Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 35

Aunt Chen heard the news of Wei Mingyan"s return to the village from the villagers and went home happily to share it with her husband.

“Husband, should we also go and see? I heard that Mingyan boy bought a lot of good things for Old Three"s home, are not seen in our village, we also go to learn. “

(TLNote: reminder: people in the village calls uncle Yi as ‘Third Son"/"Third Uncle"/ ‘Old three" etc etc. because he is the third son of his family.)

Old Chen Tou is polishing the wood in his hand when he hears his wife"s words. His hands kept moving. “What are you going to do? A man takes his wife back to her maternal house is normal. Won"t we just make things worse?”

Looking at his wife that was disappointed by his words, Old Chen Tou felt a little uncomfortable.

Actually, it"s not that he didn"t want to go to see the child who was raised by him. But the last time they took advantage of being that child"s elders; while the people in the village had nothing to do, they gossiped and kicked up a fuss every day. If they see them go over there, won"t they both look like they are clamoring for Mingyan to buy them presents?

As soon as Old Chen Tou thought of the women who chattered together every day, he felt a headache and simply stayed at home.

Maybe tomorrow, when his wife goes out for a walk. She can always find out from all kinds of people how well Mingyan is doing.

Aunt Chen took clothes from her room to wash by the river. With a look of disdain, pa.s.sing by Old Chen Tou, she said, “I don"t understand you. You could see that Mingyan is successful now and you don"t want to get along with him. What"s wrong with you? ”

“I don"t know.”

The old married couple still didn"t understand each other. Suddenly there was a knock at the door outside. Aunt Chen rolled her eyes at her husband, put down the washtub and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, she smiled. “Mingyan, Lan Lan, why are you two here?”

Old Chen Tou was ready to put down the wood in his hand to see who was coming. He heard that it was Wei Mingyan. He was stunned. He quickly put down his work and stood up with his crutches.

“Auntie, can"t I come to see you and Uncle?”

Wei Mingyan came in with a smile on his face, holding the girl"s hand. When he saw Chen Tou limping towards them, he came forward to support him.

“Uncle, I am a junior. how could I let you come out to greet me? ”

“Forget about that, our village doesn"t care about those things.” Although he told them that he didn"t care, the smile on Old Chen Tou"s face could not be restrained when he saw the two coming over.

“Why are you here?”

“I haven"t been back for a long time. I have brought some gifts for you and aunt.”

Wei Mingyan took out the bag he had been carrying and handed it to him. “This is the walking stick I bought. It"s very awesome, with a dragon head carved on it.”

“Why are you still bringing gifts?” Old Chen Tou was surprised at first, and then received it with great joy. When he opened the box, he hesitated to look at the beautiful walking stick.

“Mingyan, this walking stick"s workmanship looks so outstanding, isn"t it expensive?”

“Ah, it"s nothing. You"re the elder of Lan Lan and me.”

“Look at the clothes I bought for Aunt. They would really look good on her.”

Old Aunt Chen didn"t expect to get her own gift. Looking at how even the gift bag was beautiful, she couldn"t keep her mouth closed because of laughter.

“You"ve shown heart.”

Yi Zhilan stood beside the man, looking at his eyes full of soft meaning, smiled and picked up the clothes and gestured to Aunt Chen to try them. Her heart was warm, proud and happy.

This is her husband.

He is gentle, considerate and responsible. He never hesitates to return grace to people who had helped him. Zhilan use to like him because this man was the one who saved her from the water.

Now as they got along with each other, her like became deeper and now a deeper sense of love.

She felt that she had met the best man in the world.

And coincidentally, the man also loved her.

When they returned, Uncle Yi and Aunt Yi were reluctant to let them go. But they knew that the future of the new couple was in the big city, so they all smiled and watched the car gradually leave.

“Not willing to part?”

Wei Mingyan knew what she was thinking when he saw the girl"s lost expression. He comforted her by saying, “When we get old, we"ll go back to live there.”

Yi Zhilan"s eyes recovered and looked softly at the man. “Okay, I"ll listen to you.”

Compared with her last departure, she was actually less nervous and fearful of the unknown.

This time, she came back from vacation, stayed at home for one night, and then returned to school. After reluctantly saying goodbye to her lover, the girl walked back to her dormitory with confidence.

“Lan Lan! You"re back! Did you have a good time at home?”

An Qin was burying her head in her book. She heard the door open and saw that it was Yi Zhilan. Suddenly, she was pleasantly surprised and asked her if she was happy at home.

Yi Zhilan laughed and put down her bag. “I"m very happy. My aunt and uncle are so happy to see me back that they really hated to part again.”

Huang Miao was sitting on the lower bunk, looking at the book in her hand. She heard the conversation between the two and said coldly, “Why didn"t you stay for a couple more days?”

An Qin and Yi Zhilan ignored her.

Originally, the school only had two days off, and there was no justification for not returning to school. It was absolutely necessary to ask for the school"s approval first.

This past month, Yi Zhilan has roughly figured out how her two roommates are.

An Qin has a good character and is careless. She can speak frankly with her. Huang Miao on the other hand; maybe because her family is poor, she is a little hostile to Yi Zhilan; who dresses in beautiful clothes. She doesn"t have any scruples in mentioning hurtful things. Now Zhilan has developed a new skill, that is, not listening to Huang Mian"s words. The same goes for An Qin.

The next day, Yi Zhilan"s intense college life began again. Almost all her cla.s.smates were working hard, and she couldn"t help but work harder.

Once in a while, she would take her books to the school pond, not to study, but to take out her cell phone and talk to Wei Mingyan.

“I"ve eaten, in the dining hall. What about you? Have you eaten yet?”

The girl gently hooks the corners of her mouth and smiled silently. She listened quietly to the man on the other side pausing for a moment before he answered, “I have.”

“Lying again." Yi Zhilan grumbles coyly at her lover. “You better hurry up and eat. Did you hear me? I have your a.s.sistant"s number. Don"t forget, you asked him to report to me every day.”

Wei Mingyan quickly begged for mercy. “I"ll eat right away. It"s really a bit too busy today and I forgot. I won"t do it next time. ”

Yi Zhilan was relieved and went on to tell him, “You should drink less when you have a meeting outside of the office, and you have to eat something before you drink, you know?”

“Okay…” The man smiled softly and answered in a low voice, “I"ll listen to my little housewife. ”

Hearing this, the girl pretended to be annoyed. “Who did you say was a "housewife"?”

(管家婆 [ɡuǎn jiā pó] = housewife; could also mean ‘female housekeeper", or "meddlesome woman".)

“Okay, okay, okay…. not housewife, my Lan Lan is a little princess, my little princess.”

Yi Zhilan"s face is still burning red. She tries to make her voice sound less shy. “You go eat, don"t always work. What if you get a stomach ache? What would we do then?”

When they did not live together, the Wei Mingyan in her mind was always tall and steady. But when they saw each other almost every day, she realized that this man was always muddle-headed, especially not paying attention to his body. As his lover, besides supervising him to take good care of his body every day, what else could she do?

As a result, the good habit of calling every day as soon as it was time to eat became a habit.

“I"ll eat. I"ll eat right now." Wei Mingyan"s tolerant voice continued, “Didn"t I tell you last time that I started a bicycle company? Because at first, the price was negotiated a little lower, and the result was crazy. At the meeting just now, we also agreed that we should work overtime to catch up with the cooperating company, so we couldn"t afford to eat. So, I can guarantee that there won"t be another time.”

“Come on…" Yi Zhilan didn"t believe him. “That"s what you told me last time. It won"t happen again next time.”

The man on the other side said straightforwardly, “If I don"t, I wouldn"t be able to hear your voice every day, right?”

“You sweet talker!”

The girl"s beautiful face turned red again. “I won"t tell you any more! Don"t eat out at night until I get back to cook for you.”

“Okay." Wei Mingyan deliberately lowered his voice. The magnetic voice sounded so good that it exploded her heart, “Wait till I pick you up after school.”

In the end, Yi Zhilan had just put down her cell phone and saw a male cla.s.smate in black pushing a brand-new bicycle, as if he had walked toward her unintentionally.

He put his hand on the handlebar and smiled at the beautiful girl in front of him. “Lan Lan, going to the dormitory? I can take you there.”

Yi Zhilan looked at the male cla.s.smate, she had clearly informed him that she had a boyfriend but he kept on pursuing her. She didn"t ignore the proud look in his eyes.

Seeing her eyes fixed on the bicycle, the crew cut cla.s.smate could not conceal his pride. “I bought a new one and it is very difficult to get it. For its sake, let me give you a ride?”

Looking at the orchid sign on the bicycle, thinking of the company logo her sweetheart showed her and then looking at the proud expression on the cla.s.smate"s face in front of her…

Mingyan"s bicycle company seems to use that orchid logo…

(translateindo.C0m does not post chapters anywhere else)