Scum Of The Cultivation World

Chapter 30 - Spirit Stone Immortal

Translator: Ichinonsense
Chapter 30 - Spirit Stone Immortal

"Oh yeah!" Shi Xiaotian patted his forehead and ran out without saying anything else. He asked one of the servants and found out that his eldest brother was currently out. Shi Xiaotian didn"t wait any longer. He immediately prepared a horse and rode away out of the mansion. He shortly found that the Eldest Brother was riding a sedan chair, Shi Xiaotian then stepped down from the horse.

The Eldest Brother listened to the explanation that Yue Qianchou was looking for him. He didn"t wait any longer and straightly went out of the sedan chair, then untied the horse on the side, regardless of the civil servant work? He completely forgotten it. The Eldest Brother quickly sat on the horse and turned around, he spurred the horse toward the home and left the dust scattered around. The movement was launched quickly and effortleslly, really deserved as the son of the veteran general.

"Eldest Brother! You wait! That"s my horse!" Shi Xiaotian desperately shouted. However, the eldest brother seemed to ignore him and didn"t even look back. Heaved a sigh, Shi Xiaotian had no way to come back but to ride his eldest brother"s sedan chair.


The gatekeeper saw Shi Youtian was coming toward the mansion, then he shouted, "The Eldest Young Master is back!"

Shi Youtian jumped off the horse and just left it here, he had no time to take care of the horse. He ran straight toward the courtyard on the back garden, as he was just about to go in, he seemed to have remembered something. Shi Youtian stopped right in front of the courtyard and excitedly shouted, "Immortal Master, Shi Youtian has come." Afraid it wasn"t heard, he shouted once more.

Why are you here so soon? Inside, Yue Qianchou was slightly surprised, and then immediately exclaimed, "Youtian, come in! Come in!" The tone was like an elder speaking to the younger generation.

Shi Youtian didn"t care about this thing, as if it was taken for granted. He casually walked in. after receiving immortal master"s permission, he did not encounter the last situation. The last worry in his heart turned into joy.

As Shi Youtian arrived before the stairs, the immortal was watching him with a smile. He was so excited that he couldn"t even speak.

What is this? Father just wants to ask you a question, what are you so excited about? Yue Qianchou was a little dumbfounded. He didn"t know that Shi Youtian didn"t even wait for the third brother to finish the explanation. Yue Qianchou stepped down the stairs and waved his hand to call Shi Youtian. The latter"s excited body shook a little.

"Did your brother tell you about it? I have something to ask for your help," Said Yue Qianchou with a smile.

Shi Xiaotian nodded and then shook his head. Yue Qianchou didn"t know what he meant. He quickly replied, "If there is something the Immortal Master wants to order, as long as i can help, not to mention one matter, even a hundred thousands of it will be no problem."

"That"s good!" Yue Qianchou nodded with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "Last time i heard, you said that you are going to be accepted as a disciple by a certain immortal. I don"t know where that immortal lives, can you take me to meet him?"

Shi Youtian gasped, he hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Please don"t misunderstand Immortal Master, i will not look for him again, i will absolutely follow you with one heart and one mind."

"This annoying kid! It"s clearly you who misunderstand me!" Grumbled Yue Qianchou in his heart, he was annoyed by the irrelevant answer and the kowtow , "Fine then, stand up!"

Shi Youtian was frightened, he obediently stood up but didn"t dare to look at him. Yue Qianchou continued, "I was asking you so you can take me to find him, not for someting else! I have some matter with him. Do you understand?"

Shi Youtian finally understood the meaning, a smile bloomed on his face as he said, "That immortal is living on the Spirit Stone Temple about 30 li (15km) outside the capital. He is called Spirit Stone Immortal. I will take you now."

"d.a.m.n it! This kid is like a donkey, even the look on his face is annoying when speaking.... Hmm? Spirit Stone Immortal? There must be a lot of spirit stones in his possession, i wonder if he posseses more than mine..." Muttered Yue Qianchou in his mind.

They went to the gates of the mansion. Shi Youtian was about to order the servant to prepare good horses, they suddenly saw a sedan chair coming, Shi Xiaotian was sitting on the swaying chair and gave his eldest brother a sidelong glance, he also asked for a horse. The three men took their horses and rode outward the capital.

Outside the capital, the three people rode all the way to the north with Shi Youtian on the lead. After riding for a while, they arrived before a hill, an old temple could be seen on top of it. At the foot of the hill, Shi Youtian reined the horse and pointed toward the top hill, "The immortal lives there, he is the master of the Daoist temple, he has a rule that anyone is prohibited to ride a horse toward the hill, otherwise he won"t meet them."

The two men looked at the hill that was rather high, a horse-riding would obviously speed up the journey, but there was this rule, they looked at each other with a disgust. Finally, Yue Qianchou smiled and said, "Very good, he seems to be an arrogant man...  Forget it, we are the guests here, let"s go up!"

The three men stepped down then tied the horses to the surrounding trees, they walked quite a while toward the top. Finally, they arrived before the closed gates. Yue Qianchou stared at Shi Youtian, meaning that he would knock the door. The latter nodded with a smile and went to grab the knocker and rang it.

After a while, they heard footsteps from inside and the gates opened up a little. From the gap, emerged a little boy"s head. Shi Youtian laughed, "Little Master, i"m sorry for troubling you, say..." The words weren"t finished, the little boy angrily said, "What are you doing here, my master said he won"t see you again!" After that, the gates was slammed shut.

"Er..." Shi Youtian ate the cold shoulder, he turned toward the two people behind him with a wry smile.

"I"m coming!" Shi Xiaotian knew his eldest brother had offended the people of Daoist temple, he went to knock on the gates. Knocked a few times, only to hear a shout from the little boy inside, "My master had said, he doesn"t want to meet any visitor today!"

Shi Xiaotian turned with an innocent smile and said he could do nothing. Immediately pointed toward the wall, he seemed to be asking whether to go over the wall.

"Do you think I"m like someone who steals chickens?" Said Yue Qianchou a bit irritated. He looked around the surrounding. The temple viewpoint wasn"t really big. He had arrived on the hill and saw no special places around him. Looking at it, a person with a high cultivation wouldn"t live in a place like this.

"I"ll try it!" Yue Qianchou slammed his hands on the 3 words "Spirit Stone Temple" written on a large slab of bluestone. The two brothers looked at each other and didn"t know how he would knock on the gates.

"d.a.m.n it! I already gave you face by walking here yet you don"t want it," Murmured Yue Qianchou, he stretched out his hands and a few hundred kilos of stone was held up. Before the two brothers could react, they heard him shouted out loud, "Get out! Your Father is here!" The big stone released from his hands and was thrown directly over the wall.

"Bang!" A loud nose came from the courtyard, dust everywhere, the vibration of the ground could be felt even from the outside, the two brothers were stunned. There was a shout coming from inside, "Who dares to make a ruckus on my Spirit Stone Temple.."

"Your Grandfather!" Replied Yue Qianchou in a loud voice, he hurriedly walked toward the gates and slammed it with a fierce slame, another loud bang resounded and the two gates directly flew inside.

"Courting death!" With a burst of anger, a silhouette jumped from the courtyard and flew over the wall. The arriving person stepped down toward Shi Youtian and scolded, "So you are the guy! Dare to bring people here to fight, looking to die?" Finished saying, he glanced toward the other two people.

Shi Youtian was already frightened by Yue Qianchou"s action. After hearing the words, he quickly  kowtowed and repeatedly said, "Immortal please forgive our sins, immortal please forgive our sins.." The younger brother beside saw his eldest brother"s action and his eyes were crumpled, he shouted, "Eldest Brother, you"re embara.s.sing our family!"

"Such an exaggerated story, what profound immortal s.h.i.t? This guy actually a Qi Condensation level 10," Said Yue Qianchou with a sly grin, in a glance, he could sense the opposite"s cultivation was also Qi Condensation level 10. Looking at the figure, he had the appearance of about 40 years old man. a long black beards and moustache, his face was a bit reddish, if he were to equip the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, he would resemble the past life Guan Gong[1] that Yue Qianchou saw on television.

The Spirit Stone Immortal focused his gaze on the other two people and was taken aback. Needless to say he could sense Shi Xiaotian as Qi Condensation level ten, but he wasn"t able to see through Yue Qianchou at all. It wasn"t a big deal, but it was obvious that the opposite party could tell his cultivation at glance. This showed that the person"s cultivation was higher than his own. Moreover, the age of the two people didn"t seem old. Such a young people to have such cultivation, they were most likely disciples of a great sect. Although it"s hard to tell cultivators age by appearance, he couldn"t afford anything else.

Thinking about this, the stone throwing became a trivial matter. Spirit Stone Immortal"s facial expression changed drastically and hurriedly faced Yue Qianchou to salute, "I didn"t know it was Senior who was coming, Spirit Stone was being offensive, this one hope senior to forgive my sin."

Seeing Spirit Stone Immortal respectful att.i.tude, Shi Youtian was surprised, even the immortal he once respected behave like this, he stared at Yue Qianchou with a fiery eyes.

It was a bit difficult to accept being addressed as a senior by a person who was clearly older. Yue Qianchou thought about it and then relieved himself. Cultivation World was a place with the law of the jungle, whoever strong would prey the weak, he concluded the man addressed him as such because his cultivation couldn"t be seen through. He smiled and said, "There"s no need to be so courteous. I have something to ask you."

The Spirit Stone Immortal nodded and said, "By all means, please..." Yue Qianchou glanced at Shi Youtian, the latter"s eyes widened. Then he smiled toward Xiaotian and said, "I"ll go with him, you two wait here." The two brothers nodded. The little boy on the courtyard saw his master"s respectful appearance and quickly ran back to prepare the tea.

The two brothers waited outside. However not long after, there was a sound of fighting resounded from the inside. Surprised, Shi Xiaotian hurriedly ran into the courtyard.