Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 21

In the auditorium, almost everyone"s eyes are on the man. It also spread out a little bit. Some fell on Zhu Yun, whose face is white and blue, paralyzed at the table.

Wei Mingyan continued, “I believe that Miss Zhu Yun will soon receive a court summons. Please be prepared.”

“Now, do you have anything else to ask?”

Silence reigned in the auditorium. Shocked by the sudden reversal, they became speechless.

Almost 80% of the people present have seen the photos posted around campus. Even if they have not seen them, they would have heard the gossip from their cla.s.smates. It could be that, before this speech, almost everyone thought that Panpan was really kept by him.

But they never thought the two people had a father-daughter relationship.

“Well, since no one has any questions, then let"s continue …”

“I don"t believe it!”[translateindo.C0m does not post chapters any where else]

A woman"s shrill voice rang out and penetrated through the quiet room.

The man"s voice dropped and his pair of eyes remained calm as always, as they fell on her. “Is there any problem, Miss Zhu Yun?”

“Your name is Wei!  Her surname is Qiao!  How could she be your daughter?! Even if shes your adoptive daughter. Who doesn"t know what your adoptive daughter is doing now?”

“How could you say that I am slandering you? You"re only saying that to protect your reputation. Who would believe it, if you"re the one saying it?”

Knowing that she was about to be subpoenaed by the court, Zhu Yun almost immediately fell into madness. Her eyes were bloodshot and she stared at the man like a crazy person.

If she doesn"t turn the two into lovers today, she can"t get away from this lawsuit!

She is still so young and has a bright future. How could she ruin her life for this reason?

Zhu Yun"s was very excited, but Wei Mingyan still looked at her quietly. “My real name is Qiao Chengqing. Panpan is the daughter of my wife and I. If you don"t believe this, you can appeal to a judge. I believe you will get a satisfactory answer in the end.”

After he said that, he stopped looking at Panpan"s pouting face, gently cough a little and continued, “now, let"s continue to talk about …”

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At the end of the speech, the students whispered, and from time to time some eyes fell on Zhu Yun, who was unwilling to give up. When a wall is about to collapse, everybody gives it a little push. Now she had obviously offended Nanya"s boss. The people who pa.s.sed by gossiped without holding their voices, letting her hear them.

(墙倒众人推 [qiáng dǎo zhòng rén tuī]= When a wall is about to collapse, everybody gives it a little push/everyone kicks a man while he"s down.)

“I heard that she and the daughter of Nanya"s boss had the same dormitory room and had a fight in the group chat before school started. She insisted that the daughter was a gold digger and seduced other people"s boyfriends.”

“I was in that group. At that time, Zhu Yun"s ex-boyfriend personally disclosed that the reason why they split up was because Zhu Yun checked into a hotel with an old man. He saw with his own eyes, and she couldn"t accept the break-up. It"s not because of Qiao Panpan at all.”

“Tell me, to what extent do you think this woman is dirty-minded? She is being kept, and try to frame a father and daughter…."

Several people talked while one of them looked down at his phone, suddenly raised his head, “Wtf!  The video surveillance came out. It was Zhu Yun who plastered photos of Panpan in the luxury car all over campus! ”

Their voice isn"t small, Zhu Yun heard them clearly. She was shocked and raised her head unbelievingly.

No, it"s impossible. She carefully hid her face …

“Let me see… really!”[support the real translat0rs @ translateindo]

Several other people also joined in and sighed, “Mr. Wei is still very powerful. He actually spent money to buy all the monitoring for the shops around the school. Otherwise, we would really be fooled by this woman.”

As they spoke, they gradually walked away, leaving only Zhu Yun sitting stiffly, her eyes filled with remorse.

She dared to frame Qiao Panpan over and over again because Panpan had no one to rely on and no bottom line.

If she had known that Panpan was the daughter of Nanya"s boss, she wouldn"t have done so.

But now, it"s too late to say anything.

No, no, she still has a chance.[ not reading this at Translateindo? it"s been stolen]

How could there be such a coincidence? She caught Panpan getting into the luxury car, and the owner of the luxury car was suddenly Panpan"s father?! And this person was also the richest man in the city, Wei Mingyan!

Wei Mingyan has been the richest man for a while. He just said that he was separated from Panpan. According to this, he must have been married during this period of time.

As long as she focuses on this point and concentrates all public opinions on it, she will have a chance!

Zhu Yun is doomed to miss this opportunity.

Because of this incident, even if it has been clarified, Wei Mingyan does not trust his daughter to live in school again. So Qiao Panpan went back to the dormitory to pack up and planned to live at home.

Lu Lin helped to pack up the things, and while doing so, she relieved some of her annoyance. “Still, Chief Wei is powerful. I heard that Zhu Yun"s face turned blue. The videos of her plastering the photos are all on the campus network. The evidence is conclusive. She can"t deny it now!”

Qiao Panpan also smiled at the thought of her father defending her just now. “I know my father would help me.”

In the eyes of that man, she will always be the daughter that needs to be cared for, and Panpan knows it.

“This matter has also been made clear. There should be no more gossip on campus.”

“Anyway, the words have been released. If they don"t believe them, they will have to believe them when you take over Nanya.”

Just then, another dormmate who had taken leave of absence pushed open the door and with a shocked expression asked, “Panpan!  Are you the daughter of Nanya"s boss? ”

Panpan was taken aback. “Who told you that?”

The news spread too fast.

“No, no, I saw it on Weibo.”

Her roommates spoke and handed them her cell phones. “The last time, when you entered Nanya, I followed Mr. Wei"s Weibo. He always sends out some official message, but he sent one on the way back just now. Look.”

Qiao Panpan looked doubtfully at it and saw only a short sentence above.

[My wife, my daughter.][ not reading this at Translateindo? it"s been stolen]

The picture shows her mother watering the flowers while in a wheelchair, and she was standing aside, fiddling with the leaves.

She was shocked as if she was seeing that afternoon again.

— Clik!

“Husband, what are you doing?”

Qi Ya curiously turned to look, Panpan also turned around.

The elegant man smiled and took back the camera, proudly saying, “takeing pictures of my wife and daughter.”

“Show me, is it nice?”

“Nice, very nice.”

Wei Mingyan smiled and whispered, “Everyone will praise it.”

So, at that time. Dad, was preparing?

Almost the next second, Wei Mingyan posted something new.

Qiao Panpan opened it. It was still her picture, but this time it was the words that made the difference.

[I hope my daughter will graduate soon so that I can retire peacefully and travel around the world with my wife.]

It"s almost a declaration that Panpan will be taking over her family business when she graduates.

At the same time, almost all doubts were blocked.

Who"s would promise to hand over a business if it wasn"t to his real biological daughter.

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Author: RandomAlex

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