Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 26 - Spirit Stones and a Beauty

Translator: Ichinonsesne
TL Note: There was a missing part at the end of the previous chapter for half an hour after it was released, if you didn"t know about the mine being attacked, please check it again. Thank you

Chapter 26 - Spirit Stones and a Beauty

Yue Qianchou and Shi Xiaotian were about to get up, suddenly, a sharp crashing resounded and the dragon"s body was shaking non-stop, they looked around, the sound of fighting outside seemed to become more and more intense, the dragon"s body took another blow and a screeching sound from the metal friction shook their ears in numbness, their minds followed in dizziness, the two people staggered toward the entrance.

At the mouth of the entrance, Yue Qianchou forced his eyes to check the surrounding, he withheld the dizziness and his numb ears. There were several figures flying in the sky, many colorful magical attacks scattered around, exploding everywhere and produced loud bangs. As he was dumbfounded, a dazzling red flash shot toward him.

"Oh my G.o.d!" Exclaimed Yue Qianchou, he immediately retracted his head, a loud bang issued, the entrance became broken and crumbled in pieces, the aftershock of the violent attack sent the two people deep back inside the dragon"s belly.

After recovering himself from the fall, Yue Qianchou tried to cover his ears from the buzzing sound, but it was to no avail, the series of violent impact kept hitting the dragon"s body and the two people almost lost their sanity. Yue Qianchou hit an idea and quickly tear off a part of his robe into two piece of clothes, he shaped the two clothes into small b.a.l.l.s and stuffed into his ears. Seeing his boss, Shi Xiaotian followed suit.

With something blocking their ears, their conditions became a lot better. Feeling the violent shocks under the feet, Yue Qianchou slowly stood up, while Shi Xiaotian gestured a motion that he didn"t want to go out.

"d.a.m.n it! Of course going out now is just looking for death." Yue Qianchou looked outside at the scene and waved his hand and said he wouldn"t go out. The madness outside seemed not only weakened but became fiercer.

"Oh my G.o.d! Is this a war between cultivators?" It was his first time seeing such a fantasy-like scene, it gave him a lot of shock! "It"s so f.u.c.king crazy! That"s the way to go!"

Yue Qianchou was feeling excited, he firmly grasped his trembling hands "Looks so much fun! Cultivation world don"t run! Father will join the fun!" Of course, he said the joke now not to go out and die, that should wait for some day in the future. Shi Xiaotian couldn"t hear what his boss was saying, only saw his boss was very excited.

Due to the drastic shaking of the dragon"s body, the stack of spirit stone bags in the storage room was poured in mess. Yue Qianchou"s eyes gleamed in delight, "So many spirit stones, Father"s harvest were like a fart, anyway, Father is not going to stay too long in this Green Light Sect," In another word, what else if he wasn"t going to steal now?

"Little baby, Uncle is coming!" Yue Qianchou worked his two hands toward the spirit stone bag, a bag of spirit stones disappeared as it touched his hand. On the side, Shi Xiaotian was a bit skeptical whether his eyes were spent. After confirming that he was not mistaken, he was so surprised he couldn"t even close his mouth. His mind went blank.

When the last bag of spirit stones vanished, the Green Light Sect"s saved up wealth of six months had been swept away. Yue Qianchou checked the surrounding once more and confirmed that there was nothing left. He patted his belly in satisfaction, then the two eyes fell on Shi Xiaotian who was dumbfounded like a wooden chicken, he smiled and went closer to say, "Boss will send you to a fun place." Having said that, regardless whether the guy agreed or not, he immediately grabbed his hand and directly transported him into the golden bead s.p.a.ce.

To say what was the most unbelievable, it"s time to count the White Fox, she finally knew how crazy Yue Qianchou was. When the first bag fell from the sky, the White Fox leisurely glanced with her eyes. However, after some time, the rain of big bags never stopped, endlessly poured down, until it became a pile of small hill then it finally stopped.

The White Fox could no longer stay indifferent, she moved, a flash of white light swept into the forest, as she was standing before the big pile of bags, her eyebrow wrinkled, in her mind was speculating what Yue Qianchou was up to. The slender jade finger made a light strike, and a bag was split effortlessly, it revealed a bunch of spirit stones rolling down with a clank sound.

The White Fox was slightly surprised... A dozen of clothing bags, a bunch of spirit stones inside. The seductive lips lifted up and just froze there. Is this mountain pile filled with spirit stones? No way!  Still stunned, from the sky suddenly appeared a shadow accompanied by a crying voice, her face lifted up, a figure fell on the mountain pile and rolled down.

Shi Xiaotian got his body up, a peerless beauty was standing in front of him, the two people asked simultaneously, "You are... ..."


Yue Qianchou had wanted to hide inside the golden bead too, but a serious problem appeared in front of him. When he entered into the golden bead, he could only go out from the same place. If he came in from the storage room, what would happen if it was reduced to nothing? He wasn"t willing to take such a risk.

Thinking of that, Yue Qianchou went and hid beside the entrance, he was waiting for an opportunity to slip out.

Outside, the movement finally became smaller and smaller, he occasionally could still hear one or two fighting sound, seeing a chance at this moment, Yue Qianchou embraced himself to run outside, just running for a short breath, he immediately felt his neck tightened, a big hand was actually pinched him on the neck.

Powerful! Almost didn"t give him any way to take a breath, but was enough to make his brain in a short-term hypoxia[1], the two eyes went white and Yue Qianchou"s four limbs were throbbing. The person who grabbed his neck seemed to have sensed his breathing difficulty, the giant fingers loosened a little.

Yue Qianchou finally had a chance to breath normally and gasped with his mouth wide, he wanted to break free and escape, but noticed that in front of him there was a group of people floating in the sky, all of them were holding weapons, and an enchanting woman wearing a bright red royalty dress was in the lead, with the breeze blowing, the two slender white thighs wrapped in red clothes were looming, exceptionally attractive. Yue Qianchou smiled in that direction.

Yue Qianchou tried to calm his mind and a.s.sessed the surrounding, concluded that it wouldn"t be too late to wait a bit, so he decided to see what"s going on.

The enchanting woman wrapped in red clothing looked below, a charming smile blossomed, "Lu Wanqian, it"s been a hundred years, i haven"t seen you for many years, this palace woman really missed you, today we finally meet. But what are you doing? Could it be someone as old as you really need a kid to find your courage? Embara.s.sing!" The people behind her were laughing together.

Lu Wanqian with a messy hair and a trace of blood on his mouth said, "Shut up you demon woman!  I don"t know what you"re up to, to know that my Green Light Sect is shipping the spirit stone today. You dared to do a sneaky attack, have a taste of my Green Light Mountain!"

"Oh s.h.i.t! It"s this old b.a.s.t.a.r.d again! What nonsense are you spouting, your saliva sprayed on my head! If you want to die, just die already! Don"t drag me with you! Never heard someone shameless enough to die dragging their scapegoat." Yue Qianchou heard the voice, the person who gripped his neck was none other than Lu Wanqian.

"Kukuku... Green Light Sect ah!" Laughed the red clothing woman, she unfolded her arms and lightly stroked her thick and beautiful hair. "Although Green Light Sect has been decreasing in their generation, but those old monsters hidden in the mountain still have some real ability. This weak palace woman doesn"t dare to go such risk, So! I have to bully a man like you here, i don"t think i can"t do that. Unfortunately, these spirit stones acc.u.mulated by your Green Light Sect will become this palace woman"s possession. Lu Wanqian! since you"re an acquaintance of this palace woman, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, this palace woman will consider to let you live." Another burst of laughter came from the group behind her.

The voice of Big Sister was very charming, Yue Qianchou became excited, he gradually relaxed his restricted body.

"Enchantress Bai Mei! Did you see who is caught in my hand?" As Lu Wanqian said that, the grasp became tighter, Yue Qianchou"s body that was starting to relax became tense again. He tried to breath for an air and a click sound was heard from his throat. Fortunately, the fingers loosened again.

The group in the air heard the words, Enchantress Bai Mei focused her eyes at Yue Qianchou, but she didn"t see anything special, didn"t even have a feeling that she met him before, couldn"t help but smiled, "Lu Wanqian, did you just grab a low-level disciple of Green Light Sect as a hostage to threaten me? Are you really that stupid?"

"Ha ha!" Madly laughed Lu Wanqian, "Demon woman, others might not know, but why shouldn"t i? My junior brother had been in melancholy for a hundred years, lonely all day long. Are you here to rob spirit stones? I"m afraid it is because Junior Brother"s death that you come here in fury. The one who killed Junior Brother is the Great Canopy Sect, why don"t you go there? Huh! Did you know who is in my hand? It is that fearless man rumored disciple, who were as close as a father and a son. If you want to get in my way, he will be killed by my hand!"

After listening to the spoken words, Yue Qianchou was shocked, he could guess that the old man was talking about his master. He could hear him calling his master as a fearless man, and immediately realized that Lue Wanqian was finding an opportunity to escape. "But this is fine, if that Big Sister was really master"s lover, i"m sorry to have wild desires." thought Yue Qianchou.

Enchantress Bai Mei"s eyes met with Yue Qianchou"s, she was looking surprised, then snapped as she said, "So what if he is that man"s disciple? A disciple of such a heartless man is certainly not a good thing, even if you do not kill, this palace woman will also kill him later." As her words fell, a flash of red shadow fluttered.

"s.h.i.t! At least that Big Sister is beautiful." Yue Qianchou was startled, he just wanted to hide inside the golden bead. The neck was pinched tighter and his mind was about to go blank, he vaguely felt that Lu Wanqian threw him afar, as he collected his consciousness, he felt a soft fragrance wrapped him, Yue Qianchou noticed that he was slowly landed on the ground. A group of people roared overhead and chased towards Lu Wanqian.

"What! Weird, huh? Is this okay?" Yue Qianchou couldn"t believe it, but it seemed that people on both sides wanted him to die. When he checked the surrounding, there was no one nearby, but the the pungent smell of blood, the ground was littered with corpses, apparently most were Green Light Sect people, he could faintly see a few bodies of Green Light Sect"s elders. No longer dared to have wild desires, in an instant, the body disappeared from the place.