Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties

Chapter 35

=Tomato Sandwich.=


6 shredded-wheat biscuit.

4 medium-sized tomatoes.

1/2 a teaspoonful of salt.

8 teaspoonfuls of sugar, or 8 teaspoonfuls of mayonnaise dressing.

_Method._--Peel the tomatoes, cut in small pieces, add the salt, and sugar, if used, and set aside in a cool place. Split the biscuits, dip the inside lightly into cold water without wetting the outside, put the halves together, and arrange in a b.u.t.tered blazer; cover, and heat over hot water; then separate the halves, and, using a knife dipped in hot water, spread with b.u.t.ter. Put a layer of tomatoes on the bottom half, if sugar has not been used, add the salad dressing, and cover with the top of the biscuit, pressing it down lightly.

=Kornlet Oysters.=

To one cup of kornlet add two well-beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of flour, a scant half teaspoonful of salt and a dash of paprica. Drop, by spoonfuls, into a hot, well-oiled blazer and cook to a golden brown, turn, and brown the other side.

=Kornlet Oysters, No. 2.=

To one can of kornlet add a teaspoonful of soda, two well-beaten eggs, salt and pepper, and enough fine cracker crumbs to hold the mixture together. Drop from a spoon and cook as above.


"Take heed of enemies reconciled and meats twice cooked."

=Suggestions Concerning Rechauffes.=

Many of the dishes prepared in the chafing-dish are rechauffes of cold cooked meats, including game and fish. The composition of such dishes is called "the flower of cookery": but it is well to remember that we are dealing with a cla.s.s of foods that are more digestible when cooked rare; also, that in these cases digestibility decreases in proportion to the length of time, as well as the number of times, the article has been cooked. The meat or fish composing such dishes should not come into direct contact with the source of heat; after being freed from skin, bone and fat, they should simply be heated in a hot sauce over hot water.

=Corned-Beef Hash.=

(_Spanish style._)

Chop together very fine the corned beef and potatoes and a half or a whole green pepper, after having removed the seeds and veins; put two tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter into the blazer (over hot water), add the chopped ingredients, and season to suit the taste, adding a little stock or milk to moisten; mix thoroughly, then cover, and stir occasionally until heated through. Put a few bits of b.u.t.ter here and there over the top, and serve when melted. Use an equal quant.i.ty of meat and potato, or twice as much potato as meat. Serve with olives, pickles or a light vegetable salad.

=Mock Terrapin.=

Have ready cooked half a calf"s liver (it may be boiled or braised with vegetables). Cut it into small cubes. Put one-fourth a cup of b.u.t.ter into the blazer; when colored a little add the cubes of liver dredged with two tablespoonfuls of flour, one-fourth a teaspoonful of paprica and half a teaspoonful of salt. Stir and cook until the flour is blended with the b.u.t.ter; then add one cup of water or stock and one teaspoonful of chopped parsley. As soon as the sauce boils, add one-fourth a cup of cream, two hard-boiled eggs chopped fine, and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Serve on toast, with quarters of lemon cut lengthwise.

_Note._--Cream may be used in the place of stock, and the yolks of two uncooked eggs instead of the cooked eggs.


(_Queen style._)

Cut cold cooked chicken or turkey and cooked tongue (enough to make one cup of meat) in dice; cut into inch-length pieces cooked spaghetti enough to make one cup. Put one cup and a half of thin cream into the blazer over hot water, and, when hot, add the meat and spaghetti. Beat the yolks of two eggs, add two tablespoonfuls of cream, and stir into the hot mixture; add, also, half a teaspoonful (scant) of salt and a dash of paprica. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens slightly, then serve at once with toast or crackers.

=Scrambled Ham and Eggs.=

Put a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter in the blazer. Break six eggs into a bowl, add six tablespoonfuls of water, and beat until you can take up a spoonful. Add about a cup of fine-chopped ham and mix well. Pour into the blazer, and cook until creamy, stirring constantly.

=Chicken Klopps with Bechamel Sauce.=


2 cups of cold chicken, chopped.

1/4 a teaspoonful of celery pepper.

1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley.

The unbeaten whites of 4 eggs.

1 teaspoonful of salt.

_Method._--When ready to cook, mix the ingredients together thoroughly and form into round b.a.l.l.s. Place the b.a.l.l.s carefully in water _just off the boil_, and, in about five minutes, or as soon as the egg seems poached, remove the klopps with a skimmer. Serve with



1/3 a cup of b.u.t.ter.

1/3 a cup of flour.

1 cup of cream.

1 cup of chicken stock.

1/2 a teaspoonful of salt.

A dash of paprica.

The beaten yolks of 1 or 2 eggs.

_Method._--Make the sauce in the usual manner, but _do not let it boil after the yolks of the eggs are added_.

=Minced Ham a la Poulette.=

To each cup of fine-chopped ham add one tablespoonful of fine bread crumbs, softened with cream or milk. Season with salt and pepper. Heat thoroughly and spread on rounds of moist b.u.t.tered toast. Place a poached _egg_ on each slice. Use two dishes.

=Epicurean Canapes.=

Heat a little b.u.t.ter in the blazer; saute in it some narrow strips of bread and spread them thickly with the mixture used for epicurean sandwiches. Press a pitted olive in the centre of each and serve at once.

=Aberdeen Sandwiches.=