Scum Male's Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 53

Stormy felt that his male owner was a little strange. He did not drive him out of the room as before, nor kicked over his food. Instead, he spoke softly and fed him with a spoon, full of delicious food.

Stormy only took one second to think about why the male owner became so strange, and soon accepted such a good owner without any bad feelings.

Because he was a bit sick, he could only sniff the man with his wet nose. The shaved old dog grinned happily, sticking out his tongue and happily wagging his scarred tail.

He is now lying on a soft cushion. The room is very warm with the air conditioner on.

“Good boy, Stormy.” Wei Mingyan finished feeding the food and began to apply medicine for him. The doctor once said that there would be some irritation when the medicine was left in the wound, but the old dog with little hair obediently lay down and let the male owner apply medicine.

Despite being abandoned and beaten, it"s thinking would always be simple and headstrong.

This is its owner. He will not hurt him.

When Wei Mingyan covered the fresh wound with the new medicine, he could feel his old dog"s body suddenly tense. It whimpered slightly, but he still struggled to rub his head against the man"s pants.

Such a good dog.

Wei Mingyan finished applying the medicine, and his long white hand fell on the clean old dog. He said softly, “I"m sorry, it"s all my fault. ”

“Woof… ” Stormy seemed to feel the depression from the man. He cried in a low voice and rubbed against the man without any hatred.

There was guilt in the man"s eyes. He picked up Stormy and made him nest in his arms like a baby dog. It was a bit heavy because even if Stormy suffered heavy weight loss before, he was still an adult dog. After holding for a while, Wei Mingyan"s legs began to numb.

But he could not feel it. He still held the old dog tightly. They sat on the fluffy carpet in front of the French window and enjoyed the winter sunshine together.

One man and one dog sticking together, full of warmth in the golden sunlight.

When the agent came in, he saw this scene. He was stunned. When he saw Wei Mingyan turn around and look over, he hesitated and asked, “is Stormy okay?”

“He has suffered a lot." As the handsome man said this, he lowered his long eyelashes and laid his hands on the old dog gently. He stroked it tenderly. Stormy whimpered in his arms and enjoyed the love from the man.

To be honest, the agent didn"t react.

In his impression, although Wei Mingyan was bearing Stormy in front of Song Qi, he was never very fond of it. In fact, it has been secretly abandoned. He disliked how it looked and disliked how it was stupid. Even the dogs that were broadcast live by the stars on Weibo did not have the skills to tear up their homes like it does.

For stars of their cla.s.s, dogs may not be useful to find more fans, but for the Movie Emperor, what use is a dog that cannot get fans?

Stormy, what else is there besides a nice name?

He has lived for ten years, his fur is bleak, his spirit is poor, and he has no intelligence. What else can he do except stand up, spit out his tongue and wag his tail?

If the fans knew that he had such a dog, people would think he was an idiot!

This is exactly what the original Movie Emperor said to the broker.

Of course, he didn"t say that to Song Qi. He just said that the two are still in secret relationship. If Stormy was exposed, even though a little star like Song Qi wasn"t very known, it"s unlikely that everyone would pay attention to a dog in her family, but what if?

Although the agent didn"t quite agree with what the Movie Emperor under his care was doing, but who told the person to have such a big backing?

Therefore, he has been dutifully maintaining the image of ‘Movie Emperor" outside and has never disclosed those things he said to Song Qi.

In the eyes of the agent, the Movie Emperor is the best spokesperson for selfishness. He can refuse to expose his relationship with Song Qi for the sake of the few fans he may lose. He could also ask someone to quit their job without giving any promise in return, even throw away the old dog who lived with Song Qi for 10 years after a quarrel.

Such a person, his appearance is really beautiful, but he could never have a deep relationship with anyone.

The agent had always thought so. Until today, he saw a man touching Stormy"s bald spine with infinite tenderness. His eyes, which have been praised countless times by fans, were filled with guilt and regret. He rarely doubted his own eyes, but he did now.

“Mingyan, that"s right. I asked ‘Survival in the Wild" over there. It"s confirmed that Song Qi will definitely go. Their program team has postponed the time for selecting the venue. The preparation time is half a month. From the information given; it"s an isolated island. There will be someone there to check for danger. According to the cameraman, you haven"t answered the notice for half a month. Have you?”

In the original plot, in this half month, Song Qi is busy shooting while looking for her dog, but Wei Mingyan is the Movie Emperor; always had a bit more privilege. He gently stroked his old dog, his magnetic voice is a little hoa.r.s.e, “Brother, I want to accompany Stormy for this half month.”

“When I expressed my love to Qi Qi, I said I would be good to Stormy and made her trust me …”

There was no fluctuation in the man"s eyes, just staring at the light and shadows on the ground. There is no sadness in his expression, only speaking gently, but it could make people involuntarily drown in his sadness.

“But I broke my promise…”

The agent was stunned. He didn"t expect Wei Mingyan to get so sad about Stormy. But, thinking about it; it was more of the guilt he felt toward Song Qi.

He knew the girl, an orphan, without any foundation or backing. She only had the old dog with her. When the two just got together, Song Qi had a smile every day. At that time, he never thought that this mess would happen.

“Mingyan, don"t be too sad. Isn"t Stormy back? You should treat it well, and then talk to Song Qi, she would forgive you.”

“No, Qi Qi won"t forgive me…” the man was obviously in the golden sunlight, but he seemed to be in the dark. He hung his head as if only holding Stormy could make him feel at ease.

“Brother, I know that I"m selfish and I have a bad temper, but I really like her. At first, I wanted to ask her to forgive me, but when I found Stormy by the garbage can…”

Wei Mingyan"s voice was on the verge of collapse. His hands gently and firmly held Stormy in his arms. He trembled and said, “he was hurt all over, there was soup on his back and blood on his claws. Stormy likes cleanliness, he won"t go any dusty place at home, but when I went to find him, he was beside the garbage can. When he saw me, he wagged his tail at me…”

“Woof…” The old dog held by the man seemed to feel his emotion. He gently wagged his tail, raised his head and stretch out his tongue, and gently licked Wei Mingyan"s cheek. Just like Song Qi, who used to cry, he would lick to comfort her.

Originally, the man whose face barely showed sadness was comforted by it, and suddenly his eyes were red. He hugged Stormy and murmured, “I"m sorry, I"m sorry…”

Smelling the familiar smell of the owner, Stormy gave a small bark, trying to shake his tail to comfort him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the agent was also a little sad. There was a cat in his family, and every day he said that he was disgusted by it. But if Wei Mingyan had just said that about the cat who was pampered in his own home and never suffered a little bit, he thought he would also collapse.

Then, he thought of that day after Song Qi and Wei Mingyan broke up, the man drank wine all night and just drank himself into the hospital. The agent had been with the Movie Emperor for five years and knew how desperate he was. But such a person was still weak. The doctor especially told him not to go to find Stormy, he had to stay in bed.

He didn"t know how many places Wei Mingyan had run to, but he knew that every time he called; this seemingly cold-blooded man was saying that he was still outside looking for Stormy.

It rained heavily that day, so the agent called Wei Mingyan to tell him to come back for fear that he might get cold and sick.

‘Brother, it"s raining now. I can still get an umbrella to protect myself. But what about Stormy?" This was the answer from Wei Mingyan back then.

He once thought Wei Mingyan was doing this for the sake of getting back together with Song Qi. But now, looking at the scene of one person and one dog comforting each other, he was not so sure anymore.

“Mingyan, where is Song Qi right now?”

The man who was praised by numerous fans as; the perfect creature with five senses, lowered his head and touched the old dog in his arms. His voice was low as if he was facing a trial, “Tell Qi Qi.”

Song Qi was taking a nap when she received a phone call from her agent. For several days, she was filming and looking for her dog. She slept for an average of four hours every day. Now, she can"t relax in the afternoon. She wanted to go find Stormy, but she was pushed into the room to get some rest.

“If you don"t sleep, let alone find Stormy, you"re going to die suddenly!”

She had something in her mind. She thought that she couldn"t fall asleep but soon fell into slumber. She had a dream, but it was a nightmare.

She dreamed that Stormy was being chased by someone. He howled and ran away in the street. Everyone pa.s.sing by would kick him. Song Qi watched his body ooze blood and died miserably.

So, when she answered the phone, her face was covered with tears.

“What? Stormy is found?”

When Wei Mingyan saw Song Qi, her hair was simply tied up into a ponytail, and her face did not have any makeup. A pair of apricot eyes, which should have been watery and beautiful, were dark, blue and purple thick black bags. Generally speaking, her face was a bit haggard.

Song Qi is also surprised to see Wei Mingyan. They haven"t met since they broke up. But in her impression, Wei Mingyan would have kept his spirit up, acting the best all the time. But now what"s the situation with this pale man who doesn"t even have color on his lips?

But soon, her eyes were on Stormy, who was brought out by his agent. Almost immediately Song Qi"s eyes were filled with tears when she saw the old dog, who had lost weight only in a few days.

She squatted down and watched Stormy sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail. He ran over as happily as before; welcoming her home. Song Qi held his head and tears fell down.

Her hand kept stroking the old dog"s head, “you came back, you came back…”

“I miss you so much, Stormy…”

Although he suffered a lot, the old dog didn"t feel anything. He felt the uneasy mood of the female owner and licked her face like he always does.

Wei Mingyan, with a pale white face, looked at the scene of a reunion between a pet and its owner. His eyes were full of gloominess. The agent looked aside and sighed, trying to help him.

“Qi Qi, Mingyan has been looking for Stormy these days. It wasn"t easy. Do you think that between you…”

Song Qi looks up with red eyes and looks at the man with the same bloodshot eyes. Thinking of their past relationship, they have already made an agreement…

“Thank you, Mr. Wei, for helping me find Stormy. I"ll take him first.”

Finally, she lowered her eyes, patted Stormy on the head gently and stood up, “Stormy, let"s go.”

The agent wanted to say something more, but Wei Mingyan held him back. His eyes were fixed on the back of his former lover, his expression was full of bitterness. “Brother, don"t say it. Qi Qi no longer trusts me. ”

“She will never forgive me again. ”

Song Qi was about to take Stormy to the car when she suddenly received a phone call from her agent, “Qi Qi, don"t take Stormy away for now. Just now I received news that Wei Mingyan was raising Stormy, which has spread all over Weibo."