Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 16 - The White Fox Leaving the Pavilion

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 16 - The White Fox Leaving the Pavilion

Forbidden cave, around the stone bridge... The cave was accompanied by the song all day and night. However today, the elegant White Fox stopped her zither play, she was looking at the deceased body in front of the pavilion with a sigh. After knowing the story of Yue Qianchou"s master, she asked if Yue Qianchou wanted to go with her to the mountain of Great Canopy Sect. The latter knew that with the White Fox late Tribulation Crossing strength, killing a few people would be as easy as cutting vegetables.

In order to help Yue Qianchou to get his revenge, the White Fox incredibly ready to go out of her trapped of more than 200 years in the forbidden cave, Yue Qianchou earnestly thanked her. However, he refused without hesitation. A few words were said in front of the White Fox confidently.... One day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father. As the son, he would get the revenge for his father. Yue Qianchou wanted the Great Canopy Sect to go down, even chickens and dogs wouldn"t be spared, to let master rest in peace.

The White Fox didn"t say anything further, although she had furiously killed hundreds of people before, but that was out of her rage. The whole Great Canopy Sect probably had thousands of cultivators, asking her to kill thousands of people would be impossible. The Great Canopy Sect stood in the cultivation world for thousands of years, it was the place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons,[1] the matter of Yue Qianchou"s revenge still had to wait.

After Listening to her brother"s words full of unwillingness, the White Fox"s expression faintly shown a worry.

Yue Qianchou with a sad smile on his face, held a white cloth in his hand, he wiped the blood-stain on the Master"s face. He started to change his master"s clothes for a clean one, saw there were few holes on his master"s body, his face muscles twitched, his two hands made a hard fist, shouted in anger, "Great Canopy Sect!" The voice echoed inside the cave for a long time.

After the appearance of Hao Sansi"s body had been completely renewed, Yue Qianchou carried him to enter the golden bead. The White Fox shouted from inside the pavilion, "Little Brother Chou, wait!"

Yue Qianchou surprised for a moment, he looked at her in puzzlement. Yue Qianchou saw her picked up the zither, then leisurely walked toward outside the pavilion, a screen of purple light immediately blocked her way, the White Fox faintly sighed, "since 200 years ago you imprisoned me, now you want to block my way again?" Her lips parted gently, toward the screen of purple light she breathed out, the screen of purple light formed a layer of ripples, then a hole was opened up in the middle, the White Fox walked out slowly from the hole, behind her the screen of purple light closed again and disappeared.

Heaven! She actually came out! Yue Qianchou stunned and said, "Big Sister White! What are you doing?"

"Little Brother Chou, didn"t you invite me to live inside your so-called territory? Are you backing out now?" The white fox made a sweet laugh.

Heaven! She actually laughing! The legendary alluring smile, then a world cla.s.s laugh. I"m afraid that refers to this kind of woman. Yue Qianchou said with a wry smile, "My big sister is willing to come, Little Brother is wishing for it, there is no way i take my words back."

Finished emptying his hand, the White Fox also didn"t mind his hand carrying the dead, slender hand gently grabbed him. Yue Qianchou felt the slender hand, his mind slightly took a swing, but he didn"t have any nasty thoughts, then he locked his consciousness into the golden bead. The two figures in front of the pavilion instantly disappeared.


Green Light hall... Sect Leader was discussing some matters with the elders, suddenly the small bell that hung on the side issued a crisp sound, everyone there turned to look.

"What!" Sect Leader Liu Changqing exclaimed, "Did the White Fox of the forbidden cave get out? Go, go and see!" Having said that, he flew out of the main hall, behind him, some elders followed suit.

A group of people arrived inside the cave, they saw the empty pavilion, then stared at each other.

"Sect Leader Senior Brother! If i remember correctly, there is the Purple Light Trapping Technique, anyone who hasn"t reached mid Tribulation Crossing won"t have any chance to come out, has the White Fox reached mid Tribulation Crossing? That"s impossible! Even if she already reached the mid Tribulation Crossing, the breaching of the trap would result in some big movement, how could we didn"t notice it?" Said the thin old man who walked silently toward Liu Changqing, it was the elder that took the lead to plead for Liu Zhengguang, he was none other than Wu Baoru.

Liu Changqing shook his head and said he didn"t know. One of the reasons they certaintly didn"t know, the process of cultivation was to defy the heaven"s law and seek for longetivity, forcibly enhancing the cultivation was the same as confronting the heaven, after a certain extent of cultivation, cultivators would naturally suffer the heaven"s punishment, this was the origin of Tribulation Crossing.

Since the mid Nascent Soul, the White fox never began any cultivation again, naturally there was no forced promotion and confrontation with the heaven, the heaven"s punishment naturally didn"t come, the strength of unknowingly reaching the late Tribulation Crossing was completely because of the golden bead. In fact, the White Fox herself also felt strange, cultivating to late Tribulation Crossing, why the heaven didn"t punish her?

"Hah! It seems that the matter should be reported to the secluding master in the back mountain," Liu Changqing was sighing.

"This matter should be reported to Master?" Wu Baoru was slightly surprised, he said with a frown, "Master said in the early years before his seclusion that the White Fox should have came out a hundred years ago, but she didn"t want to come out before. Now she came out of her own violition, it saves the trouble for us, Senior Brother, why bother Master? Master is now in the critical moment of breaking through to mid Tribulation Crossing, we disturbed him because of the Great Canopy Sect"s affair not long ago, and now again, wouldn"t it be bad?"

Liu Changqing pinched his fingers, four white light were shot out toward the four pillars of the pavilion, a purple light shined on each pillars, four inscriptions appeared on it, Liu Changqing then pointed his pinched finger forward, and exclaimed, "Gather!"

The four inscriptions inside the purple light flown into Liu Changqing"s sleeve, After that he turned and stared at the other party, shook his head and said, "Junior Brother, you only know half of it. Her sin was to be punished heavily, but Master only imprisoned her, not for anything else, Master figured that the White Fox had the power to break through to the late Nascent Soul, and they set an agreement, if the White Fox come out of her imprisonment hundred of years later, she need to vow to join the Green Light Sect, or she would be imprisoned untill she agreed... Hah! Master did it so that our Green Light Sect will be having one more expert. I can"t imagine now..."

The elders stared at each other, neither of them seemed to know about the case, they only knew the hazy rumor of it. Wu Baoru sighed, "Master really took a painstaking effort, even brewing a plan for a hundred years."

Liu Changqing nodded, suddenly seemed to think of something, he frowned at Wu Baoru and said, "There is something that Junior Brother should pay attention to, Junior Brother Hao"s disciple, Yue Qianchou, he has root bones unsuitable for cultivation, but he could cultivate, it is inconceivable, the matter has to be understood, so Junior Brother, be sure to figure it out!" The tone of the last sentence was said in a grim tone, the implication was worth pondering.

"Yes! Junior Brother will figure it out!"

"Senior Brother! I"m begging you!" As soon as other elders heard it, they exclaimed one after another. Wu Baoru said with a laugh, "Haha, i understand, i will not disappoint Sect Leader, Senior Brothers, and Junior Brothers trusts!"

The matter that made them concerned was of course something that linked to their interests. If the mystery that happened to Yue Qianchou was clarified, the people around the mountain who were born with extremely poor root bones would be able to openly join Green Light Sect, this was what everyone hoped for.


Inside the golden bead, the came along White Fox was surprised to look around the s.p.a.ce of nearly a kilometer radius. Although she had already heard it from Yue Qianchou, her first time seeing was unavoidable not be surprised. She never imagined that this little golden bead could hold such a large s.p.a.ce, even though the way of the cultivator use the storage bag was quite similar to this, but the storage bag was obviously impossible to hold such a large s.p.a.ce, also couldn"t be like Yue Qianchou who came inside and grew flowers and gra.s.s, but also to bring some small animals to release there.

After confirming to what Yue Qianchou had said, there was also the day and night. If it wasn"t for the chaotic purple fog at the edge, it would almost the same as the outside world. The White Fox squatted down to pick a wild flower, her finger brought the flower under the nose, the smell of a fragrance made her absent-minded, the sound of chirping birds could be heard along, she couldn"t help but made a sweet smile, her beautiful eyes looked around, her expression told she obviously liked the atmosphere here.

Suddenly, the White Fox heard a ding ding sound, looking back, Yue Qianchou was holding his sword, busily cutting a big stone boulder. The elegant figure slowly walked closer, gently asked "Little Brother Chou! What are you doing?"

"Making a sarcophagus for master," Said Yue Qianchou, while his hands cut down one debris with a full swing. The White Fox"s brow wrinkled slightly, she stuck out her hand and said, "Give me the sword."

"Ah?" Yue Qianchou was puzzled, he gave the sword to the White Fox with a curious eyes. The latter unfolded her graceful posture, the white dress fluttered, she put her zither down, and stood in the distance, the sword was swung gently toward the boulder. Immediately, a chunk of nearly 3 meters was sent flying from the big boulder, the White Fox then brought the sword flying in mid-air and made a calculation out of the boulder. Yue Qianchou was stunned seeing her big sister"s effortless movement.

The sword flashed by in every angles, "Swush.. Swush.." The big stone boulder shrinked greatly in size, it was cut without any friction, such as knife cutting tofu, almost couldn"t hear the sound of it. A white shadow was falling gently while holding the sword, it was none other than the White Fox, the stone boulder had become a pillar with six smooth surfaces. The White Fox raised the sword again, her white sleeve fluttered as she struck out, another chunk of the pillar was sent flying and fell to the ground.

Now, if he couldn"t see what the White Fox was going to do, Yue Qianchou should be as good as dead. His big sister white clearly thought that the task was too laborious for him, so she had to do it herself.

"Stop!" Yue Qianchou grabbed the White Fox"s hand as he stopped her movement, he shook his head, "Big Sister is really kind, but Master"s sarcophagus... Let me, his disciple to personally make it for him," After that, he climbed the stone pillar and tried to dug the part inside.

The White Fox furrowed her brow, she knew that Yue Qianchou wanted to respect his filial piety, however, with his cultivation, she worried it would take forever for him to finish it.

With a quite helpless expression, the White Fox slipped her hand into her waist pocket, she took out a pair of dark gauntlets, then shouted, "Catch!"

Yue Qianchou opened his two palms and wondered, "What is this?"

The White Fox reluctantly said, "I"m actually from a fox clan that dwells inside the cave, this is a magical treasure that"s handed down from generation to generation in my tribe, the name is "Mountain Piercing Claws", wear it to cut the stone easily, even a hard stone won"t pose any problem. One of the benefits of wearing this treasure is that the amount of Spiritual Qi in the surrounding could be sensed. Therefore, my family"s ancestors used this treasure to dig holes and find a place with dense spiritual Qi. Put it on, and inject some true Qi, you will be able to use it."