Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties

Chapter 7

3 olives, chopped fine.

3 gherkins, chopped fine.

2 tablespoonfuls of capers.

Salt and pepper.

Mayonnaise dressing.

_Method._--Remove a round piece from the stem end of the tomatoes and scoop out the seeds and centre. Chill thoroughly. When ready to serve, mix together the solid part removed from the tomatoes, cut fine, and the other ingredients; season to taste with salt and pepper, adding also mayonnaise to hold the mixture together. With this fill the tomatoes, put them in nests of lettuce or cress, and force a star of mayonnaise on the top of each tomato.

=Tomato Salad, Horseradish Dressing.=

Plunge the tomatoes, placed in a wire basket, into a kettle of hot water; remove at once and rub off the skin; chill thoroughly and cut in halves. Serve on lettuce leaves with a star of cream dressing, seasoned with grated horseradish, on the top of each slice.

=Tomato-and-Sweetbread Salad.=

Cook two sweetbreads as directed on another page, or braise with vegetables. Cool between two plates bearing a weight. When cold cut into slices and stamp into rounds of suitable size to use with slices of tomato. Cover the slices of sweetbread with chaud-froid sauce and decorate with fine-chopped parsley or sifted yolk of egg; pour over a little melted aspic. When the aspic is set, trim neatly, and arrange each round of sweetbread on a slice of chilled tomato. Serve inside a border of lettuce around a salad made of the of the sweetbreads and a cuc.u.mber cut in cubes and dressed with mayonnaise.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cress, Cuc.u.mber, and Tomato Salad.

(See page 41)]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Tomato Jelly with Celery and Nuts.

(See page 43)]

=Cress,-Cuc.u.mber-and-Tomato Salad.=

Wash the cress and shake dry; arrange as a bed on a serving-dish, discarding the coa.r.s.e stems; above this make a smaller bed of cuc.u.mbers, cut in slices or dice and dressed with French dressing, using three tablespoonfuls of oil and one of vinegar or lemon juice to a pint of cuc.u.mber. Arrange peeled tomatoes, chilled and cut in pieces, upon the cuc.u.mbers. Serve with French, cream or mayonnaise dressing.

=Tomatoes Stuffed with Cuc.u.mber.=

Peel five tomatoes, cut off the stem ends and scoop out the pulp, thus forming cups; set, turned upside down, in a cool place. Chop fine the solid pulp from the tomatoes and one cuc.u.mber, chilled before chopping; stir into a cup of cream dressing and fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Salt and pepper will be needed in addition to that in the dressing. If at hand, a pimento may be chopped with the other ingredients, or two tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish may be used.

Serve at once on lettuce leaves.

=Tomatoes Stuffed with Jelly.=

Chop one sweetbread and one cuc.u.mber fine. To each cup (solid and liquid) add one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of salt and paprica, a few drops of onion juice and a tablespoonful of capers; add also half a tablespoonful of granulated gelatine, soaked in two or three tablespoonfuls of cold water and melted over hot water. Stir until the mixture begins to congeal, then fill into tomatoes prepared as above.

Set aside on the ice for half an hour, at least; then serve on lettuce leaves with either mayonnaise, boiled or cream dressing. Calf"s brains, chicken, veal, tongue or ham may be subst.i.tuted for the sweetbread.

=Tomatoes Farces a l"Aspic.=


6 even-sized ripe tomatoes.

1 pint of aspic jelly.

1/2 a cup of lobster meat, chopped fine.

1 tablespoonful of capers.

2 yolks of hard-boiled eggs.

Mayonnaise, parsley, lettuce.

_Method._--Scoop out the centres of the tomatoes, after removing the skin, and chill thoroughly. Pa.s.s the yolks through a sieve, add to the lobster, with the capers, half a cup of mayonnaise and half a cup of chicken aspic, thick and cold, but not set; stir these in a dish standing in ice water until nearly set; then fill the cavities in the tomatoes with the mixture. Brush over the outside of the tomatoes with half-set aspic; when the aspic is set, repeat twice, then set aside on ice for some time before serving. Serve on a bed of lettuce seasoned with French dressing. Garnish each tomato with a sprig of parsley and the salad-dish with blocks of aspic. Anchovies or any cooked fish may be subst.i.tuted for the lobster. Serve with mayonnaise.

=Tomato Jelly.=

Soak three-fourths a box of gelatine in half a cup of cold water. Cook a can of tomatoes, half an onion, a stalk of celery, a bay leaf, two cloves, a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of paprica ten minutes. Add two tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar and the gelatine, stir till dissolved, strain, and mould in a ring mould. When cold turn from the mould and fill the centre with


Cut fine tender stalks of celery and English walnuts and mix with French dressing. Garnish the centre of the salad and the border of the jelly with tender leaves of lettuce and bits of curled celery.

=Tomato-Jelly Salad, No. 2.=

Make the jelly and mould as before. Fill in the centre of the ring with shredded cabbage, pimentos and pecan nuts, mixed with boiled dressing.

=Tomato Jelly with String Beans.=

Cook tiny string beans until tender in boiling salted water; season while hot with onion juice, salt, pepper and tarragon vinegar. When cold add oil and toss the beans about until each bean is coated with the oil.

Fill the centre of the jelly, fashioned in a ring mould, with the beans, and sprinkle over them a fine-chopped pimento. Garnish with lettuce leaves. Fine-chopped chives may be used in the place of the onion juice; they are particularly appropriate in any bean salad. If the beans are large, cut in halves lengthwise and the halves crosswise.

Tomato jelly may be served in a ring mould with turkey, oyster, plain chicken, French chicken, and other salads. The oysters should be scalded and drained, then marinated with French dressing. Chicken and turkey should also be marinated before mixing with celery and the mayonnaise or boiled dressing.

=Tomato-and-Artichoke Salad.=


Choose medium-sized tomatoes, firm and smooth skinned. Peel them, cut a slice from the stem end and remove the seeds with a small spoon.

Sprinkle the interior of these cups with salt and set on ice. When ready to serve, wipe them dry and fill with artichokes cut into dice and mixed with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves. Use tarragon vinegar in preparing the dressing. Cook the artichoke hearts until just tender,--no longer,--in salted boiling water, then drain and cool.

=Artichoke Salad.=

(_For game._)


Peel three oranges, remove the pith and white skin and slice lengthwise; use an equal amount of tender blanched celery stalks cut into inch lengths. Mix together lightly with two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, half a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter a teaspoonful of paprica. Heap together lightly on a serving-dish and surround with cooked hearts of artichokes cut into quarters; wreathe with blanched celery leaves.

=Artichoke Salad.=