Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 2 - My Mother, My Father

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 2 - My Mother, My Father

"Whatthe h.e.l.l licking father"s face, didn"t i die?" Guo Jianjun did notbelieve about the underworld things, the first thing he thought was thathe did not die. He desperately opened his heavy eyelids, the sun shonethrough the top branches, dazzling.

"Really not dead!" Heexclaimed in his mind, as he opened his eyes, a big red tongue wasdangling in front of him. He turned to look at it, the head of a dog wasin sight, a big yellow dog.

The dog saw him woke up, it jumped in joy and was very excited.

GuoJianjun slightly surprised for a moment, then felt very weak, his handlaboriously propped up the body, not fully seated, the hand suddenlywent soft, and he laid down again. "s.h.i.t! So hungry!" Guo Jianjun hadpartic.i.p.ated the survival training in the army that year, and he wasvery familiar with the situation. However, his body was so weak that itwas not far from death. He Immediately felt a little panic, survivedfrom the hands of the government, but in the end, starved to death.

"Ohs.h.i.t! How long have i been sleeping, how can i be so hungry?" GuoJianjun clearly aware that this situation represented the physicalcharacteristics of a very dangerous point. A bowl of sugar water wouldbe good, allowing the body to quickly recover part of the energy. Butthe current situation was obviously impossible.

"What to do,can"t wait to die here! Eat something!" Looking around, Guo Jianjun"shead almost wanted to break, he couldn"t figure out what he should do.The big yellow dog saw him not moving again, then leaned over.

"Yes,dog"s blood is the tonic! it"s a good thing to restore strength," Withthat goal, Guo Jianjun was ready to start, to live is more importantthan anything. Hand groped the ground around, then grabbed a stone withhis hand.

Looking at the dog"s appearance, it seemed that he wasvery familiar, but Guo Jianjun didn"t know it. The thought in his headwas that to hit the nose over and over again, He had experience in thismatter. Hand slowly hugged the dog"s neck, the dog didn"t wary, as ifquite happy, the tail was wagging.

"Aoo... Aoo..." Suddenly thebig yellow dog screamed, Guo Jianjun concentrated his strength in hishands for a long time, finally broke out his grabbing of the dog. Heexhausted his strength to fall. The big yellow dog fluttered for a longtime after breaking free, then lied on the ground slowly losing thebreathing, it"s eyes fixed staring the person in front, it couldn"t seemto believe it.

Guo Jianjun rested for a bit, then went all outto crawl, held the dog"s neck in his arms then bit it. Regardless of howuncomfortable the dog"s hair in his mouth was, he ignored it,desperately biting the dog"s neck, and a gulp of salty liquid went intohis mouth, flowed into the stomach.

With a burp, Guo Jianjunrelieved, the body turned, he used the big yellow dog as a pillow to laydown. The dog"s blood in his stomach did not take long to rush to allof his limbs and bones, feeling dry and hot. He knew it was working, GuoJianjun thought about what happened while lying down, quietly waitingfor physical recovery.

The scene of the execution by shooting wasin his mind, probably was struck by lightning, but a stroke of luck, heobviously didn"t die by lightning. But thinking here, the executionpersonnels wouldn"t let him off freely. The verdict of the pervious day,the officers told him clearly that this time he would die, otherwisethey would not be able to account for the international public opinion.

Thinkingof the possibilities, He didn"t know which brothers that would braveenough to plunder the execution ground, such courage, such boldness."d.a.m.n it, rescuing my a.s.s! why threw father here, what the h.e.l.l? Almoststarved father to death. However, this one owes big enough. It doesn"tmatter, living is good enough, there are several hundred million ofdeposit in the swiss bank, the situation will be clear later. Hey! it"snot good to stay her for too long, first find a safe place to hide."

Heshook his two arms, although the strength had not recovered fully, itshould be enough to walk. Stood up, Guo Jianjun thought, "where isthis?" Looked around, he suddenly stunned. In front of the woods, notfar nor near, an ancient city wall stood, he faintly saw people enteringand exiting the gate, strange, there were people riding in and out. Hecould not help but muttered, "Are they filming? is this the HengdianWorld Studios? i wonder which brothers have the power to bring thisthing to be so realistic, is it safe around here?"

With a seriesof doubts, the weak Guo Jianjun slowly walked outward the woods. Beforehe went too far, he held a tree to rest, behind him came the rustlingsound of leaves, turned his head to look that an old woodcutter wascarrying some firewoods to go out from the woods. Guo Jianjun laughed inhis heart, The appearance was very similar, really like in the film.

Theold woodcutter saw in front of him that there was people but paid nomind, he picked more firewoods as going, he took a glance at GuoJianjun"s side, walked a step, then suddenly stopped, the firewoods onthe shoulders fell to the ground, he turned around and looked surprisedat Guo Jianjun.

"Bad! This old fogy seems to know myself, has itturned to a national arrest warrant?" Guo Jianjun surprised, changed hismind, evil spurted from the will to live, in his mind thought,"Unavoidable to kill a witness, otherwise it would be difficult toescape considering my present"s physical strength."

The oldwoodcutter however, was pleasently surprised, and shouted at GuoJianjun, "Young Master Yue! What are you doing here? Where have you beenfor such a long time? Master Yue is looking for you everywhere!"

"Hey!Pretending to be the wrong person! This dead old fogy is reallymalicious, actually dared to play with this father, when father is just anewcomer rookie, then don"t blame me for being impolite!" Guo Jianjunstared coldly at the woodcutter, his hand clenched slowly into a fist.

The old woodcutter shouted enthusiastically, "Young Master Yue! Come back with me immediately! Master is dying looking for you!"

"Theold fogy acted really quite alike, worthy of being an actor, stilldared to call me as Young Master Yue!" Guo Jianjun saw him coming near,his killing intent aroused, suddenly his brain crashed loudly, the wordsYoung Master Yue echoed in his mind unceasingly, his whole beingfainted.


In a coma, the memory of Young Master Yueconstantly revolved in his mind such as watching a film. When GuoJianjun opened his eyes again, he was already lying in a soft bed. Agirl with a braided pigtail was looking at himself, Guo Jianjun was veryfamiliar with the girl in front of him.

The girl saw Guo Jianjun woke up, surprised then shouted "Master! Madam! Young Master has woken up!"

"Ohs.h.i.t! Her voice is also very familiar" Guo Jianjun wanted to cry, hewasn"t stupid, combined with the antecedents and consensuses, as well asa new memory in his head, it reminded him of a very absurd thing, hehad read it countless times in some webnovels... Guo Jianjun reallydied, then crossed the world, and if not mistaken, he was now called YueQianchou. Here should be Yue Zhanggui"s mansion, Swallows city"sbiggest rich merchant.

"Chou"er!" A woman"s voice came out of the door, the sound of a hurried footstep followed.

"Thisshould be my mother"s voice," Guo Jianjun listened to the sound,wondering who it was, a kind woman"s appearance came in mind, with that,she came exactly to the side of the bed at the same time. A fatmiddle-aged man beside the woman was looking at him with concern.

"Thisshould be my father," Guo Jianjun last bit of doubt in his mind wasgone, he was completely speechless. His discerning eyes brushed aroundthe bedside crowd, then stopped on one of the young man, if Guo Jianjundidn"t admit it, this person was his cousin. Thinking of the scene inhis brain, Guo Jianjun"s two eyes slightly narrowed, flashed a coldgleam.