Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 11

When getting in the car, the handsome man took down the shirt which covered her head. Panpan, who had been tense and nervous, suddenly stiffened. Her sight was blurred for a moment. Then, she saw Wei Mingyan"s calm face.

“It"s okay.”

Seeing the girl"s body still shaking, the man turned his head and looked straight ahead. “Go to my house first and call a doctor to help you."

In fact, with Panpan"s current situation, it"s inappropriate to go to an adult man"s house. However, she didn"t know, maybe it was because she was rescued by Wei Mingyan. The girl leans forward, nods in confidence, and tries to keep her voice from shaking. “Thank you, Chief Wei.”

On the way back, they did not communicate anymore. Instead, the quiet atmosphere made Panpan slowly calm down. At least her body was not trembling as much.

The car finally stopped in a small residential area.

Wei Mingyan got out of the car first, then went to help Panpan open the door, and said in a warm voice, “Here we are.”

It"s almost 12 o"clock now. There are no people around the community. The girl got out of the car, her grip tightened on her clothes under the dim street lamp, and began to get nervous again.

The man did not see her nervous state, he parked the car in the parking s.p.a.ce and took the girl upstairs.

Wei Mingyan"s home is on the top floor. After entering the elevator, the bright light made Panpan relax a little. She stands in the elevator and looks at her reflection illuminated by the elevator door.

Her hair was scattered, her face was flushed, her body was covered with an oversized black coat. She looked down in embarra.s.sment and wanted to cry.

She kept her eyes down.

The elevator door opened and Wei Mingyan took the lead in going out. The girl followed him and looked at the man with his back to herself, fumbling for the key.

She looked silently at the handsome man looking here and there, but could not find it. Finally, scratching his head, he turned to his personal a.s.sistant with a headache and asked, “Panpan, did you see my key when you left work?”

She doesn"t know why. Clearly, at the moment, she mostly wanted to cry. But looking at the boss scratching his heads, Panpan can"t help but want to smile.

She pursed her lips and went to see the flower pot at Wei Mingyan"s foot. She took out the key hidden in the flower leaves. “Chief Wei, this is the spare key you lost last time.”

“Yes, yes, I forgot.”

The handsome man suddenly remembered, he took the key and opened the door with a sigh of relief.

At long last, Panpan"s heart slowly eased down. She stood at the door and watched the man turn on the light and wave at her. “Come in, there"s no need to change shoes.”

Finally, the girl summoned up courage and stepped in carefully.

It"s not easy for Panpan, she grew wary of adult men, even though he had just saved her.

When she stepped into the living room, Qiao Panpan froze; For no other reason than the house being so warmly decorated.

The warm wall color, the beautiful white table, and the flowers on the table. It did not look like a place where a single man lived in.

“I have just called the doctor to come over. Don"t worry, she is very strict and decent. Sit down for a while and she will be here soon.”

As he spoke, the handsome man entered the room. “I"ll look for the clothes I bought for my wife, and you can change into them first.”

Panpan stood carefully. She was stained with dirt when she was struggling and she was embarra.s.sed to sit on the sofa which looked clean.

Wei Mingyan came out quickly, holding clothes that hadn"t been opened yet, and handed it to Panpan. “This is what I bought for my wife. I was going to burn it for her when I visit her grave tomorrow. You can wear them first.”

“Thank you, Chief Wei.” Qiao Panpan did not know how many times she had to repeat this sentence. She took the clothes, still nervously standing in place. She didn"t know where to change.

Wei Mingyan smiled and pointed to another room and said, “Go to that room and change there. I"ll go to the kitchen and make tea.”

Watching the man actually go to the kitchen, Panpan slightly relaxed and went to the room that Wei Mingyan told, her with clothes in her arms.

Pushing open the door, she froze.

The walls were painted pink and white. In the center of the big room, a beautiful princess bed lay quietly. The bed was full of dolls that little girls would like. The floor was also covered with clean and comfortable carpet.

This is a little girl"s room, and it"s a very dreamy and luxurious one.

Qiao Panpan stepped in hesitantly. There was an animated film on the TV on the wall. It was an old film. She vaguely remembered that she liked watching it when she was a child; because there was no TV in the house, she would go to her good friend"s house to watch it.

A beautiful and magnificent cabinet stood by the wall with a line of words on it: “Little darling"s toy cabinet”

As Wei Mingyan"s personal a.s.sistant, Panpan recognized his handwriting at a glance. It was elegant and refined.

Little darling, wasn"t the daughter of Chief Wei called Nan Nan?…

(囡囡/ Nān nān= Little darling, 南南/ also Nán Nán= South-South. Slight differences in p.r.o.nunciation.)

After working in Nanya for so many days, Qiao Panpan clearly knows how much Wei Mingyan attaches importance to and misses his wife and daughter. Since visiting their graves was his routine, it"s normal for him to arrange a beautiful room for his daughter who died young.

Panpan stopped thinking about other things and quickly hid in the corner and changed her clothes.

This dress, as Wei Mingyan said, was bought for his wife. It was a long skirt, with a gentle color, very suitable for women with a gentle temperament.

When the girl was dressed, she took the clothes she had changed from, opened the door and went out.

Just as Wei Mingyan came out with a cup in his hand and saw Panpan, he smiled with admiration. “It"s beautiful.”

Before Panpan could thank him, the doorbell rang. Seeing the girl"s tense expression, the handsome man gave her gentle rea.s.surance, “It seems that the doctor has come, she lives near here.”

When the door opened, it turned out to be a middle-aged woman in a white coat.

Seeing a female doctor, Panpan relaxed a little.

“Please help to look at her wounds. I"ll go downstairs and park the car.”  Considering that the girl may be nervous with him here, Wei Mingyan volunteered.

After the man left, the doctor smiled at the girl, “h.e.l.lo, my surname is Bai, you can just call me Doctor Bai.”

“Come on, sit down and let me see your situation.”  Her voice is very gentle. Panpan relaxed and sat down obediently.

After some examination, Dr. Bai smiled, “Nothing serious. Just rest for a while. There are some scratches on your body. Come on, I"ll give you some medicine, so scab will form the next day.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”  Panpan stretched out her arms and watched Dr. Bai use tweezers to hold a cotton ball to help her medicate.  The wound was painful, but she just frowned slightly and did not utter a word.

“Are you an employee of Nanya?” Maybe it was because Panpan was too nervous. Dr. Bai took the initiative to talk.

Panpan was dazed and answered hesitantly, “Yes.”

“I knew you were from Nanya at a glance.” Dr. Bai smiled and gently applied medicine, “Mr. Wei only knows the people of the company.”

“Don"t be too nervous. Mr. Wei is a good man. You were frightened today. Maybe he will let you take a few days off with pay.”

Qiao Panpan was suffering from the pain stimulated by drugs. Her eyes trembled subconsciously, and she whispered, “Chief Wei is really a good person.”

“Yes, Mr. Wei attaches great importance to sentiment, but unfortunately, he hasn"t recovered from losing his beloved for so long.”

The girl looked up in surprise. “What do you mean he hasn"t recovered?”

Dr. Bai sighed, “He misses his family so much that he has insomnia every night and works late to numb himself. In fact, he is very weak now, but he refuses to rest.”

“If you look at him, he looks like a very easy man to talk to. But he"s actually very stubborn. I guess no one in the world can persuade him.”

Seeing Panpan looking at her, Doctor Bai shook her head helplessly. “If the patient seeks death, the doctor can"t stop it.”

Qiao Panpan was really stunned. She knew that Chief Wei had never forgotten his wife and daughter, and even missed them very much. But she never thought that the man who looked so strong and indestructible was sleepless every night.

No wonder, no wonder everyone says Chief Wei always forgets to eat, because he has no appet.i.te at all.

“Okay, tomorrow you"ll get scabs. Just say you accidentally fell down. At any rate, it"s only sc.r.a.pes.”

Doctor Bai clapped her hands, stood up and said to the girl, “I"m going to call Mr. Wei in. He"s just a bit old-fashioned. It"s just a small examination, and he has to hide outside.”

Watching Dr. Bai leave, Qiao Panpan felt both moved and worried.

What moved her was that she knew that Wei Mingyan was hiding outside to accommodate her, and the worry was due to what Dr. Bai said.

Chief Wei, is his body really bad to that point?

Dr. Bai went downstairs and saw the man leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

She rolled her eyes. “Didn"t you say you quit?”

The man extinguished his cigarette, his eyes were sad. “If Nan Nan were still alive, she would be that big.”

Dr. Bai opened her mouth and looked at the man. She couldn"t say any words of blame. To be fair, she was very tired of treating a person who didn"t have a will to live.

“I"ll go first. The girl was frightened. Now she"s almost recovered. Please remember to send someone to tell her family.”

The handsome man leaned his head against the wall, his eyes red, and looked into the dark sky.

His voice is light and fluttering.

“If little darling is still alive, I will definitely make her the happiest girl in the world …"

Author: RandomAlex

sleep is for the weak XD