Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 33

Publishedat 22nd of October 2019 07:38:53 PMChapter 33

Yi Zhilan’s child was born smoothly . Since she found out that she was pregnant, she had been eating well and sleeping well . She was usually taken care of properly . She didn’t even have to open her mouth, Wei Mingyan had already sent it to her .

There was no financial pressure and no emotional difficulties . Even the previous morning sickness was relieved after Aunt Yi came . Her husband accompanied her for a walk every day and there was a room full of books to read . Therefore, Yi Zhilan was very cared for, both mentally and physically .

Soon, accompanied by severe pain, she could feel the child leaving her body .

A pair of gentle hands trembled and touched her face . Wei Mingyan’s voice was extremely fl.u.s.tered, but he tried hard to comfort her: “Lan Lan, does it still hurt?  It’s okay, it’s okay …” 

Yi Zhilan knew that her cry had scared her husband . She smiled and asked weakly, “is it a boy or a girl?”

Wei Mingyan realized that he had forgotten to look at the child’s gender . Fortunately, the child had been cleaned up and wrapped in a comfortable and soft cotton cloth . Aunt Yi’s face was full of smiles, holding the baby’s soft little body in her arms and beaming, “It’s a boy . ”

Yi Zhilan’s pale lips curved into a smile, “I want to see the child …”

The child was carefully taken over by Wei Mingyan and placed beside Yi Zhilan . She smiled and looked at the little baby contentedly .

Aunt Yi asked with a smile, “Have you decided what his name is?”

Yi Zhilan heard her husband’s magnetic voice say softly, “The name hasn’t been written yet . His nickname is Wei Wei, taking the similar sound from ‘Only’ . ”     

(TN: The Wéi [卫 = a syllable from ‘guard’] in Mingyan’s name sounds similar to the wei from Wèi Yi [唯一 [‘sole’/’only’] in his son’s nickname . )

“Only?” Aunt Yi was stupefied . “Aren’t you going to have a baby anymore?”

“No more . ” The man cherished and touched the child’s soft little finger . With infinite love in his soft voice, he said: “The birth of a child is too much suffering, Zhilan is also going to school, just one child is fine . ”

Listening to his explanation, Aunt Yi understood that it was still for her niece .

A satisfied and envious smile appeared on her face . When Wei Mingyan went out to get the towel that Yi Zhilan had already prepared, she said to her niece, “You didn’t see it before . While you couldn’t stand the pain in your stomach, Mingyan was also sweating, holding your hand and thinking of taking you to the hospital . I stopped him because it’s so far away . Even if there were doctors in the hospital, there was no time left, and there were midwives at home!”

“Mingyan really loves you . When the baby was born just now, he didn’t even look at it . He came directly to comfort you . Lan Lan, I’m glad you found such a good man . Your blessing is the best Auntie has ever seen!”

Yi Zhilan listened to her Aunt’s words . Her mind was filled with the appearance of a man holding her hand nervously, cheering her on, as well as his worried and caring look, with a happy smile on his face .

“Aunty, I believe I will always be happy . ”

Four years later .

Yi Zhilan graduated . She did not go to the school’s allocated job but came to her own head office .

Four years later, she is an intellectual . Elegant, always with a shallow smile on her face, not just to be polite, but happy from her heart .

She has nothing to be unhappy about . Her husband’s love for four years made her as sweet as the little woman she used to be, so although she was becoming more and more skilled in handling company affairs, she had the same temper as before .

She entered the company smoothly, because Wei Mingyan is good at starting a company, but not very good at management . When Yi Zhilan was still in school, she had to help him solve various problems from time to time . From the first time, the company employees knew that this beautiful young woman was the wife of the Chairman .

No one can say that the two were not a good match .

A handsome and rich man, with a beautiful and elegant woman, coupled with their daily sweetness; Everyone thinks they should be a couple .

Of course, there are also people who want to seduce the richest man in City A, but the final result is often tragic . They lose face and lose jobs, leaving the company miserably .

To be able to enter the Wei Group is a kind of a lucky thing for them . Since they have seen the few that tried to stand out and seduce first, no one dared to take risks anymore and make a joke of themselves . Their monthly salary is already the highest in the industry . If they leave the Wei Group, where can they find such a good job?

There are a variety of companies under the Wei Group . Wei Mingyan usually takes a fancy to some industry and starts to make a bold move, and then by the time it’s built and thrived, he had lost interest in the industry .

Therefore, the Wei Group can be said to be recruiting new blood all the year-round, continuously .

This day, it was the Wei Group’s job fair again, and the company hall was already crowded with people .

Yi Zhilan quickly accepted the post of Vice President . Although her work was the same as before, now the employees can finally call her Chief Yi .

Because she has been living smoothly, she still had a tender face, with no trace of time on her face . As she went to work in the company; for fear that the young employees wouldn’t respect her because of her young face, she specially bought a black business suit to wear .


The night before last, when she stood in front of the mirror in her new black dress-suit, she asked the man behind her, “do I look serious?”

Wei Mingyan replied with a smile, “Serious, I’m sure you can scare them . ”

As soon as he heard this lie, Yi Zhilan gave him a grumpy push but eventually went to work in this black dress suit .

Now, in this dress suit, she looked at a large number of people looking for jobs downstairs .  

The recruitment has been going on for three days now . She heard that a group of people have been accepted, but there are more people to interview .

Just looking for a moment, she suddenly remembered the doc.u.ment Wei Mingyan left in the office . She got a headache because of the man that constantly loses things, and was going to fetch them .

Huang Miao came to the Wei Group with a high school diploma .

She caused Yi Qingqing’s miscarriage and ended a child’s life, she was locked up for half a year . By the time she came out, the school had already dropped her out of their student body . Her family also felt ashamed of their daughter who had been in prison and refused to let her stay at home . Huang Miao could not help it . Half a year in prison has completely smoothed her temper . She started to work . At first, she went to those small shops, but because of the hardship, she could not help but steal things from the store . This was discovered by the boss . She was beaten out and didn’t receive any salary .

Huang Miao knew she was wrong, and the boss threatened to call the police if she didn’t leave . She had to leave in such a mess and find another job .

After four years of muddling around, she is still not reconciled . Looking everywhere to find a job in a big company, but her temperament is really bad . After working for a few days, she would have conflicts with her colleagues . The key is that every time she makes a mistake, she can only choose to resign or be expelled in the end .

Huang Miao is unwilling, she used to be a college student! She is the proud daughter of heaven! Her life should have been very happy, how can it be like this!

She regretted it countless of times . Regretting herself targeting Yi Zhilan because she has money . Regretting on going to that shopping mall . Regretting smearing Yi Zhilan’s boyfriend . Regretting her fight with that woman, and ending up in prison .

If she had a good relationship with Yi Zhilan, she would have gotten a beautiful watch like An Qin, but all this had been ruined .

For so many years, the beautiful watches in the display case have been constantly appearing in Huang Miao’s mind and have almost become an obsession .

She desperately wants to get a beautiful watch, but she can only look from afar through the window .  

Huang Miao applied to Wei Group . Her educational background is quite acceptable for now, but she has no experience, not one bit . The person who recruited her was also very surprised . It was clearly written on her resume that she had been to so many large companies, but it turns out that she can’t even do the most basic work .

He was dissatisfied with Huang Miao, but temporarily a.s.signed her of the role of running errands in spite of his desire to dismiss her, but now she is no longer the wayward student who would go mad every time she was upset . She has to bear her temper and send doc.u.ments up and down the stairs .

This is her second day at the company, but she doesn’t want to do it anymore .

Whoever said it had good treatment and welfare?! Why can’t she feel it at all?

She never thought that it would be because she didn’t bother to learn anything . Huang Miao walked in the hallway with her angry face .

Just as she was going up and down the stairs, he saw a little lovely boy with big eyes full of stars, and fair skin . If it wasn’t the boy’s standard hairstyle, Huang Miao almost thought he was a little girl .

The boy’s little face looked up and spoke politely with a milky voice, “Excuse me, Aunt…” 

His voice was vague, soft and waxy, which could melt the hearts of any person who heard it . But it didn’t faze Huang Miao, because she saw the exquisite watch on the little boy’s white fat wrist .

It is very small, but the style is very beautiful, the second-hand is ticking quickly, as if to the beat of Huang Miao’s heart .

A dark thought rose up in her heart and she looked cautiously around . Instead of making way for the boy, she slowly squatted down and squeezed out a smile on her face, which had not smiled for a long time . “What’s your name, little friend?”

The boy frowned like an adult . For some reason, he didn’t like the strange aunt in front of him, but when he thought of his mother’s teaching him to be polite, he replied, “my name is Wei Wei . ”

“Wei Wei?  Where are your parents?”

“At work . ”

At work? Is he the child of this company’s employee?  Maybe the so-called welfare is to bring your children to work?

Huang Miao only had time to think until here . Her eyes that were fixed on the delicate watch on the boy’s wrist were full of greed . She held out her hand as she spoke . “Wei Wei, you are wearing the watch wrong . Should Aunty help you to wear it again?”

Wei Wei pursed his lips in displeasure, raised his small arm and put his wrist behind him to block it . “I didn’t wear it wrong, my father put it on for me!”

“Your father put it on the wrong way . Come on, listen to me, and Aunt will help you take it off…”

Huang Miao paid no attention to the child’s resistance . She was used to seeing children at this age when she was at home before . They were foolish and gullible . They would do anything if she gave them a piece of candy .

“Wei Wei, Auntie will buy you candy . Will you take off your watch and give it to Auntie?”

Whoever thought that the boy didn’t like what she joyfully promised, but frowned, with a little angry shout, he said: “I don’t want to! Get out of the way, I’m going to find my Dad!”

“What about that bag of candy?”

“You go away . You’re a nuisance . I’m going to tell my Dad you bullied me!”

Huang Miao didn’t take his words seriously . Who would take a child’s words seriously? Besides, she and his father are both employees of the Wei Group . That person would certainly not want to make a big deal of it . It’s no big deal, if worst comes to worst, she would just have to deny it .

When she made up his mind, Huang Miao ‘s hand could not help but use some effort to touch her dream watch, and her eyes were a little more excited .

“Wei Wei, be good . Take off your watch…”

“I don’t want to!” 

An employee who just went out and heard the boy’s young voice full of anger; was surprised and ran quickly . As soon as he went over, he saw a woman’s back who was pulling a watch on a boy’s wrist . He quickly rebuked, “What are you doing?! Which department are you from?”

Huang Miao was so frightened that she could not help but loosen her hand . Wei Wei pushed her away and hid behind the man with his short legs . He knew the man . The fright he had just received turned into anger and grievance . He began to complain, “Uncle Gao, she bullied me!”

Huang Miao recognized him as the manager of the next department . She was in a panic at the moment, but she remained calm, and spoke, “I saw the child’s watch was crooked and wanted to help him to wear it again . ”

Wearing a watch? 

Manager Gao was looking in disbelief at the hesitant woman in front of him, “Which department are you from, what’s your name? Who is your manager?”

Huang Miao was in a terrible panic, but she also saw a child hiding behind an adult and looking over quietly . She gritted her teeth and hated it to death .

Isn’t it just taking his watch?

So small and so treacherous, also knows how to find reinforcements . If he falls into her hands …

 (TN: b**ch… it’s a child… not a sp.a.w.n of Evil . You need help… badly . )

“Uncle Gao! She stared at me! She wants to bully me again!”

Just then, the annoying boy shouted out again, “I don’t like her, she bullied me, I want to tell Dad!”

Well, a child is a child . When they see something, they only know how to look for their parents .

Huang Miao disdained it in her heart and was thinking about how to get it over with, but Manager Gao already saw through the carelessness on her face .

He frowned and asked in a cold voice, “do you know whose child Wei Wei is?

Huang Miao shook her head, only to see a little pity in the eyes of the man in front of her, “the Chairman’s . ”

“Chairman Wei loves Wei Wei very dearly . Since you dare to bully him, you should know the consequences . ”

Huang Miao’s pupils shrank sharply, looking incredibly at the boy who was only a few years old, hiding behind a man .

The Chairman’s child…

How could it be so coincidental!

Just when she was struck by lightning and did not return to her senses, she suddenly saw the boy; just like a little tiger with bright eyes, sweetly calling and running to his mother behind her . Huang Miao looked back absently; she saw a beautiful woman gently holding the boy with a smile, doting on him and poking his small nose . “You sneak out to play again!”

Yi… Yi Zhilan… 

How could it be Yi Zhilan?!

All kinds of Wei Group’s industries kept flickering in her mind, including the valuation mentioned in the newspaper and all kinds of a.s.set a.n.a.lysis of Wei Group’s Boss .

How can such a person be Yi Zhilan’s husband?

No, no… it must be that Yi Zhilan married an old man for money!

Didn’t the Wei Group just rose up out of thin air? It must be an old man’s business!

Huang Miao kept comforting herself . Yes, that’s right! Well looky here… Yi Zhilan who deeply loved her boyfriend; in the end? She found another man for the money!

She kept belittling Yi Zhilan, in her heart . It was the only way to appease the resurgence of her jealousy .

So what if Yi Zhilan looks good? So what if she married the Boss of Wei Group? Not married to someone else! Maybe he’s just an ugly old guy…

“Wei Wei, you slipped out again!

Just as Huang Miao was pacifying herself, the soft magnetic voice of a man sounded from the stairwell . Compared with the handsome guy four years ago; Wei Mingyan, who is quite mature, stepped down with long legs . He took the boy from Yi Zhilan’s bosom with a spoiled face and poked his nose as his wife had just done .  

Manager Gao greeted respectfully, “Chairman Wei . ”

Wei Mingyan did not notice Huang Miao, smiled and nodded his head, then shifted his attention to his son .

“Why do you always sneak away while Dad is working?”

The little boy clung to his father’s neck and softly said, “Wei Wei wants to come down and play . ”

“Dad, you don’t have time to accompany me, I will play by myself … ”

“Dad, is busy? I will definitely take you to the amus.e.m.e.nt park tomorrow, shall we go with Mom?”

“Okay! Dad, you’re the best! I love you so much!”

Yi Zhilan watched the father and son with a gentle smile, her eyes were full of love .

The appearance of the family of three and their happiness left Huang Miao in confusion .  

That face . She would never forget, the man who made her the laughingstock of the whole school, Yi Zhilan’s boyfriend!

At the beginning, the man owned a shopping mall, but now, he is the chairman of Wei Group .

Huang Miao breathed a few times, but she couldn’t bear it . Everything went black and she fell to the ground .

Manager Gao was shocked . “Chairman Wei! She fainted!”

The man who was listening to his son’s grievance with cold eyes turned his eyes to the familiar woman’s face and said coldly, “Call 120, and when she wakes up, she will be informed . At the end of the probation period, she will be fired . ”

(120 = emergency number for an ambulance . ) 

Yi Zhilan’s heart was on her children and her husband . She didn’t even notice that the woman lying on the ground was her roommate who once made so much trouble for her .

“Mingyan, don’t you have work tomorrow?”

“I finished it a long time ago, how important is work compared to my wife and child? We haven’t gone out for a long time . We’ll take this opportunity to play tomorrow . ”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you . ”

Decades later, on TV there was news that the founder and wife of the Wei Group died on the same day, and their son cremated and buried them together in accordance to their will .  

The two lived happily from marriage to death . People heard that when Mrs . Wei died, she had a smile on her face .

She was happy because she had a husband who loves her . This man loved her all his life and even accompany her when she died .

Life on the same quilt; Death in the same grave, In Yi Zhilan’s opinion, this is the last romance that her husband gave her .

(生当同衾,死亦同穴 [ Shēng dāng tóngqīn, sǐ yì tóng xué] = Being on the same bed while in life; in the same grave while in death . From the Chinese opera script “Cui Wei Waiting for the West Chamber”)

The TV was showing how much contribution Wei Mingyan and Yi Zhilan; the pair of husband and wife, had made during their lifetime . On a sickbed, a hand full of old age spots was beating the bed . The nurse saw it and rushed forward to ask the dying old man, “do you need anything?”

Long-ge’s eyes looked straight at the TV, his lips moving and he spits out a few words, “Lord … what bad luck …”

He married a lazy woman, she didn’t leave him any offspring for a lifetime . Even if he dies, he still had to follow that evil star .

[Task accomplished: 100 . Host please choose, vacation or continue to the next world . ]

Wei Mingyan opened his eyes again . It was in a bright ward where a popular entertainment program, ‘survival in the wild’, was playing on TV .

[The World Task: Retrieve Stormy and guard Song Qi]

He accepted the memory . It was still a novel world . He was indeed a sc.u.m man side character, and Song Qi, the heroine, was the object of his task .

As usual, the ‘abusive love’ is still deep . But this time, the male lead didn’t abuse her heart . He abused her body . Song Qi is the object of abuse .

This world’s film industry is developing very well . Once someone becomes a star, it means a lot of money . Song Qi is an orphan . After being discovered by star scouts, she enters the performing arts circle . She is willing to endure hardships and perform with her skills, but because she has no background and a bit of a stubborn character, she has always been very modest .

It was not until after cooperation with the best actor; Wei Mingyan, the two had a love affair and soon lived together . Because of being an orphan, Song Qi had never felt safe and had mentioned several times that she wanted to get married, even if it was a hidden marriage . However, Wei Mingyan always pushed it off, and the contradiction between the two became deeper and deeper . Until a quarrel broke out, Song Qi had hurried out, leaving Wei Mingyan . But because of her anger, she left one of her dogs, called Stormy .

It was Song Qi’s little baby dog that was picked up in stormy weather and fed by hand; bit by bit . She spent more time with Stormy than with Wei Mingyan . For her, an orphan, Stormy was her only family member .

When she came back, she found that the dog was gone . Song Qi almost collapsed and looked everywhere in her mask, but he couldn’t find it .

The relationship between the two was completely over and they even broke up . Song Qi moved out of the house, but she still did not give up looking for her dog . She hired people, posted notices, and tried every means to find her Stormy . Later, she broke her leg due to an accident while partic.i.p.ating in ‘Survival in the Wild’, and when she was temporarily unable to partic.i.p.ate in any activities, the male lead of this world, came on stage and also led Stormy who was lost by Song Qi .  

She was pleasantly surprised and asked the male lead to give Stormy back to her . The result was a rejection because the man liked Stormy very much and was not willing to give him up .

Although very disappointed, but as long as the dog is alive, Song Qi was happy to bring dog food to visit her dog, and then that was when she was forced on the bed .

When he saw this, Wei Mingyan looked at it again . Yes, it was very violent .

Then it was the cliché photo threat plot . Song Qi was very fierce, and she was not afraid of death, but she was threatened with her own Stormy . Eventually, she went through the violence, had a miscarriage, and her career slipped to the bottom . She was slapped by the male lead’s ‘fiancée’ . After bearing all kinds of humiliation from the future mother-in-law, Stormy was poisoned by her ‘future mother-in-law’ .

The novel does not follow the usual pattern of a Happy Ending . After Stormy’s death, Song Qi simply and neatly ignited the gas from the stove, killing the ‘future mother-in-law’ and the male lead . Of course, she was also killed because she was locked up by the man .

It can be said that the Film Emperor did not abuse her, but he was the trigger for all this .

After reading it, Wei Mingyan was silent for a few seconds before finally convinced that it was a tragic newspaper article .

Now the world line has reached the point where the Film Emperor couldn’t accept that he was separated because of a dog . He put down his harsh words angrily . As soon as he hung up, he found himself missing a cup . The more he got angry, the more he drank alcohol all night and drank himself into the hospital . (

At this time, the female lead was looking for the dog everywhere under the sky, and her agent also received the program ‘Survival in the Wild’ for her . Setting aside the s.h.i.t-like plot, Wei Mingyan rubbed his eyebrows . The door opened, his agent came in with a lunch box, saw his tired expression as soon as he came in, and looked at the ‘Survival in the Wild’ on TV, with a clear expression on his face .  

“Think about Song Qi again? Well, the ‘Survival in the Wild’s side also called me and asked me . You should accept it, and find a chance to get back together with Song Qi . ”

The original Film Emperor refused to say anything and scolded the agent, but now he was Wei Mingyan .

In the sunshine, the handsome man wiped his lips and smiled, “Help me accept it, I still want to get back together with Qi Qi . ”

The agent looked at him smiling for a long time and did not return from his daze .

This boy is getting handsome as he grows . No wonder those little girls on the Internet cry out every time they see him .