Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 3 - Nursed Back to Health

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 3 - Nursed Back to Health

YueQianchou"s elder cousin was Xue Gaibao, he was the only son of hismother"s elder brother. Xue was a rich family, Yue Changgui was alsomarried to the Xue family"s female descendant. A few years ago, becausethey offended the government authorities, the whole Xue family waskilled, leaving only the root seedling Xue Gaibao, he went to his auntXue Erniang, who was none other than Yue Qianchou"s mother. The arrivalof this nephew, one of their relatives, Yue family happily welcomed it,they also treated Xue Gaibao as one of their own.

Halfa month ago, Xue Gaibao invited his younger cousin Yue Qianchou to goto picnic, however, they b.u.mped into the kidnappers. The former ranaway, while the latter got tied up. After Yue Qianchou was kidnapped, helearned from the group leader"s mouth that this event was a conspiracybetween his elder cousin and the kidnappers. Yue Qianchou was locked inthe deserted cottage, he didn"t believe at first. Until inadvertently,witnessed his elder cousin came to the cottage, only then he believed.

Hewas lucky, on the day his elder cousin came to the cottage, his raiseddog actually followed his scent and found him, the dog bit open thebundle of rope, a dog and a person fled on the barren mountains ridge,the dog guided his way back, he ran away for more than three days time,until  arrived at the outskirt of Swallow city. finally came close tohome, his starving reached it"s limit, the young master collapsed to theground.

GuoJianjun died, not knowing the reason, he possessed the collapsed YueQianchou"s body. After waking up, he did not know the dog! The resultwas killing it to survive. That big yellow dog rescued the master"s lifetwice! Just a little unwilling to die.

Thatyoung master did not understand before he collapsed, why would hiscousin harmed him. He did not understand, did not mean Guo Jianjun wouldbe the same. Yue family only son.. If the only son to die, the family"sinheritance would naturally fall into the only nephew"s possession.

XueGaibao"s face flashed a trace of haze, but he immediately concealed it,then gave a genial smile to Guo Jianjun. Oh, wrong, now he should becalled Yue Qianchou.

"d.a.m.nit! even if my body to rot, my heart will not! It is you who will goingto die! This father had experienced many conspiracies. That ungratefuls.h.i.t! look how father will deal with you!" Yue Qianchou secretlythought.

Thedoctor came, after having checked the pulse, only the body was still alittle weak, and no serious harm, resting for a few days should beenough.

Aftersome checking, the room was left to the maidservant to care. YueQianchou was silent, his mind still a bit chaotic, many thoughts came inhis mind, but he steadied himself.

Aftera long time, Yue Qianchou thought fell to the eye-catching attires, heunderstood, here according to his past life, should be an ancient era.In addition to the written language, this era did not belong to anydynasty he knew. He also didn"t know which place he got transported to,only to know that it was called the Huaxia Empire. The meaning of thename was still acceptable according to the understanding of his previouslife.

In short, the living customs and local conditions were not much different from the ancient China of his previous life.

YueQianchou was happy, in the past life he had read through a lot ofwebnovels, the protagonists were diversed. It would not be bad to try tousurp the throne, but thinking here he gave up, Politics were tooterrible, too tiring, past life he had the chance to touch a little, butdid not play well, not here either, it would be a dead end.

FromYue Qianchou"s memory, he was surprised to find that this worldactually had immortal, but it was also a well known knowledge, and thisperson had seen with his own eyes.

Therewas a scene like this, one day out to play, he swam to green mountainand river, found a beautiful sword on the back of a beauty washing herhead full of black hair at the spring. The beauty noticed Yue Qianchou,then gave a coldly hum. Her graceful posture stood up, white such assnow, the sword on her back propped up, the beauty rode the sword andwas flying away. That face lingered in Yue Qianchou"s mind for a longtime.

Laiddown in bed, Yue Qianchou constantly relived the scene, he had to admitthat the girl was too hot. He had also seen countless beauties in hispast life, foreign girls were also many, but no one could compare to theimmortal big sister.

Hopeless ah! So beautiful but he could only see. Yue Qianchou felt a pain in his heart, griefingly shouted, "s.h.i.t!"

The maidservant in the room, heard the young master"s shout, hurried over and asked, "Young Master! Are you thirsty?"

YueQianchou glanced, this maid understanding ability was too bad, s.h.i.t wasinterpreted as thirst. Then come to understand it, this era probablyhad no word of it. Without another way to drink a gla.s.s of water, smallarms propped Yue Qianchou up, he drank a mouthful of it. Suddenly, smelta delicate fragrance, he looked at the maidservant, he secretlythought, "This place has a benefit, compared to the population of shortlived people in the past life, here should be a lot more, really a lot!"

Suddenlythought of a question, he didn"t know if that peerless beautiful bigsister already had a man, so beautiful, it must be that many people wereafter her. Finished! Finished! the difference of status was too big,oneself had no hope! Sooner or later she will fall in the hands ofothers, how was this be any good!

YueQianchou immediately sat up. Startled the maidservant, and quicklyasked him, "Young Master! What are you doing?" Obviously she was unawarethat her young master had decided to cultivate immortality.

"Ah!"Yue Qianchou heaved a deep sigh then laid down again, in his heartasked, "Where should i go to cultivate as immortal ah! Not a clue.Waiting for a good luck to become immortal, other pigs would also carvefor the good cabbage, looking at the situation now, how could i get anychance to obtain it ah?"

Justas he was torn, Xue Gaibao came in with a small bowl. The maidservantquickly took over. Yue Qianchou looked at this guy, he immediatelybecame alert. Xue Gaibao sat by the bed to seize his hand, shook hishead while smiling wryly, "Younger Cousin.. I"m the one to blame. If ihad not invited you out to play that day, i would not have met thekidnappers and suffered you. Fortunately you came back safely, or iwould be in guilt for a lifetime, no longer have any face to see uncleand aunt."

"f.u.c.k!b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Cat crying a fake compa.s.sion for mouse, dared to face thisfather. Father is no longer Yue Qianchou of that little idiot ah!"Cursed in his heart, Yue Qianchou put a smile on his face then said, "Itwas nothing Elder Cousin, Elder Cousin should not take it to heart,things are in the past, consider it was my bad luck," The mouth said so,but in his heart he blurted, "Count it a bad luck you meet Father, waitfor Father"s body to recover, i will kill you right away, staying byyour side for too long make me sick!"

"IfYounger Cousin thinks like this, then i will say nothing further," Hesaid as he swept his two tearing eyes, then took a small bowl from themaidservant, said "Younger Cousin, this is the chicken soup i personallycooked, consider it to compensate my sin to Younger Cousin. Comemaidservant, hold Younger Cousin up while i feed him personally."

Themaidservant just about to hold him, Yue Qianchou hurriedly stopped her,and gave a serious gaze, "Elder Cousin! Things have pa.s.sed, what is themeaning of this? You had never touched the kitchen, for cousin to cooksomething for me, does Elder Cousin want to let all of my life to nothave a peace of mind? How can i drink this chicken soup?"

"Thisis..." Xue Gaibao just wanted to explain, Yue Qianchou immediatelystopped him "Elder Cousin doesn"t have to say anything, this chickensoup, i am absolutely won"t drink it. Maidservant, send Elder Cousinout," After that, he turned his back to the two people and made an angryface.

XueGaibao surprised for a moment, he could never thought that his usualobedient younger cousin, actually would be so tough today. His mind wasdisturbed, did he got found out? He thought about it and concluded thatit should be impossible, he did it without a flaw, should be impossibleto get discovered. Expression slightly down, he said embarrasedly, "Ifthat"s the case, then i will go out first, Younger Cousin, you have agood rest."

Afterhe went out, Yue Qianchou turned over and looked at the small bowl onthe table, he thought in his mind, "I dont dare to eat the things yousend, that would just be courting death, who knows what poison you putin there. I must get rid of him as soon as possible, it"s hard to livewith enemy around."