Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge

Chapter 20

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_A Treatise on Modern Steam Engines and Boilers_, including Land Locomotive, and Marine Engines and Boilers, for the use of Students. By FREDERICK COLYER, M. Inst. C.E., Mem. Inst. M.E. _With 36 plates._ 4to, cloth, 12_s._ 6_d._


1. Introduction--2. Original Engines--3. Boilers--4. High-Pressure Beam Engines--5. Cornish Beam Engines--6. Horizontal Engines--7.

Oscillating Engines--8. Vertical High-Pressure Engines--9. Special Engines--10. Portable Engines--11. Locomotive Engines--12. Marine Engines.

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Examination of Diagram No. 1.

Of Truth in the Diagram.

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Introductory Remarks.



Directions for ascertaining from the Diagram the Power exerted by the Engine.

To Measure from the Diagram the Quant.i.ty of Steam Consumed.

To Measure from the Diagram the Quant.i.ty of Heat Expended.

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Observations on the several Lines of the Diagram.

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Of other Applications of the Indicator.

Of the use of the Tables of the Properties of Steam in Calculating the Duty of Boilers.


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The Modification of the Acceleration and r.e.t.a.r.dation that is occasioned by the Angular Vibration of the Connecting-rod.

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Containing 220 Plates, with numerous Drawings selected from the Architecture of Former and Present Times.