Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties

Chapter 24

_Method._--Fill the tea-ball half full with tea, put the ball into the cup, with a cherry or a slice of lemon, and pour boiling water over them; remove the ball when the tea is of the desired strength.

=Rich Chocolate.=


4 ounces of chocolate.

4 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.

1/4 a cup of hot water.

1 quart of scalded milk.

1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.

Whites of 3 eggs.

1 pint of thick cream.

1/3 a cup of powdered sugar.

_Method._--Grate the chocolate, add the granulated sugar and hot water, and cook until smooth and glossy; with a whisk beat in the hot milk very gradually, and return to a double boiler to keep hot. Beat the cream until solid. Beat the whites of the eggs until dry, then beat in the powdered sugar and fold the cream into the egg and sugar. Add half of the cream mixture to the chocolate with the vanilla, and mix while the cream is heating. Serve the rest of the cream in spoonfuls upon the chocolate in the cups.

=Plain Chocolate.=

Prepare as in preceding recipe, omitting the cream mixture and such portion of the chocolate as is desired.

=Plain Cocoa.=


4 teaspoonfuls of cocoa.

4 teaspoonfuls of sugar.

1 cup of boiling water, 1 cup of hot milk.

Whipped cream, if desired.

_Method._--Mix the cocoa and sugar, pour over the boiling water, and when boiling again add the hot milk; beat the whipped cream into the hot cocoa, or serve a spoonful upon the top of each cup.

=Ceylon Cocoa.=

Scald a two-inch piece of paper-bark cinnamon with the milk to be used in making the cocoa.

=Sultana Cocoa.=

Stem and wash half a pound of sultana raisins; let them stand, covered with one quart of boiling water, upon the back of the range an hour or more; filter the water through folds of cheese-cloth and use in making cocoa or chocolate.

=Egg Lemonade.=


1 egg.

4 tablespoonfuls of sugar.

Juice of 2 lemons.

2 cups of water.

_Method._--Beat the egg until white and yolk are well mixed; then beat in the sugar, the lemon juice and the water.

=Fruit Punch.=


1 pineapple.

4 cups of sugar.

3 cups of boiling water.

1 cup of tea, freshly made.

5 lemons.

6 oranges.

1 pint of strawberry or grape juice.

1/2 a pint of maraschino cherries.

1 bottle of Apollinaris water.

6 quarts of water.

_Method._--Grate the pineapple, add the boiling water and the sugar, and boil fifteen minutes; add the tea and strain into the punch-bowl. When cold add the fruit juice, the cherries and the cold water. A short time before serving, add a piece of ice, and, on serving, the Apollinaris water. Strawberries, mint leaves, or slices of banana may be used in the place of the cherries.

=Punch a la Nantes.=


2 pounds of rhubarb.

1 pint of water.

1 bay leaf.

1 cup of sugar.

1 cup of orange juice.

1/4 a cup of lemon juice.

1/4 a cup of ginger syrup.

_Method._--Cut the rhubarb into pieces without peeling; add the bay leaf and water, and let simmer until the rhubarb is tender; strain through a cheese-cloth. Boil the juice with the sugar five minutes. When cold add the orange and lemon juice, with one-fourth a cup of syrup from a jar of preserved ginger, and a piece of ice. Add water as needed.

=Home-made Soda Water.=


2-1/4 pounds of granulated sugar.

1-3/4 ounces of tartaric acid.

1 pint of water.

Whites of 3 eggs.