Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 28 -  General Government Mansion

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 28 -  General Government Mansion

After two full days of running, a village where the smoke risen could be seen in front of Yue Qianchou. He believed that the Green Light Sect wouldn"t find himself here, the breathless Yue Qianchou finally stopped and returned into the golden bead.

A mountain of spirit stones was still there, Looking at Shi Xiaotian, he seemed dejected as he was sitting there, it seemed there was no way but to lead him out. Yue Qianchou stared as he shook his head and walked through the forest to arrive at the bamboo pavilion. He wryly smiled at the beautiful woman in the pavilion. "Big Sister, please release him! I will lead him out."

The White Fox stopped her zither and slightly glared at him. Without saying a word, she slowly stood up. The figure leisurely exited the bamboo pavilion, white robes fluttered into the forest outside. Seeing the forest was scattered with spirit stones, her brow wrinkled

Yue Qianchou followed the figure, in front of him was still the graceful and beautiful woman, but the feeling of lecherous was no longer exist, it wasn"t clear what the reason was, he no longer had interest in the White Fox, it maybe because the habit of calling her as a big sister, subconsciously really treat her as his own sister.

The two people arrived in front of Shi Xiaotian, the latter muttered something and ignored the two whom he couldn"t see. Yue Qianchou took a look around and found it strange that he couldn"t find anything like a formation, how could it trap Xiaotian? He turned his face toward the White Fox with a sigh and asked, "Is this a kind of restriction? Big Sister is really talented, when will you teach me ah?"

"You need to be at least at a Foundation Establishment to cast it," Said the White Fox, she lifted her hand and pinched with her two fingers, the screen of light surrounding Shi Xiaotian broken and some things scattered the ground in all directions. Yue Qianchou looked intently, those things were actually spirit stones! His big sister waved her arm, and a dozen pieces of spirit stones were swept toward the mountain pile on the side.

It turned out that the materials were from this own place, looking at Shi Xiaotian who finally freed after trapped for two days, Yue Qianchou was speechless.

"Don"t bring any unrelated people to disturb this place again, did you hear?" Said the White Fox. The meaning of this story was simply a big sister teaching her younger brother to behave better, Yue Qianchou smiled and said, "Big Sister has taught me."

"Humph" The White Fox heaved a hum and her figure disappeared.

Yue Qianchou knew she was going to play her zither again, never seemed to get bored of it, he wondered whether it"s time to find her a boyfriend, and then smiled, he thought it wasn"t likely, his sister wouldn"t be easily infatuated.

"Boss, where are you! Come and help me! Did you really leave Xiaotian alone......."

Sitting on the ground, Shi Xiaotian murmured again and again, Yue Qianchou understood what he was saying and couldn"t help but smiled. This guy was really unlucky to have offended the late stage Tribulation White Fox. Yue Qianchou kicked his a.s.s and shouted, "What are you dreaming about? Come with me."

Boss"s voice! Shi Xiaotian came back to his senses. He turned his head and his eyes widened, that familiar face with a smirk was right in front of him. Excited, just wanted to say something, suddenly he saw his boss reached out with his hand and grabbed him. He clearly noticed that the surrounding scene had changed, but fortunately his boss was still in front of him.

"Boss!" Shi Xiaotian grabbed Yue Qianchou"s arm, fearing that he would run again, and then he began to tell his story and poured out all of his misery.

Yue Qianchou coldly stared at him and said, "Have you finished?" Shi Xiaotian shuddered, stiffly nodded his head, saying he was finished. Then Yue Qianchou scolded the guy, "Did you know who you messed with? That was my big sister, and if not for giving me face, she would have already dug out your eyes!"

Shi Xiaotian was a bit dumbfounded after being scolded, for a long time he observed his boss" face suspiciously, then muttered, "How can the two siblings are so different!"  Fortunately, Yue Qianchou didn"t hear the words, otherwise he would retaliate.

"Boss! Where is this?" Shi Xiaotian asked as he looking around.

Yue Qianchou looked at him with a smile, then said, "I don"t know where is this, but starting today, the Green Light Sect no longer exists for both of us. We don"t need to worry about the Green Light Sect anymore.

What Yue Qianchou was right, when Lu Wanqian returned from the mine, many people asked about Yue Qianchou"s whereabout, and the answer was that, it was estimated that he had died in the hands of Enchantress Bai Mei. This made the elders sighed in regret.


The capital of Huaxia Empire was a busy and prosperous place, People were coming and going in stream. The smooth streets were lined with restaurants and all kind of shops. Walking on the streets, the buzzing of the pedestrians could be felt everywhere. Sometimes, there could be seen many beautifully dressed women pulling people into their shops, "Happy Red Court" and "Flower PaG.o.da" were two of the many stores that could be seen along the streets.

The brothels women have practiced their golden eyes to differentiate people with money or not, such as the two people walking on the street now, the women were avoiding them.

Yue Qianchou and Shi Xiaotian smiled from ear to ear, both of them currently have an unsightly look, after wandering all day in dirt and dust, they finally arrived in this bustling capital.

Why did the two come here? Because Shi Xiaotian was homesick, there was a time when the two left the Green Light Sect and couldn"t think of where else to go. Yue Qianchou was also interested in seeing the capital.

Yue Qianchou read the plaque above them, looked suspiciously at Shi Xiaotian and asked, "Are you sure it is your home? Really not mistaken?"

Yue Qianchou was dissatisifed with the situation, the other guy took him on several wrong roads to search for his home. As a result, they wasted half a day, and now the guy led him to such a scary place.

Shi Xiaotian silently nodded his head and stared at the magnificent gate with tears on his eyes.

Yue Qianchou gave a scorn glance, this unlucky kid tend to cry a lot, he really couldn"t stand it, but looking at the matter, this should be the right place. He didn"t speak anymore and folded his arms in wait.

The two were silent for a moment, just as Shi Xiaotian was about to knock on the gate, "Tatata....." From the distance came the sound of the rushing hoofs, the two people turned to look. Dozens of horses were quickly coming closer toward the two.

"Stop!" Shouted the young general in the lead who was wearing a dark silver and bright armor as he waved his hand. The reins pulled in his hand and the st.u.r.dy horse lowered it"s head with a hissing sound, followed by dozens of people behind him as they stopped in unison. Dozens of people jumped off their horse simultaniously, the armors they wore made a clashing sound, the momentum was really extraordinary.

This was obviously more impressive than what he had seen in the movies, Yue Qianchou looked envious.

The gate with a written sign of "General Government Mansion" made a dull noise and slowly opened, the man inside came out and shouted, "Second Young Master is back!" He smiled and ran toward the young general then took the reins.

The young general glanced toward the two people by the gate, his eyes focused on Shi Xiaotian"s figure and paused for a moment, he then immediately strode to pa.s.s the gate.

"Second Brother!"

Just strode for a few steps, the young general heard the shout and he was shocked, the head wearing the helmet slowly turned over, his eyes widenly stared at Shi Xiaotian, eyes up and down, then finally said, "Third Brother? Is that you Third Brother?

"Second Brother! It"s me, Xiaotian!" Shi Xiaotian walked toward the opposite.

"Third Brother, it"s really you!" Exclaimed the young general. The two brothers ran and hugged each other. As soon as the gatekeeper heard the conversation, he handed the reins in his hand to a soldier on the side and quickly ran into the mansion.

After exchaning a few words, the young general suddenly grabbed Shi Xiaotian"s shoulders and slightly pushed him away. He looked up at his brother and asked, "Weren"t you being taken away by immortal to cultivate? How did you end up like this? And this is......" The last sentence was utttered as he was looking at Yue Qianchou. The latter smiled and silently nodded at him.

Shi Xiaotian didn"t reply, his face was still dripping in tears, he shook his head and said, "Are Father and Mother in a good health?"

"Haha!" The young general smiled and patted his brother"s shoulders, "Let"s go in and meet with them," Then looked on the side toward Yue Qianchou as he beckoned, "This brother must be my Third Brother"s friend, please come in as well."

Yue Qianchou saluted with his hands and thanked the young general, he followed behind the two brothers into the general"s mansion. As soon as Yue Qianchou pa.s.sed the gate, he immediately felt the pressure of the extravagant place, there were many pavilions on the surrounding and exquisite garden with many colorful flowers. During this period of time, there were many servants walking back and forth, demonstarting the extraordinary and prominent status of the place.

The trio had not yet reached the main mansion. However, a group of people rushed toward them along with a beautiful women in the lead as she shouted, "Third Son!" Shi Xiaotian broke off from his brother"s arm and ran away while shouting, "Mother!"

Long time not meeting each other, the mother and son cried together, the latter then kneeled down toward his mother. Yue Qianchou couldn"t stand the crying scene, he simply closed his eyes and calmed his mind. Beside him, Shi Xiaotian"s brother took a glance at the former and slightly wrinkled his brow.

"Mother, the Youngest and the Eldest Brother have come back," The young general laughed, then turned his head followed by a shout, "Eldest Brother, guess who is back!."

Yue Qianchou who was calming his mind, also heard someone coming from behind, he opened his eyes and turned his head.

A young man dressed like a civil servant smiled and stepped out from the building. Hearing his second brother"s words, a smile bloomed on his face as he wondered who was the man kneeling down at his mother"s feet. After seeing the man, he exclaimed, "Third Brother! You... How did you come back? You.... How did you end up like this?" He was surprised to see the ragged appearance of his brother.

Shi Xiaotian got up and shyly greeted the young man, "Eldest Brother..."

"Haha! Third Brother is back! Good! Today is really double happiness!" Shi Xiaotian was laughing along with his eldest brother. However, after listening to the words, the Second Brother was baffled, he asked, "Double happiness? Can it be that Eldest Brother found someone you like? I know the first is about Third Brother coming back, i like to hear from Eldest Brother about what is it."

The Eldest Brother ignored the Second Brother, he went closer to Shi Xiaotian and patted his shoulders as he smiled, "Third Brother, we will be a peer. Haha! Today, i was sailing with a few colleagues of mine, and we coincidentally met a powerful immortal, that immortal noticed that i have a good root bones, he promised to accept me as a disciple. Third Brother, say, we will be a fellow immortals in the future hahaha!"

The people in the surrounding stared at each other and the scene fell on the Eldest Brother"s eyes, it made him even more feeling proud. Suddenly saw the ragged clothing Yue Qianchou, the laugh came to a halt, his face replaced by arrogance, with a frow and said, "Who is this man? How did "General Government Mansion" become an access to random people?"