Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter 89

Episode 2 - Romance War

Part 1

「How nostalgic. This atmosphere too, the last time it felt like this was during the National Foundation Day I think?」

The horse carriage had pa.s.sed through the impressive castle gate. Lux got out from the carriage and stepped inside the castle town.

Airi beside him made a faint smile at the nostalgic air that they felt after a long time.

The Royal Capital of the New Kingdom, Lordgalia.

The castle town that was crammed with old fas.h.i.+oned but gorgeous buildings was bustling with colorful decorations. The main street was overflowing with vitality before the parade.

「The Abyss won"t come anymore right? The peace has come right? Yahoo!」

「Festival, what foods are there out there?」

They pa.s.sed a pair of young siblings on their way to the inn. Lux"s gaze turned towards the big brother and little sister who were talking energetically.

Because of the information manipulation that Listelka carried out by scattering the Abyss called Shadow everywhere, the" nerves had also been worn down.

That anxiety had also vanished after they safely stopped the activity of Sacred Eclipse.

Lux stared at the childish siblings smilingly while feeling relieved inside his heart.

It would be great if after this the people"s evaluation towards Queen Raffi was safely recover with this parade.

(I"m worried for her majesty.)

When he met her the other day in the fortress of the Marcafal Kingdom, she showed a fainthearted appearance due to her acc.u.mulating anxiety.

The throne of the King was also targeted by the senior consuls and she was losing confidence in uniting the New Kingdom, but that would be a troubling development for Lux too.

The despotic administration that went on for a long time where the tendency of male chauvinism was excessively strong.

The great man Count Atismata opposed the long history of the Old Empire head-on.

It was exactly because his little sister Queen Raffi succeeded him for the throne of the New Kingdom that the country was able to correct the antiquated bias.

And then, she also saved Lux and Airi who were in a situation where it wouldn"t be strange for them to get executed.

In order to repay that debt and also to become Lisha"s strength, there were still things remaining that he should do.

(I"m really stupid, thinking conveniently, that I might lose sight of my objective after the world was saved from danger.)

The moment Lux made a self-depreciating smile, Airi quietly pulled at the sleeve of Lux"s uniform.

「Nii-san. Please don"t act absentminded. You will get crashed into from behind like that.」

「Ah, sorry. I"ll be careful──」

When Lux was moving to avoid the tall horse carriages that were coming and going through the road, a large cargo slipped off and fell.

One wooden log was slipping off nearby Airi.

「──Watch out-!」

Lux reflexively stood in the way to protect Airi. The students around them held their breath.

But, the slipping off log didn"t hit Lux or Airi but stopped still in that place.


「Are you alright, Lu-chan?」

A dreamy voice that followed one"s own pace.

The reverberation that felt somewhat nostalgic and also pleasant made Lux spontaneously open his closed eyes.

Over there was the figure of a girl that was lightly supporting a single log with one hand to protect Lux and Airi.

The pink haired girl wearing the Academy"s uniform and a sword belt was Lux"s childhood friend, Philuffy Aingram.


「Heave, ho」

The horse cart"s coach got down in great panic about what happened, but Philuffy threw the log with one hand and returned it to its original position.

After that the headmaster Relie Aingram also came and together the two of them joined the line that was heading to the inn.

「You saved me there, thank you.」

「I"m Lu-chan"s bodyguard, after all.」

Lux"s cheeks unconsciously relaxed seeing the faint smile on her face.

She was a girl with a gentle and docile appearance, but she had been trained in martial arts by Magialca and possessed the power of an Abyss. It seemed that she was in good health.

At the battle the other day, she intentionally made the Ragnarok factor in her body rampage. Lux was worried whether it would have a bad influence on her body, but it seemed that for the time being she was alright to the degree that she could come to the parade.

Although, now that they had obtained Avalon, he wished that he would be able to make her receive treatment for the Abyss part in her body as soon as possible at the next chance but──

「My my, this is a bit of a failure. Even though I planned to make Lux-kun reunite with Phi at the party venue. But, this way is also not bad.」

「Headmaster……. Please stop ignoring your original objective and talk about the capture method for Nii-san.」

「I have prepared a dress exclusive for Phi for the sake of this day you know? I was holding hope that Lux-kun would lose his self-control when he is reunited with my little sister at the banquet but──」

Airi was muttering with an exasperated face, but Relie who had entered a state of wild delusion wouldn"t stop.

(Relie-san too is just like always huh……)

Lux smiled wryly, however he felt happy that he was able to reunite with Philuffy who was in good health.

It seemed he would be able to join up with several members of Syvalles even before the party.

When they entered the inn they were reserving together with the bewildered students, there was another encounter with an unexpected person.

「My bad to intrude while you are still tired from the journey, but I wonder if you can lend me a bit of your time, princess"s knight-dono.」

A great feudal lord of the New Kingdom──a person of the house of Ralgris that was one of the Four Great n.o.bles.

The one who was there wasn"t Celis who he was familiar with, but her father.

A man in the prime of his life with finely chiseled features, Dist Ralgris.

Lux had seen his face several times since his childhood, but he had no experience of talking personally with him.

He followed him nervously where he was guided into a nearby underground bar that didn"t have any sign of other customers.

Several men who seemed to be guards also came along, but even they were waiting outside the bar. The two of them were completely alone.

Philuffy who claimed to be Lux"s bodyguard also tried to come along, but as expected, he read the mood and asked her to stay in the inn.

There was no doubt that Dist was waiting for him in the inn because he had something important to talk about with him.

「Pardon me. I"m interrupting your break time and brought you to this kind of gloomy place.」

「Please don"t mind it. More importantly──」

Lux glanced towards the wooden counter that was giving off a dark brown l.u.s.ter.

Perhaps this place was completely reserved for the two of them, because he couldn"t even find the figure of the bar owner at the counter.

Dist prepared a gla.s.s of water instead of alcohol and put it in front of Lux.

「This is the first time I can have a talk like this with you. Thank you for taking care of my daughter all this time.」

「It"s an honor to be told so, Lord Dist. But it"s me who has been greatly indebted to Celis-senpai all this time.」

「No need to act humble like that, hero-dono.」

Even though Lux was told that, Dist"s rigid aura and tone made him nervous.

After exchanging a light greeting, they soon broached the main topic.

「What happened just now was dangerous wasn"t it? It looked like a simple accident but, thinking of the worst case, please be careful while you are in the capital. Right now you are already the center of discussion everywhere.」

「……? What do you mean by that?」

Dist drank some wine that was mixed with water.

When Lux tilted his head, Dist"s lips loosened for the first time looking really amused.

「So you aren"t aware of it. No, it"s only natural if you were devoting yourself to recuperation for two weeks after that intense battle.」

Lux pondered after hearing that comment, and before long he produced an answer from his own thought.

「Is there some kind of new movement within the New Kingdom?」

「Indeed. When the situation is lapsing into chaos, there will be forces at work to calm down the situation. Now that the situation has calmed down, the people who are trying to cause waves are making their move.」

It seemed his answer was correct.

While he was in the middle of recuperation, at most he would hear uncertain rumors within the academy, but from it he heard that there were several consuls introducing themselves in the attempt to run the current government in place of Queen Raffi.

Of course, the majority of the gave negative reactions to that.

After being liberated from the long reign of the Old Empire for five years, they didn"t want to get tossed around by power struggles inside the country.

「But, the Lord Listelka used the Abyss called Shadow to lure out the representatives of each country. In the New Kingdom, the Shadows" strategy was to hold her majesty the Queen in contempt. In addition, because the New Kingdom got seriously damaged in the great war, voices from various places that were asking her majesty to take responsibility are getting louder. That is a fact.」

「……Then, what is the relation of that with me becoming the center of discussion?」

「It"s talk about the possibility of you becoming a powerful weapon for the influential people of the New Kingdom.」

Lux held his breath at Dist"s statement that he said really naturally.

「This one year was full of upheaval. The a.s.sault of the Ragnarok, then there was also the appearance of the Lords, the rulers of the past that moved the very Ruins itself and threatened the country. There were also victims from that. The hearts of the people are ruled by anxiety, her majesty who is inexperienced with war as the sovereign of the country got looked down on, and the consuls who belong to the Old Empire faction raised their hands in an attempt to stand on the front stage themselves.」

「But, even that has calmed down to a certain degree right now. It"s because you, the New Kingdom"s Seven Dragon Paladin and Princess Lizsharte"s knight brought victory to the New Kingdom.」

Dist turned towards Lux after lightly gulping down his wine.

「You are someone who can influence even the Seven Dragon Paladins of other countries, and also the central character in Syvalles, the group that can possibly even become the main force of the New Kingdom in this period. If the leading actor of the military gains this time is the direct subordinate of Princess Lizsharte, then the people and also the consuls will have to recognize the result as her majesty"s achievement too. But if it"s looked from another perspective──」

「The present map of political power in the New Kingdom will be overwritten depending on the position that I display from here on……is that what you mean?」

Dist confirmed towards Lux"s serious expression.

「Just as you also know, we lost many Drag-Knights in that battle. Even in regards to the nurturing of  Drag-Knight"s, if someone can secure the 『hero』 who has also obtained support from the Royal Officer Academy, then their prospect in the government will also become clear with no obstruction. Can you imagine just how many n.o.bles the headmaster had to refuse from visiting you during the two weeks you were recuperating?」

Lux comprehended the situation that was surrounding his position and fell silent.

He saved the world from the danger of destruction as a Seven Dragon Paladin.

Lux himself didn"t have the slightest desire for authority.

In the first place he didn"t even have the leeway to think about such thing.

But, now that the world had been saved without problem like this, the flow where people wanted to use Lux as a weapon in political strife seemed to be growing even stronger than before.

The cornerstone of the next war potential.

If the existence that was considered as a hero in the New Kingdom entered under the banner of someone, the political map would be greatly changed.

「Even so, if you are still like before then there won"t be any problem. You have obligation towards her majesty the Queen and the Princess, I also heard that your relations.h.i.+p with them is favorable. You still have the collar of a criminal put on you, but no one can find any fault even if it is taken off from you. Therefore, I"ll ask you this.」

Dist"s expression suddenly tensed.

He fired off words like a bullet with a strong tone that questioned Lux"s resolve.

「Do you really think that her majesty the Queen right now has the caliber that is worthy to bring the New Kingdom together? Do you think that you can entrust the future from here on to her? If I tell you that I"m backing someone else──」

Tension ran through the underground bar.

A great feudal lord who was a chosen even throughout the New Kingdom. There was no way Lux who in the past tried to cause a revolution against the Old Empire wouldn"t be able to understand what kind of meaning there was inside the question of Dist who was the head of one of the Four Great n.o.bles.

The rewriting of the political map by making use of Lux"s existence.

He was being invited in order to realize the matter that was explained to him just now.

「I heard from my daughter that she is close with you. This will depend on you but, I won"t mind to present my daughter to you as proof of our alliance.」

The confined and soundless s.p.a.ce was filled with oppressive silence.

At the end of his pondering for a short while, Lux opened his mouth.

This talk was concluded a few minutes later and Lux was let go from the bar.

Part 2

「I"m back, Airi. ──Wait, uwah!?」

In the reserved inn where several dozens of the Academy"s students were staying.

When Lux opened the door of the hotel room that was a.s.signed to him, an unexpected scene flew into his sight.

Sitting on the sofa inside were Sharis, Tillfur, and Noct, the familiar members of the Triad. The one who was on the bed looking small and quiet was Airi.

And then even further in front of them, there was the figure of a black haired girl kneeling before him.

「I have been waiting, Aruji-sama. It is truly joyous to see you in good health.」

The one who was looking up to him with a feverish gaze was Kirihime Yoruka.

He was told by Airi that she was going to the Royal Capital for a while, so this was also his reunion with her after two weeks.

She wasn"t wearing her uniform but the black outfit of the nation of Koto.

Although Lux was surprised by the sudden happening, he was happy to be able to reunite with a comrade who had gone through deathly battles together with him and responded to her with a smile.

「It has been a long time Yoruka. Are you well? I wonder how many days it has been since the last time we met.」

When Lux relaxed his expression and talked to her, Yoruka showed a carefree smile and words were formed from her well-shaped lips.

「Oh my, Aruji-sama is such a joker. Since I woke up, most of the time I was always nearby Aruji-sama.」


Lux froze after hearing the words that she muttered naturally.

No, there was no way that could be true.

At the very least he had no memory of seeing Yoruka for two weeks since he returned to the new kingdom and began recuperating.

「Then, it"s me and Noct who won the bet with this. The payment will be after returning to Cross Field, so please pay with sweets and tea then.」

When Airi told that smilingly, Tillfur sent a desperate gaze to Lux.

「Lux-chi, you noticed didn"t you? I"m begging you please say sooo!」

「Err, just what is it about……?」

When Lux asked back with an astonished expression, Airi smiled with a triumphant expression.

「It"s just everyone overestimating Nii-san too much. After all Nii-san usually is so shockingly full of openings. It"s naïve that they don"t understand about that.」

「Yes. I was betting on Lux-san not noticing, but I"m surprised instead in a different sense. It"s unexpected that Yoruksan didn"t make any moves towards Lux-san at all in these two weeks.」

Noct was expressing her impression matter-of-factly with her face staying expressionless in contrast to her tone.

Besides her Sharis was scratching her head with a face that looked shocked.

「Unfortunately I too was bothered by that. To think that missy Yoruka would grow such common sense.」

「Err, can someone tell me what is going on already──」

When Lux timidly asked to the girls who were getting convinced by themselves, Airi nonchalantly told him.

「It"s not like it"s something important. We were betting whether in the end Nii-san would notice Yoruksan guarding you or not while Nii-san was sleeping for two weeks. That"s all.」


When Lux opened his mouth with a dumbfounded look, Noct gave him an explanation in order.

Yoruka who recovered early from the previous battle personally offered to stay at Lux"s side constantly.

But, Airi pointed out that if she did that Lux would become nervous instead and he might be unable to rest. Also, taking the possibility of Lux getting targeted by external enemies at this timing into account, the suggestion of 『guarding in a way that even Lux himself wouldn"t notice』 was proposed.

The Triad who heard about that story from Airi made a suggestion playfully to kill time.

They were secretly betting whether Lux would notice Yoruka or not in these two weeks.

「……Haa, is that so.」

Lux felt exhausted at the fact that he finally realized.

Certainly Yoruka"s stealth ability was also something amazing, but Lux was reflecting in his heart for being unable to notice her in that long period.

Because, in the worst case that the opponent wasn"t Yoruka, but a spy or a bandit like Dragon Marauder, it wouldn"t be strange even if he had got his life taken away like that.

「But, it has been a long time since I went through trouble like that. Protecting Aruji-sama while hiding was──」

「Was there any suspicious signs or something?」

Airi gasped at Yoruka"s implicative muttering and questioned her.

Lux also became curious and strained his ear, and then an unexpected answer came back.

「Yes. Seeing Aruji-sama unable to move his body satisfactorily, it made me want to help. It was really difficult to suppress my own desire. It was also the same at the times when Aruji-sama changed clothes in the bathroom or having a meal. Especially when Aruji-sama just woke up and it looked like his body was in pain──」

Yoruka"s cheeks blushed and she showed an intoxicated expression. Everyone fell silent in response.

A few seconds later, Sharis sighed with an astonished expression.

「Looks like the existence of the 『pact』 was really helpful. Because of that Lux-kun"s virginity just barely got away from danger.」

「Yes. It seems this is a gamble that is more dangerous than expected.」

「Lux-chi! You didn"t get anything strange done to you right!? You are really okay right!?」

「Somehow I"m feeling really uneasy now……」

「Please rest a.s.sured, Aruji-sama. Every day I checked the inside of your clothing to see whether there would be anything slipped into them.」

Yoruka showed a bright and wide smile. Seeing that, an awkward silence filled the room.

「Yoruksan. Can you teach me later secretly just what did you do specifically?」

「Wai-!? I"m begging you, stop that! You don"t need to say anything more than that so don"t say it-!」

Lux screamed in order to drown out Airi"s request.

He pa.s.sed the time of reunion with the girls along with disturbance that was more stimulating than usual.

Part 3

The night of the day they arrived in the capital came. Tomorrow would be the parade.

After Lux pa.s.sed a peaceful time chatting with the girls, for some reason he couldn"t fall asleep so he went to the rooftop of the inn to feel the night wind.

「Yoruka, can you hear me? Can I ask you to take care of Airi?」

「Understood. I"ll also watch out the surrounding with Yato no Kami"s radar.」

Lux smiled wryly at the reply that came from inside the darkness as though it was only natural.

He lightly waved his hand before climbing up the stair and opened the door.

「Somehow, this feels nostalgic.」

The night scenery of the capital spread out.

Lux immersed himself in a deep feeling while watching the proof of the city"s prosperity in the form of the lights in the town that looked like stars.

It had only been five years since the day of the Revolution.

The buildings themselves hadn"t changed that much, and yet the scenery looked different from before.

Perhaps it was because Lux was getting involved with this country once more as a knight of the New Kingdom, or perhaps because his criminal self had made a lot of comrades.

Or perhaps──

『Is it because you noticed that you will lose them once more? Ch.o.r.e boy, it"s about time to wake up from your dream.』

The mysterious voice that suddenly came into hearing made Lux focus his eyes.

He could see a silhouette near the edge of the inn"s rooftop.

A man wearing a deep blue robe was standing with the azure moonlight behind him.

The vice captain of the Seven Dragon Paladins, Singlen Shelbrit.

Lux heard that after Singlen fought him at Avalon, he survived and returned to the Blackend Kingdom.

(But, why is this man in this place? If I remember right, that time he……)

The string of memory he was pulling on snapped off.

When he focused his eyes, that figure vanished and in exchange a single Drag-Ride was landing down on the rooftop.

「What"s with that face? This is a reunion after so long you know? You are my knight──……after all.」

「You are──」

The girl dispelled the armor along with a sulky look that looked somewhat vexed.

The blonde hair in sidetail fluttered in the wind.

Her gaze contained a heat like a flame that was hidden within her pet.i.te body.

Lux"s expression naturally burst into a smile seeing the uniformed figure that was wearing a white coat.

「Lisha, sama?」

「Here I am Lux. That, you know, I really wanted to meet you……」


Seeing Lisha averting her face in embarra.s.sment, Lux jogged towards her.

Lux seemed to think of something and he was going to spread out his hands reflexively, but he then kneeled on the spot hurriedly.

(Wait, just what am I doing. Just now, it was as though I was going to……)

Just now, did he almost try to hug Lisha spontaneously?

Lux was exasperated with himself for almost behaving like that unconsciously.

But Lisha who was also forming a smile when seeing that changed her expression into dissatisfaction.

「Just what"s with you……. Even though, it"s okay even if you continued with that just now.」

「N, no-, more importantly it"s great that Lishsama looks well. Is your body"s condition alright already?」

「Well, I couldn"t move satisfactorily during the first ten days though. Since I became able to use Over Unit, I can understand just how reckless you have been until now. No wonder your little sister is a worrywart like that.」


Lux smiled wryly at Lisha"s implicit chiding of his excessive recklessness.

But, even that had come to an end with the previous battle.

「And I"m thinking to have you take a break for a while from your, and not because of that reason. My official duty is going to increase a lot from now──」

「That means……」

「At the last day of the parade, I"ll take off your collar. That"s what I"m saying.」

With the moonlight behind her, Lisha clenched both her hands and told him with a determined expression.

While the cool night air soaked into his skin, it felt like the time of the world had completely stopped.

Lux"s right hand unconsciously reached towards his neck.

What his fingertip touched was the black criminal collar.

Since the failure at that day of revolution, Lux continued to shoulder this shackle by his own wish.

He was thinking that he wouldn"t take it off until he found the answer of how he should live as a prince of the Old Empire.


「I have seen your way of life and your fight since you entered the Academy. No──it"s not just me. Even the people of this country should be aware of it too. There is already no one who will say that it"s a mistake for you to take off the collar.」

「……But, I──」

「As a princess of the New Kingdom, doing this also has another meaning of me putting up a good appearance to the people. And it"s also something that my mother also agreed with.」

「……Queen Raffi was?」

Lux recalled Dist"s words after hearing the words that Lisha said while averting her gaze.

『Troublesome old timer n.o.bles are crawling around trying to win you over with every kind of favorable treatment. Her majesty wants to take off your collar to forestall them. Perhaps you have at least heard the rumor about it.』

He could understand if it was a plan that was cooked up by Queen Raffi and Prime Minister Nulph.

In the long battle this time, various sacrifices were made and a lot of burden was also levied on the people.

In order to appease the people"s dissatisfaction and stabilize the shaky foundation of the New Kingdom, the New Years parade would be combined with the triumphant return of Lux and the others as a political advertis.e.m.e.nt.

It was a decision to obtain popularity by displaying that the hero who saved the world, Lux, owed everything to Queen Raffi and Lisha.

Lisha"s expression that was slightly sullen must be because she disliked political bargaining.

「But, I"ll be in agreement if it"s not in this kind of form. It"s not right for you to continue feeling guilt forever just because you were an imperial family member of the Old Empire. I want you to stay by my side not because of anything like you are being collared, but because it"s your own will.」

Lisha took a deep breath and raised up a voice that was filled with emotion.

He could directly feel that she was pus.h.i.+ng down her fear and summoned her courage from her pained and conflicted expression.

Those words didn"t come from a princess who was talking about politics, but from a girl who knew Lux intimately.

It was the look of a friend who in this nearly one year had accepted Lux"s existence.

Lux"s heart trembled from hearing her wish.

The girl who was his master taught him the answer towards what he had accomplished until now.

At that time, the memory of the affair during the afternoon was revived in his mind.

The conversation that he exchanged with Celis"s father, one of the Four Great n.o.bles, Dist Ralgris, half a day ago──

Part 4

「Do you really think that her majesty the queen right now has the caliber that is worthy to bring the New Kingdom together? Do you think that you can entrust the future from here on to her? If I tell you that I"m backing someone else──」

Dist said that with a stern tone inside the reserved underground bar.

A political strife by making use of Lux"s status as a hero.

Queen Raffi had lost the trust from people because of the great war this time. At present the senior consuls were aiming for the throne.

This was an invitation for Lux to side with them instead of the queen who was losing her unifying force.

Someone who was supported by one of the Four Great n.o.bles, Dist, was attempting to announce himself as the new king using Lux as a weapon.

「I heard from my daughter that she is close with you. This will depend on you but, I won"t mind to present my daughter to you as proof of our alliance.」

Celis who raised achievements as an aide of the Seven Dragon Paladins also received high evaluation as an existence that supported Lux.

The two of them deepening their relations.h.i.+p and getting married was the natural flow even if looking at it objectively. Like that, the person who Dist was supporting could gather influence and support in a form that didn"t feel out of place at all.

Lux could understand the meaning of that.

If Lux accepted Dist"s words at face value, he could also understand that Dist too was grieving the future of the New Kingdom in his own way and tried to do something about it.


「My apologies but, please allow me to treat this talk as though it never happened.」

Lux told that and directed a calm smile at Dist.

In response, the man in the prime of his life didn"t show any particular change in his att.i.tude and,

「I see.」

He only replied shortly like that.

「I wonder if my words aren"t trustworthy enough for you. Or perhaps, are you bewildered because this story is too sudden?」

「It"s not either of them.」

Lux smiled wryly at Dist"s question and faced him.

「I have faith in her majesty the Queen. I will support her majesty from now on together with Lishsama. It"s still only five years since the collapse of the Old Empire. I believe this is a period of time where everyone has to cooperate with each other no matter what in order to change the old traditions and tendencies.」

「I see.」

Dist showed a quiet smile and peered into Lux"s eyes.

「But, it might not be that easy just so you know. The heart of the populace isn"t a simple thing. Sometimes it doesn"t matter which side is the right one, the consciousness that wishes for a change can be born depending on the situation.」

His tone contained no stammering.

He added more words on top of that as though to question Lux"s resolve.

「Looking back at the results of the great war just now, the important negotiation to obtain the legacies and technologies of Avalon will begin in the future. Is it alright to leave it to her majesty at this rate? What are you going to do if she fails? How are you going to persuade the fellows clamoring that the result is unsatisfactory?」

「There is no other way than to observe the opinion in the congress and convince them with the result that her majesty the Queen achieved. It"s the mission of Lishsama and I to think of what can be done about it and then doing our best.」

「Of course, the cooperation of many people will be indispensable. Whether it"s the Four Great n.o.bles or the consuls of the Old Empire faction, we all have to rack our brains together from here on and combine our strength to overcome any difficulty. I believe that your daughter──Celis-senpai too would give her cooperation.」


Dist narrowed his eyes at Lux"s unhesitating claim.

「If the current me am going to become a tool to unite the populace"s sentiment, I want to be used for the sake of seeking everyone"s cooperation. I believe that will be for the good of this country.」

「Besides, Celis-senpai──your daughter, I believe she will dislike something like this. After all she is someone who is too kind and serious. That"s why, I will treat this talk as though it never happened.」

Lux said everything that should be said.

The bar was filled with silence and the time was slowly flowing.

After more than ten seconds pa.s.sed, Dist emptied the contents of his gla.s.s with a gulp.

「It seems, that I might be misjudging you.」

The stern aura that was enveloping Dist slackened slightly and he directed a gentle smile that possessed refinement towards Lux.

When Lux observed Dist"s expression with a dubious look, his voice that replied back had an easy tone.

「A mere decoration that will only get toyed by the people in power and do anything he is told despite his impressive strength as a Drag-Knight. I didn"t think that such man will be able to fascinate so many powerful warriors, even so it seems I made light of you too much. Now I"m relieved.」

「Were you, testing me?」

A test by mimicking an influential person giving an invitation to win over Lux, like just now. Lux wondered if it was something like that.

But, Dist shook his head a bit and denied that.

「Half of it was my true feelings. If you don"t have loyalty towards her majesty, and then, if you can be easily made to dance due to my words, then I will also have to consider that kind of path. After all I was also asked for cooperation by someone who is lamenting the future of the New Kingdom.」

So to speak, in that case he would seriously sketch the future map where that person would replace the current ruling power as the new sovereign.

Lux deliberately didn"t ask who that 『lamenting person』 could be.

「But, it doesn"t look like that. Your caliber is not one that can be taken advantage of by that lot. In that case it"s better for you to have your criminal collar removed by the princess on the last day of the parade. If you will make an oath to become the New Kingdom"s sword, then that collar will be nothing more than a shackle.」


「If there is something that I can do for the sake of the New Kingdom that is led by Queen Raffi, then I will give my cooperation. It"s just as you say, my daughter too will surely wish for that.」


After Lux nodded strongly, Dist presented his right hand.

When he grasped that hand, the man told him in satisfaction.

「Take care of this country"s future, oh the princess"s knight.」

「I will be relying on your encouragement, Lord Dist.」

Lux understood his feeling and exchanged a courteous greeting.

Right after that, the lips of the rigid man suddenly loosened.

「It"s okay even if you don"t be such a stickler for manners in a private place like this. Depending on the situation from here on, the relations.h.i.+p of you and I might become one that is not a total stranger from each other.」


When Lux tilted his head in incomprehension of those words" meaning, Dist filled his empty gla.s.s with wine that wasn"t mixed with water this time.

「In these two weeks while my daughter came back to recuperate at home, I threatened her. I told her that a lot of marriage proposals are coming. ──No, the marriage proposals themselves in fact exist, and she is also at the marriageable age as a n.o.ble"s daughter. And, what do you actually think? What is your impression of my daughter from your point of view?」

「Eh, that……!? ──Err」

Lux noticed that for some reason the direction of the talk had completely changed and he got bewildered.

It was mysterious. The stern atmosphere of Dist itself hadn"t changed, but it felt like the inside had thoroughly changed.

To express it simply, it was like he changed from being one of the great n.o.bles into a mere father──

「It"s strange to say it myself but, if her aspect of being overly serious is excluded, then I believe her looks and talent aren"t bad. You should be more knowledgeable about that than me, aren"t you?」


He got the feeling that the pressure from Dist was increasing even more than before instead…….

He even got the feeling that he wouldn"t be able to return back safe and sound if he chose the wrong words here.

「I am an awkward man. No matter what I can only take a strict method when raising up the daughter of one of the Four Great n.o.bles. When I pretended to be a strict father on the surface, I ended up seriously treating her distantly. In addition when she was in the phase of hating men, even I could not approach her carelessly.」

(……This person, he is really Celis-senpai"s father. There is no doubt about it!)

To think that both father and daughter were alike in having a personality that was easy to get into misunderstandings.

And then, as expected, even Lux could only be dumbfounded seeing how the father was actually also someone who easily felt lonely.

Lord Dist nonchalantly included boasting about his daughter in his talk, but could it be that actually even the father was misunderstanding Celis-senpai with the man-hater thing?

「My daughter cooking when she was a child was devastating, but based from what she told me, even her cooking skills are improving recently. I think that it"s not a bad thing but──」

No that was a lie.

No, perhaps in reality it was true that her cooking was improving, but Lux thought that it was still at a dangerous level.

It"s dangerous to swallow your daughter"s story whole like that you know?

(Or rather, the image of Lord Dist inside me is in danger……!)

What"s with this, it feels like no one would believe him no matter who he told.

「Lord Dist. It will be time for us to head to the royal castle soon.」

It seemed like the interrogation of Lux would still continue for some time, but a servant"s voice came from outside the bar and Dist rose from his seat.

「Sorry to take your time like this. Let"s continue this talk again someday.」

「You"re going to continue it!?」

Lux almost yelled those words reflexively, but he somehow succeeded in holding it back.

「Also, now that the path you are aiming for has become clear, then I guess it will be better to also tell you this beforehand. It"s about a n.o.ble called Waybra Hemt.」


Lux tried tracing his memory until the period of the Old Empire regarding that name, but he didn"t remember hearing that name before.

「Perhaps even you have heard his name before but, the old-timer n.o.bles who were supporting the Old Empire and still doing so even now are creating a faction of consuls called the 『Old Empire faction』. They are a bunch who are criticizing the new kingdom"s government and scheme to remove the queen if there is a chance. Recently that man joined their group.」

When Lux tilted his head in confusion, Dist told him the answer with his next words.

「If that"s all then originally it won"t be a big problem, but for some reason the Old Empire faction was starting to become active radically after that. In the first place, Waybra is a man who was a distant relative of the imperial family. There is a possibility that he brought an advantageous information to the Old Empire faction.」

Dist talked rapidly perhaps because he had no time while he was standing up and wearing his coat.

「I"m also watching out for him, he is an existence that might cause something in the middle of the parade. It has been two weeks since all of you succeeded in conquering Avalon. The Old Empire faction is starting to move behind the scenes. It seems they are forming a Drag-Knight force along with the second son of the house of Kreutzer, Sieg Kreutzer. The worst case might happen, so be careful.」

Couldn"t he talk about such an important case first?

Honestly speaking that was what Lux thought, but in reality Dist"s side themselves might not know anything more than that.

But, even in the case that the Old Empire faction hounded Queen Raffi tenaciously to take responsibility, now that the Sacred Eclipse had been stopped and peace had come, it would be difficult to shake the foundation of her political power.

Much less something like the seizure of authority, such thing would be exceedingly impossible, if the other side did that then they would have no future.

(In any case, it will be better if I worry about not only Lishsama, but Airi too.)

Lux was putting up his guard once more in regards to the schemes swirling inside the New Kingdom and parted from Dist.

Part 5

「But, I"ll be in agreement if it"s not in this kind of form. It"s not right for you to continue feeling guilt forever just because you were an imperial family member of the Old Empire. I want you to stay by my side not because of anything like you are being collared, but because it"s your own will.」

And then──now, on the rooftop of the inn the day before the New Year parade.

Lux"s mind returned to this night when he was reunited with Lisha.

He had saved the world from the threat of Sacred Eclipse and accomplished military exploits that were appropriate to write off his crime of being an imperial family member of the Old Empire.

Lux who currently become a heroic existence of the New Kingdom would have his position that was serving Queen Raffi and Lisha displayed in order to heighten their unifying force towards the populace──. No, Lisha said that she wanted to take off Lux"s collar unrelated to such political strategy.

She told him she wanted Lux whose crime was pardoned to serve her as her knight by his own will.

(Then, just like how I answered Lord Dist, I──)

This wasn"t something to hesitate about.

After all, this girl who was always looking forward and fought even while feeling distressed of her own circ.u.mstances had allowed him to discover the ideal royalty that Lux once strongly desired.

「I understand Lishsama. If you will also include Airi in it, then I will happily accept the amnesty.」

Lisha"s eyes brightened at Lux"s answer and she responded to that with a wide smile.

「Yeah! I"ll be relying on you from here on too, Lux!」

The two of them looked and smiled at each other"s face.

They were caught within an illusion of a warm atmosphere filling the inn"s rooftop where they could see the city"s lightings.

「……Wait, wait a second, what time is it!? s.h.i.+t……it"s still not midnight yet.」

Lisha gasped and recalled something. She then took out a pocket watch from her coat and confirmed the time.

When Lux tilted his head, she let out a somewhat lonely sigh.

「Haa……, there is still four more hours until the pact ends. E, even though it will be great if I can say it while the atmosphere finally became good like this……」

The pact was the agreement in regards to Lux that was partic.i.p.ated by many girls, from Krulcifer until even Aeril.

Lux himself didn"t know as far as the specifics of it, even so Lisha"s nervous determination was conveyed to him from her expression.

「But, it can"t be helped I guess. As a princess there is no way I can violate something that has been decided with everyone. Besides, I have to return to the castle now.」

「Then, let"s meet again at the parade tomorrow. I"m looking forward to it.」

「No, wait a bit, that……」

When Lux tried to console Lisha who was looking conflicted, she was going to say something.

After looking troubled for a bit, she continued nervously looking like she found it hard to talk.

「That"s, I"m feeling a bit uneasy for the banquet. I didn"t have time to practice for the dance you see. You are my knight, so naturally you have the duty to dance, that"s why──」

Lux guessed what she wanted to say seeing her mumbling figure.

Right after that, he presented a helping hand in front of this adorable princess without hesitation.

「I"m also in the same boat. After all I had been sleeping in recuperation all this time. Can I ask Lishsama to accompany this inexperienced me for a bit of dancing practice?」


A faint redness tinged Lisha"s cheeks when she saw Lux"s smile.

She timidly took his hand and relieve along with happiness emerged on her face.

「Thank you, Lux.」

Lux and Lisha began to dance while in their uniform.

They were stepping on the rooftops"s floor with inexperienced and clumsy steps.

Lux slowly took the lead with consideration.

The dazzling moonlight and the lighting of the vast townscape made the two"s special relations.h.i.+p to come to the front.

「──It would be great if time stopped like this. I"m, happy.」

Lux saw Lisha"s relieved smile.

It was the same like that time Lisha was happily nibbling on apple pie when it still hadn"t been long since they met each other, it was her natural smiling face. Lux"s chest thumped strongly when he saw that adorable gesture.

(Could it be, this feeling is──)

He noticed himself that was strongly attracted to Lisha before he noticed it.

Whether it was her sublime pa.s.sion that was like a blazing fire.

Or her pride as a princess, he thought of those as magnificent.

But, sometimes she would suddenly show her genuine self like this. Lux"s eyes were stolen for a while.

「──See you later Lux. Tonight was fun.」

It was only around five minutes, but they were able to spend a fulfilling time.

Lisha summoned her Drag-Ride and flew away. After parting from her, Lux returned from the rooftop to his room.

Lux laid down his body on the bed, but strangely his eyes were wide awake.

Recently he was feeling really unusual.

Lux was harboring even stronger feelings than before towards the girls in the Academy.

It wasn"t just a feeling of affection, he was aware that he was harboring a clear feeling of like towards them.

(Geez, just what am I thinking of at this kind of time……)

When he was about to think that it was imprudent of him, he noticed that it actually wasn"t something that strange because of his talk with Lord Dist this afternoon.

Now that the battle surrounding Avalon had been settled and the criminal collar would be taken off from him, there was nothing that was tying Lux down.

There wouldn"t be any problem even if he responded to the girls" feelings towards him.

As expected even Lux was starting to notice it vaguely.

No, until now he was unconsciously not thinking about it because of his particular personal history.

His status as a criminal who wouldn"t be allowed to marry.

The environment inside the imperial family that treated him as unnecessary created a wall in his relations.h.i.+ps with other people.

But, after the battle had reached an end, he noticed that he was coming to like the girls.

(Wait, what kind of convenient thing I"m thinking. Even though in the first place I don"t even know if everyone likes me as a man or not……)

When he closed his eyes, the figures of the comrades who were especially close to him, Lisha, Krulcifer, Celis, Philuffy, Yoruka, Aeril, and the Triad came to the forefront of his mind.

The beating of his heart fastened, but he hurriedly shook his head on the bed.

「This is awkward. The matters I"m thinking about are becoming a lot when my free time is increasing──」

Lux muttered a remark that showed his familiarity with doing while taking a deep breath to sort his feeling.

Then, his conversation with Dist in the afternoon was revived inside his head.

「A n.o.ble of the Old Empire faction, Waybra Hemt huh……」

Just when the Sacred Eclipse had been stopped and the world was saved from danger, he caught a glimpse of the disturbing elements in the New Kingdom.

Although, when he thought back at all the powerful enemies until now, there was no doubt that this was an incomparably small concern in comparison.

Even if, for example, they secretly possessed a hidden force of Drag-Knights, surely the quality and quant.i.ty would be far behind Dragon Marauder, and not to even mention the Lords.

Because, if they had that much power, there was no way they would stay quiet during the previous great war.

Naturally, Lux also had no intention to let his guard down, but it wasn"t a big deal.

(But, why is it. Why am I feeling this worried about a man who I have never even heard of before?)

Strictly speaking, he was concerned not towards that man himself, but at the phenomenon.

He was being caught in a misapprehension as though he had an idea from some time ago about that existence that might shake the foundation of the New Kingdom.

「As I thought, it looks like I"m still tired.」

Lux"s mutter was mixed with a sigh and he slowly closed his eyes.

The voice of someone could be heard inside the darkness.

The whispering voice of a man that sounded ridiculing.

The existence that shouldn"t even have any shadow or shape slipped into Lux"s consciousness.

But, the current Lux didn"t notice that.

Like that his consciousness was falling as though getting sucked into the abyss of darkness.