Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties

Chapter 14

(See page 86)]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Marguerite Salad.

(See page 86)]

=Pate de Foie Gras, Moulded in Aspic.=

Cover the bottoms of small-sized timbale moulds with a little aspic jelly; decorate the jelly with bits of royal custard and capers; cover with more aspic; then add, alternately, layers of _pate de foie gras_ and aspic, until the mould is filled. Turn on to shredded lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise, using pastry bag and tube. Arrange on individual dishes, so as not to disarrange the dressing in serving. Or, garnish with a chopped cuc.u.mber dressed with French dressing.

=Spinach-and-Tongue Salad.=


1/4 a peck of spinach.

1 tablespoonful of lemon juice.

1/4 a teaspoonful of salt.

A dash of paprica.

1 tablespoonful of oil or b.u.t.ter.

Slices of cold tongue.

Sauce tartare.

_Method._--Cook the spinach in salted boiling water until tender; drain, and chop very fine, and season with salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice.

Press into small, well-b.u.t.tered moulds or cups. Have ready thin, round slices of cold boiled or braised tongue, the slices a trifle larger than the cups of spinach. When the spinach is cold turn it from the moulds on to the rounds of tongue, and press a star of sauce tartare on the top of each mould. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon.

=Spinach-and-Egg Salad.=

(See cut facing page 84.)

Prepare and mould the spinach as in the preceding recipe. Have ready, also, some cold boiled eggs and mayonnaise. Turn the spinach from the moulds on to nests of shredded lettuce. Dispose, chain fashion, around the base of the spinach, the whites of the eggs cut in rings, and press a star of mayonnaise in the centre of each ring. Pa.s.s the yolks through a sieve and sprinkle over the tops of the mounds, and place above this the round ends of the whites.

=Marguerite Salad.=

(See cut facing page 84.)

Arrange garden cress on a serving-dish; in the centre dispose whites of hard-boiled eggs cut in eighths lengthwise, to resemble the petals of a flower, and sift the yolks into the centre. When ready to serve, sprinkle with French dressing and toss together.

=Easter Salad.=

With the smooth sides of b.u.t.ter-hands roll Neufchatel cheese into small egg shapes. Cut long radishes into straws and season with French dressing. Scatter the straws in lettuce nests, arrange the eggs in the nests, sprinkle with dressing, and fleck with chopped parsley or paprica.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Easter Salad.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Country Salad.

(See page 87)]

=Easter Salad, No. 2.=

Arrange flat nests of shredded lettuce on individual plates. Cut a five-cent Neufchatel cheese in three pieces; roll each piece into a ball and flatten to resemble the white of a poached egg, having the cheese about one-fourth an inch in thickness. These may be shaped upon a plate and then removed carefully with a spatula to the nests of lettuce. With pastry bag and plain tube put a mound of mayonnaise on the centre of each cake of cheese, to represent the yolk of an egg. Serve thoroughly chilled. A dash of pepper (paprica preferred) may decorate the top of the dressing.

=Country Salad.=

(See cut facing page 86.)

Cut cold boiled corned beef or tongue into thin strips and pile in the centre of a serving-dish. Cook potato b.a.l.l.s in meat broth until tender; blanch and cool, roll in mayonnaise or boiled dressing, and dispose about the meat. About these put a ring of celery cut fine, then cooked carrot and turnip cut in straws. Garnish with parsley and cuc.u.mber pickles cut in fans. Serve with additional dressing.

=Orange-and-Litchi Nut Salad.=

Peel the oranges and cut them into lengthwise slices. Crush the of the nuts, take out the meats, and remove the stones; cut the nut meats in halves. Mix the nuts with oil, a tablespoonful to a cup, and sprinkle the orange slices with oil; add also a little lemon juice if the oranges are sweet. Garnish with slices of orange from which the skin has not been taken, also, if desired, with lettuce dressed with French dressing. The oil and lettuce may be omitted, using sugar in place; little, however, will be needed, as the nuts are sweet, tasting much like raisins.

=Green-and-White Salad.=

Cut cooked chicken or sweetbreads in half-inch cubes; remove the skin and seeds from white grapes, and cut each grape in halves; cut tender blanched celery stalks in small pieces. Take equal portions of celery and meat and half as much of seeded grapes. Mix with French dressing; the meat should stand in the dressing an hour or more, when ready to serve. Serve in nests of lettuce. Dispose a little white mayonnaise or cream dressing on each nest. Garnish with halves of blanched pistachio nuts.


"Fat olives and pistachio"s fragrant nut, And the pine"s tasteful apple."

=Fruit Salad.=

(_Sweet, to serve with cake._)

Peel and slice four bananas, also four oranges, lengthwise, carefully removing pith and seeds. Dissect half a ripe pineapple, taking the pulp from the core in small pieces with a silver fork. Hull and wash a part of a basket of strawberries. Arrange the fruit in the salad-bowl, making each layer smaller than the preceding. Pour over the dressing given below, and serve thoroughly chilled.

=Dressing for Fruit Salad.=


Boil one cup of sugar and half a cup of water five minutes, then pour on to the beaten yolks of three eggs; return to the fire and cook over hot water, stirring constantly until thickened slightly; cool, and add the juice of two lemons. Half a cup of wine may be used in the place of the lemon juice, retaining one tablespoonful of the lemon juice.

=Fruit Salad.=
