance.

For her to come directly in this kind of season with strange timing, there was a possibility that it was about an important talk that couldn"t be conveyed through letter or messenger.

「I was told that Haha-ue absolutely want you to be present too in the talk. It will be great if it isn"t a bad news but──」

Lisha was usually filled with energy, but when it was time for official business as princess, she would sometime show her unconfident appearance.

Lux knew that the cause was the event of her past.

That was why Lux smiled like usual to rea.s.sure Lisha.

「Don"t worry. I believe Lisha-sama has done really well. About the case of Babel this time too, you protected Triport while I was absent.」

「I, is that so? Really?」

Lisha"s cheeks blushed red and she looked up at Lux happily.

As always it was lovely how her expression could quickly change so drastically.

「Yes, it"s true. Lisha-sama is a princess that I"m proud to serve.」

「Lux……. The, then, the reward for last time──」


Lux was bewildered at her sudden words.

But, for some reason Lisha was fidgeting while her gaze was wandering around shyly.

「That"s, I noticed when last time you went on a trip with that airhead girl. Simply waiting without being able to go to meet up is really lonely. That"s why, I have to start by my own initiative.」

「Lisha, sama?」

「Co, come on quickly!? I heard from somewhere that a man mustn"t make woman wait.」

「Eerr……, I, I get it.」

Lux was carried away by the flow without understanding what was demanded from him and walked toward her.

Seeing Lisha who was acting different from usual, Lux"s heart was pounding hard while he caressed Lisha"s soft head.

In addition of her adorableness and loveliness that was like small animal, the prettiness of her red eyes looking up at him caused him to unconsciously stare in fascination.

「Thi, this isn"t what I mean but, well, it"s fine I guess. I also like this enough……」

It seemed that what he did was different from what Lisha had in mind, but it seemed she was satisfied somehow.

(As I thought, Lisha-sama is cute.)

She was really close to him since their first meeting so he tended to forget but, now he reconfirmed once more that similar like his other close friends, she was also a really charming girl.

Thanks to Celis breaking his sense of values that would be unduly distant somewhat toward other, the way he looked at Lisha as an object of respect also had changed slightly now.

Until now Lisha was prioritizing to tune and repair Lux"s Drag-Ride than her own too might be the flip side of her genuine fondness toward him.

(Such thing, it"s just my overly convenient thinking I think.)

Lux smiled wryly and immediately erased that thinking.

He must not get any strange thinking toward the girls who were close to him.

He was still a criminal from the imperial family of the old empire in the middle of a mission.

At the very least, he couldn"t lose focus until he saved the new kingdom from the Sacred Eclipse as Seven Dragon Paladins three months later.

(But──, if that"s over)

Recently, there was a self of him that was thinking of such thing in a corner of his heart.

Seeing Lisha who allowed her head to be caressed looking like she was enjoying it even despite the embarra.s.sment that she seemed to feel, Lux continued doing what he did in a daze. It was then,

「Lisha-sama and Lux-chiii! Her majesty has arrived here! Leave behind the Drag-Ride and come to the headmaster office ASAAAP!」

Lux who returned to his senses from Tillfur"s voice exchanged glances with Lisha in surprise.

After staring at each other with serious face for a few seconds, they smiled wryly with a troubled look.

「Good grief, even though we are finally in a good place. As I thought it"s really hard being a princess.」

「I will help you, Lisha-sama.」

After Lux said that soothingly, he quickly presented his hand.

Lisha took his hand a bit shyly, then the two of them started walking toward the headmaster office.

Part 3

While heading toward the headmaster office, there were already a lot of guards in front of the room.

It seemed that Relie temporarily excused herself, and inside there were only the queen and her a.s.sistant.

When they entered after receiving permission, the nostalgic face of the queen was there along with her aide, the prime minister Nulph.

「Looks like you are in good health, Lisha. I have heard about your effort even from the royal capital.」

Perhaps because this time she came here with the pretext of inspecting the Academy, Queen Raffi was wearing a dress that wasn"t too showy. She first faced Lisha and smiled at her.

As always, she was a woman with manner that wasn"t typical of a queen in a good meaning.

She didn"t have the dominating aura that overwhelmed other people, but she possessed gentleness and intellectual grace.

In respond, Lux and Lisha first kneeled toward her, then Lisha gave her greeting formally.

「It"s my delight to hear that your majesty. To be able to bask in the glory of your royal visit at this chance──」

「There is no need of the stiff greeting. This place is not the audience hall after all.」

「Then, long time no see, Haha-ue.」

After Lisha spoke really tensely, Lux also lifted up his face next.

「It has been a long time your majesty. It"s great that you are in good health.」

「Yes, you too have a very good look now on your face. Compared to five years ago when we first parted, now you look far more lively.」

Hearing those words, Lux slightly recalled five years ago.

Lux who was captured as a survivor of the imperial family was given amnesty and released. He was given permission to travel around the new kingdom as the prince while chasing after Fugil with the status as criminal just as Lux wished.

It was the arrangement of Raffy who was the wife of Count Atismata, because she knew the circ.u.mstance.

Lux could spend his time in tranquility and peace like now was also because of the existence of Raffi who took over the country as queen.

While recalling of such thing, Raffi started to talk about the present situation.

First was about the conspicuous service of Lux and Lisha that had saved the new kingdom several times.

The state of affairs of the new kingdom including Ruin. The situation regarding the Lords including other countries. The tentative settlement regarding the case of Heiburg.

All those situations were working out somehow right now, and in the present when the Ruin investigation was halted, there was no big problem occurring.

「This too is all thanks to you, Lux. I"m really grateful that you are giving your all for the sake of the new kingdom.」

After she concisely finished that talk, Raffi said her thanks once more.

「I"m honored, your majesty.」

In respond Lux also answered respectfully. For some reason Lisha beside him also puffed up her chest proudly as though it was her who was thanked.

──But, here words that could be said as predictable in a sense came to him.

「Incidentally Lux, I wish to ask you one thing, how much do you know about the secret of the old empire?」

She was asking that with a relaxed att.i.tude without any particular change in her manner.

That more than anything was what caused Lux and Lisha to harbor nervousness.

「……I had told all the fact that I know that day when the revolution ended. Until now I had also reported the information related to the old empire that I obtained after that without omitting anything.」

Not just the matter about Hayes, even the matter of the Lords when they appeared led by Fugil, Lux reported all important information related to the old empire without hiding anything.

It was only the information about the name of Holy Arcadia Empire that came out from the ancient doc.u.ment of Ruin that Airi deciphered that wasn"t reported right away, but then it became a common knowledge among the leaders of each country and the senior statesmen of the new kingdom after the world summit.

While Lux was waiting for a reply timidly, Raffi smiled wryly and loosened her expression.

「Please don"t worry. I am not doubting you all. It"s just, there is one thing from the past that is a puzzle no matter what.」

「That is──」

When Lux asked that question, prime minister Nulph who was waiting opened the lock of the jewel box he was holding.

Inside the box that was securely safeguarded, a transparent crystal about as big as human"s head, a Grand Force was placed.

「Her majesty wish to ask once more, whether you know anything about this.」

Prime Minister Nulph asked with a tone that was rigid and tense, but calm to the end.

Seeing him along with Lisha turned stiff while holding their breath, Queen Raffi continued the talk.

「A giant crystal was discovered in the treasure warehouse when the old empire was destroyed. At the time we didn"t know what this thing is, but there was only a note left behind that this is something important in regard to Ruin.」

After that, thinking about the investigation of this crystal, it was decided for the Academy in Cross Field to manage it due to its close proximity to Ruin and also because it had combat force nearby.

──But, after that due to Saniya who was a spy of the illegal arms dealer Hayes investigating about it, the new kingdom held suspicion about the crystal. Then along with the arrival of the Lord, the mystery of the crystal"s existence became clear.

It was a key to open the path toward that land where the legacy of the ancient era was sleeping──Avalon. An important item that was hidden within the body of the seven Ragnarok.

「According to my and Nulph"s thinking, we are guessing that perhaps this is coming from the sixth Ruin, Garden that is nearby this Cross Field.」

After taking into account the present situation, that was the only natural conclusion.

Seeing that it was sleeping inside the treasure warehouse of the old empire, nine out of ten this Grand Force could be hypothesized to be something that came from within new kingdom"s territory.

And then, right now after the Grand Forces of Babel and Ark had been discovered from each Ragnarok there and installed at those Ruins" deepest part, by the process of elimination there was high possibility that this was the Grand Force for the Garden.

「Honestly speaking, at that time we couldn"t even imagine that this crystal is a treasure that influence the fate of the world. Besides, thinking about the danger of thief like Dragon Marauder aiming for it, I believe that the decision to not give this information even to other country is not a mistake.」

Queen Raffi continued matter-of-factly looking vaguely at a loss.

Lux was also in agreement regarding that.

「But, the situation changed too drastically in these few months.」

Prime Minister Nulph added.

The descendant of ancient people, the Lord declared that act of betrayal like hiding information regarding Ruin investigation would be crushed thoroughly. It had become a situation where they couldn"t tell at this late hour that they were in possession of something really important like Grand Force from the very beginning.

「In other words, we already cannot just reveal this honestly──」

Nulph nodded at Lisha"s straightforward question.

「The traitor that the Lord mentioned also hasn"t been discovered, and the Dragon Marauder is also going strong. In this situation where every country is maintaining the equilibrium, if we show that kind of opening, we might be accused of betrayal. After all every country has already invest a lot of fund and soldier for conquering Ruin.」

The liberation of Avalon was nearing──if the ancient technology and treasure were made clear, the possibility that other country would take advantage of this flaw of the new kingdom couldn"t be denied.

「Then, what should we……」

When Lisha was about to say that, Queen Raffi silently turned her gaze toward the window that took a whole side of the wall.

「We thought of countermeasure. We will talk about this from now. Can I rely on you two for this?」

Like that Queen Raffy presented a top secret mission to escape from this responsibility and made it acceptable for the new kingdom to possess the Grand Force.

Naturally Lux and Lisha couldn"t refuse. The plan would be carried out under their leaders.h.i.+p in ten more days.

Part 4


Before noon, right after the briefing session was finally over.

Lux was walking on the corridor of the Academy after school while leaking out a sigh. Beside him Coral"s eyes opened wide in puzzlement.

Within the two weeks schedule, Yoruka would be in charge of guarding Lux whether in the morning or the afternoon each day. Today"s morning was Coral"s turn, so he met Lux as soon as the talk was over.

When Lux hurriedly put his hand on his mouth, Coral made a teasing smile.

「That"s no good you know, Lux-kun. If you sigh, happiness will escape from there. That was what Greifer said.」

「Greifer was?」

Lux tilted his head because it didn"t match his image of that peevish young man.

「Yep. I was the one who taught him though, persistently at that.」

Lux also smiled wryly hearing Coral"s next line.

(That was dangerous. I almost mentioned about the matter just now.)

The top secret mission that was requested by Queen Raffy naturally must not be told to Coral who was an outsider──no, not just him, but even to all other people in the Academy.

Because Lux"s fatigue due to Over Limit"s backlash was strong, originally he wanted to take it easy, but in reality the matter that he had to think about had become big.

After that Lisha and Raffy had a talk between parent and child privately, so Lux got out of the room early, but──this mission was quite difficult.

「Excuse me. We have something to talk for a bit with both of you. Can you two accompany……, not that, receive request from us?」

While Lux was thinking of such thing, some female students suddenly called out to them.

Lux knew their face, they were in the same year like him. But he wasn"t really close to them.

Lux somehow sensed that it would be troublesome from the curiosity and expectation that were reflected in their eyes, but if they said that it was a request, he had no choice but to listen.

Lux showed a complicated smile while he was going to reply to the girls, but then Coral quickly walked to the front.

「I"m sorry. Lux-kun now is doing a different request. But if you girls don"t mind if it"s with me, then I"ll do the ch.o.r.e in his place, is it alright with you all?」

「Eh, is, is it okay!? We are also interested with Coral-kun, then──perhaps it"s alright?」

The girl in the front who seemed to be the leader asked her surrounding. She received agreement from them and settled the talk.

Lux stiffened with the sudden development, Coral whispered into his ear with a small voice.

「And so, I will also do Lux-kun"s ch.o.r.e. I know how your personality is, but it"s no good to listen to everything you know? Resting is also a work.」


Coral winked with the air of knowing everything and he was led away by the girls.

Lux felt grat.i.tude to Coral"s heartfelt consideration, then suddenly he felt a presence behind him.

「I"m sorry to have made you wait, Aruji-sama──」

Come to think of it, it was Yoruka"s turn to guide him for today"s afternoon.

When he turned around toward her, something shocking entered his eyes.

「……Wait, Yoruka!?」

「Yes. It"s me, Aruji-sama.」

She gave a pleasant and carefree smile just like usual, but Lux was dumbfounded and stiffened.

It was shocking.

She wasn"t wearing that showy and mysterious black outfit, and not the Academy"s uniform too.

On her hair wasn"t the usual red ribbon but a white Alice band. She was wearing a frilly dress with black base color.

Her hand was holding a large musical instrument case. Lux somehow guessed that the content was Sword Device, but someone who met her for the first time surely wouldn"t guess it.

Her figure that was unified with wholly elegant design was exactly like the figure of a n.o.ble young lady.

That appearance which he had never even dreamed about caused Lux to become speechless.

「Err, what"s going on? That appearance……」

After a full few seconds later, he asked her once more.

「Headmaster Relie prepared this for me. She said that it will be better for me to have some civilian clothes──it doesn"t suit me?」

「No, it looks really good on you──, wait, it was Relie-san?」

Lux tilted his head due to the really curious connection.

Then, she told him how it was Philuffy"s request through Relie toward Yoruka.

「She want me to protect Aruji-sama in her place while she is in the middle of recuperation.」

「Phi-chan is……I see.」

Lux"s expression relaxed at Philuffy"s usual consideration while feeling convinced.

「I also received message from the headmaster. It will become noisy somehow if it"s in the Academy, so I should bring Aruji-sama to outside──」

Next, it seemed that Relie also told her that she could be relieved because if it was Yoruka, then there wouldn"t be any development between the two of them.

Just what was she saying…….

「Right. Then this is a rare chance, so I think I"ll accept the kind offer.」

Lux nodded smilingly like that, then right after that, Yoruka stiffened before the gate for some reason.

「……What"s wrong?」

When Lux tilted his head, the girl looked down and spoke with unusual hesitation.

「This is troubling. This is my first time going outside properly, so I don"t know where to take Aruji-sama.」

「Wait, eeeeh!? You have never walked around Cross Field yet!?」

Even though it was already a few months since she came to the Academy.

「Of course, I have grasped the geography in general, but I don"t know any place to entertain Aruji-sama. Speaking from the view point of security, I believe the best plan is to stay quiet in an inn but──」


Lux"s shoulders dropped in crestfallenly while he faced Yoruka once more.

「Could it be Yoruka, you have never played around properly?」

「Yes. Now that Aruji-sama mentioned it, that"s the case.」

The girl muttered while tilting her head.

This was a serious illness.

──Or rather, perhaps the trouble lied on Lux himself because he didn"t really give follow up to Yoruka in regard of her daily life.

Lux who concluded that decided to use this chance to bring her to look around the city.

「Then, this is a rare chance, so how about we go somewhere? If it"s just a bit, then I also know some places where we can have fun.」

Yoruka touched her lips with her index finger in a thinking posture, looking like she was somewhat in wonder.

Lux thought that she would surely refuse, but before long she showed a bright carefree smile and nodded.

「Then, please take care of me, Aruji-sama.」


Her smile with her appearance of a lovely young lady caused Lux"s heart to jump inside for a moment.

(As I thought, it"s also the case in her normal outfit but, Yoruka is really a beauty huh……)

Usually it was hard to notice because of that peculiar getup and her mysterious atmosphere but, when she dressed up like this he thought of that once more.

Lux gently pulled her hand and started walking while harboring mysterious feeling of exaltation and anxiety.

Part 5

First they had a light meal from food cart. After that they visited a barn that was managed by an acquaintance.

Because Lux had done ch.o.r.e of taking care of horse before, he was able to get an agreement from the barn fairly easily.

「Ou, so you are walking around while bringing different girl again huh. Even so, the girl this time is also amazingly pretty…….」

Firsts Lux was made fun of like that by a youth who he hadn"t met for a long time while trying to show horse to Yoruka.

Just in case, Lux made Yoruka promise to not kill the horse even if it rampaged, then he tried to make her feed the horse and petted it.

「It is calmer that expected. Besides──it"s warm.」

Of course it would be hard for an amateur to ride a horse, so they didn"t do that, but Yoruka somehow gazed at the horse with a satisfied look.

Next they headed to a small lake at the outskirt of the city.

In front of a cabin, there was an old man who was also Lux"s acquaintance from doing They borrowed fis.h.i.+ng rods from him and went fis.h.i.+ng.

「Fis.h.i.+ng is one of the few pastimes that I did with my little brother so……the presence of fish is easy to sense.」

Perhaps it should be expected from someone who originated from an island country in the east.

The fish could also be brought home as souvenir, but they presented their catch to the old man and left that place, then next they headed to a tailor shop.

It was the first request from Yoruka, but because Yoruka had almost no casual clothes of her own, they headed to a high cla.s.s tailor shop.

Of course Lux was thinking of having her tried some clothes, and if there was anything that she liked, he would have the tailor made it for her.

Even though he looked like this, he had some money at hand from his earning through Syvalles.

He couldn"t waste money, but there would be no problem if it was just one clothes for present.

「Aruji-sama, what kind of clothes that you like? I have no preference of my own.」

Yoruka asked him that when they entered the tailor shop.

At first he thought of making her chose what she liked, but he had no clue of what would be good, so thinking of clothes with different impression from usual, he suggested to her about choosing something that gave neat and clean impression.

「I have finished changing Aruji-sama. Please take a look.」

「Let"s see──wait, eeeeeeh!?」

Yoruka beckoned to Lux and he entered the changing room. Right at that moment Lux"s head became pure white.

Naked──no, the girl in underwear appearance with an atmosphere that was different from usual was exposing her skin before Lux.

Her glossy long hair that was held by an Alice band, and the pure white lacy underwear and garter belt that were decorated with black ribbon looked dazzling in his eyes.

Not only his gaze was stolen by that sight unconsciously, she was emitting a seductive s.e.x appeal that made him unable to tear off his gaze from there.

「Wait, what are you doing Yoruka!? Wear clothes properly──」

「My? I"m already wearing it. I asked the shop a.s.sistant for something that is as neat and clean as possible to answer Aruji-sama"s taste you know?」

「I didn"t intend to mean about underwear you know!? Just choose the clothing to wear on top of them!」

Yoruka"s cheeks were dyed red in a blush. Lux faced her and yelled with a similarly red face.

「To choose only clothes with neat and clean style……that means, Aruji-sama"s preference is for me to not wear underwear then. If that"s the case from now I"ll do so even in the Academy──」

「Stop it!? Since when this become forcing me to do such embarra.s.sment play!?」

「It can"t be helped. I will follow the shop a.s.sistant"s recommendation here.」

「Ah, right. With that──……」

Lux averted his gaze in a fl.u.s.ter and left from there.

He thought that her atmosphere was different from usual, but in the end it was the usual Yoruka.

Lux let out a really conflicted sigh while waiting for the shopping to end.

Part 6

The sun set faster when it was winter.

At the time of dusk when the sun was almost sinking at the west, Lux and Yoruka were taking a break in the central plaza.

They were buying fatty meat skewer from a food cart and ate it there while the people walking down the road were calling out to Lux one after another.

「Ou, ain"t this Lux. Help me out next time again.」

「Oi you. Lux is already the princess"s knight. Good grief.」

Middle aged husband and wife conversed like that, then a slightly older youth manning a stall too,

「You are taking another different beautiful girl again huh, introduce me to one at least.」

「Lux-kun too has become distant huuh……」

There were also city girls looking up to the sky with a faraway looks while saying such thing.

In the end, it became noisy even when he was going outside the Academy. Lux smiled wryly at that while responding to them, but there was just one thing that was decisively different from the past.

「You are trusted by everyone, Aruji-sama. It"s not just your character──even your skill in Drag-Ride. That aspect is the difference of Aruji-sama with my little brother.」

Yoruka who was sitting down beside him suddenly smiled while saying that to him.

What was different from before, it was what Lux obtained from the Academy.

During his five years of doing, although he won over the trust from the people, they only thought of him as the Weakest Undefeated, a Drag-Knight that wouldn"t attack at all in his match. But now he was renowned for having protecting Syvalles and the Academy, and furthermore even Cross Field itself from the attack of Abyss, Ragnarok, and so on.

Right now Lux had become an existence that people acknowledged in admiration as a Drag-Knight who protected the new kingdom, as well as someone who was chosen as Lisha"s personal knight.

「I can be like this is thanks to everyone. Of course, it"s also thanks to Yoruka.」

However, Lux was thinking like that not from being modest.

He was able to wield his strength exactly because of the girls" consideration and cooperation to him.


It seemed that Yoruka herself had no awareness of that. She tilted her head in puzzlement.

「The other day, when defeating Ragnarok Metatron too, I heard that you stood up to face it many times even when it was an  untouchable opponent due to the attack reflection. Thanks to that I was able to find the clue for defeating it and won.」

「It"s something that I ought to feel embarra.s.sed about. Originally I have to remove the enemy approaching Aruji-sama instead of troubling you to take care of it.」

「Even so──I"m grateful to Yoruka. Thank you.」

He said that and took Yoruka"s hand.

The cool and smooth skin texture felt pleasant. A mysterious bittersweet feeling overflowed in Lux"s chest.

On the other hand Yoruka"s serious face stared still without blinking at that hand.

「So, sorry. That"s, for holding your hand for too long──ah……」

When Lux said that and his hand was going to let go, Yoruka took his hand instead without letting go.

「Aruji-sama"s hand, is warm.」

Different from usual, she murmured with a faintly uplifted tone.

But, she immediately let go of his hand and smiled while looking at the setting sun.

「But──there is no time to enjoy that. My value lies solely in becoming a blade to destroy those who are aiming at Aruji-sama.」

「That"s, when Yoruka"s little brother died──」

Lux almost said that, but he then closed his mouth hurriedly.

While Yoruka was branded as a failure of a princess in the nation of Koto, she was granted with the position as the royal guard of her little brother, the candidate to become the next king.

But, her little brother was betrayed by his chief va.s.sals and he was offered as a sacrifice.

The girl who was said to be disqualified as human tried to discover the meaning of her life by clinging on the position of tool as her little brother"s servant but──, Yoruka was made to realize that she had no qualification or anything for that, and so as expected she wasn"t human or anything.

「Yes, I failed at that time. I was only thinking of myself. The fellows who tried to conveniently use my little brother who succeeded the throne while still young. Even though I vaguely felt apprehension of their existences and thought to get rid of them──」

Her tone was bland as though she was chatting casually about everyday matter.

However, Yoruka smiled while emitting a vaguely bottomless aura.

Instantly a bad premonition was born inside Lux. When he noticed, he asked her.

「Could it be, your little brother, stopped you from doing……?」

It wasn"t Like Lux had any inkling of what Yoruka was planning to do.

Lux was only thinking, that if by any chance Yoruka was going to try to do the same thing, then he himself would surely stop her too.

Yoruka didn"t answer. She simply kept her mouth closed while her smile was deepening.

People were vanis.h.i.+ng from the central plaza. At that time when the moon was hanging completely in the sky, Yoruka stood up.

「Let"s go back, Aruji-sama. It won"t be good for the body to stay in this cold air.」

「Ah, right. I, guess……」

Yoruka who said that had already returned to her usual self.

But, different from where they had just set out, she didn"t try to link her had with his hand beside him anymore.

Lux softly called out to Yoruka instead of taking her hand from his own initiative.

「Say Yoruka. Since you came to the new kingdom and entered that Academy, did anything change? Did you find anything important to you?」

「……Nothing has changed. Aruji-sama"s younger sister and Noct-san, then everyone in Syvalles has treated me well but, I"m still the same as ever.」

「……I see.」

Lux murmured looking somewhat sad while he noticed that Yoruka sometimes was caressing her musical instrument case.

「That Sword Device is something really important for you isn"t it?」

Even in the middle of the date she would keep holding it close to herself, the Sword Device of Yato no Kami.

He thought that in a sense it was an attachment that was just like her. Lux leaked out a wry smile unconsciously.

「In the end this is the only thing that I can understand. If it"s a useful tool, then it"s only reasonable for anyone to want to put it at their side and treasure it.  Someone like me who is not a human can only understand something at that level.」

That was why Yoruka was earnestly trying to continue becoming Lux"s 『useful tool』.

Surely it was something like that.


「Is it, really like that?」


Lux suddenly muttered the question emerging in his heart while they were on the path back to Academy.

「The reason why Yoruka is continuing to be fixated to sword, and also in being a servant. It ight be simply because you don"t understand anything about human. It could be that Yoruka yourself simply doesn"t notice it too.」

「……That"s an interesting interpretation Aruji-sama.」

Yoruka"s eyes opened wide in astonishment for a moment, then her eyes narrowed bewitchingly.

「But, someone like me cannot answer everyone"s expectation. After all I"m just a mere thing in the end.」

Her smile was bright as usual.

For such smile to look lonely no matter what to Lux might be just his imagination.

Even since this day, there was nothing particularly different in Yoruka"s state even while she was striving in her guard duty that she did alternately with Coral.

And then perhaps thanks to the two, or perhaps it was just a coincidence.

The period of rest was pa.s.sing peacefully without any report of even a single Abyss showing up, not to mention any enemy like the Dragon Marauder.

Like that ten days later, the outing to the Garden was finally carried out.

Part 7

At afternoon that day, in front of the fourth Drag-Ride hangar inside the Academy"s ground where the Drag-Rides were stored.

The elites of Syvalles were gathering in order to exterminate Abyss that appeared from Ruin.

Starting from the commanding officer Lisha, there were also Lux and Yoruka, then the members of Triad, Sharis, Tillfur, and Noct.

Airi would also accompany them as a record keeper.

Philuffy as well as the remaining members of Syvalles would remain behind to protect the Academy.

Yoruka still hadn"t been formally accepted into Syvalles, so this time she wouldn"t accompany the investigation.

「The mission today is only a light scouting, so there is no need to worry.」

After Lux told Yoruka that, she unexpectedly backed away obediently.

「Yes, if a danger is approaching Aruji-sama, then I will rush to your side in a flash no matter what.」

Lux nodded at Yoruka who answered him brightly, then he turned back toward Lisha and others.

「This time"s mission, you understand right, Lux?」

「Yes. I intend to pay meticulous attention to the situation.」

The top secret mission this time that was appointed to them from her majesty queen Raffi.

At the surface this outing had the pretext of exterminating Abyss that appeared around the Garden.

But, in actuality they had the aim of hiding the unidentified Grand Force that they were troubled about how to deal with inside the Garden.

The scheme was for the new kingdom to pretend that they had no such thing from the beginning while hiding it inside the Garden, then next time when they went to conquer the Garden, they would pick it up again.

So to speak it would be a put-up job, but Prime Minister Nulph also said that was the best way.

(Certainly, there is no other option for the new kingdom than to avoid the suspicion as traitor from other country while leaving behind the clue for the Ruin"s conquering but──)

Lux felt slightly reluctant to keep quiet about this matter even to Airi, the Triad, and also Yoruka.

「Then we are going! The destination is the surface of sixth Ruin, the Garden. We will only strike the Abyss that appear at the surrounding!」

In actuality after removing thte Abyss, they would bury the treasure box in the ground inside the Ruin, but Lisha declared the start of the mission without informing the other of that. Then suddenly a voice came from behind.

「──Well well, so there is also a knight order that really look unreliable like this.」

「You are──!?」

Almost everyone there was startled by the appearance of the person behind Lisha.

A person with small stature about the same like Lux.

Distinctive looking eye patch and a black eye with bottomless darkness were peering out from under the hood of the deep blue cloak he was wearing.

The vice captain of Seven Dragon Paladins──the Blue Tyrant, Singlen Shelbrit suddenly appeared in front of the hangar.

「Wha-! What are you coming here for! Leave!」

Lisha shuddered in fear and took distance from Singlen in panic.

While she was moving, lux quickly came in between them as though to block Singlen"s path.

「What is your business Sir Singlen? Will you refrain from hindering our operation?」

「Ha-ha-ha. You are talking big there, ch.o.r.e prince. Although, I cannot admire this. Right now is a waiting period that all countries have agreed on. An action that might stimulate the Ruin is forbidden by the agreement. I don"t want to believe it but, you aren"t planning to break it right?」

His voice didn"t sound merciless as though to corner Lux, but a voice that sounded joking.

However, Lux knew that he couldn"t let his guard down against this man exactly when he was like that.

「……We caught a report that the division commanders of Dragon Marauder who we were pursuing entered the territory of new kingdom. Of course we still haven"t caught sight of them in Cross Field, but this is them. There must be a large possibility of them getting into contact with the remaining Ruins.」

When Lux was showing a dubious expression, Prime Minister Nulph who came from behind whispered into his ear.

「At present, the new kingdom hasn"t heard anything about that kind of activity of Dragon Marauder. Most likely this is just a made-up story of Sir Singlen, but we also have no proof to deny it.」

Hearing his bitter tone, Lux easily guessed the circ.u.mstance.

The government was unable to stop the forcefulness of this man who suddenly appeared.

That time with Balzeride in the past was also troublesome but, for this man to be here would be extremely bad in regard to the top secret mission that was commanded to Lux and Lisha.

If they didn"t make some kind of excuse to distance this man, not only they would fail their mission, he might see through the existence of Grand Force and obtained the proof that the new kingdom was trying to hide it instead.

If that happened, the new kingdom would bear the risk of getting designated as traitor by the Lords, and in the worst case──the new kingdom might become attack target of every country.

In other words, they must not let Singlen to accompany them no matter what.

「There is no need for you to be bothered with this. We will be enough for this mission!」

It seemed that Lisha also had reached the same conclusion like Lux and she raised her voice like that.

But, Singlen made a smile that was filled with implication and cut down that excuse.

「I have talked with the upper bra.s.s of new kingdom. You all have no authority to refuse me from coming along in this.」

「Don"t make me repeat myself! I"m telling you we don"t need you coming along!」

Lisha tried to refuse bluntly once more.

Lux took a breath to continue after Lisha, but Prime Minister Nulph shook his head.

「You are misunderstanding your highness Lizsharte. Sir Singlen has volunteered to defend the first fortress in front of the Ruin.」

「Fortress"s defense……?」

Airi was surprised while muttering once more to comprehend the words.

「In other words, to prepare for the off chance that Abysses are surging out from the Ruin, Sir Singlen will prepare a defense in that fortress to block the enemy"s advance to Cross Field, is that it?」

Singlen calmly nodded at Sharis"s question.

And then he showed a wide mocking grin that looked like a crescent moon shaped maw.

「The Drag-Knights of my White Ridge knight order are already taking position in the first fortress near the Ruin. Of course I also have no intention of moving from there. That"s why I had no intention of accompanying your group or anything but──kukukuku, I was awfully hated here huh.」

Lisha groaned without hiding her anger.

Perhaps from the start he had guessed what Lux and others would do in the Ruin and he provoked them misleadingly like that.

In any case, the distance from the Garden to the first fortress was only a short few km.

Considering that it was a distance that could be closed in ten minutes when necessary, they couldn"t let their guard down.

「And so, I will head to the fortress first. I"ll pray that you fight to the best of your ability, ch.o.r.e prince.」

Singlen only said that and got on the shoulder of his subordinate"s Wyvern. Then they flew away and left.

Only conflicted and bitter atmosphere was left behind in the area.

「That man is like usual, a genius of hara.s.sment.」

Lisha grumbled right after Singlen left without even trying to hide her dissatisfaction.

But, Lux was asking the detail from Prime Minister Nulph with a nervous look even now.

「Forgive me. Sir Singlen proposed his cooperation with the matter this time was early in the morning today. We opposed him, but we were also unable to bluntly reject him.」

There were only three Ruins remaining.

If the new kingdom approached the remaining Ruin regardless of the waiting period where conquering Ruin was forbidden, it wasn"t strange for the new kingdom to get suspected of trying to get a head start.

But, rather than something like that, there was something else Lux feared more.

(Don"t tell me, he suspected?)

A big backpack was attached on the back of his Wyvern.

The treasure box that was holding the aforementioned Grand Force was put inside it.

「Lux, what should we do? About the extermination this time──」

Lux hesitated seeing the anxious Lisha.

After worrying for a few seconds, he made his decision.

「Sorry Yoruka. Can I ask you to do me a favor this time?」


Without reacting to Airi who was tilting her head, Yoruka nodded.

「It"s no problem Aruji-sama. It will be fine if I secretly monitor them to confirm that no one will be coming from behind right?」

「I see, so it"s something like that.」

Sharis lightly hit her palm after a bit of pause.

「If it"s Yato no Kami"s radar, their movement can be detected even from afar eh.」

「Yes. I will be responsible for the detection role in Lux-san"s group, so please rest a.s.sured.」

Yoruka immediately saw through Lux"s thinking and responded like that. Then next the Triad understood Lux"s intention and responded after her.

Yoruka would serve as the rear guard while monitoring whether Singlen would make any suspicious movement at the fortress in the back. Like that Lux"s group would be able to concentrate at the swarm of Abyss in the front.

「Then, let"s go! Everyone, are you prepared!?」


Following Lisha"s order, Lux and others took off with their respective Drag-Ride.

They were feeling tense with the departure after so long while heading to the Garden.

「Lux, how is your body"s condition? It"s okay if you don"t force yourself like that airhead girl you know?」

Beside him Lisha called out to him while flying at low alt.i.tude.

Her anxiety just now had vanished and it could be seen that she was full of confidence and spirit like usual.

「I"m fine. Also, as I thought Lisha-sama is really energetic.」

「Fuh, well yeah.」

Lisha kept gripping the control stick of Tiamat and responded with a self-a.s.sured smile.

「The Abyss extermination or the top secret mission doesn"t matter, because it"s a sortie together with you after so long. Besides──at our talk before this, Haha-ue praised me. My decision of making Lux my personal knight isn"t mistaken, she said.」

「Her majesty Raffy was……?」

Those words made Lux felt slightly saved too.

Raffi rose to the throne as queen with the death of Count Atismata, but she must also put a lot of trust to Lux.

The peace that was finally obtained after the old empire was destroyed.

This time for sure he had to answer that expectation and responsibility as a Seven Dragon Paladins.

「Saaay, we are also here though?」

Tillfur who was wearing Wyrn that was skating on the ground raised her voice with a tone and smile that looked jealous.

Then Sharis who was also flying slightly behind also continued after her.

「My goodness, approaching Lux-kun even at this kind of time, it seems that princess has piled up a lot of resentment from getting overwhelmed by the other girls.」

「Wha-……!? Yo, you are wrong, that"s not it!? I"m just, speaking the fact──」

「Yes. But I judged that Lisha-sama is still weak against pressure. Like this she won"t be able to stand a chance against the others.」

Seeing the fl.u.s.tered Lisha, Noct also retorted with a bland tone while leaping above ground.

「Yo, you guys are noisy! Don"t act worried as you pleased about me! E, even like this I at least planned to invite Lux at the end of the year!」

「Lisha-sama, please concentrate on the mission. You are the captain here.」

Airi who was sighing while being carried by Noct. Lisha couldn"t say anything back 「Mugugu……」 and she went ahead with bright red face.

Because Yoruka was using camouflage while following them from far behind, she was unable to partic.i.p.ate in the talk.

(This atmosphere is relaxing somehow.)

Because at Heiburg Lux was forced to be tense the whole time, this kind of usual conversation of the girls relaxed him.

But, the mission Lux and Lisha were carrying out wasn"t easy.

He took a deep breath and fired up himself again. Then the expected scenery was approaching.

「So that"s, the Garden right now.」

Airi"s voice that was tinged with graveness made everyone held their breath.

Lux hadn"t approached the Ruin since it was revitalized, but certainly its presence was different from before.

They could see Abysses that they had exterminated before. Two Golem, and then seven or eight Chimera and Haiit.

If it was before, the burden would be slightly harsh to face the enemy with only five Syvalles members.

The best plan would be to cooperate too with Yoruka at the back and lured the Abyss one by one to defeat them.

「Looks dangerous──but, it"s not for me to decide whether to spend time with a safe plan or not here.」

But, Lisha wasn"t even perturbed by the powerful lineup of the Abyss side and called out to everyone.

「Can you do this Triad? This is a chance to show off your cool side to Lux!」


Lux was bewildered at what Lisha said. Right after he made that