Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties

Chapter 33

_Method._--Cook the mushrooms in the tomato sauce until tender; add the seasoning and the eggs, which have been broken into a bowl. Lift the whites carefully with a silver or wooden fork while cooking, until they are set; then p.r.i.c.k the yolks and let them mix with the tomato, whites of the eggs and mushrooms. Serve quite soft on toast.

=Scotch Woodc.o.c.k.=

Make a cup of white sauce; add one tablespoonful of essence of anchovies and five hard-boiled eggs cut into quarters lengthwise.

=Eggs a la Italienne.=


5 eggs.

1 cup of milk.

1/2 a cup of boiled spaghetti, chopped.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter.

1/2 a cup of fresh mushrooms, sliced.

1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley.

1 scant teaspoonful of salt.

White pepper.

_Method._--Melt the b.u.t.ter in the blazer and saute in it the sliced mushrooms; add the milk and spaghetti, and, when heated thoroughly, put the blazer in the bath and add the beaten eggs. Stir and cook until the eggs have thickened; then add the parsley and seasoning, and serve at once.

=Eggs a la Parisienne.=

b.u.t.ter thickly the inner sides of as many dariole moulds as there are individuals to serve. Then sprinkle them thickly with fine-chopped parsley, ham or tongue. Break an egg into each mould, taking care not to break the yolk; sprinkle over the tops a little salt and pepper, and set in the blazer surrounded by hot water to two-thirds the height of the moulds. If, after a time, the water boils, even with the lamp turned low, put the blazer into the bath and continue cooking, until the eggs are set. The eggs should be covered while cooking. When cooked, turn from the moulds and serve with a puree of tomatoes. Half a cup of sliced mushrooms added to the puree improves this dish.

=Curried Eggs.=

(See cut facing page 186.)


6 eggs, cooked, in water just below the boiling-point, 20 minutes.

1/2 a cup of stock (fish, veal or chicken).

1/2 a cup of milk.

2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

2 tablespoonfuls of flour, or 1 teaspoonful of cornstarch.

1/2 a teaspoonful of curry-powder.

1 slice of onion.

Teaspoonful of lemon juice.

Salt and pepper to taste.

_Method._--Cook the onion in the b.u.t.ter a few minutes, then remove it and add the flour and curry powder; when frothy add the milk and stock.

As soon as the boiling-point is reached, set the blazer into the hot-water pan and add the eggs cut in quarters. Season with salt and serve on sippets of toast.

Light meats, fish, oysters and lobsters may be prepared in the same way, omitting the half-cup of milk in the case of oysters. Chickens" livers may also be prepared by the same recipe, in which case the livers should have been cooked previously. Or they may be sauted in a little hot b.u.t.ter in one dish, while the sauce is made in another.

=Shirred Eggs.=

b.u.t.ter four or five shirring-dishes. To half a cup of grated bread crumbs and half a cup of chopped chicken or ham add enough cream to mix to a smooth, moist consistency, like b.u.t.ter. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put a tablespoonful of the mixture into each dish, break in an egg, season with a dash of salt and pepper, cover with more of the mixture, and cook in the same manner as eggs a la Parisienne. Serve in the cups.


(_Creole style._)

Have prepared on a hot serving-dish a can of tomatoes, stewed until they are reduced to a scant pint, and upon the tomatoes rounds of b.u.t.tered toast for each egg to be served. Break some eggs, one by one, into a cup, and turn them into the blazer two-thirds filled with hot water; turn the flame low and put on the chafing-dish cover; if the water boils, turn down the flame. When the eggs are nicely poached, remove with a skimmer to the toast. Pour out the water and melt in the blazer, browning if desired, two tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter; add one tablespoonful of lemon juice; heat to the boiling-point, dust the eggs with salt and pepper, pour over the sauce, and serve.

=Egg Canapes.=

Have ready, cooked beforehand, four hard-boiled eggs; cut them carefully into halves lengthwise, remove the yolks, and press them through a small sieve. Soak two anchovies, then dry and remove the bones and chop them with two or three cold cooked mushrooms and half a teaspoonful of capers; mix in the sifted yolks, add a seasoning of salt, pepper and paprica, and one teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar. This work may be done some hours before the time of serving. Have a little oil or clarified b.u.t.ter in the blazer, and saute in it some rounds of bread--one for each half of an egg. When the bread is of good color on one side, turn it and place half an egg--the s.p.a.ce from which the yolk was taken being filled with the anchovy mixture--on the bread; cover the blazer, and, when the second side of the bread is browned nicely and the egg hot, serve at once.

=Eggs with Asparagus.=


1 cup of asparagus peas.

1 cup of asparagus liquor.

2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

2 tablespoonfuls of flour.

1/4 a teaspoonful of salt.


3 or 4 eggs.

_Method._--Cut the asparagus in pieces of the size of a pea and cook until tender. In cooking, reserve the tips until the other pieces are partially cooked, or, being more tender, they will become broken while the others are still uncooked. Make a sauce of the b.u.t.ter, flour, salt, paprica, and water in which the asparagus was cooked, or use half a cup of cream in the place of part of the asparagus liquor. When the sauce boils, add the asparagus and mix lightly with the sauce; break the eggs, one after another, into a cup and slide them carefully on to the top of the asparagus. Season with a sprinkling of salt and pepper, and, if desired, a grating of nutmeg. Set the blazer into the bath and put on the cover. When the eggs are nicely poached, remove the eggs, with the asparagus below, on to rounds of toasted and b.u.t.tered bread.

=Eggs with Spinach.=

Prepare in the same manner, using for one cup of chopped spinach one-third the quant.i.ty of sauce given above. If convenient, the eggs may be poached in a second dish, and in milk, water or stock.


(_Italian Style._)

Cut six cold, hard-boiled eggs into eighths lengthwise; add these, with a cup of cooked macaroni and half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese, to two cups of white sauce, at the boiling-point, in the blazer. Set over hot water, add a teaspoonful of onion juice, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, salt and anchovy essence to taste, and serve very hot.


Although the cheer be poor, "Twill fill your stomachs.