Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 67

Translated by: RandomAlex Edited by: Cazhe

“Cough— “

Wei Mingyan struggled to pop his head out, coughed, and the head that had just emerged sank back down again.

Get up, sink, up, sink…

Wuda stared wide-eyed, “Yan-ge!!”

He hurriedly swung down the rope made of clothes. “Yan-ge, grab this, and we"ll pull you up!”

The man in the water seemed to hear him and struggled to reach out his hand, but sank again.

Song G.o.d: “Is he out of strength?”

“I think so!”

“Well, I can hold this end, you pull that end, and then I"ll go down and pull Mingyan up, but the rope seems to be a little short.”

The two were scurrying around discussing how to save them. There was a sudden splash. Stormy whined and jumped into the water.

Stormy could swim.

When he was young, his master bathed him, and he was always obedient. Even if he could not stand the hairdryer noise, he sat quietly under the comfort of his owner, waiting for his hair to dry.

When he was a little older, the owner took him for a walk. A cat had fallen into the water. The kitty was screaming and struggling. He jumped down and brought the kitten back.

Obviously, he had never learned how to before, but he seemed to be born able to swim. Stormy tried to open his eyes in the cold water, and the blood coming from his injured leg gradually overflowed in the water and dyed it light red.

Stormy didn"t understand such things. He only saw the figure of his owner. The owner was very heavy. He was biting his clothes and trying to bring him up. This was the heaviest package Stormy had ever tried to carry.

However, it was also his most important package.

He liked the male owner because since he arrived, the female owner had been happy. She was happy every day, not like when she was miserable before.

Previously, the male owner didn"t like him. Stormy didn"t understand why but he couldn"t resist. Instead, he had to hide in a corner silently, hoping that the male owner would return to the way he liked him and would play with him again.

It didn"t matter if he was hungry. Stormy was not hungry as long as his owner was happy.

It was okay if he didn"t have water. Stormy didn"t have to drink water.

He was looking forward to the return of the man who gently caressed him and would make his owner happy all day, so that his owner wouldn"t be sad again.

Suddenly one day, Stormy arrived at a strange place, he tried to chase the smell of the male owner, but could only watch him drive away.

He lost the scent and wanted to find his way home. On the way, he wanted to greet another dog in a friendly way. However, he was severely bitten and ran away in a panic with his tail hanging down. He was also splashed all over with soup by an impatient man.

The hot soup was poured on his body, and he screamed in a low bark full of pain. He missed his owner and wanted her to pat his head.

Stormy walked carefully around a city that totally rejected him. For the first time, Stormy ate the contents of a garbage can. His paws were frozen stiff and he was driven out from everywhere he went. This was something he had never felt before.

He found himself breathing very hard. His tail seemed frozen and he lay down beside a garbage can. Stormy felt that he would never find his owner.

But at this time, he smelled the familiar smell, and then, warm hands fell on its head.

Stormy was very happy that his male owner was back. He shook his stiff tail hard and rubbed his head to fawn over him.

He did not understand that he had been abandoned, nor did he know who caused the suffering. He only knew that his owner had found him.

Stormy liked him.


The Director looked at the picture on the screen dumbfounded, his hand shaking with a cigarette, “Go, go, go!! Turn on the live broadcast!!!”

Wei Mingyan"s fans were going to cry to death. They were desperately searching for news on the Internet, there were no clues anywhere else except for the ‘Survival in the Wild" program.

Watching your beloved Idol drown was the cruellest thing in the world…

In the chaos, their feelings stirred, hoping they"ll be able to kill the program group that did not respond to their cries. The live broadcast began again, but this time it was a different scene.

[Wo!!! s.h.i.t!!]

[Am I still dreaming? This is not a dream right? Woooo! Yan-ge!!]

[Stormy!!! Praise Stormy!!!]

On-screen, an old dog dragged a man with difficulty and came ash.o.r.e little by little. The Song G.o.d team, which the audience did not know when the three had arrived on that sh.o.r.e, hurriedly lifted the man. Stormy was limping behind with wet dark yellow hair.

Like guarding treasure, he watched as the three put the male owner beside his owner.

“Cough…” Wei Mingyan coughed while struggling to get up and tried to look at his lover beside him. “Qi Qi, is she okay?”

Yue Yue was still trying to perform CPR. When Wei Mingyan was rescued, she was both happy and crying. "Elder sister Qi Qi won"t wake up, she won"t wake up…”