Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 18 - Who is the Victim?

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 18 - Who is the Victim?

Seeing Wu Baoru was still trying to persuade him, Yue Qianchou sneered in his mind, "Heh! Father will slowly accompany your play." However, his mouth muttered, "Really?"

Wu Baoru nodded heavily, while Yue Qianchou seemed to be hesitant, he said, "Well! I will tell you, but you must never tell anyone!"

"Alright!" With a nod, Wu Baoru lamented that Hao Sansi had received an idiot disciple.

"Then you should make a vow by your life, that you won"t tell any outsiders," Yue Qianchou still gave an uncomfortable look.

"Uh..." Wu Baoru took a deep breath again, in his mind he kept telling himself to endure it, then he slowly raised his hand, "I vow today, that if Martial Nephew tell me the secret, i won"t tell any outsiders, if my vow would be broken, let the heaven end my life... You can tell me now!"

Yue Qianchou happily nodded, he looked around the surrounding, as if afraid someone would eavesdropping, and then lowered his voice a bit, "Martial Uncle come closer, let me whisper in your ear, don"t let anyone hear it." Wu Baoru eyes glittered, he obediently brought his ear closer to Yue Qianchou, only to hear what he said, "I do have a secret when i cultivate, that is... Master gave me almost all of his spirit stones so i could absorb the spiritual Qi inside, however, Master told me not to tell any outsiders...."

Wu Baoru waited for a while, heard no more words, he turned and stared at Yue Qianchou, "Anything else?" Yue Qianchou shook his head, "Nothing."

"What? Nothing?" Wu Baoru issued a strange cry... What secret! Master favouriting his disciple by giving spirit stones is a very normal thing, the purpose is to make the disciple gain a rapid growth! He finally got the feeling of being played, grabbed Yue Qianchou"s collars, somberly said, "What did you say?"

"Humph!" Yue Qianchou made a cold hum, his silly looking face disappeared, his two eyes slightly narrowed, said indifferently, "What? You can"t trick me, now you want to do it?"

"Ha ha!" Wu Baoru was slightly surprised, then made an angry laughter, the feeling of thinking the other party as an idiot, but he was the one being fooled, he lost his face a big time. Wu Baoru fiercely said, "Good kid, dared to fool me, i see you don"t want to live anymore..." His whole body suddenly released heavy pressure.

The pressure from someone of Nascent Soul stage was obviously something that Yue Qianchou couldn"t resist, he felt suffocated by the oppression of the other party, the killing intent was even more apparent. Yue Qianchou coldly said, "You dare to even touch my hair, i swear you will never know the secret, if you don"t believe me you can give it a try!"

"Do you think i"m afraid of you?" Wu Baoru slowly raised his palm.

"I"ll wait and see..." Yue Qianchou lifted his head and laughed, "But there is one thing i want to remind you, if i were dead, i don"t know if anyone on the Green Light Sect would doubt that you kept the secret alone for your own interest."

Although Wu Baoru"s face had no reaction, but Yue Qianchou obviously saw his pupil slightly shrunk. The former immediately said, "I will give you a chance, don"t say that i just immediately kill you."

"Heh! Thanks! but you don"t need to give me any chance, just kill me now!" Yue Qianchou made a cold smile and stared right into the other party"s eyes. However, although his mouth said that, his mind had always focused inside his dantian, precisely on the golden bead, as long as the other party started his attack, he was ready to escape into the golden bead.

Wu Baoru"s facial muscles twitched, the pressure was released, and he released Yue Qianchou with a push, then made a cold laugh, "Almost killing you, good thing a kid like you still have some use to me."

Yue Qianchou adjusted his wrinkled collars, he shook his head and made a sigh, "Old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you obviously are afraid to kill me so the other old fogeys wouldn"t be suspicious of you. But to confront someone way below your level... What"s with the violence? Hey old dog! Look what you did to my clothes." His mouth spouted what he had on mind without giving any face to the opposite party, he felt that since the situation had turned like this, there was no need to cover up.

"Hey, sharp mouth! I won"t cut your tongue, but i will destroy your dantian, let you live your life worse than death, torture you until you spout the secret!" Wu Baoru anger was already hit the limit, he was the Green Light Sect"s elder for a long time, and no one had ever badmouthed him. Looking at the kid in front of him casually spouted his words, the latter was really asking for a beating.

"Yo! Come on already, with my golden bead there is nothing to be afraid of... Well! It seems today i need to teach some new tricks.... To an old dog!" Yue Qianchou thought so, but he made a sigh on the outside, "Stop! Actually, i"m afraid of you... Well, let me say it... I will go to the Green Light Hall and personally tell Sect Leader the secret, if you don"t agree, just blow away my dantian."

Wu Baoru was a bit surprised, he decided that right after Yue Qianchou revealed the secret, he would immediately kill him. Wu Baoru agreed to the proposal, and concluded that Yue Qianchou could only think with his b.u.t.t.

Yue Qianchou swaggered along in the front, while Wu Baoru followed behind with a sneer on his face, the two men were heading to the Green Light Hall.

Yue Qianchou and Wu Baoru arrived before the main square in front of the hall, through the fence, it could be seen that many disciples were sitting in the middle of the square, they were listening to the elder who was giving a lecture. Yue Qianchou made a slight smile.

As soon as Yue Qianchou reached the middle of the crowd, he suddenly ran away with his two feet. Wu Baoru was slightly surprised, he secretly thought "Do you think you can still run here?"

"Help! Someone wants to rob my spirit stones... Ahh! The old dog wants to rob me... Ahhh! That b.a.s.t.a.r.d.. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d going to murder me... Ahhh! Sect Leader help me... Ahhh!" Yue Qianchou shouted with all his might, the whole square heard his pleading voice, his appearance was really miserable. The countless eyes on the square instantly looked over.

Wu Baoru did not expect that this guy would make a ruckus in the middle of the crowd like this, he almost fainted because of the shock, then shouted. "Stop right there!" His whole body flashed and shot after Yue Qianchou.

"s.h.i.t! The old dog is on fire," Yue Qianchou was ready to escape into the golden bead, suddenly came a voice from inside the hall, "Stop!" At the same time, one of the elders from the hall quickly arrived right in front of Yue Qianchou.

"Senior Brother Lu, step aside! I"m going to kill him!" Wu Baoru was in rage, the old man called Senior Brother Lu wrinkled his brow, and shouted, "Junior Brother Wu, look around your surrounding! What decency!" The old man was called Lu Wanqian.

"I... ..." With Senior Brother reminder, Wu Baoru focused around his surroundings, he saw countless eyes were staring right at him, then remembered that little beast call, his emotion finally calmed down, today he lost his face a big time. Behind the Senior Brother, the nasty face of a young man was winking at him, his stable mind exploded again, and shouted out loud, "Don"t p.i.s.s me off!"

"Who is making a ruckus right in front of the hall?" Sect Leader Liu Changqing came out with some elders followed behind him. Yue Qianchou immediately turned around and shouted, "Sect Leader save me! Martial Uncle Wu wants to kill me.. Sect Leader save me! Martial Uncle Wu wants to kill me...."

Liu Changqing and the elders" eyes immediately stared at Wu Baoru almost at the same time, the matter of Wu Baoru went to meet Yue Qianchou, they were aware of it.

"Nonsense, don"t p.i.s.s me off! Little Beast, i"ll kill you!" Wu Baoru was so furious he coughed a mouthful of blood, then hurriedly leaped over, he shot a surprise attack toward Yue Qianchou.

"Nonsense!" Liu Changqing striked with his palm, the dust in the surrounding  immediately gathered, it became denser and denser, curled up, and wrapped the long sword that was shot toward Yue Qianchou. Two elders also flew from behind him, they pulled Wu Baoru on each of his arms. The latter eyes furiously stared at Yue Qianchou, that look as if wanting to cut Yue Qianchou to pieces.

After Liu Changqing glanced at Wu Baoru, he stared at Yue Qianchou and asked, "What happened?"

"Sect Leader save me!" Yue Qianchou pleaded with a frightened face, he kneeled down and cried loudly, "Today Martial Uncle Wu met this disciple, he forced this disciple to reveal my secret, but also robbed the hundred mid grade spirit stones that master left for me. Disciple was prepared to swallow the bitterness and forget the matter. But without knowing the reason, Martial Uncle Wu was unwilling to let me go, disciple guessed that Martial Uncle wants to kill me to seal my mouth. Disciple is really wronged, can not think that with my master just died, Martial Uncle Wu actually.... Huu Huu.... Sect Leader please help disciple.."

"Ah....." The atmosphere on the square suddenly boiled up, although the cultivation world is cruel, but the Junior Brother of the same sect just died, having an elder who immediately robbed his junior brother"s disciple, that case was really rare. Seeing Yue Qianchou miserable, no one was thinking of him framing his martial uncle. Although n.o.body dared to speak loudly, but a few whispering mouths were unavoidable. The crowd stared at Wu Baoru as if looking at a monster. In the meantime, there was also Wu Baoru"s disciple in the surrounding, his veins visibly bulged, he seemed to be very ashamed and bowed his head.

Many of the female disciples heard Yue Qianchou"s tragic encounter, and witnessed him explaining with a desolate expression, most of the eyes were suffused with tears. One of them was Qu Ping"er, she tightly bit her lower lips, she could never thought that the genius who made the two great songs would be so abused.

"Little beast! You dare to say anything anymore.... I"ll kill you!" Wu Baoru, struggled desperately, but having two senior brothers with higher cultivation held him on each of his arms, how could he break free?

Yue Qianchou secretly thought in his mind, "This old guy is so wild with his rage! Heh! The psychological quality is very bad, not much different from a hooligan. But the more furious the better, Father will stimulate you again."

"Martial Uncle Wu, do you dare to do it? Still won"t let me say anything.....Oh!" Yue Qianchou brought his palm to his chest, then made a grabbing motion, as if having a heart attack, he staggered back a few steps, opened his arms while facing the sky and shouted loudly, "Heaven! Open your eyes and see! There is such a lunatic in this world." With a shaky hand, he pointed at Wu Baoru and hysterically said, "I have no enmity with you, not even a complain recently, why do you treat me like this! Why do you do this to me!" a grievance tears dripped down.

"Martial Uncle Yue is so pitiful!" There was a female disciple in the square that choked up, then two disciples, then three.... ....Immediately, there were many female disciples cried out their voices.

"Puff!" Those crying voice fell into Wu Baoru"s ears, it was like a thunder, his whole body trembled, he wanted to kill Yue Qianchou but was helpless. Wu Baoru"s heart was in turmoil and he coughed a mouthful of blood, his two eyes turned white, his whole body fell in front of the two Senior Brothers.

"s.h.i.t! Father is so f.u.c.king awesome! Even a Nascent Soul cultivater is collapsed before me, Hahaha!" Yue Qianchou"s outside appearance was still with tearful eyes while secretly took a glance at the collapsed person.

Liu Changqing"s expression was livid, he did not expect that by sending Wu Baoru to find Yue Qianchou, it would provoke this kind of matter. The two eyes swept past two people"s faces, to find out the truth of who was the aggrieved. He confirmed Wu Baoru faint condition, his eyes immediately stopped at Yue Qianchou. Even with Yue Qianchou"s experience in his past life, the facade was so easy to be seen through by Sect Leader.