Sea of Clouds Prison Heart

Chapter 4

The Sea of Clouds Imprison the Heart

Chapter 4

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It was night. A figure appeared on the pier at Su Ye Manor, jumped into a small boat and left, rowing the boat himself.

There wasn"t much expression on Ye Qingyun"s face as he silently rocked the oar. During the day, he"d smelled the scent of flowers that didn"t belong in Su Ye Manor, on Fang Xiaozai, who"d just returned from outside.

It was the type of fragrance that was extremely unique and only existed on Shangguan Family"s island. After his teacher, Shangguan Hong, pa.s.sed away, Shangguan Lanrong became the owner of the island.

Shangguan Lanrong…

Ye Qingyun thought of the name silently in his mind with a slight premonition in his heart.

Having asked the servants, Shangguan Lanrong had indeed sent someone to invite that person over for a chat. He"d even said not to let him know. From that person"s expression, nothing seemed amiss. So, Shangguan Lanrong probably hadn"t mentioned much. But, Ye Qingyun was still worried and decided to go to the island once.

It was already late at night by the time he reached Shangguan"s Myriad Flower Island.

The island was shrouded in a light, misty fog; it looked like paradise.

It was a chilly autumn night, yet Shangguan Lanrong sat in the pavilion at the heart of the water body, wearing only a thin long robe as he boiled water and steeped tea. There was another cup on the stone table in front of him, as though he knew that someone was coming.

"You knew that I would come to look for you?"

Shangguan Lanrong put down the little bronze kettle which was in his hand and suddenly smiled, "I took a fortune today and it said that an old friend would visit." Seeing that Ye Qingyun remained expressionless and silent, he picked up the teacup that was on the table, took a sip calmly and leisurely before he continued, "I guessed that you would come looking after smelling the flowers" fragrances on him."

Ye Qingyun stood there and his surrounding demeanor was cold, "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing much, he doesn"t remember anything so saying it is useless, moreover…" Shangguan Lanrong tilted his head and the smile on his lips deepened, "would he become Luo Yinfeng, just because it was said?"

With a turn of his wrist, Ye Qingyun drew the sword partially from the scabbard and held it out horizontally in front of him, "What are you up to, exactly?"

Shangguan Lanrong kept the smile, stood up and walked to his side, "I… only told him… that. You. Like. "Him"…"

"You?!" He reached over and immediately grabbed Shangguan Lanrong"s collar, "What rubbish are you spouting?"

Shangguan Lanrong laughed again and water gathered in his eyes, "Rubbish? Hehehe! Do you dare to guarantee…At the post-house in Qingzhou, when we drank freely under the moon, you didn"t take advantage of the drunken state and secretly kissed Luo Yinfeng?"

Ye Qingyun"s pupils constricted rapidly and then, with a sharp gaze, "You saw it?"

Shangguan Lanrong nodded, "You thought that I was drunk beyond comprehension? I was actually awake, and…" He paused and the corners of his lips curled up into a smile with an unidentified undertone, "and Yinfeng was awake too."

Ye Qingyun felt as though a large explosion had just detonated in his head, "Why haven"t you mentioned this before?"

Shangguan Lanrong said, with a mocking smile, "Because you just asked."

The two people were silent, the scent of the plants around them was slightly overwhelming. Shangguan Lanrong didn"t shake his hand off. Instead, he went along with the position he was gripped in and moved closer. Letting out a beautiful smile, with three parts seduction and seven parts charm, his thin lips parted slightly. He then spat a puff of hot breath by Ye Qingyun"s cheek, "I have a type of medicine with me…it can make him forget his past…forever…"

The sweet fragrance in the breath made Ye Qingyun"s blood vessels expand rapidly and he could feel the blood in his body surging towards his lower abdomen, where that part was raring for action. His vision became blurry and Shangguan Lanrong"s appearance slowly faded away, leaving only an outline. Slowly, the outline morphed into another face…

This isn"t right!

Ye Qingyun came to with a start and pushed Shangguan Lanrong away, before dashing to the stone table in the pavilion.


The incense burner that was on the stone table was emitting wisps of smoke, he doused it using tea. Ye Qingyun turned around and on his face, were the emotions that had yet to recede.

"What did you want to do?" The sword in his hand was drawn from the scabbard and pointed at Shangguan Lanrong"s chest.

"Want?" Shangguan Lanrong held the sword between his fingers and swung the tip of the sword away from himself, "Ye Qingyun, do you still remember when we went on the trip six years ago, the fortune teller we met at the foot of Mount Tai?"

Ye Qingyun knitted his eyebrows as he thought and then, with some confusion, "You mean the Jianghu thaumaturge who spoke nonsense?"

"Hehehe!" Shangguan Lanrong started laughing loudly, and with a fling of his sleeve, he placed a hand behind his back, "I, on the other hand, thought that what he said was very accurate… He said that Yinfeng"s relationship is "wish and you shall get", mine is "wish but you shall not get" and yours… was "wish and you will lose"!"

Ye Qingyun stayed silent and kept the sword before he said, "Shangguan, I hope you wouldn"t interfere with that person"s businesses or else I will be angered and wouldn"t even let you off on teacher"s account."

Shangguan Lanrong replied calmly, "Since when have you let me off?" His eyes darkened dejectedly, he finished his sentence, as though there was some complaint in it.

Ye Qingyun turned around, lifted his foot and walked away, but Shangguan Lanrong"s voice came from behind.

"Don"t forget, you "wish and you will lose", Ye Qingyun, you"re destined to be unable to keep what you want!"

Ye Qingyun ignored him, but his hand tightened around the sword and he hastened his pace even more.

The next day, in the afternoon, Fang Xiaozai was woken up by the noise and racket outside.

After a night of intertwining, confusing dreams, even when he had evidently heard the rooster"s crowing outside, he still didn"t want to open his eyes. The people and scenes in the dream had a different sort of familiarity to them. He really wanted to just go on like that forever, even if he couldn"t remember who he was, at least he wouldn"t be someone else"s replacement.

Getting up and opening the door, he immediately saw the servants bustling about.

"Yinfeng." Ye Qingyun walked towards him with a smile and swept down his nose bridge lightly with a finger, "You"re up late, the sun is already up, high in the sky."

Fang Xiaozai lowered his head, embarra.s.sed, and changed the subject, "What"s the occasion today? Why"s everyone busy?"

"It"s nothing, just some cleaning and getting things ready for winter."

Looking over at Ye Qingyun as he spoke, Fang Xiaozai immediately saw the sword in his hand. It was one that was a little different from the one that he used to always carry around. There was only the print of gusts of wind and pieces of clouds on the scabbard. The ta.s.sel was pale yellow, seemingly to have faded in color a little. It should be quite old.

Seeming to have seen the interest in his eyes, Ye Qingyun brought it up to his face.

Fang Xiaozai had the mind to push it away but he lost to the other"s stubbornness and could only accept it. He held onto the handle and slowly drew the sword out.


A cold glint ran up the sword"s blade. It was heavy in his hands, yet he didn"t feel any viciousness, so he asked in curiosity, "Qingyun, why haven"t I seen you carry this sword before?"

Ye Qingyun smiled as he spoke softly, "It isn"t mine. Here, this is the right way." He reached over as he said this to hold the hand that had the sword in it and guided him into a bit of swordplay.

The sword"s glints surrounded them and caused his head to spin. He saw a gentle, warm smile on Ye Qingyun"s face and in his eyes,  there was the reflection of himself; the wind gently blowing past his ears and the display of the sword"s prowess could be felt through the air.

"From now on, I"ll teach you some simple moves. It should be enough for self-defense…"

Fang Xiaozai was stunned and tried his best to follow his steps, "Why?"

The other person"s deep, resounding voice rang in his ear, as if it was natural, "You"re the second-in-command of Su Ye Manor, so how could you not know martial arts?"

"Yinfeng was born with a body good for practicing martial arts. He is suave, modest, forbearing, gentle and kind…"

Shangguan Lanrong"s voice filled his mind and Fang Xiaozai woke up suddenly in shock, before he struggled free.

Ye Qingyun looked at him, confusedly, and Fang Xiaozai too, was stunned for a moment. He then looked at the sword in his hand and stuffed it back into Ye Qingyun"s hand as though in severe disgust, "No! I don"t want it!"

"What"s wrong?"

Ye Qingyun was about to move closer, but was avoided as he took a few steps back, "No, I just woke up and haven"t washed."

And so, in a flurry, he escaped once again!

He didn"t understand Ye Qingyun"s thoughts. Despite knowing clearly that he isn"t Luo Yinfeng, yet he could still make use of the mistake, continuing on with the mistake. Nothing that came out from his mouth was real! Nothing belonged to him! Yet, Ye Qingyun was able to talk and describe so naturally. There was always an expression that seemed like joy, just as though he was the real Luo Yinfeng.

No! He isn"t Luo Yinfeng! And didn"t want to become Luo Yinfeng!

Fang Xiaozai was telling himself this in his heart but at the turn of a thought, he started to hesitate again.

If he wasn"t "Luo Yinfeng", he would also lose Ye Qingyun"s kindness towards him.

On one hand, he didn"t want to live in another person"s shadow, but on the other, he didn"t wish to lose the person"s warmth either… Fang Xiaozai felt that he was already greedy to the point that he couldn"t become any greedier. He didn"t wish to give anything but kept thinking about other"s giving.

So conflicting, also so… shameless!

The guilt crept and grew, silently like vines, torturing him from that day on and made it hard for him to eat or sleep in peace.

Fang Xiaozai started to avoid Ye Qingyun. He ate at different tables and avoided going to the places where he could possibly appear. To him, the Ye Qingyun now was like a dose of poison and only he could save himself; preventing himself from being lost under "Luo Yinfeng"s" shadow.

However, the fact was, after that day, he rarely saw Ye Qingyun in the manor.

From the subordinates who stayed back in the manor, he heard that recently, there was another force who had been frequently causing trouble in the area under Su Ye Manor"s control. Raiding kind-hearted merchants" ships and not only that, they also killed the crew on other ships which were under the manor"s protection while they were outside the manor"s control area.

Ye Qingyun took some people with him and was currently handling the matter. However, this time, it seemed like the situation had fallen into a deadlock. The other party wasn"t willing to take a step back and Ye Qingyun naturally wasn"t someone who was easily persuaded either, so there were quite a few subordinates who were sent back, one after another.

The stench of blood that was drifting around the manor became stronger and made Fang Xiaozai even more unwilling to stay in the manor. Hence, whenever he had the time, he would head to the town and take a look at the manor"s stores there.

Ye Qingyun had promised to transfer a part of the properties out to do proper businesses, but it was only after he saw the situation in the town that he understood, the so-called transfer was just using it as a means to turn their underhanded methods of earning money, above board.

The stores in the town were actually dependent on the manor"s control, the water transport on Lianghuai was busy and plentiful. There were differences in the relations with other forces from various roads; some were close and some were less so. If they were able to depend on a stronger master, even if they weren"t much, others would also think twice before touching them due to their master. Hence, even though the townspeople there knew well, what sort of businesses Su Ye Manor was doing in the dark, they would never spill it nor would they ever have a single shred of opposition.

Rather, because Su Ye Manor didn"t rob good merchants" ships and always forked out money to help townspeople in need, they had quite the reputation in Jianghu.

And this was all heard from Shangguan Lanrong. Shangguan Lanrong told him the reason Ye Qingyun did it in this way was because, back then, when "Luo Yinfeng" was leaving Su Ye Manor, he made a gentlemen"s promise[1] with Ye Qingyun. There were things that Su Ye Manor would never do; it was a compromise Ye Qingyun made for "Fang Xiaozai".

Such an arrogant, self-important and stubborn person actually knew how to compromise?

No, he does know how to compromise.

During the time when he"d lost his sight, when he"d asked that he took the proper path, whenever they"d had a conflict, it was always Ye Qingyun who made the compromise in the end. In the past, whenever he thought of that, he would feel moved, but now, his heart hurt subtly.

Fang Xiaozai finally understood. Those compromises weren"t because he had logic on his side, it wasn"t because Ye Qingyun held him in high regard either. All of the man"s behaviors and actions in front of him, the gentle ones, the forceful ones, or even the childish side of him, were only because he was now "Luo Yinfeng".

"Shangguan, previously you said that Su Ye Manor originally did proper businesses, so how did it end up on this path?"

While Ye Qingyun wasn"t at the manor, Fang Xiaozai took the chance to visit Shangguan Lanrong"s island. He only needed to send the pigeon Shangguan Lanrong had given him the night before, and the next day, there would be a boat waiting for him at the pier.

Hearing his question, Shangguan Lanrong didn"t answer him immediately. He poked at the ashes in the incense burner, picked up the teacup and took a sip, "It"s a long story, since you want to listen, then, I"ll tell you about it slowly… It happened six years ago…"


He had just started to speak when he was broken off by a deep voice that held anger in it. At the same time, there was a chilling glint; it was a sword, flying straight towards Shangguan Lanrong.

Yet, Shangguan Lanrong didn"t look surprised. He leaned back and dodged the sword. Then, with a sweep of his broad sleeve, he turned the sword around and threw it back.

Fang Xiaozai"s line of sight followed the sword and saw Ye Qingyun blazing with anger. His eyes were red and his robes were dancing fiercely in the wind; there were an indescribable turmoil and uneasiness.

Just by lowering his arm, Ye Qingyun caught the sword that was swept back by Shangguan Lanrong, and with a turn of his wrist, he brandished the sword. The air around it was like a blade, it swept outwards, and a large rock by the side was split into many pieces by the impact.

"Shangguan, since when were the affairs of Su Ye Manor any of your business?" Ye Qingyun asked in a deep voice.

The other person"s line of sight hadn"t landed on him yet, but Fang Xiaozai"s heart still fluttered, severely frightened by this appearance of Ye Qingyun"s.

Shangguan Lanrong pulled him behind himself and said discretely, "He didn"t hear anything, don"t worry, I won"t tell him either." As he said this, he broke off a tree branch and brushed the top of it with his fingers. He actually wore a smile that was warm and gentle, like a breeze in spring, "It"s been so long since I last sparred with him, I"ll go meet him."

Just as the word came to an end, he saw Shangguan Lanrong leap up with a tap of his foot, broken branch in his hand. He exited the pavilion on the water elegantly, his body, light and agile, like a flying swan.

Ye Qingyun saw his interference and went up to him, with his sword held to the side. In that moment, the sword"s prowess surged, the wind was howling and the two were locked in a fierce fight.

Tens of rounds later, there was still no outcome between the two of them. Each of Ye Qingyun"s moves was fierce and relentless yet Shangguan Lanrong received them easily. He spun his body around and returned the moves as though he was dancing, elegantly, at ease, but still managed to turn Ye Qingyun"s ruthless moves into nothing.

Fang Xiaozai became stunned from the scene he saw. Those two looked valiant as they traversed in the midst of flowers and leaves. It felt as though they were moving nimbly and elegantly in paradise, a little unrealistic.

Just as he was s.p.a.cing out, Ye Qingyun broke the tree branch in Shangguan Lanrong"s hand, and struck him with a palm to his chest, making him fall to the ground.

Shangguan Lanrong was on the ground, opened his mouth and immediately a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Fang Xiaozai went forward with the intention of helping him up but Ye Qingyun flipped his palm and immediately a gust of fierce wind, flung him back, yards away.

His back slammed against a corridor pillar and hurt so much that his vision turned black. Just as he finally managed to bring his breathing back to normal, a gush of metallic sweetness surged into his mouth and the sticky fluid spilled out from the corner of his lips. He wiped it with his fingers and there was a patch of b.l.o.o.d.y redness.

So cruel!

Fang Xiaozai held onto the corridor pillar and barely managed to steady his body. Then, he saw a pair of boots stopping in front of him. There wasn"t a need to raise his head and he could already feel the person"s demeanor pressurizing him, making it hard to breathe.

"Yinfeng, what has he been telling you?" The man"s deep, cold voice stabbed straight at his heart like a sharp blade made of ice.

"Shangguan, he… cough cough…"

Just as Fang Xiaozai opened his mouth, the metallic tasting fluid surged out like a fountain from his throat.

He held onto the corridor pillar and coughed; a few droplets of blood splattered onto Ye Qingyun"s collar. The stench of blood in his mouth made him feel like vomiting, but he suppressed the churning discomfort in his stomach and wiped the corner of his mouth, "Shangguan talked about the times when we were young…"

He didn"t dare to raise his head to look at the other person because he was extremely afraid that he would detect his guilt.

Ye Qingyun reached over to pinch his chin and forced him to raise his head. He twisted his head in rejection and freed himself from his hands. Ye Qingyun caught his chin again and he turned his head, as he did earlier, to fling it away. It repeated a few times before Ye Qingyun applied more force and he could almost hear the crisp sound of the bone in his chin cracking.

His head was lifted and was met with Ye Qingyun"s livid expression. Compared to his earlier expression, it was already much calmer, but the corners of his eyes were still red and the calmness actually made it more frightening.

"Qingyun, I wasn"t keeping it from you on purpose. It just so happened that recently, you weren"t in the manor…"

Ye Qingyun didn"t reply but raised his other hand. He subconsciously thought that Ye Qingyun was going to hit him, so he shut his eyes and turned his head away slightly. A shadow fell on him but the antic.i.p.ated pain didn"t arrive. Instead, something coa.r.s.e and rough came in contact with the corner of his lips, rubbing it repeatedly with force.

Fang Xiaozai opened his eyes and saw the hint of remorse on Ye Qingyun"s face as he wiped away the blood at the corner of the mouth with his own sleeve.

"It"s nothing…" he shrunk backward, but because his chin was still held captive in the other person"s hand, he couldn"t widen the distance between them.

He heard Ye Qingyun sighing very softly and the fingers pinching his chin loosened. The other person"s imposing presence moved a little away and he felt that the pressure from the presence earlier, had almost caused him to die from suffocation. He had just taken a breath in relief but in the next moment, a force curled around his wrist and before he could react, Ye Qingyun was already pulling him out.

"Qing, Qingyun…" And he turned his head around to look at Shangguan Lanrong who was left behind, "…Shangguan?!"

Shangguan Lanrong shook his head, telling him not to worry. It was only then he turned around and tried hard to follow Ye Qingyun"s pace.

Ye Qingyun truly was a little furious. He was thinking for him, not wanting him to live in another person"s shadow. Yet, he still went to court trouble by himself. However, when he saw his resilience and stubbornness in refusing to lower his head in front of himself, to be manipulated by him, his heart softened and he regretted.

That person couldn"t remember anything, so wanting to find out about his "own" past was only natural…

He was practically dragged and pulled onto the boat and the boatman started rowing the boat without a sound. Ye Qingyun held the sword in his hand, with his arms crossed and stood at the front of the boat. He had an air of stern coldness around him that made people fear, while Fang Xiaozai stayed at the back of the boat, not knowing what to do.

"You want to hear about things that happened in the past… why didn"t you come and look for me?" Ye Qingyun asked, with his back facing Fang Xiaozai.

Fang Xiaozai really wanted to open his mouth and say something but he felt that no matter how he put it, it wasn"t good. Ye Qingyun injured Shangguan Lanrong in fury earlier and even though he only received a palm, his chest was subtly hurting too.

"Cough, cough!"

It had still been fine before he"d thought about it, but once he"d thought of it, he could feel the stench of blood rising up his throat. He covered his mouth and coughed softly but his throat became even more clogged, making his heart and lungs hurt whenever he coughed.

"Does it hurt?" A low male voice rung beside his ear and following it, a large hand patted his back softly, helping him to come back around.

He hadn"t noticed when Ye Qingyun came to his side, Fang Xiaozai felt a little nauseous due to the taste of blood in his mouth and didn"t want to open his mouth. He raised his eyes slightly and saw the dark red mark on the sleeve on Ye Qingyun"s hand, which was by his side, holding a sword…

His heart suddenly started hurting badly.

If it was "Yinfeng", would he still have dealt that blow of his?

But, this sentence, he didn"t say it, neither could he voice it.

Back at the manor, Ye Qingyun quickly called for the physician to give him a checkup.

Fang Xiaozai returned to his room first and when he heard Ye Qingyun knocking on the door from the outside, he, who had been sitting on the bed, s.p.a.cing out, jumped in shock. He looked towards the door for a moment but didn"t move, having firmly decided not to open the door.

Ye Qingyun stood outside, patiently knocking on the door for a while. What followed was a bang and the door opened with a kick from him. The person who came in didn"t have a very good expression, and looked towards his direction, seeing that he was just sitting on the bed calmly, his face darkened a little more, but he didn"t flare up.

He waved his hand to call the physician behind him in and the physician entered with his medical box. Already used to seeing this type of occasion, he treated the injury skillfully and easily. He read his pulse, wrote a prescription, and got a servant to prepare the medicine.

Fang Xiaozai didn"t say a single word to Ye Qingyun from start to finish. He is a human, he too, has the right to be angry, and he obviously couldn"t get into a sword fight with Ye Qingyun. So, he chose this manner to express his anger.

Ye Qingyun seemed to have understood his emotions. So, after the physician left, he pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat. Neither one of the two spoke, they just sat silently, the eerie silence went on for a very long time, during which, Ye Qingyun stood up once to light the candles.

It was nearing dinner when a servant brought the prepared medicine over. Ye Qingyun took it and blew gently.

The physician said that his lungs were injured and it would need more recuperation.

Fang Xiaozai didn"t hate the blow from Ye Qingyun, he was just sad. In this man"s heart, what position was he placed in…Luo Yinfeng"s subst.i.tute? Was that really all it was?

The man facing him blew the medicine till it was warm and brought the bowl closer to him, "Hitting was my fault. I remember too, what I promised you before. Drink the medicine and I"ll tell you everything that you want to know…"

Fang Xiaozai looked at Ye Qingyun, reached over to take the bowl of medicine and finished it in one go.

Ye Qingyun took the empty bowl from his hand, used his sleeve to wipe off some of the medicine at the corners of his mouth, tucked him in, and turned to place the bowl on the table. Done with all that, he sat down and looked at him with a deep, restrained gaze.

"I"ve said before, that I don"t want you to know because I was afraid that it would affect your emotions. The physician mentioned, time and time again, for you to rest more, to not worry too much…" Seeming to have noticed that he didn"t want to hear this, Ye Qingyun sighed before he said with a deep voice, "I guess Shangguan has already told you about the things that happened when we were young, where do you want to continue from?"

Fang Xiaozai thought for a short moment, "Shangguan stopped at six years ago…"

He saw Ye Qingyun"s eyes darken significantly, so much so, they seemed as deep as a deep pond, like a gorge where you can"t see the bottom. Ye Qingyun"s brows furrowed as he thought for a while before he started talking slowly.

The candlelight swayed gently and on this night, no one slept.

Ye Qingyun knew this person wasn"t wrong. Him wanting to know about his past was unavoidable. What he was angry about, was that he met Shangguan Lanrong without him knowing or, rather that he was even a little afraid, afraid that after Shangguan Lanrong told the truth, the person would talk about wanting to leave the manor.

Those pasts that had been sealed for many years, ones that he thought he would never need to touch again. The past that he had buried in his heart and he didn"t dare to face, as well as the ugly, immoral feelings that he had for his own brother.

After Yinfeng left, he swore that the unseemly past, the feelings that couldn"t be spoken off, he would hide these in his heart forever, and take them to his grave. But he never thought that there would be a day when he would be willing to open his heart up to a person with an unknown background, telling him about that past.

Skimming a bit and skipping a bit, those feelings for "Luo Yinfeng" which were buried deep in his heart, now that he thought about it, no longer had the initial sense of palpitation.

It might"ve been because it happened a long time ago, or because the feelings that had always been heavily suppressed, that even he, himself, unconsciously avoided, now that he thought back on it clearly, it was faint, more of a pity for the tie of brothers breaking.

The Luos were originally, a family who did proper businesses, while the Ye"s roamed Jianghu. The Ye"s and Luo"s became relatives due to a marriage. At that time, Su Ye Manor still wasn"t known as Su Ye Manor, and Su Ye Manor still didn"t do those businesses without starting costs. Madam Su Ye and Ye Qingyun"s father were siblings. After Madam Su Ye was married into the Luo family, the two families had newborns one after another. For them to become closer than they already were, the two babies were given the names, "Qingyun" and "Yinfeng"[2].

The two were similar in age and were both the only son, so, from when they were young, they ate and lived in the same place, learned writing and practiced martial arts together. However, due to the vastly different backgrounds of the two families, Ye Qingyun always had the undiminishable gallant air of one from Jianghu; while Luo Yinfeng grew up into a gentle, warm, mannered and charming young man, many years later.

The change that happened six years ago, not only changed the lives of those in the Ye family and the Luo family, it also severed the two brothers", Ye Qingyun and Luo Yinfeng, brotherly ties completely.

That day, six years ago, the old master of the Luo family went out for business. But he never returned. Later, someone came to report and it was then they found out that old master Luo"s ship met river bandits. No one on board was lucky enough to survive. It was after she heard the news that Madam Su Ye became mentally ill.

Due to the Ye"s strength in Jianghu, the group of thieving river bandits was soon caught and the Luos brought the case to the local officials, requesting for the punishment of the group of thieves who had lost all morals.

Who would have thought that the officials had hooked up with the thieving bandits; they released the thieves secretly, without trial and even slandered the Luos, saying that they were black-hearted merchants. After listing tens of crimes that they weren"t guilty of, the whole of the Luos was sentenced as criminals and even all of the Luo"s a.s.sets were confiscated.

Luo Yinfeng, in a fit of anger, went alone to intercept the group of thieves, killing them, then and there. After the official"s people found out about the incident, they took their fortunes and their family and fled through the night, but they were surrounded by the people Ye Qingyun brought with him on the river.

By right, having gotten his revenge, the dead were in peace, but after this incident, Luo Yinfeng and Ye Qingyun had different views on where they should head and what they should do in the future.

Luo Yinfeng, who has had strict family rules from when he was young, thought that having committed the crime of killing, he should turn himself in to the officials for punishment. On the other hand, Ye Qingyun, who was born with an unrestrained personality on top of having felt and crawled his way through the Jianghu when he was young, obviously wouldn"t trust officials anymore. He gave up on proper businesses, brought the people from the Ye family and the Luo family to guard this area of the river, looking for and targeting corrupted officials", and black-hearted merchants" ships.

The two fought over this matter many times, the deep brotherly ties that once were, slowly ground and disintegrated away amidst the arguments that repeated day after day. In the end, Luo Yinfeng, who couldn"t condone this way of doing, chose to leave…

That person listened very carefully with his head slightly tilted. The candlelight was leaping and in his clear, bright eyes, the reflection of the light was flickering. His long eyelashes were lowered and as though there were water droplets from a cold autumn night gathering on them, they shimmered and sparkled.

It was his first time taking such a close look at that person and he saw that the person was surrounded by a gentle, warm glow. This made the person who had already originally looked warm and soft, seem more like the gently shining sun at the start of March.

After listening till the end, the person fell into long, deep thoughts, then, he lowered his head to look at his hand. Thinking that it was because he was affected, Ye Qingyun leaned his body over and placed his hand over his, before comforting in a gentle voice.

"Those people well deserved death. Back then, you could be said to be acting in heaven"s stead, removing evil. Even if you hadn"t killed those people, I would have done it, too… It"s just better, not to mention the past in front of aunty, or she would be agitated again… even though uncle isn"t around anymore, but my dad and the Ye family, all treat you as though you"re their own child."

What he said was the truth. Those people well deserved death so much that even a person as righteous and as upright as Luo Yinfeng, even though he also had the thought of turning himself in to the officials at first, but after being persuaded by him to stay, the matter wasn"t mentioned a second time.

However, he and Luo Yinfeng were different after all, and he was afraid that he couldn"t let it go…

"Qingyun, were you afraid that I would think of taking my life, so you didn"t tell me?" That person raised his head and looked at him.

He nodded, "There are many things that are better off forgotten, just like aunty, living so happily when she doesn"t have a relapse."

Seeing that person"s relief, he couldn"t help but be glad too. The days of killing and ma.s.sacre had been too long; the peace that he felt every time he got along with the person made him reluctant to part.

Hence, such a thought grew increasingly stronger, it would be nice if this person could stay here forever.

Even if he knew that this person could never become "Yinfeng", it didn"t matter, he was him, and Luo Yinfeng was Luo Yinfeng. They were originally people who had nothing to do with each other. And this person in front of him was very good, very good. He just always felt that it was hard for him to control the person or was it really as the blind man said, he "wish and you will lose it"?

No one would know…

Translator: Yeong

Proofreader: Grumpykit

QC: Xiao

Xiao"s Comments: And…we"re heading headfirst toward that hill of angst~

IMPORTANT: Our translator for this project is busy because of her work so we will be updating this story less often. Most likely every two weeks instead of every week, sorry!

Translator"s Notes:

[1] Gentlemen"s promise (君子之约) - A gentleman or a man of n.o.ble character (君子) is originally a term more commonly used in ancient China to describe someone who is virtuous, righteous, well-mannered and benevolent. So a gentlemen"s promise or a promise between gentlemen is one that shall be followed closely with.

[2] Qingyun (倾云) and Yinfeng (隐风) has the character for cloud (云) and wind (风)  respectively, in their names. And in Chinese, the two are sometimes paired together. It can also be because these two are things you can feel but not grab hold of.

                                                                                                 Chapter 5