Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 61

When Wei Mingyan finished spitting it out and wiped his mouth with an uncomfortable look on his face, he explained, “this snake is a gra.s.s snake. I know it. It"s not poisonous.”

[There is no poison but you suck the blood out!]

[Subconscious reaction! It seems that it didn"t even take three seconds just now, in a blink of an eye Yan-ge started to suck.]

[Eh? I just opened a bottle of What happened?]

“I think it"s the show group"s trick." Wei Mingyan wiped his mouth, took out the bamboo cup he made yesterday, and cleared his throat from the taste of paint. “The taste is absolutely foul.”

With a smile on his face, he stood up and looked Song Qi in the eye. Seeing her eyes were still red, he smiled softly and comforted, “Don"t cry, no poison, neither of us will die.”

Song Qi stared at him blankly. After seeing the tenderness in the man"s eyes, the always strong girl suddenly cried.

[What"s going on with this affectionate look?]

[I told you that Yan-ge likes Qi Qi! You see! I was right!] 

[Should we say that they are together this time? Be honest, is the snake that"s still crawling on the ground real or fake? Why does it look like a real snake?]

[Fake! How could a real snake eat black paint? It"s probably a trick by the program team, but this time it"s really scary. The survival program group is really getting more and more playful. Aren"t they afraid that they won"t find any guests in the future?]

Just as the audience shifted the topic to the program group, the program group was also frantic!

The program goes back to the time before the Song G.o.d team encountered the big mushroom.

The three walked along the road and found that there was a huge hornet"s nest on the big tree in front of them. The Song G.o.d went under curiously it to take a look.

Then the hornet"s nest burst and exploded …

Rain-like colored cream came down on the Song G.o.d and gave him a thorough shower. Wudge fell into a trap, which was full of black paint and dyed his whole body. Little Yue Yue harvested a huge and lifelike spider, but at the time she just froze and saw through the illusion under the ferocious appearance of the spider. She held it up and walked on under the frightening gazes of the Song G.o.d and Wudge.

The group of three became a group of ghastly figures. Shortly after they limped away, a green gra.s.s snake slowly crawled over, stained with paint on its chin …

The above is the truth that the program team pulled out by calling up the small flying camera.

It seems unreasonable, but it"s just a coincidence that came together. The snake was enraged, and it may have been delirious after eating paint. It moved toward Song Qi. And everything came together like this.

Now, the full story was played out on screen by the program group. What else can the program group do?

It"s to say something was missed by their screening system, and as a result, a guest was bitten by a snake!

Even if it wasn"t a poisonous snake, the spread of this matter will definitely make ‘Survival in the Wild" lose its reputation. Everyone"s partic.i.p.ation in this program is nothing more than seeking fame and wealth, but their lives are not guaranteed. What are they playing at?

Therefore, facing this huge problem, the director accepted the blame with tears in his eyes.

On this side, Song Qi quickly adjusted her mindset, dried her tears and continued to follow Wei Mingyan forward. This time she was much more cautious and took a closer look at her surroundings.

Stormy is even more sedated, without his previous happiness. It"s obvious that the owner was attacked and he couldn"t stop the incident in time, making him somewhat depressed.

Wei Mingyan saw this depression. He stopped, crouched down and gently stroked Stormy"s limp head. “Stormy did a good job just now. If you hadn"t found the snake, me and your … we wouldn"t have noticed it. ”

Noticing that he almost blurted out the words ‘your mama", Song Qi blinked nervously and her face became red. She hurriedly lowered her head to hide the expression on her face.

Dogs, like people, need praise. Indeed, when Wei Mingyan praises him, Stormy"s tail waged again. Although he is not as happy as before, you can see that he is not as depressed as before.

To solve Stormy"s mood problem, the man gently patted him on the head and stood up with a smile.

[Mom! I see an angel!! How handsome!!]

[I really want to be Stormy, even for a second, let me enjoy the touch of the male G.o.d!]

[Outdoorsy, capable in the kitchen, drilling wood to make fire, cooking fish on a stone pan, the first to react to danger, and still loving his pet dearly. Being handsome is a plus! Such a good boyfriend! give me a dozen!]

[Upstairs go away! Yan-ge is clearly my boyfriend, okay?]

Just as a crowd was salivating at Wei Mingyan, a weak bullet screen text appeared. [Let me just say, do we still remember this is a game of survival in the wild? Yan-ge still needs to finish the task. The Song G.o.d team on the other side has already started to build a ladder, and the Movie Emperor team hasn"t reach it yet.]

Yes, while Wei Mingyan and his team were having an interlude, the Song G.o.d team had successfully escaped the threat of glue and bat nets and rushed to the center of the island; that had a flag on the big tree.

This is a big tree that is not too tall, but it"s definitely not so short. the Song G.o.d team stood under the tree, raising their neck and looking at the colorful flag for a while.

It"s so high, how would you get up there?

“Brother.” Yue Yue said faintly, “didn"t you climb a tree this morning? Do you think you can climb this tree?”

Hearing about the thing that happened this morning, the Song G.o.d couldn"t help but look at the big spider that Yue Yue has been holding. His whole face turned red.

At that time, he was scared by the spider, and without thinking, he jumped up, holding the trunk of the tree. By the time the reaction was over, his arms were firmly holding the tree.

It"s a small tree, but it beard the weight that it couldn"t have at that size. Of course, after knowing that it"s a fake spider, the Song G.o.d slides down from the tree easily, and the small tree survived his weight.

Now, in front of him is a big tree that can"t even be held with all four limbs.

The Song G.o.d was lost in thought.

Wudge suggested, “Why don"t I climb?”

“No, there are no protective measures. Falling down would be dangerous.”

Although most of the time it would be funny, at the critical moment, the Song G.o.d thought about it thoroughly. His eyes swept around and made a clear decision.

“Let"s make a bamboo ladder!”

This tree is thick and not very high. The program team chose this tree. It must have been in order to let them make a bamboo ladder!

So, the three of them went to cut bamboo with high spirits!

Later, a yellow dog with dark fur but bright eyes quietly emerged from the gra.s.s. It looked around and turned to greet its owners after making sure there was no danger.

Song Qi looked up at the flag hanging high and gently frowned. “How can it be taken down?”

Wei Mingyan rolled up his sleeves and laughed with fox-like eyes. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. The whole person was like a fox who stole a chicken. “Their team definitely chose to make a bamboo ladder when they saw it. Even if they worked continuously, it would take at least two hours or more.”

“What about us?”

The man smiled even more, quite a bit like an evil schemer. “Let"s walk quietly to the other side of the bamboo forest.”

He still didn"t say what method he was going to use to take down the colored flag, but a strong uneasiness suddenly rose in the hearts of the program group that had been watching him.

Then, two people and a dog went into the bamboo forest. Wei Mingyan first skillfully build a fire. Song Qi took out the chicken left over from last night from a package, strung it on a pole and rotated it evenly.

Wei Mingyan was sitting on the ground with a knife and cutting bamboo. He felt it was enough and then put it on the fire to bake.

 (TNote: heated bamboo is easier to bend and shape.)

“What are you doing?” Song Qi asked curiously.

“You will know in a moment.”

However, the man still kept it a surprise. He turned his head and began to cut bamboo and wood shreds. When Song Qi had baked the meat, several more heads had been sharpened into sharp bamboo arrows on the ground.

Song Qi handed the roast meat to the man who finally stopped. He looked at the bamboo bow which had begun to take shape on the ground in surprise. “when did you learn to make a bow?”

“Before I came, I felt I could use it. So, I studied a video.” Wei Mingyan was busy for a long time, his forehead had long been beaded with sweat, but he was still in high spirits.

“Can you use this as a bowstring? Won"t it snap?” Song Qi kept looking at the bamboo bow in his hand.

She never thought that Wei Mingyan could actually make a bow and arrow one day.

“Disposable goods, it"s okay.”

Wei Mingyan was still confident. When he had enough food and water, he quietly walked over with Song Qi, drew his bow and narrowed his eyes on the colorful flag on the tree.

[What is Yan-ge doing?!]

[66666 This is really amazing! He can make his own bow and arrow. If you don"t bow down, I will make you bow down!]     

(TNote: 666666 (there are probably many 6) = awwwwwwesome!)

[Oh, my G.o.d! How can this man be so perfect!]

[The atmosphere between the two making bows and arrows and barbecuing is really great! I always feel that Yan-ge had special feelings for the little sister, and the love in her eyes is almost showing, right?!]

[Bow Pulled, Bow Pulled!!]

— thwip!

The sound of the bamboo arrow broke through the air in an instant, and suddenly in Song Qi"s eyes, the colorful flag was shot by the bamboo arrow and fell to the ground smoothly.

Stormy had been waiting for a long time, waiting to see the colorful flag fall. He p.r.i.c.ked up his ears and rushed out quietly, silently bit the bamboo arrow planted on the ground, and returned to his owners with the colorful flag.

His movement is smooth and familiar, and you can see that he has been trained.

In the bullet screen, after a second of silence, there was a large outbreak: [ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!]

[How handsome!!! He actually shot it down!!!]


Wei Mingyan craned his neck and looked at the busy trio with their backs facing them. He proudly raised his eyebrows at Song Qi with the colorful flags in hand and claimed credit in a low voice. “Stormy and I shoot targets at home every day, and Stormy gets it back every time.”

Looking at the man waiting for praise like a child, and looking at the old dog crouching at his feet with its tongue out happily while looking up at him. Song Qi smiled and answered Wei Mingyan with a small voice: “you are really amazing!”

The man smiled even more happily.

“Let"s go quietly, don"t let them know that we have the flag.”

He had a naughty smile on his face, a bow and arrow in his left hand, a colorful flag in his right hand; Song Qi was next to him, and a yellow dog was exploring the road ahead as they left.

Behind them, the trio in the bamboo forest didn"t rest. They didn"t notice the movement behind them at all. They were very busy cooperating with each other. At last, they got a huge ugly, but safe; bamboo ladder, after working until their hands were red and getting blisters.

“Mingyan hasn"t come yet, looks like they"re discouraged, tsk tsk, this colorful flag today would be …”

The Song G.o.d held the bamboo ladder that had been made all afternoon, and the smile on his face froze.

“Where is the colorful flag???”