Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 25 - Striking Back

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 25 - Striking Back

The matter Lu Wanqian wanted to ask was naturally related to the secret, the two people walked away. The crowd was confused about what the two were discussing, only to see that Lu Wanqian was pointing and shouting at Yue Qianchou, the latter"s expression was as scared as a chicken about to get slaughtered. When the two came back to the crowd, Lu Wanqian"s face didn"t look good and was obviously angry. While Yue Qianchou was dejected as if he was in grievance. The people couldn"t figure out what the former did to the latter.

In fact, it was nothing as the others would suspect, Lu Wanqian got directly to the matter and asked about the secret. Yue Qianchou denied it, insisted there was no secret, only saying that Master had often gave him something to eat during cultivation, of which the secret he really didn"t know, he made a note in his heart, "Since you insist there is a secret, i will push it to my master, want to know? You can ask my master!"

After knowing the truth about the past incident from Wu Baoru"s mouth, Lu Wanqian had long characterized Yue Qianchou as a problematic kid, he naturally didn"t believe the words that said, after a long time the guy didn"t budge, Lu Wanqian got impatient, finally even a threat was used. However, Yue Qianchou persisted he didn"t know.

Lu Wanqian threw down a sentence, you don"t want to say it? It"s time for you to say! Then the two broke up.

Lu Wanqian shouted toward Gao Shiping and commanded the latter to go to the side and had a talk with him. The surrounding people felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The granddaughter Lu Xia"er, was staring with her big eyes in carefree manner, she pestered Yue Qianchou to create a song for her.

Yue Qianchou swept his gaze toward Lu Xia"er and it reflected a delicate figure, he cursed in his mind about the way the old fogey treated him, "The day Father has a chance to play with fire, i"ll make your granddaughter head over heels for me, i"ll see how you would react!" On the surface however, he still put on a look of being distraught and desperate, with a miserable smile he said, "Creating a new song? I don"t even know if i will live another year to create one."

Qu Ping"er and the other people were surprised listeing to the words, Lu Xia"er made a gasp and asked, "Martial Uncle, What happens?"

"What happens? It"s the matter of Elder Wu and I," Smiled Yue Qianchou, then continued in sorrowful voice, "Unfortunately, my master died early, there"s no longer anyone protecting me. I have offended Elder Wu, The Sect"s elders probably will put me to death. Today, your grandfather had been ordered by Sect Leader to make me confess.

Everyone stared at each other, thought in their mind, no wonder the elder wanted to bring them here, so this was the purpose to let disciples grow their insight.

"Nonsense! My grandather is not such a person!" Exclaimed Lu Xia"er to defend his grandfather.

"Ah! Nonsense it is, however, it is the truth. Does it matter to me? What"s the point of me lying to you?" Yue Qianchou"s face was pale, his expression was full of pain and sorrow. The crowd was in silence.

Suddenly, Yue Qianchou"s eyes shone, he said in emotional way, "If I, Yue Qianchou really guilty, i swear as a man, a man must bear the consequences of his own acts, i don"t need your grandfather testimony, if i were to die because of this, then let the world witness it, but my hands are clean, how can i plead guilty? Although my master had died, and they ordered me to twist the truth and make me compromise, that i cannot do, i would rather die standing than to kneel and live in dishonor!"

The words were spoken in unyielding spirit, it"s momentum as if enveloped in righteousness, the listening disciples were in awe, even Lu Xia"er began to believe his words, her head hung down in shame.

Lu Wanqian and Gao Shiping came back from their private talk, the former glanced at Yue Qianchou with a sneer, while the latter looking helpless and slightly shook his head.

Yue Qianchou stared toward Gao Shiping and made an indifferent smile, "Senior Brother Hao doesn"t have to be embara.s.sed, I guess Martial Uncle burdened you to punish me personally right? It"s okay, Senior Brother just do it."

Gao Shiping was startled, he felt slightly in shame, immediately smiled in guilt as he glanced at Lu Wanqian. The latter heaved a cold hum and said, "Refusing a toast! Now let him drink a forfeit!"[1]

Combined with the immediate situation, all the disciples thought that what Yue Qianchou had said were the truth, it seemed that Elder Lu really wanted to get rid of Martial Uncle Yue.

Lu Xia"er stomped the ground, she came toward Lu Wanqian and exclaimed, "Grandfather, how can you do such a thing?"

Lu Wanqian stared at her and shouted, "Adult matters! You are just a kid, shut that mouth! We are going back!" Lu Xia"er had no power to retaliate, the result was her grandfather going back followed by all the disciples.

"Old fogey! Dared to threaten Father! Today father lets you get your way, so you can go back and live in peace, lest your trip be in vain," Muttered Yue Qianchou as he stared at the fleeting group. Although he said the the sentence in a small voice, but it did not escape the two people around him.

Shi Xiaotian wasn"t an idiot, remembering what Boss said before, combined with the present words, he glanced at his boss"s solemn eyes, instantly became stunned.

Although Gao Shiping didn"t know what had happened, he naturally heard that Yue Qianchou scolded Lu Wanqian, had to admire his toughness, even dared to scold Sect"s elder, he thought of it and felt satisfied with his junior brother. Yue Qianchou dared to scold Lu Wanqian obviously because there were no more outsiders.

"Senior Brother Gao, tell me, how do you want to torture me?" Asked Yue Qianchou with a sneer.

Gao Shiping shook his head with a wry smile, "Junior Brother! It seems that the matter of you offended Sect Leader is very problematic, Martial Uncle Lu specifically came here to pa.s.s on Sect Leader"s order. Needless to say, he told me that from today, Junior Brother"s mining quota will be doubled. Hey! You know, other things i can take care for Junior Brother, but this spirit stone"s mining quota is handled by several overseer disciples, i don"t dare to give favoritism, only afraid how Junior Brother will finish the task, this penalty i also...."

Yue Qianchou waved his hand and interrupted, "Senior Brother doesn"t need to say anymore, i understand. Senior Brother rest a.s.sured to do what you need to do, did they think this little thing will bother me? How naive."

Gao Shiping complained in his heart, unfortunately this way, he was afraid his share of income would be ruined, that"s a top grade spirit stone ah!

Yue Qianchou seemed to know what Gao Shiping was thinking, he laughed, "Senior Brother doesn"t need to worry, it"s not hard for me to take care of one or two stones, you and i will do as usual."

Yue Qianchou"s words secretly pointed to some thing, Gao Shiping naturally understood it, a smile bloomed on his face, with a pat on his chest he said, "No problem Junior Brother, i will naturally take care of you, just say if you have anything in mind."

Yue Qianchou smiled, this person was very reasonable, to receive money from him but also didn"t shy away to reach out, he was initially afraid it would be taken for granted. "I hope Senior Brother will accommodate me with more food and wine to bring into the cave, after all, my quota has increased, it"s not enough to do hard work without a stuffed stomach."

"I thought it was something, Junior Brother can rest a.s.sured and leave it to me," Guaranteed Gao Shiping.

Yue Qianchou turned to Shi Xiaotian and said, "Xiaotian, you should go and have a good rest now, we need a good start for our task tomorrow."

Gao Shiping exclaimed, "Your name is Shi Xiaotian right? Following Junior Brother Yue, then i will take care of you too." He wasn"t just spouting lies, helping Yue Qianchou was equal to help him with his top-grade spirit stone, it was obvious he would say that.

Shi Xiaotian nodded and went back to the house. In fact, he wasn"t worried, Boss had already found another good spirit stones vein, even a three or four times quota wouldn"t be a problem.

The three people scattered, Yue Qianchou lazily sat on the ground to continue basking in the sunlight. He was now thinking of a problem, his clash with the Green Light Sect had reached this point, it"s highly unlikely to stay longer. But to expose his secret to get free was impossible, in the jungle law of cultivation world, this was his trump card and no one else should know it. His current plan was, as long as he was able to stay another day in the mine, he would harvest as many as possible. Heaven never cut off a man"s means, there was always a way out. When one door shut, another opened.

The next day after entering the spirit stone mine, Shi Xiaotian found that Boss"s face was so serious. They didn"t talk much inside the mine and directly went to the mining spot, he exclaimed in his heart, "What is Boss worried about? There are so many spirit stones, does he afraid of not completing the task?"

Before digging, Yue Qianchou said meaningfully, "Xiaotian, starting from today, make every effort to harvest regardless if it"s low-grade or mid-grade spirit stones, get it?"

Shi Xiaotian had greatly admired his boss after these two days spending with him, seeing his boss said carefully, he took it in his heart and heavily nodded without asking anything.

Yue Qianchou appreciated his cooperation, the two people immediately split into action and began in full swing digging the spirit stones.

Within three days, Yue Qianchou made a trip back into the golden bead, he was still not satisfied seeing the piled high spirit stones in the forest. He didn"t know how much harvest he would gain in this limited time. Since embarked on the road of cultivation, he should try to lay the foundation for the future.

The spirit stones had piled up high and ruined the beautiful surrounding, the White Fox"s heart was a little unhappy, seeing the rare appearance of Yue Qianchou made her want to complain a thing or two at him, but noticing the seriousness of his face, she feared there was something critical, just about to ask what happened, the d.a.m.n guy disappeared.

Gao Shiping got his wish of a piece top-grade spirit stone, Yue Qianchou duo also completed the task, which allowed the former to admire, wine and food offered in abundance.

Drinking half the wine, Gao Shiping didn"t continue, and let the other two have their shares. Yue Qianchou asked in puzzlement, "Senior Brother Gao hasn"t drunk, why don"t you drink more?"

"The Sect had sent an order to transport the spirit stones, and i still have to arrange the work. All the miners have to work, but Junior Brother, you two should relax and continue your drinking," Said Gao Shiping.

Yue Qianchou nodded and sent him out. Not long after, Gao Shiping came back with a mournful face, he wryly smiled and said, "Junior Brother, i have to break my promise. This time leading the elders is elder Lu Wanqian, he noticed the miners are without you, he scolded me and ordered to get you to work together with other miners. Junior Brother, forgive me."

"d.a.m.n that old man! Always getting in Father"s way!" Scolded Yue Qianchou. There was no solution but to go with Gao Shiping and Shi Xiaotian.

Spirit stones storage cave, Lu Wanqian was standing in front of the miners as he noticed Yue Qianchou coming, a cold hum resounded, his little granddaughter had quarreled with him these past few days. Beside him were more than 10 elders, they were also familiar with Yue Qianchou.

Seeing everyone had gathered, Lu Wanqian took something out of his pocket, it was a small golden dragon statue, his hand pointed and a flash of glowing light headed toward the statue, he immediately threw it away into the air. The golden dragon statue issued a dazzling light and a strong blow of wind, it instantly grew into a huge size, a lifelike dragon appeared in front of everyone. Lu Wanqian pointed his hand once more, and a hole appeared on the belly of the dragon.

Yue Qianchou was amazed. Although he had heard about this transportation, but it was the first time seeing it. After a group of miners were inspected, they were driven into the spirit stone cave, filled a large amount of spirit stones into many sack of bags, Yue Qianchou gaped his mouth seeing the abundance spirit stones, the miners were ordered to carry bags of spirit stones into the dragon"s belly.

Shi Xiaotian determined to keep with with his boss, he carried a bag as his boss carried one, he would walk to where his boss would walk. The s.p.a.ce inside the dragon"s belly was really big, so many miners endlessly carrying bags of spirit stones, Yue Qianchou didn"t know how many bags he had carried, in short he couldn"t remember.

Working together, the two people arrived at the cave, the cave had become empty, only leaving two bags. Yue Qianchou was too lazy to carry, smoothly grasped Shi Xiaotian to stand aside, someone would naturally carry those back. Sure enough, two miners walked directly to shoulder the bags.

"You two put it down!" Yue Qianchou turned to look, Lu Wanqian"s familiar voice arrived behind him.